HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2348 " .. :,'~~~':"',~~~",'.~.:.'" ." . , '.. ---. . ..,: - . .. .::: ~.. .. , . ,.' ", "'::.; ,:....":.'.. . .~.~ .:~ ;)4~ .. .....~ --I, In the eTen~ the lessee shall tender to th't lessors a bond, or series ot bonds, . 1WY oondition.d as aboTe de.~gnated, e1gned by the lessees as prlnoipal, and by ~ suretiee sat1staotory to the lessors, then and under suoh oiroualstanoes the lessors agree to aooept said bond in 11eu ot a suret1 bond, but in eTery SQoh instanoe the solvenoy and respfonslbil ty of the suretlAs must be sat1staotory. to the les!!ors herein. 1 The glvlng of the bonds at'oresald shall be oontlned annua1ll without ~ interru~tio until the ninety-eight (98) year, an:! in eaoh and eyery 1nstanoe the bond given shall gua.ran, eu the tal1ht'ul performame upon behalf ot the lessees, ~der the terms and oondi Hons ot the said lease, during a period one year In length and beglnning one year from the date of the glving of said bond, aald bond in each instame shall be glven as of the 3rd day ot September as of the year as glven. I I The lessees are hereby given full power and 1liwf'1ll authority to assign this 188.se at! i I any ti~e 4uring the rental period herein oreated, provided the lessees shall haTe oomplied i i I i I I . I I I I I I I I I I . I I I of the making of sooh assignment, and provid~d further, the assignee shall In said assignmeni I j leUvered in the presenoe of two witnesses, and aolcnowledged by the aasi~ee, expressly I assume and obllgate and bind himself to tat'hfully and promptly oampll with and abide by alllthe I j ter:ns and oonllt1ons of this lease ano. promptly pay all peow11ary obligat1on~s herein and reteby ! imposed upon the lessees, and provided fur~her, that no assi:;;nment shall opera te to release I with all the terms and oondttions of this lease obligatory upon t~e lessees up to the date .~.bla'8ep4rate instrument exeouted oon~emporaneously therewlth, duly signed, sealed and the lessees herein from the obligations by them herein and hereby asslEled, unless suoh re- . I I lease shall be evidenoed by the written agree~ent of the lessors; neither shall this prJvlso! I or any prOViso In this lease oontai:;ed au~horize the lessees herein to make p!:i.rtial ass1enme~ts j of this ir.dtrument, so as to subdivide the rights he:'ein granted among dt vel'S a.nd s'~ndry asslgnees eaoh clalming a separate portion ot said property, and such partial assign~ente, it any, shall be oonsidered by the les~ors as a breach of the terms an~ conditions of this least, i and shall at their option c~noel and annal the same and authorize the lessors to retake P09-\ I ur.less sai1 partial ass 1i;n':ent i ! 1 session of the property herein and hereby leased and demise. I or o{ assignments are oancelled ~nd annulled within ten days after lessees' I i i I I I I i i attention is oalled Nothing herein oontatned! i shall prevent the sale or assignment of this en~ire Idase or any fractional part there~f undtr j ! j an undivided interest therein and be Jolntly and severally bound by all the terms and oonditions i I I i The lessees herein are hersby given fllll power ani lawful authori ty to mortgage theU Suoh mortgage, however, shall be lsub jeo t I to all the terms and coniitions of this lease, and any failure on behalf' ot the lessees, their h I heirB, suooessors or assigns, to carry out the terms and oonditions of tt.is h:ase, inoludingl the making ot all payments as herein designated, shall opera te to oanoel and. ~.nnul this least to said partia1 assignment or assig~~ents, by a notioe in writing. the terms and conditions hereIn set forth, to one or more parties, eaoh of whom shlill hold of t~is lease 'upon &aoepting suoh asaigrment. leasehold interest in and to the property above desoribed. in the manner- hereinat'er provlded, and in such event, suoh oanoel1ation or annulment shall be binding upon the mortgagee as tully and as oompletely &8 though sald mortgagee had been a party to the execution of thls instrument. The lesae.s hereln shall, during the tull term:ot thls lease, ~eep and ~lnta1n at their own expense, an,y and all JIJI:t*~bIl11d1n88 and Im,ll:'OTements whloh are now or whioh m", hereafter be phoed upon the leased premises, In good and substantial order and repalri and the les8ee. herein turther-more Q8ree that the premlses here in and hereby leaeed shall not be used for any 111egal or Immoral buslneasj and It by reason ot an1 111egal aot or 8Ots, or It by reason ot aPT taUure to keep 8aid premises In repair, any cla1:n, e1 ther oiYl1 or './.~'::.:~:~:. ..' .~~~",'j,;~'..;.~'.;'~~~ "<" \~' ., I ) ) J I I