HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - UNDERLAYMENTS 10-11-18CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLc Cerfificate of Aulhoirikat/60 No.,29$24 17520'Edlrlburgh Drive Tampa,. FL. 33647 ,(013)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT F , L0FkIEiABUlLbI43CbbE,CEDM N(1017) Manufacturer: OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT Issued October 11, 2017 -T LLC 1. Owens Co in (ParkWay- TPIedo,'OH ,(800),438-7465 -WwWIoWen rhing.com ManuMctur(ng.LQcad1i0.n:, Breritwood,'NH Houston, Tx Quality Assurance:, UL,LL SCOPE CaWgory: Roofing, Subcategory:: -Und.e, ayn-ijeri, , s Code Sections:. 11-50431i 1,507.1.1 Propertte,s: Physical properties REFERENCES 90-filt PRI'Coristructlqrl PRI'Conitru6ticin PR! ' -Cdnstruction PRI 'Cionstructiorf FiRl Consin"o-n- 1PRI Constructon.'MaiigrielsT,§6h'hi)rl6ii'et; c-U PRI C6nstruon'Mat6dals.T.e-chnologi6s PRI Cb PRI Construct! , orrMAteflals-Technolo Technologiesales PRI Construd6n�'Mati-3rial�.s,�t6chil6lo-ods PRI boristrudu 1-oriVaterials Technologies Reftl'No, NEI-039-02-01 NEI-042-02-t01kEV2 NEI-045-02-`01 Nd-045-02-01' NEF-063-()- 2-'-Oi NEI-0L53-02-01' kEW93-02-02 0&413�:62-bl 0,CF-237-02-01 OC.F-252-02-01 6CF-252-02-01 OCP'-253-62-02. �OCF-212-02-61 QQF-296-02=02' PRI 'Construct(om I Maierial&Tethnqt0gj06 (TSTW8) , 0CF-;297-02-!01Aj ri PRI Cdfig ,Mpterials Technologies tSTS878) -OCF-318-024.1. Pki do'nstructloh Materials Techriologl6s(TST5878) 0&; -02- 0 1 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (rST5878) .��O OCF-:320-62 01 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 0CF-121 02-01 PRI Construction Materials Technologles (TST6618) 6&-322-02-01 P131 Construction Materials Technologies (TST6878)t 'OtF455-dZdi 'Determ ined'to be equivalent toASTMD 226-09. Type I and 11 Standard ASTM D 1070 ASTM�!P' j1970 tm 103 ASTM-G 1'55 TAS 103 A:§.tM r. 155 AS,TM,D:.1970 ASTM D 1623 Auk64196 ASTM-D. 1976 ,ASTIVIDA970 `TAS iO3 lcoES, Ac 189, JMES AC 48 AST M 61.11 �.1 - ASTM . 19,70 ,AVrM D 19M TA9 103, ASTM G-155 ASTM b 1623 VL 1807 UL, 1.897 Year 201& 2015, 1995 20056 1995. 2005a, 2015 2009 2012 2001 2015 1.995 '2012 2012 2015 2015 2005a 12009. 2012' 2012 This evaluation report is�providedfbr State offlinida produc-tapproval under. Rule: 61G20-3. 'The manufacturer -shall ",notil�,CkE5K Technical Services, L ' LG ofany-product -'changes oir,4Uafity assurance �qhangeslroughout the duration foir,which this report it is valid:This evaluationreport,dd6s not express, nor, imply, warranty, installation, recommended .use,. or other product attributes thaitAhe not specifically addressed. herein. j� ,.".j OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLG: X L.r i 1 WeatherLockb"Self-sealing_ Ire .B WaterI3aMer& TECHNIC .LSERVLCES, LLC PRPNOT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITS.OF USE INeatherLock�;Gs WeatherLockO G is: an,ASTM D 1,970 self-adhesive underlay_m0l; constructed from :SBS Brentwood NH) modified asphalt, a fiberglass; mat reinforcement 'and surfaced; with, granules. The product is :supplied in 2-sq..rolls with nominal dimensions: of. 3-fit x 66.7;ft. WeatherLock@ G is permitted to. be used as prescribed in FB.0 Section 1507.1.1 for mechanically, attached roofing;coverings. Ekposure.,on the: roof deck shall b e- invited fo a maximum 30 days: WeatherLock®`Mat WeatherLock® Malls an ASTM D 1910 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from (Brentw000d NHor,SBS,modified,:asphalt Nouston, with: -a fiberglass mat reinforcement. The product is supplied in.1- sq. rolls with nominal.dimensions of 34x 33':34t. and 2 sq. rolls with- nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.7=ft: tNeatherCock® Mat, is, permitted, to be used as prescribed in' EBC, Section. 15071:1 ,for mechanically:attached roof .coverings: Exposure:on the roof;deck shall be limited toy a maximum 30 days: WeatherLock® Metal WeatherLock® Metah is: an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment: constructed from (Brentwood NH) -SBS modified asphalt_ with a fiberglass mat reinforcement, and plastic film surface:. The produGHs supplied M 2.0'sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x:66.7-fit WeatherL-ock® Metal is permitted ;to, be used' as prescribed in- FBC Section-1507.4.1 for mechanically attached' roof coverings„ Exposure. on.:the, roof, .deck shall be limite( to a :maximum' 90 days, WdatherLockV WeatherLock@)Specialty Tile & Metal 1s an ASTM D-1970 self-adhesivo ,underlayrrient Specialty Tile,& Metal constructed` from SBS'iilodlfied asphalt and surfaced with' a roan -woven ,potyester fabric;. (Brentwood,; `NH or The products supplied in 2.14 sq. rolls with'nommaf dimension's of 3-ftx_71 3-ft. Houston, TX) WeatherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal. is, permitted to be..used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1. WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile & Metal is: permitted to be used with adhered clay or concrete file roofing using either LCP Adhesives: Polyset AH460 (1'.CP Adhesives' and Sealants, Inc.) or TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive Dow Chemical .(The Company}; Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited,to-a maxima-rr�.90 days. The mammurn roof:slope shall be 002 Whom used with :day or concrete tile, installations without battens Tile: shalF be :stored on battens for roof slopes greater than 612. Ties shall not be -stacked greater 10 tiles. per stack. WeatherLock®G (High WeatherLock®G (High Tear) is.a-self=adhered;; undedayment used as an alternative to Tear), ASTMi] 226, Type I or Types I I roofing felt and ASTM D 1970 "self -adhering polymer (Houston, TXJ modified bitumen undedayment. The underlayment is composed -of SB.S modified :asphalt with a fiberglass mat l6tairial reinforcement and is.surfaced with granules. The product is supplied with a nominal thickness_of 50 mils'An 1.9$=sq rolls with..nominal 00006's Of:3-ft.x 654t. WeatherLocWG (High Tear) is permitted' to be used. .as prescribed in FBG Section 1607.1.1 for mechanically attached. roof ,coverings: Exposure on. the roof deck shall be limited, to a maximum 301.day& OCR14002.8a F19777-111 T Page_2 of 4 This evaluation report -Is provided'for State of Florida product,approval under Rule 61'G20-3. 'The'manufacturer shall. notify CREEK Technical Services, LLG ofany product changes;ot quality assurance changes throughout the duration for'whlch this -report is valid This evaluation.reporl.does not express nor, imply warranty, installation, 'iiecommended use,. or other product attributes thaCare: not specifically addressed herein. 4 OWENS CORNINO 1706FING AND- ASPHALTI.C. ,L CREEK W"tjhirLockQSqjfeSqallng Ice & Watier'Barders TECHNICAL 9lZRV!CiES,-LLC PRODUCT APPLICATION Min:. Roof Slope: 2:12i in, accordanceWththe FBO Application: All un OferlayMents,$hall'be #W6116d.in.accordance withthe FBO� Deck substrates, shall- be clean, *V; and free from any irregularities and debris..All fasteners 104404bck�shaffbel oheckod,fdrprolruslo ne0dwr6cto, dMoOdunderlayment application. Prior to beginning insiallaf('on, the anderfaymbhCohaff be unrolled and. allowed to, relax fora minim0rh,of 3r&fnihUtes., ThO'unddriaYment shall be installed with the, release backer removed and pressed firmly into, place to..,, ensure complefe contact with the deck, The underlayment shall be installed vvith, the roll length ;p 40f tothe eave., starting at the eave, and With, minimum 3" side, laps and, minimum 6" -end';Iaps staggered min. 64fromprede Id Urge. @o, _Additionally;,in 't . if' applying WdatherLockO Specialty Tilet, Metal;; app,, , end laps shall be primed, with. ASTM D 41 primer or sealed with,, asphalt roof.cernent, a. minimum of 34 inches: across the width of the lap. It'is permissible to back nail the'undedaymont 12ihdhe$:dWd6rfteras needed (nails shall be Installed perpendicular to deck',Wlih, 4he nail, iheads flush to the, top surface of 1h6 unddrlay.md�nt).- Additionally, WeatherLock@. Specialty, Tile & Metal, . shall . b . e, . backnailed when installed on, roof slopes-grgater than. 3:1.2.. Min. Application 40*.F,- QPhtacttheinpnufactureriwhen installing atiemperaiiuresbjefow,th6 njinimum. Tern erature: p application temperature. WIND RESISTANCE' The .Maxitnum.,,Desigf!Pressures shown befovv Were calculated using a2:lmargin of'safe't y per FBC Section 1504.9. Undbdavmenf System, No:1= WeathbrLock Specialty Tile &.Metal. Only Roof Deck--. 'Min. 45132'inch QDX plywood'attgcho,d to Wood supports, spaced a, maximum"24" o.c. Undedaymenf. Wea.thOrLock(b Specialty 'Re. A Metal shall beapplied, in 'r a bordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. to, the fastened deck and backnailed 'along the selvage, with, minimum 12ga.,: M1,4-inch:galvanized ring shank. 'roo ng nails through, optiorially p*h&O,, 32d;§- x 1- , 5/8-,inch 0 'fin caps spaced 1 ox. The applied OnOetlaYmentshall-be, toiled "with :a minimum 7510, steel f0ll.Of Immediately foll.oWng application-. Maximum Design Pressure: report Is Provided for.6tate of Florida product approval unddr R616,6,1G2Qw% The, mandfacturer shall notify CREEK. 'es, LLCbf'f3dy product changes or. quality assurance c I hang 1 66 t . hrdu ' Ob ftheAuration-forwhich1his report is valid. report ddds'ft6t,expr6s$ -not. imply warranty,. installation;, recommended use, or'dthif P' t OdUqUafffibutes that.arenot essed herein. QWENS!CORN(NG 900FING ANb ASPHALT LLC. WOqtherLo.6k,QD'Setf-Se,aling:tce & Water Barriers. TECHNICAL SERVICES; LLC GENERAL,UmffmiciNt I This evaluation report notuse in the H VHl FiraClassification IS not scope of this evaluation. -- 3)' installation ol'the evaluated .product shall comply with this: report, the, FB,C, and the manufacturer's published hod application instructions. Wheffe-Id' ' aricies 6)ftt between,these- sources, the more. restrictive and, FBC -!screp compliant installation, * detail thal . I I preve . it 4)1 The roof shall be:ji;onstruct6d.-.of closely fitted plywood - . deck PI , god sheathing for new or existing construction. S)' The space: under the deck area shall be properly. ' la accordance W rope. y Whiti ted in add rd with the FBG requirements. 6): All side lap seams shall be ihstallOO,tO shed water from the deck-.' 7), The -underipyrn ,, - prit, may be used as described in other current FBQ prod Udt dpPTOVal documents. 6) 'EyOsigri wind; load pressures shall be determined "for 'components. ., and daddihg. in, accordance with FBG 160G!: 9) The roof'deck shall be designed by. Others inaccordance with FBG requirements to resist the design wind load pressures for components "' ' - 0nts and madding, 10) Maximum Design Pressures, for a given und6rielym6rit shahs meet or exceed the. design -WhO17 16adt, determined: for the roof assembly. 11) All products listed in this ee ' ' i �a oort,shall.be manufactured under' quality atsurande., program,in compliance with Rule 6,1,,QZO-3; - y COMPILIAUCE STATEMENT 71he Products evaluated herein, by � Zachary. R. Priest, PE, haveWitthe, Florida':Building compliance A ,I Cod66!h Edition' -(g011)1a evidenced inthe referenced documents,s ibrnitte by the u named manufacturer. (T4 IIA X�.tip; 20,17.10.1 No, 74- 0 9 0 6 29 r -04 00' STATE OF Zachary R. Priest—P.E. Florida Registration No. 74.021 X- Organization.-No ANIE964f CERTIFICATION OF. INDEPENDENCE. ,CREEK Technical $erylces,.LLC does not have,.�nor will it dctfuire, a financial interest in. any companyhg or cli§(�tbutln products� . dric(eir- this' evaluation: thahuhictUrl. CREEK Techn[lical!.Services, I-Misnotowned,operated, ,or controlled by any company: manufactUdrfg or distribiAnq products under &S evaluatl6n. Zachary- R, Nest, RE. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in, any i -0jn-ymanufacturing Lifacturing ardistributing products corn _ Wrider, thisevatuation. Zachary R:' 'Pdftt,, P.E. doe -§'not, haV6 nor- will acquire, -a.'financial interest in any other. entity involved in, the approval process of the product. p. END OF REPORT. 111;-nYdiuquwrepon is proyioea Tor:, -State of HOW ' a product approval, under Rule 61020r3i. The. manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Ser.vlbe6,,I-LC of Any product changes or qU61ity assurance changes ,tbroudhout,the'duration.tbrwh ich this report it. valid. Thisevaluationreport does hove"vress r imply,warranty, installation, mrheFnded use or other prouctalt d.ribuies. that are - no not specifically p4dressed herein.