HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - UNDERLAYMENTS 10-11-18pqqrRe PU611cw M4 -sit Mp BCIS ffome -&"pon "OtToola. Sibrit-Surtha* Stats&-Facts� bn AEiW e Mp ACISSIM MP ks! 'Sear&I' M 'Product A'p'prov'al "USER: Public usesSCANNED > Application Detall v FL9711-'kh. Application Type. ReWs(qn- Code Version 207RECEIVE® Apptication Stiwv Apptoved: OCT CoiiSments Archivedi ST, Lucie County, Permiqjtig Pr9dOctManufacturer Address/Phone/Email One :Owens Corning, ParkWay Weib' QHA�3059: (740):404-7829r owensco . grqg.keqlP_ M r@fngicom Authorized Signature GrO-Keelew greo.keeler0owenscoming.corn Technica.1,Repres'entative ,A4dress/Phorelitmall Quality. Assurance Representative Actdress/Ohorvexmail 'Category Rbbfln'g Subcategory Undiddpyrnents Compliance Me thod Re0ork-Irpno Florida Registered A rchitect'dr-a Lic6nsed'Ficirlda Profestional Endlh6or Evaluatl6ft Report, tjpr#cqpy.- Received Fio-rtd,dEngineer d-r-Af.chitedN6me�*ho.,qev4lopecfih ' Zac* I . `Priest Ematuatlort (Report e hary. R. Florida License PEr74021 Quality -Assurance :Entity ULILC qualftyAssurance Contract,.Explratloh. Date 42f31/2 _020 Validated! By LoqJke:5,qyvden "Validation 'CheckUst", Hardcopy- Received Cert.ifidiRd oflnoeDenden-ce FL§777 R,:L'l COI OCRI400Z.8a: 2017 FRC Evaluation keporl: -Weathed . biek. - . 1. - Dependence I I I N&LK%)HZi'pd - .- . . . - .- Referenced Standard and; Year (ofstandard) Standard. -Year ASTM: U. 1970: �ASTW D 216 '2009 ASTM-G 155 1005 TAs, wj' 095 UL 107 201z, EqUiValence of Pmdkt. Standards Certified By 5e�-Ibns from the code min OroductApproval Method Date Submitted. Date V41dated Date Pending FBC OprdVal Date Approved 'FL* Model, Number or. Name T -9777.1 'Weatherlock G fyFni" of Use iAoproved forusein HVHZ; No ;.Approved for use outside_l'HVHz- Yes; Impact Reslstaint,­N/A Design Pressure: N/A 'Other: See evaluation report for 11hiltsr oUuse. Method I 001brib. 10111/20 7 10/11 1 2017 '41PP011 12[12/2017 By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 . -by Thdepondent, Third - Par Yes �ty. Ion Reports All AE :0CR1400ifia 2017,VB ock-Nbn-HVHZ,bd by indep.qn0erit Third Party: Yes 9777.2 ],.WqatherLock G, (High Tear) Weatherpfd6hri§ UnderWyment L"imttis of -Use Installation'Instructions A00rolyed,fdr qse.Jij.H[VHZ: No, FL9777 1111 11 Mt,Ewilliatfon Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ.bdf Approved for use outside HVHZ* Yes ;mip Resistant ,pptAesis, a t: N/ 'Verified r By, -Zachary R. Priest PE44 . 021 Desion' Pressure: N/A Created by lrideod6dent Thl qParty,: Yes 'Other:: See evaluation re.portl4r limits of Use. l5valluation'Reports A9277 R'.11 AE 0CR14002.8a 2017- FBC:EyafuatIon- Report Weathercock Non-HVHZ,pd Created'bV independentThIrd'Party-, Yes' 97773 Weatheribck MAT Watqrproiiftr)g, Uhdqrjayment Llifilts of Use 'Approvedlbr Lise in HVHZ:Yes, Approved for use outside 1144114'ki No lrnpactllleslstant:'N/A Design, "Pressure r N/A Othdrl:.See evaluation'teport for lim _Its of use. Instaillbtldn Instructions A07i Rif . II1, FlIC'Evaluation Report, Weatherlock M?H_Z.pdf Verified By: Zac hirry R_Priest74021 -Cr -,;h eppriderif Third Party:; Yes" 1. eatgd by Independent � _ . Evaluation Reports FL9777 Rll At ()CRI40019b.1201'7 Ek Report -Weathercock HVHZ.bd Created by'lhoegendent3hird Party,: Yes. �97774 Weatherlock MAT Waferpraofing Und'erlaymerit, Limits of Use Approved for vse" In RVHZ: Nd 1fistaflation In ',FL9717 rkli :irt=,i a 2017 -FBC Evacuation Report Approved for use. outsldwHVHZ: Yes ,Weatheflock Nob-HvHz,.pdf t Impo4lites4stant: N/A T 1. Ygrlfteid P'y: Zachary, lk� Priest 74021 Design Pressurdi N/A Other: Seeoevaluati.ort report for llmltsW.use. Created by, Iiidependent Third Party. Yes 'Evaluation Reports TL9777- Rif AE OCK14002,-'89 2017, FBC'Evaluatianizepor t, YVeat- herlock Non-HVHZ,pd Created .by Independent Third, Party; Ye [Veathefl_ock: Meta I t4atherprooti'no.Udded'Eiythefit Limits of; 4se! Installation Instructions Approved, 'for use In HVHZ, No• '. 11 OCFkkl 4002. ;Approved; for use ou`ts_ide'kVkz: Yes Wea6er[ock_,'Nonw'HVFfZ,j2d Irnp'att:ReWsta(ht:; AljA Verified By; Zachary'll.: Priest- P&,74021 Dqsign, Pressure: N/A Created by tndfap4ild.bnt:Third,Party,,'Yes Otherr See dValddtioh f000ft-for limits of use:, Eviluiation Reports; Party: Yes 077:6 ------ W66th.elrLPclkMe0al Weatherproofing Undeflay.mdrit ;Limits of Use Installation Instructions, 4pproved4orase In HVHZ.- Yes C1114002,815 201-2 F 0 FBC Evaluati= Recort .Approved for .use outslileck Z:No Weatherlock HVHZ:odd Impact Rdsistikht: N/A, Verified By: r Zachary K. PriestPE-74021 1 11 = Pressure: MIA, S6eevaluatiohieeOw`t,fbr limits ofuse.. Cebat6d lxV 166§66nd'ent'Wird: Party: Yes Evaluation Reports' 77 R11 AE- 6014062-813 2011, �BCEvaluation Regort, Weatherl6ck,HVHZ.bdf Created by Independent Third,.Party:: Yes 9777,7 Weathal-ock'Specicialt' e & M ta . 1. e Weatherproofing Yndedayrneq�, Limits of Use, In.stallatio'n' rasiructlions ApproVed ;for use In HVk4Z: go FL9777 RU :II OCR140018a2017 FOC-Evaluatlory keport. ApproVedi,for tide outside HVHZ. Yes Weathercock Norf-HVHZ.pd ,Ampact Resistant:, N/A V41fied By:: Zachary ;R, Pflest 74021 Design, Ptessurdt +,0/-142-.15 Created i4y,I- i f - dent 1 - ndepeh'Thlrd;P4tty.:: Yes Oth,er:,See evaluation. report for limits of Use. Evalluatiion, Reports P , Creatdd 4V1ndeod ddht-Third Party :'Yes; CO[bCt US .260.1 NOW Stone Road: laff6hassee FL 1201 Phone: 850=497-1824 The State w Fi Oaa is ;kM,AA/EEO 60 -'2ConWi0t,2007013 State of Florida :; Ptivacy'Statemen Accg'Sslbfty'Staitemeht i,RefimG Staferyient - Pmdtict-Appravai,Accepis: SAA