HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2315 _. .A,d..... 1& L , ( .( ., ( . ",-- , -1- ;) :) l' .I.:1.Jt4 .. r ."'.._..........~._...I.i.i....r _____~~__. II ....A -""--.....__ dled JR<<--re~~d on thb 7th dny of uen. 192~. at 11:07 A.lI. . ( \ ... ~ '-~~ !~t~Ct.;)..eal./.J ".;;~\ . :: "/r:,~:.rk :lr;;r "our>. u.u. '--- ~e~~: ~L;f /' UtUf" /;;/ IU(__ .. . n . n . " . " .... . -;. . " . It . tI . " . " . .. . .. . " .. n .. " . " . " . " . " . " . n .. " . " . n .. ., .. n . n . " . " . " . n . rt . 'I " ., It " " " ,. n n " " .... ........ ............... .......:::::::: :::: P'AmO:RS BAlIK & nUST CO. AND AGREEllKN'l' LOUIS RICHTER I I STATE OF FIDRIDA I COO1fTY OF DA.DE J ) SS LOUIS RICHTER. b.ing du17 8Ifern. de po 888 and 8~S that the tollowing 18 a tr~e. .xaot I and oorreot ooPY' ot a memorand~ ot agreelil8nt made am enter.d into by him *'th the FARKERS I BANK & TRU3T C(J(PARY. Truetee. of "est Palm B.aoh. )"lor ida, and Lo~8 Rloh'er, ot Room 1417-! I Ill. 'est Washington Str.et. ChlO&go. Illlnoll. and William J. Br.en. W.st Palm Heaoh. ~lo~lAa. I aoti08 tor hlmeelt and hi8 assoolat.s and the said Loule Riohter: 'hat said memorand~ was I I properly ."ou"d. wi "'....d b7 >.. .ltn..... and 10 in worde and flgur.. .. tollow.. to-wi i I ! j ., ,} t I I I i ! \ I i I I ! i I ~ '!'HIS llEKORANDUIl OF AOREmaRT made and entered into this 25th day of Sept~bGr. A. D. 1925. by and betweer. J"armer8 Hank and Tr~t Company. Tr~he. ot "Ies' Pa3a JS.aoh. J"lorida. and .I.o~s Riohter. ot Hoom .1417- III West Wa8hington Street. Chlcago, Ill.. and Wl1l1am J. Br.en. W.st Palm Heaoh. aotlng tor himaelt and h18 assooiates and the eaid Lo~18 Rlohhr. WITNESSE'rH tha t said i"armer s Bank and 'l'rU 8t CompaD7 and the eai d William J. Br..n and his aasooiatee h.reby agree to sell and .aid Loui8 Riohter hereby agrees to ~rohase ~pon the terms and oond1 t10na herelnathr I I I j I I I stat ed. the tollow1ng d.scribed II" eml 98a. to-wit: Ooean trontag. oppoaite ~al'on. (1orlda. being to~r tho~a- and eight hundred am nine tl'-nin. and two-ten'hs (4.899.2) teet more or less ot Ooean tron tag.; property running trOll ollean to riv.r wl th riparian and la tera1 righto being 4070 teet more or less in d.pth on ao~th line tr<m ooean w riYv am abo~t 800 Se 900 t.et on the North line trom ooean to ~ j- riveri said prop.rty being in Seot10-n8 34 and 35 exoept the so~th 69l~1 teet thereot in TOifDah1p 36 So~th Rang. 41 k.t. ;: ; St. L~o1e COllDV. Florida: the said So~th 691.1 te.t ieing ~ a strip ot land' r~ing trom the Atlantio Ooean to the Indian I l j I 1 i I i I i , l j .em1-annuall1. .eo~red by a t1r.t mortga.ge j , or. 8a1d prem! 888 with r.~eaae ola~s' to be agr." uponi a oashier' 8 or oerUtied obeok tor I i '2~.000 _de payable to the l"armere Hank and 'trust COI!.1P8D1 ot ".at Palm B.aoh. rlorlda. Shal~ be depo81ted wiU1 _1d Hank In esorow aa g.Jod ta1th On purobase ot .aid property. and agre8lllei1ts I tor.8&le and purohase are to be dJoawn as to the above ,ri oe and term8 and to be dped b10 t, ?~l'Oha8l1' aDd Beller am to be lett 1n osorow together with Gl. said ,28.000 d.posited QJ1U1J' the Utle "hall hay. been exam1ne4 and tOW1d sood and deed d.U....red oonweY'll18 a Ilerohantabl. tine to .ald paroha8er as 8hall appear~ troll 1ibe examination ot abatraot ot Utl. whioh the I - f seller 8hall ~bllU sbo1l1. t1 U. in Ihelt trOll the UoverlUHnt to date. a) wb10h thle the ,- Sir. balance ot the tirat p&)1Ilent w-wU. ,17&,000 .han be pald. s,. .., Ri vert parallel with the So~th Un. ot eaid :ieot1ona 34 and 35. !>rice Seven Hundred ~1tty 'fhoueand '.7ro.OOO.00) Dollara KYable as tollowa: .200.000 in two years and the balanoe '150,000 ~ ~ - . ,,_.' -'"e. ~ ~. A ~;.,,-;,. ...- . # ':-.: -" ':: ~- ~c.~ .-'" ~ .;;\~'_:,:X-: :J:;,':~.