HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSISSUE DATE OU'lisfWtl #r ins aT` ,.a. •a c it-`:.w L - 1 I'•' `� it ' ', .1 ins It ' woliloffiffiffim ";axe =c 1--�+�•- ,..� 471111 Ll .�. 1 ( 1 I 1 •I C�/� s!aii+.�;t►�ii"t`r"ir�.� �S`�-i) �i I '' 1. 1 BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 60' c (_ _(�f C/Ia,-- Co. l0(_ . SCANNED BY St Lucie County have agreed to be the Sub -contractor for ► onAr 6j(/i;1 ld , 11 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the 1project located at �, 4- .93 OiYi k 9 R 11 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is I'derstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned r ' the Buildin and Code e ti p ofI, g Regulation on Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C� PRINT State of The fore cc who is p as joenti Countyof f c : -:h 0'1 instrument was signed before me this day of 20_�a by Glyn-nr A-DA\11 _i�-- illy (mown or has produced a Notary Public Print Nime of Notary Public 1/16/2016 ,SUB-CONTRACrORSIGNA (Qualifier) PRINT NAME 5.0 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER / p State of Florida, County of I • 1:411 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of who is per ally (mown V or has produced a as identiScation. STAMP �� i STAMP Signa a of Notary Public Thin n ) V)*'� Print Name of Notary Public �19gYP�B� RHONDAS ROWE � Commission # GG 104656 f �, aP , 914o Expires May 19, 2021 "p o,Q 'BoadedThruBudgetNoterySerwhs public State of Florida °SQyY PV Notary Jennifer De""'ti psi PITY es ny?91202p 966029 "'iota.° ExP PERMrr# ISSUE DAIS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BaiIdIn'& Code Compliance Division SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEAMNT � k `UCj6 C, �4�tY Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company Namelladivldual Name) the Meehanlcal / HVAC ft.contracior for Renar Sullders, LLC ('type ofTra&) (Primary Codr�tor For the protect locatutl at _ It is understood that, if there is any change.of status regatang our paracipationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. ; +� ....f IV rt. .Ter` CONTRA,�CrORSMATURE(QumUBer) (QuaUllee) Glenn A Davis ll CBG 1411224 COUWVU TMCATIONNUKM stateockorlda,coflutyor Marlin The[aregolaginstramentwaeatga�ed^Aefoiemetpts 1 �'dmyor who 1sperto2miW1M6VM .:::�orbwproduceda na denArtcat(on. i t f SrAMP "St ofNoteryPabfle pr-�amearNotery nnue RHONDASROWE ro�PaY?ue�c Commission # GG 104656 Revised tutenats r Expires May 19, 2021 `a4 9;IOFF-°Q BondodT4tuBudgatNotarySaniceg Doneld Wane 093ryon MUM c�RTrNtrckTmNNdl4mEn 8mtecfPloeid�+Ctouotyaf Pelm9eaoh Tbrronegofnglashamtatnaselp dbefmt ethto 7 .deryOf .� �t- � •N�r6P i.)t:. tl.cr lL.i l:�itl.tiris'.�` fpa�.;�t, who U percanmur Nnawn 1-or has produced a esideoNIIeatl�� �l�-�`o` , SigmtareofNod c STAIVB Prra�ltl amnotivotarypubuc HOLLY GABRIEL :� Notary Public- Stale of Florida oil Commission * FF 926942 ,;�,��„11"�' My Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2020 �''�OF ` Bondedlhtou0h National Notary Assn. PERAMT# I I ISSM DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �Buildin • � g & Code Compliance Division 13UILDING PERMIT SQANNe0 SUB-CONVERACTOR At:REemrNT St LuBy cie Coo te Hypoluxo Plumbing Plumbing, Inc (Company NmnellndiV1dual Nume) have agreed to be the Plumbing Sub•contructor for Roner Builders, LLC (Type orTrade) lPri nwry ColHraaor) For the project located at, OA9:::-- (Plojl;t iCStaet Addressor Itropcety Tax to H) — It is understood that, if there is any change of ~tutus regarding our patticipation wish the above mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division ofSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change ofs*.Contractor notice. ce1�rl:Arrottstr.-NA 'RE(Qaall Kt . Glenn A Davisi it PRINT NAME CBC 1261228 E"UmvCMTIBIcATIQ-N%tn BER State orttarFda.county afi r1 The foregoing Instrument was sighed before me tpb I bday or Ocs1- . ielf:' h, C l eluvn A Drwt 5. , (, Who IspelseoatyknoWn crhas produced a 5UtKEtIN'fR;1('t01{SIGI1AiURF tQee110er) RonnieB.tirkhalt'er FRInT71AA1B 21272 St Lucie County Ck'COS7974 State of Florida Ce11.1TY �RTIFlG1TIU\ NO\IgR.R State ofNoHdo,Copalysr Palm peach The lbnping inTtrumemTrasetgnt40e10reme this.. 6 b do of -O_Ito by Ronnie Burkhalter %ha G P"SM11AUMTu—UP flu produeed a .T.—Ifflu As Inmd-o-, -SiS7AAIP gnoture r.Notary Puh1R ! Slgnaturedr-Nelar? Pahlic STAMP ZAc, z-A D& 5 Dolores A Price ' Print -Name or Notary Public Print Ndmc or—%*QA- h—& -^- -- �TgYP%' ' '' ° RHONDASROWE COMMISSIon # GG 104656 �, ,,,y GOl.OitESA.PRICE + qr CatmnllssTcn# FF 143625 * m� Expires May 19, 2021 NI texp6es Feluueryr t9, 24Z0 ticTac,ri l l+lernlo °e 9�fOFF��� go,ygd (htuaudgalNoloryServkas mot: ss,adnwngFan--oamfm PERMIT# I I ISSUEDA76 PLAMING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEKENT �e Coll, Comfort Control Services have agreed to be 1y (Company NameJindiWdual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) _ For the project located at Ril It is understood that, if there is any ehagge of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACrORSIGN , Queliilor) SMCONTRACrORs[GNA%WURB(Queuaer) Glenn A Davis If PRINT NAME CBC 10.' 1228 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,Countyof Martin The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this. day of 0G-t .2,OLby OdP '-S who Is personalty known —t:"or bus produced a STAMP Print NameofNolary Public RHONDASROWE :o�Parvue`n Commission # GG 104656 * Expires May 19, 2021 RVYind 11AW 016 10OFel"oQ BOMOdThruBUdpetNoteryBervkes Wayne Zimmerman PRINTNAME 28767 C0UNTYCERTMCA1XON NUMBER State ofIllorlde,Cduagof St, L9010 The foregoing tnstrumet was elgned before me this 'day of u sunny Z #1 6T#W Xl who ls.personany koown X or has produced a ltfnL4 crS11WAJC PriatName orNotary Yebre E ry �utAc Sete et V*O"g J SIM" 11 emmiYion FF 091331ecObl�F>��