HomeMy WebLinkAboutLONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL STABILIZING SYSTEM�Ns?04Cf101°s,ft nol a Moral stare system dsrequirements forall wind zones. Eliminates ties and stabilizers, saving time and money. Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal supports or only lateral, or only longitudinal Flat pad design installs easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground iUl1 PARA ttBduy gduyu wuut piueIues stability utilizes adjustable tubing for structural integrity with less inventory Easy to install and neatly packaged for warehousing and transpolrt B-8 SCA/VlVet) St Lucie C®U . �fy Top-quality heavy gauge steel throughout system Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal Flat pad dewgn lrastelle easily. eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground AV AV- a1h®rS® Longitudinal System Includes: 1 - 2W Galvanized Steel Pad 2 - ideam Clips w 4h Hardware 2 - I.&, Square Bracing Tubes 0120355 39"* Longitudinal system for All Zones Q IR000® tW"` L.W1191tudillut OYVWu, rul Pd1 a.nna 0120357 53"« Longitudinal system for All Zones Lit .IdLongltudlnal SyStem InClUdOao 1 - 20" Galvanized Steel Pad 7 - bV' AdJuStable Lateral -rune with 148M O 2 - Beam Clips With Hardware 2 -1.5V Square Bracing Tubes 0120377 39`* LatewallLongitudinal System for All Zones 0120376 4480 Lateml/Longitudinal System for All Zones 2129!;79 'fa"* 6Stit9 ral11 nnDFhvtingt Qyrafiam fnr All 7nnime a Refers to. the length of the tracing tube Lateral System Includes: 1 - 2VI Galvanized Steel Pad t - 60" Adjustable Lateral Tube with Hardware 0120370 Lateral System Not stacked at a# Ia=gone ReplaceMent Pons for Pan Systems 0120366 IV Pin sperAcadons Subject to Change without NOU0e --u Ifarietnnnma I I' LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM INSRIE RUE i.FRAME BEM 1 22RIAG-h'" CARE BOLT li OUTSIDE HOME BEAM a-Y,"4 !ELv DRnuHo MMLBC BEAM CUP SCREWS - z-FA. SIDE T_x• TUBE INSTALL AFTER HONE � BO- FOR 99S" "X SPAN CARRIAGE BOLTS is eat s ACRE 7IGNT' O i 1-V titeE I " h„ LATERAL TUBE CUP 60" FOR 99.5" MAX. SPAN j II CARRIAGE BOLT 1 I j MAX 45 (TYP.) o LONGITUDINAL }i %2-Fi i BRACE TUBE C'GE BOLT i(2- HEAVY DUTY WASHER W/ 1(2"X1-i/Y' CARRIAGE BOLT Il 2- 2— 39i"+ FOR 18" TO 24" PIER 1 ATFRAI BRACE DETAIL 4 FOR 25" TO 32" PIER 2— 6i FOR 41" TO 48" PIER ER NOTES; 12" DRIVE PINS MAY BE USED IN CLASS 2 & 3 SOILS- Jy 2 W CARRIAGE BOLT 16" PINS MUST BE USED IN CLASS 4 SOILS. MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHT- 46' j S03 PIER PAD MAXIMUM SIDEWALL HEIGHT 96' 3 MAXIMUM BEAM SPACING 99.5" LONGITUDINAL BRACE DETAIL p IN FROM THE END OF THE HOME WHEN USING LONGITUDINAL BRAGE5„ 2ND fER MAY BE USED TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRACE TUBES, saG�lt1 lrosmlJCTtc�nlS LaER- L BRACE DETAIL ALAS" - MAX PIER HEIGHT 32" Ii I OE HOME W *H f LABEL HOMES ONLY Ij LATERAL ADJUSTABLE FLEETVVOOD - MAX PIER HEIGHT 32" 0' ,ITUDINAL $ LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM BRACE TUBE HOME B *BOTH LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL DETAIL ASSEMBLY ORANIING OLI151DE BRACES MUST BE USED ON ALL SYSTEMS *MULTIWIDE HONO ONLY ;. "4.3:12 MAXIMUM ROOF PITCH T/Y BOLTS ARE GRADE 5 BEAN OR *90" MAX SIDEWALL HEIGHTS oCK CLL° DELVX STFPL LONGRUDINAL PBF UP UP i BRACE TUBE 1 N ANCHORS S UL PIER PAD �.p® yq W/ ANGLE DRIVE DRIVE PIN .G91 arr�KOi _ I� 36 SEE AIL DV*, CAP SEE DE1P.tt DWG. �- rOR HEAD DETAX 114' 3EPDA4-0. MA.DR 7112 X DN. A'AA. SIAEMM CAP M1LRAB,DIS'G. LcaAmaoF tmm NO.7 r FOR HEAD Erma IVE Mir'. G 1 IIIcl MAR, mkn RI DISK: 9 CY�EIED EO�E NBM BE/ DSSC:9GA.BEsw J.9814.P10Vi toGA CONBACPt OtgtS.98(4.020n. ! \ 81G HEUX5GA. B!60209GA.COViP.CfIhvDE&398;4.0.D41 " 1 MLSMum AS .co= 6TOASfAgA36ml= MODEL: 4430-EZDH � C-A.B.-,%tfOEDGFHBDf 3. U.S. PATNQ.4.923.165 CISC:9 j 39a%402Dh N DEL: 4636 " EZDH 314 MVA93 4• VVBp{g1pLODt3-0Rr6ioAWSA6.18CULS5Ea1053 �B• pfJr7P,91 S. FA9GICBEALUNGLOS.WNERR--Co'VM'G• AU, 5IEELUSiD89 =I=AsSY. -u. US. PAM. 4,923.16S' TOARlAA361'AiC� 5. PAtVtiALC610A5.t8CV� •— .. 314' WMA932. l , rn--- I -Y] cm ear. t Solid lFan Center VO •} Top FIrpnt ®i T Op Pack i .040tv Panel .014011 r m .05911.11 M .047, ' I Ventilation: i Center Vent 8.4 sq. in,/ft. f panel Available Colo s Mite Grey Tan Clay Sand ilation:' ntJ L V AG I Celt Vent 4.9 sq. in./ft. of pand Itin m inyl Skirting M Avadable Colors §oIld Panel 35.1 35" White ented Panel 35 Grey Im .6 I )p Front Tdrn 5011 50 Tan Clay T Dp Back Trim :.)48" i.Sand 9oftom Trim I'parlsion: Trim Mi-6014 Premium Plus Eagle Front Ffaij .05941 .0500 NOTE: Top Back trim f0l' Back Rail BORO Chanty q� remi 'm P .05W .04W um P itr er .047" .0404 Trim Kitsar and Eagle the Sarno t Top Fr4nf Trim, �Vidth sio6s �In i dimensiohs 4.725" 1 4.360" Upper .550" it I The resort rnar� installers use Premium Plt,s Tfirn Kit; with Eagle Panel is because It I HEAVIER; against blow-out areas wh9re WOW -Out is a 4 and, in b problem, PrImiurn Pit s offers more rigid protection ab j0d3CI 3WOH MISOW 90:10 OTOZ/6Z/48 I 4 U 1'E�' A: ,iTACN BACK RAIL 1. Determine a place for mounting. Place bottom edge of back rail just below bottom edge of the home. This location must offer solid support fox amiching and wind load pressure for pastels and rails. 2. Keep the back rail straight and level. Snap a chalk line around the home to guide the top edge of the back rail. 3. Comet screwing or nailing method ;fox buck rail: Start on the back side o£the home. Position screws oz nails in the center of the slot. Screw/nail to allow for a clearance of 1116" kom the back rail surface. Note: avoid tightly screwing or nailing back rail. A 1/16" clearance allows for normal expansion and contractions with temperature change. Place a screw or nail in every other slot. 4. Provide a 1/2" gap between each back rail section for normal thermal expansion. To install around corner, refer to Step E. F. ASt A. NSTALF. EL RIEL DE APOYO 1, Determine un lugar pars el montaJe. Coloque el horde inferior del Ad de apoyo jasto abajo del boxde inferior de la Casa. Es[a ubicaci6n debe ofrecer un apoyo fame que peranita Clavar Jos ricks y sopottar Is pred6a pot cargas de viento en Jos paneles. 2. Mantenga derecho el rid de soporte y a navel. Marque una linen con el cordel eatizado alrededor de la Casa pars guiar el horde superior del Kiel de apoyo. 3. Mdtodo coxrecto pars davar el rid de apoyo: Comience en la pane posterior de la Casa. Coloque los clavos en el Centro de la ran= pare clavos. Introdutca l% clavos y deje una holgura de 1/16" desde la superiicie del Kiel de apoyo. Nate: No clave muy aJustadamente el rid de apoyo. Una holgura de 1116" can. la cabeza del clavo permitixi el espacio str6dente pare absorber la expansi6n y contmcd6n normales resultantes de los cambios de temperatura. Coloque los clavos on ranurm altemn. 4. Dcjc un espacio de l/2" entre cads sewi6n de Kiel de apoyo pare tenet en cuenta la expansi6n termica normal. Para insalar el producto almdedor de las esquinas, consulte el paso E. II STEP B. MOUNT 1101A RAIL 1. Ground preparations. Pxepare the ground so that it is smooth, free of loose clumps, clods or ptatroding obstacles. Guard • against uneven settling of newly excavated ground by ,mounting the bottom rail on treated WO) lumber. 2. Mark the ground location directly below the outside, bottom edge of the home. Use a level or plumb bob to determine this location at each corner. 3. Snap a chalk line or stretch a nylon string between each corner to guide the bottom rail. 4. Position the bottom rail with the back leg toward the inside of the Chalk Doe perimeter. 5. Drive ground spikes every 19 inches.Two sets ofholes are provided in the bottom rail. They are located inside the charurel, and on the back leg. Ground spikes may be driven in either hole at intervals of 19 inches. 6. Installation on concrete. Use a 3/4' masonry natq. You may also drill a hoIe for a 3/16" molly screw and plastic sleeve. (Nail and screw materials are available at most h0ware stores.) To install around comer, refer to Step E. PASO Bi MONTAJE DEL RIEL INFERIOR 1. Pxeparaci6n del piso de sierra. Prepare el pim de mantra que estd uniforme, sits rotas sueltas, terrones ni obstaculos que sobxesalgan del piso. Proteja la instaladd Contra el asentamiento no uniforme ertpisos recien excavados, montando el del inferior en una pieta de madera tratada (2" x 2"). 2. Marque la ubicad6a en el piso directamente abajo del horde inferior externo de la casa. Use un nivel o una plomada pars determinar esta ubkad6n en cada esquina. 3. Marque una Linea con el cordel enti2ado o coloque una cuerda de nil6n entre cad& esquim pare Oat el Ael de apoyo. 4. Coloque el Aelde apoyo con la pats de respaldo hada el interior del pexsmetto marcado pot la Linea de Liza. 5. Introduzea los clavos gtuesos en el piso a coda 19 pulgadas. En el 1, 'Xia inferior se proporraonan dos conjuntos de agujeros. PAtos se eneuentran dentro del cane], ea la pate de soporte. Los clavos gruesos pars el piso se pueden clavar a travel de cudquiera de los agujeros a una distancia de 19 pulgadas eatre si. 6, Instdaci6n en pisos de concreto. Use un clavo de 3/4" para jnnamposteda.,•Asi misma se puede taladrar un agulero pare un IIromMo de 3116" dpo Molly coo ancla pleatica. (Los materiales de claws y los tornillos estin disponibles en Is, mayorla de has ferr'eter(a8). Pad instalar el producto alrededor do las esquinas, consulte el Paso E. �PTNP Ce L INSTALLATION 1.� egtnning 24" away front the lowest corner of the home, measure 9 the ground up to 1-1/2" above the bottom edge of the back �iail. (If the temperature is beiow 407, with frozen ground, measure to 3" above the bac(t tad edge.) Z '�� ewurements on sloping ground should betaken every le'(Width panel). 3. FCut the bottom of each panel to angle with the ground. Each cut panel section should slip 90° to the bottorn edge of the home. Use aviation snips or a power saw (with a fine toothed saw blade turned backwards) for cutting. 4, punch lock tabs every 4" alorig the top and bottom edge of cut panel sections (or outside portion of each panel face for 13" variBest). A, Malco (BL-8) Snap Lock Punch tool is recommended. Consult your skirting supplier for obtaining this tool. Tabs are to be positioned outs -d to catch on the hooked edge of the Mails. 5. otedock panels and insert iaato the bottom rail. NO with, the rst panel inserted into the bottom rail. Lock tabs should snap past he hooped edge of the bottom rail• Insert next panel section into she interlock hooks Ong tht vertical edge of the panels. Seat each III anel securely into the bottom rail. Repeat interlocking panels, orming about a 12-foot section. Resume panel cut and interlock ethod. To asiull around coney refer to Step F- CS PASO i IMMAUCI IN DE LOS PAHELES 1. Comet=do a 24" do la esquina inferior etas b* de ha case, tnida desde la superfine del piso haste 1112" atriba del horde infexlor del riel de epoyo. (Si la temperatura ambiente durance la insraiaddn es inferior a Los 40T y el piso e6td congdado, mida haste 3" arriba del borne del riel de apoyo). 2. Las mediciones en pisos core desnivel deben hacerse a cads, 16' (ancho del panel), 3. Corte Is pate inferior de cads panel en angulo son, el dmnivel del piso. Cada mddn de panel cortado debe ester a escuadra (9T) con el borde inferior de to cola. Use tijeras de hojalateto o una siem tUctrica (con una hoja de corte de diente lino colocada al revel) pars corset 105 paneles. 4. Perfore In lengtietas de ciezce cads 4" a to larp del bordc superior e inferior de las seccionts de paneles cortados. Se recomienda el use de una punzonadora de mano Maico (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch. Cousulte con su proveedor de cenefas so6v c6mo obteaer cote herramienta. Las leng,etas deben colocarse hacia efuera a fin de power enganchar el borde de gancbo de los rieles, a Envache los panelcs a introdtiaca[os en el del inferior, Comience son el primer panel introduddo an el riel inferior. Las leng,etas de cierre &Ica enganchwo hasty mis a% del boxde con gancho del riel de apeyo. Intwdma la siguientc section de panel an Jos ganchos de enclavamicato a to largo del boxde vertical de los pancles. Asiente cads panel firmemente an ea riel iaferlor, R9P14 of cadavamiento de los panelcs haste forwar una secton de apadmadamento 12 ples. Reanude d come do los pantiles y d metodo da enclaysrrriento. m instalar el producto an las esquinw, consuite el peso E. P D: INTERLOCK. FRONT RAIL BACK RAIL 1. Stair snapping one end of the front toff rail into the back top rail, creating the interlock. Pash the Front top rail apv►rard, its entire length until the front top rail is emplady Interlocked with the back rail. 2. Overlap V each top rail secdon. To Wtol around corner, refer to Step E, IFs T 1: 19 FNCLAVAMIENTO DES. IUEL ONTAL CORM EL RIEL DE APOYO 1. Comience engamchando um aftmo del rieI &orttal superior en e1 rkl superior de apoyo, pare formar el mecaffismo de eaclavanaiento. Empuje el riel superior de apayo hada wiba an to& su lonotud haste clue el riel frontal superior j Cate completarnente enganchada an d Ael de apoyo. 2. Traslape V cads seceidrt del del superiog Para lastalar el producto am las esquigas, consulte el paw E. SMPO comm iNS1ALLAro 1. Top back rail - Mahe a 1" veezical slit fxom'the top. Top h=l.k hoof should be cons*eiy Cut,ihxaugh- dotal 450 on WSW euivedleg• . . 2. Bottom rail — Notch the back portion vitli snips, as illustrated. Bend around a corner and attach to the ground. I panels — Cut panel m proper height. Deter a►ine point of corner bend; bend over a table edge, forming a uniform angle. 4. Top �t rail—1(oteh at both the top and bottom books of the from rail, as illustrated. Bend around the corner and fit into the interlock with the top back rail Refer to Step D. POUR PMNOTCMED TOP FRONT RAILS ARE INCLUDE11 IN TRIM PAK PAS2 ` IHSTALA DEL PR6DUCFO. EN LAS ESQUINA;� 1. Itiel superior de apoyo - HW UO torte vertical de 1" desdw: Ia pane superior: FA gaucho superior de enclavaraiento debe cotterse completamoAte, klaga una muesca a 4.7 on Is pact curveda inferior. 2. Riel inferior — Corte la poxcibn posterior coca djetas de hojaktexo Began se muestm an IQ llustx 66% Welo alrededor de una esguia$ y clavelo al piso. 3, Paneles — Corte el panel a 12 altars apnopiada. Determine el punto de dobla dobie cl panel sobrc el boxde de una mesa, pars. forinar urn Angulo AM 4. Riel frotttal superior — Corte los gamchos superior a IAforior del id frontal, s*a se �ustra on la figure: Doble la pieza airededor de la esquina y angs whela 41101 er►r]avamiento con e1 riel superior de 1poyo- Consuite el Paso D. IN EL CONIUNVO TRIM PAK SE . INCLUYEN CUATRO ROW SUPERIORES FR,ONTALIS YA CORrADOS. ----•----- �� unit. ne+n amn r 'InrT-T1P1TIfTPT'1W-r.1nW,7 99.-0 CT.-1.01—TIC