HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETv��yP - ) �y � IT NUMBER Installer Ucutse i s n i k Addiess cf.hame lanufaG{urer n IA NOTE W home is a single wide fill out w7e haff of the blocking plan 1f holrle is a triple or quad wide sketch 72 remainder of home I tmdetstand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new or used) where the sidewWI ties exceed 5 ft 4 is llzstailet� iru�lals Typ%cal pler.spacin9" �C udrnai and oral Systems > {usa t Mines to sho - locations) n n nr�- n n n n SCANNED - BY. PER -MIT Z'VOR..KSHEET8- t Lucie C®Uil j/L page 1 2` New Home . Used l latzte Home installed to the Manufactvrar's lnstallatlon Manual ; Home is installed in aocordance with Rule 15-0 = single wide ❑ inrl Zvna II W/lnd Zone Ill �] Double 'Aida �nstalliAlon Decal 4 Tripl.rQuad PE^n SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES �w1T1T1ii�� INNUM� - ¢ueipo,area rrom rtuta za,.r a wer spacatq rar»a Pi! ii PAD SrZF I-beam pier pad size R\ Perimeter pier pad slm i Outer pier pad sues -_ \7�, Ouquired by the mfg.) Draw the approximate locations of marrlar Walt openings 4 toot or der_ tJsa this symbol to show the piers, )Ust all marriage wall openings greater than 4 toot and -their pier pad sizes below. openlnn Pier pad size 71EDOWN COMPONENTS LnnglfUdlnal Slabflj.�3nQ D�trlce (LSD) . Manufaciwer ''il��+\`i C��T`a'P tlr\t%l� - E [ARE D s s a 1 ANCHORS 4it Sft FRAME TIES within 2' of end of spaoed at 5 oTt�t zrEs SldawaR --- Lflrig�L'dfnai Adarrlac}e waD - - 5hmarvral - — SEP S-r, L�ele t:oUnty, Permitting f POCKETENEMO TES The pocket penetmmetertests are round wa to - pst or cheek hereto dsdare 1DOD Ib..sor7 �ZwX-out testing. X X X POCKET PU EMOMEI TE5'T NG MEMOD 1. Test the perimeter of the horhe at 6 iocatlons: 2_ Take the reading at the depth of the foster. S. Uping Soo lb. iiicremenis take the lowest reading and round down to that increment. X X X TMQUE PROBE TESF The results of the torque probe test Is inch pom ds or check - - here it you are declaring 5 anchors wiihoiirf- _q _ _ A test . showing 275 i ncii potmtds or less will require 5 foot anchor Notes A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 ft. andiors are allowed at'the sidewall locatiom i understand 5 ft - andioxs are required at all centerithe tie points where the torque test reading Is 275 or Isss and 4Viiere the mobile hone Manufacturer may requires anchom with -009'. tcrmg capac+t5= itistalleez initials ALL TESTS MUST l9E PMFOii ED 8Y A IJL'ENSEDJNSTALLFR Installer Name V &L1�] •i�afe�Tas€ed:�: � 'ElecWcW Ann9d electrical condudors between multi-wkie tmits: but not to the maim power owcea This Wudes the bonding wire between mutt -wide units. vnned all sewer drains to tin armed all potable water supply piping to an existing water meter, water tap, or other 3dept3 ulent water supply systems. Pg_ PERMIT WORKSHMT Site Preparaffan - pate 2 of 2 - Debris and organic material rvaMoved _ Waterdrainage- Natural V e Padother _T Fast multi wide units Floor. Type Fastener. Length: king: --- Moot: Type pe Fastener. LLanulkr-Qth: spacing _ For_used homes a 3Q gauge, 8' wtdq gaIirariized m will be centered aver the peak of the -roof and fastened *6 gaivv.. rooting hails at Lr on center on both sides of the centerrrnm I understand a property installed gasket Is a tacgrement of all newand used homes and that condensattor4 motel, meldswand btrcMed marriage watts are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket bring installed_ I understand a strip of taps will not satve as a gasket • 'IstaUer'sirrifia]s,+- . Type gasket V006M installed: Pg Between Roors Yes ✓ Between Walls Yes Bottom of ridgebeam Yes The bottornboard wit] be tepaired,,w rtepea Yes S"tdmg on Units is installed to ca nufacturer's specifioatlorrs Yes Ftrepkwp c l mrtey installed so to W10intrusion � as not 1 rafnWBIM YIEI Skltting to baTutsta 161 Yes No E UrVar vent installed outside of skirting. ye 5 }� I3arti#e downfiow vent Irisialted outside of slo_�! N!A -. ' $o E Dtairr rotes supported at 4 fobt inigtvat� Y c� a Elecfrfcsl crossovers proteded. Yes LU Otliea : c �+ o v Installer v+erMes aU information given with this perm t warksheet is accurate and true based on the 1 r.._.....f. �i.....-J� L...._.�tf 1__ - _ :A -.. - _ _ 7 Ui Installer a