HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2263 ,j. G a I ... .. .... _II --A ...._rf u~..... _"h -'--.1 , : Siped. sealed and deU TIred 1n presenoe 0 tl P. J. Hold8worth T. I. s. lCIshpa~h Hagh Sh~U (Ssal ) A. J. lohnson D. R. Longeneoter lSeal) Olin ti. Call1eon :iTATK OF 'IDR1D~. ST. LroIE COOB'l'f. I on th1e day personally appeared betore me. an offioer author! zed to ~ke aOlmowled8ments" I ot deeds. eta.. "Rlll1am tit By1ngton to me well known as president 'rItE FLORIDA UlPROVEMF.lfT I I I COP..POMA'lION. and known to me to be the person who exeo~ted the wi thin agI'ee-nent. am ao- knowledged that he exeou~d the same as the ott1oer ot sald oar~oration and as its aot and deed tor the purposes therein expressed. d and seal th18 :ieventh day ot ueoember. 192.5. CorInne x.elleme notary .t'~bl1o tor the State ot norida at large. K,y llomm1&s10n expi res Sept. 3. 1929. I I Pll~ ;::~~:~;e.. on ~le <~~.?;~t De.. 19:: ;;:::s.~:: (~~~~" ~:fur':.C. . I i a ....O.....Q. ,,~~<..&l. l {' /...... '-- ' I \ c...';">" ~ : In. n. n . " . tt . ". ". ,., " . It. n. ,} ~ " . n . .. . .. ." . " . " . " . n . n . n . " . '1. n . '" . " . ". rt . '1 . n. ". " . " . It . rt . " . " . " . n . n . '1 . ., . ,.. . n . . I ..... .. ..' .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I i I I t ! I i I FLORIDA nlPROVEKENT CORP. TO P. J. HOLDS~ORrH A G R E E )( E NT THIS AGRSEKERT. made and exeo~ted in d~pl1oatlt th18 z.ightieenth day ot July .:... ~. 1925. by and between .l"LORIDA IJlPROimlEm CORP<RATlOI. a oorporat ion ot the State ot .lIEU'fARE, havi~g its pr1nolpal ottioe at ~ort Pieroe, ~lorida. hereinafter reterred to as the Vendor, and P. J. Holdsworth ot "oral Gables. !llami. .l"lorida. here1r..tter .eterred to as the vendee. 'U 'lII ESSETH: That Bald Vondor in oona1deration ot the payment hereby made. and the lJ6.~entB to be i made, and the oovenants to be pertormed. by the sal4 'iendee, as hereinafter set t o.rth, agrees to Bell and oonvey to the said wendee. the tollow1ng desoribed land situated in St. L~oie County, z lorida. to-w1 t: Seotion Twenty-nine \29). Townshlp ~hirty-six ,36) So~th. Hange Thirty-seven \37) East, oonsisting ot apprOximately six hundred torty '(40) aoreB. subJeot to an easement or right ot way tor drainage oanals or di tohea am publio roads. 'l'he ,endee 88rees to purOhase and does purohase the above mentioned ~roperty for the s~ ot '.l:hirty ~ight 'l'houaand 1":>ur rt~dred \$38.400. I Dollars which amount tendee agrees to pay to wendor as tollows: The 8WD ot Binety .>ix aundred ,.9600.00) Dollars in oash, paid this dq. the reoeipt of f which 1& hereby aoknowledged, and the relllainder ot said pu.rohase prioe in install:n.:nts as tollo_: Ninety Slx Hundred l19600.00) Dollars on or bet... July 18. 1926. ~in.t1 ~lx Hundred l.9600.00) Dollars on Gr before July 18, 1927. 1'I1net1 :slx riun4red lt9600.00J Dollars on or before oIul1 18, 1928. . ~ wUh Inhreat at the rate ot seVQD per06nt, per aIll~, payable sellli-ann~l1y, on the wb.?le sua re:aain1ng trCD time to tillle unpaid. All SWD8 not paid when d~e 811"8.11 draw interest at the rate ot elght peroent per annum. 1\ 18 m~tuall1 ooyonanhd am agreed that the .endor "111 pay all ~tate, \iounty. and drainage taxes up to and inolw1ing thOse tor 'he year 1924 and that the ,tIldee will P83 all subBeq~ent taxes on said property. f:\:,~:~:.:~<,:. }<:~;) I ,~,:::--'--:.r-...;:;..~.. . : .:'" .<./.,j:P>~: