HomeMy WebLinkAboutALL FLORIDA WEATHERPROOFING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK ORDER-1-r2- a,f-0Ll ,:;Lq Owns OWN ALL RomDA EATHERpROOFING AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. 431112'hTerraceN. CLearwater,FL33732 (877) 572-1019 Fax (727) 572-3670 --W 1MoridaRoofs.com State Certified Licence 6 CCcv4-7406 I cBc22s9006 77.1- OsYsaw �'trsestpne JobsieAddress(?camfse : State:,y OxrterMarTingAddrass(ddiifwent): a��s S� i_Fi1-4Aca'�i C"itl�� �e:�/�zip;��fg`�y (Grde&BMHP]Commur*Name 1 La<A �3 Owner Etroil Address: The tmdersgned owners) ("Owners") of the referenced Premises request that ALL WDCotbe� moiin9 Imp —meets (tbO "Spaeifrpfions"j to the Premises according to the terms and shaluttbT euahtersfgned by theaWhor�d represetrtative of Contractor. SOLID WHrrEROOF MEMBHANE uli Fit HINGLEd.00KR00FE6BIBRANE r$T;m OTHER: TeGtay SCANNED I. PPZJIOE ENERGY•SAVING INSULATED Af€FABPME ROOFlIjG 5YSTOA�TH MLLOMB ARKA(S). �a By 2 INCLUDE ENERGYSAVING DOUMZ MIL FAC€D IN$ULATDON AS IN0 EBOI2 NO f iSULIMON _ SfLVER T-1l4' INS=TION_ GOLD: TINSULgbDN 3. Install 2"x 4"frameto periWeredge of edsfM root w th vrhio abtmhhum drip p edge OYIIEN AppllCAgl €). 4. INCJ,UD€NEW SPUN ALUMed:, 75: SMALL �L�GE Oitials 5. E P_ $gyfrghts to be reA "famed _TOr1S.. 15yQ<tbk32�1EkE8�MrQd 24x3 24x4a (No instbe k indeed.) Initals & K�Tube r# is tube replaced. (NDinsde finish erduded) 7. Par' Fiffersdtde?—YES FY€SSelect T Dr 3" a. Do esttfshometaveasaWZa dis r.? Yi_S_(ffyes:4nsrertsrespooa�iafarhavngtbedcshr ahbrat¢dormowd) 9. DoesLbsham2haveafurnaceDrgasvem?Y€S g D1spmc;lTVO'sh_ —�_ ('y2s,'OYmer istespans'bleforhaving dsepuapOrvesu iruh9ed paiorta the in5taga0un of newlD0,1 tO.0—thisobrehavenm teascC?YES (ayes Ovmerismspon&etoraud�eaand vr*) _ Q tt. MRmb.w)obreq Mambram-&eoe�¢� NO (tfj�as� pleaselndrt alDWke ypecttearoffand mitiaL) Mgmpn,.rte,_Idembrdne &Foam uminhu:t _ Crnbnrr 'Contractortsnot SAayFdam_Shingte _ ram. respOrts'*fortharepracemmtofgutter;orfasdawhenrtrmoveddu 19tiletearallpmeess 14. PRtC€INCLUDESUPTtt1DDSo.FrOFNJ MSAT)rDECKREPJAGe -W.AODMONALDECKRS1ACEMENT-,OBE 15. Requeed permits VcWded (When Applrcabre). NWICEDATS3.9UPER SOME FOpL 16. CLEANUP AND REMOVAL OF ALL. 10&RELAWDganISsROM JOBSITEk intluded: Conaacmr is not nepansbl° .Darn ..... . ..... ... `.,.: •"'^:<�: � a-:Fz-Prer.:'ees rr_�:.g a„o: • ".ngmirsteig'striiituraf d¢st;ts. dri.rC Dr CL5¢r9rD rp„1nC !17. T,Ze curlers grted a d rtovAedges that a COW d this oaerand he sates wOra u1dL*g p>ainbng, MPrntry, dry• m21f r -,21.3 and decorating are rat m ' W Unless speciW In "M Reran. tnatGorthaetor�sUMJiED1lF€i]tAEWARRANiY dd reAmpnia6 'sbanes;cwivtdDd4V1%ar"e.addres-,andtelephonenumbe4. The undersignedacinw4edgas matcoermraftU have LIFEaaudrARRAu ('a'na"H7SUIO*bemmeopemmewhen-rder- signed byQHA1`a raWdelivered toOwnegS)xf chstr�ocadwit mGD owne for T5yeatslmmdatecttheoriginalmembrane etaton it rdb9. r�tati�Pgm�fofallsumsdueandpayabletoCOtsOactot Wanardytlan*na*tonew i3.ADD:TIONALfNFORM=N:�-2/ � ' „-,, isJ./ 19. IT IS UND€RST� Op,THATN01f.1PROVEASEMM VVlLL ME MAOETOTHE FOLLOIMNGAREAS OFTH€ ROOF: OTHE'tr TEWAS: AUIWAa u.n��-ae�+`pl NOTE' RETAIL SALES TAX MUST BE CHARM UNLESSTHE CifMMER SMNS716 FOLLOWING: 1 terbTy neat I Own tlta land on which the stntcbtte I tun' a5ed Furthermore, I rhavefited a dedaraft wins the Property Appr9ser requesft the shobire be assessed as" and t bears an 1f der A tsA�marletdly OWNER SIGNATURE _ T)w CASH CONTRACTPRICCforallUbur'4tAelI&r"Qrdanlgany appftt disc00ntswepmmations)is t S Tens: J Cash J Credit (Subject to the approval of the Credit Sales Depart(An additional 2.6%commnienee charWilla ment) pply to ny ortfon of the cotrtract P� ed to a >va(esTax S ��J%K c cacti.) Cash down Payment (Minimum A) S a Balance Payable $ All rxed'r, sales era sAect10 the vnlilm apl� 7rrtai Price S ? r proval Dr Lie conlractOr§ OredddePartmentand vnTl be sab]eet to fhe farms of a separate written ag cement. which chat De Incorporated h¢reirh reteresue and made a parthereo} upon atrewkn by Ownegs) and CWrdCtor, The tshdersigned aubo&e conuaaertovarityand rtiviewttry/our ment, % tor)t b' Upon vrri�n aceeptsree try Conirdtlox his DHersbaJt treoome a tt rtdirtg contract indudng the laragcing terms, end �,�. fheAddLbrW Terms And C"dlicm as set brat hereafter and arty sepaae vmdad the eemem ¢mend Ism act b fln me thetter{s) and veld d- s terms avid Of the OVf_gat m between Contra= and Oweer(s) sisal) be ad "in writing sdt cb shalltorh wby the entirelyof the contract hetri�r the paNes No trerbat dspsss ens ar represerhbaOrwshat be bindmg upon elUWd tte parties unless andurd such are reduced to wricng and signedby the parties. UNLESS OTH€ MSE SPECIIFIET, IT 13 UNDERSiDOD ZHJC711 OW eF.(S) ARE READY FORTH€ SPECJSEDWORK TO COMMENCE THE CONTRADTPRICE OUO`MD AWINE WILL BE HONORED FOR 120 daysfmm ft date of fists offerandshao thereafter be subject b adnhimerd byCcntractor d mnl nownerdBUYERT � delayed � aYt1e�{s) WeemeARUY-MlWTO CANCELhSa ihisisahcmeSacits onsak.endifymrdortotwardthegoodsersetvi6as,y3umAycarza1fhfsa9"smerdbyprwid,gwrittenrtotoatogteseAeriaparson, by Telegram, a bymaa. Tots not ce must the sLil trot you t keepwamthegoods orserv)ws and must bEdoWed arposbnarked bebre midn ght of the adrd brines, day aaeryM sign this agrevme tt t you t tftDel th s agrerunmenL the �aermay not keep aD orparl of airy cash doom paymer2 Owtw(s)uF&:standand agree OWLS flWfftilsagre,,Wiscaxrtedafferthe aPArc NOMstisshapffibd,tieOwne4S)isTieWfartwent Wpercentofthetal�fcormaapriceasdamagesto PieGDmr$CDs,tndreevent ndm3fda nd19noeaccepted ct.Ownbythemuntir�gnabueot(bntnxtOr3authodzedreprrserrtm;.a arypaym¢rdmadehereundershatTtarocWhro totreO+tirar(s)andtits IWon is M mpose! sha0 be Hutt android and D rro ettecLOVmer(s) agree to tmmeTwcy pay the unpaid balance 0f 1he semw' price to lint upon madeinShetion d"ShWassOt's rel a agreed h in vmtng. t instal. dMis completed , but net twmp+eted ate same day and the parties agrxe teat as i�tatiaden iS notcomplefe, Ovmaga) moywahit W to%of tie Out tWA!ng conbaat oti<e all estalladm is The undersigned admmWedge receipt of a copy of this offer, Name OtSubWing SafeSRepr'esemafiva Dabs Otl'fEIRlSes (or ettthortrad agent d Ovmhzr) Owneraf Premses (or autmcm agent! Owner) Date C'6u.t:� , Accepted Rr. wWhorired Signature forcontrdctor Oahe ALL FLORmA WEATHERPRooFmG AND CONsTRucnoN, INC. r1 . WORK ORDER Customer C *_e all -11"z1b MHP_ Q%idcl(/ GC Job Address /0�� c� 11Ce�ir� ,fit �f o_ City _ c Bel r 2 % � geac17 zip 3�i�- Phone { 509) $*16 ! SYSTEM: O IS Ton O IS Gray call { SYSTEM: ® ULTRA GOLD • 2" Insulation O SWer • 1-1141, Ins. O Bronze • Membrane only VENTS: Sm011 / Large 2 STUFFERS: Quantity: Size: i I SKYLIGHTS: Quantity Size: X _ GABLES: Quantity Size.. SKYLIGHTS: Quantity Size: _X Solar Tube: Quantify R/R TV Dish. — Soot Chimney ^ Remove Furnace Vent _ Cut Over Hang .___ft. Remove TV Dish _ 2" Pan FiI[er_jC `, X_ 3" Pan Filler SHOW ROOF PROFILE HERE! Show Ridges, Drops, and Flaps INCWDING Dirriensiorist ( ) MIE i If roof is a Double -Wide, C,riCLE: Show width of EACH half! `<i <( } uop DIMENSIONS Home: Fl. Room: x Carport x Roam #2: 13 x 3 z Other: x Other. x ROOF DIMENSIONS. Show all Lengths and widths io be covered If Main Home is Double-VAda, Show Width of Each HoNI twain: Home ca ]-Wide watt, NOTE: INDICATE SOFT DECKING _ - 0 2-Wide widths � + �S= �2S AREAS WITH "X"s ON DIAGRAM! Length s —r IF NOT ROOFING WRITE OMIT. «FRONT ------ �m� — — — — — — FILE.Copy 44 4(G .... , . .. '..- Type of existing roof: "47r wq Should a Tear -off be considered? .LS Is there soli docking that may need to be replaced? MV09 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ALL WORK DONE TO SATIWAC'TION Customer Signatures- Dote: COD Arr�ount: $ Crew Leader Signohara- Work Order Submitted By - Date: 1�11/1/e