HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2351 -"'1 ;, d ,. ~,_"'~--A J j --4 n heroin, prlor to the beginning of the rental period herein end hereby oreated. Tho lesoors hereby oovenant and agree with the lessees that upon their oomp)ioooe with the \ermo and oonditions hereof they shall quietly and peaoeably hold poss~ssion hnd enJoy the oaid leased pre:nis es for the tull tern ot nlnety-nlne years wi thout my let, hindranoe <:w or mole~ta Uon from the 1 essors, 0 l' aD,)' person olai:ning by, through or under t.hem; and the said lessors hereby oovenan t and agree 'n th the lessees tha t they are sei zed ani possessed ) and in possession at said leased pre~ises, exoept as herein speoifioally designated. and ha e a go:>d marketatble Utle thereto, and t.lJat the same is tree fr~ any llens, mortg~e...s or J enaumbranoes ot aD,)' nature or kind whatsoever, save and exoept th:> S8 herein mentioned; and I i the lessors hereby fully warrant the ti tle to said pre:31s es for the period aforesaid. and I will detend the S~Qe and the use and OOOQ9ation ot the ~~e d~ing the period aforesaid agai~st i I all al terations in or \)onstruotlon and ereo:.ion of any ,buildings, improve:nen ts or .fixtures' ( i I t of this lease, hS the w~r~ on the same progreeses, and when oompleted, 8~ii premises shall be I ! ; the lawful olaims ot 1'.11 persons whoms;>ever. J The lessees further ooventlnt and agree wi th the lessors that the lessees will pay for upon the above desor ibed pre::l~ ses. \Thioh ma.y be undertaken by the lessees J. '.Iring the life free fran allllens for labor or material furnlahed in the alteration or oonstruotlon of ( 8aid buildings, Improveoents or fixtures. Sald lessees further covenant and agree ~ith the lessors that the lessees will e t all . times ani continuously, keep the bui:dines, fixtures Md improve:nents now on said premisea, or hereafter plaoed thereon, Insured ugainst loss or d~-l!l~e by fire in an Mount e-!ual to their full insurable value wi th responslble insuranoe oJmpanies author !zed to do business i I . In the State ot Florida, and satisfaotory to the lessors. Said polioies of insuranoe shaUl oontain a olhuse provlding that any loss under the S8.":le shall be pa;.-able to the :'ort Pieroe I . ! Bank &, Trtl8t Company I as ~ru8te8. Or to suoh other 'i'ruat Company a. _i~hor1zed to do bus iDess t in ~he sta te or Florida, as the lessors ma~; from toe tJ U;:ae desigante in wri ting; and i ! polioies oovering sald insurance shall from time to time, as issued, be deposited with said I Trustee, it being understood, however, that all alOOun ts oolleoted on any suoh policies shall. I be aval1able to the lessees for the reoonstruotlon or retair, .. 'he Gaae: may be. of any suoh bulld1Dgsor:'bulld1ng8, fixtures am Improvements In-Jured '::Jr destroyed by fir'J. and sh~ll be paid out by the 8aid Trustee from time to time, as th~ work o~ re-building, reoonstruoti~n .........- . or repalr shall progrsss, on bona tide arohiteot's oertlfioates or builder's estimc.tes, showing the applioation of the amount paid to suoh repair Or reeonstruotion. PROVIDED, however, that It first be made to appear to the "aatisfaotion ot the trllstee tha t any alOOun ~ ~ i ; I i neoessary to proVide tor the reoonstruation ot any bUl1dings, fixtures or improve::lents so destroyed or injured, aooording to the plans therefor whioh may be in exoess of the amount it shall be --~~.. settled b7 arh~tratlon as set torth on page of this lease. I i In case any question shall arise under this paragraPh! I . In oase ther. . reoeiTed upon suoh polioies, has been provlded by the lessees for suoh purposes, and its applloation to such purpose assured. shall be at any time any exoess re~ainlng wlth the trustee tro:n suoh Qolleotion, atter the ! , i I repalr or reoonstruotlon ot any suoh butldlngs, fixtures or improvements to a oondition equal to or beUer than the former oond1tion thereot, or the oondl tlon in whioh the same would haTe been at the time of the destruotlon thereot, then, if there at that time be no detault; I I on the part ot the lessees in their performanoe ot the oovenanta and oondltions herein, any! f i entering upon the reoonstruotion or repair or sald ~ul1dings, tixtures or improvements wlthln suoh alD)unt shall be by the traetee paid to the lessees; and in oase ot the lessees not a period ot four months atter auoh deetruotion or injury by tire, and thereafter diligently" ~1~ oontlnuoue1, prosecuting eame to ooapletion within a reasonable tine after \he damage . .....: ;~. :,,?;.~~::t.>::,