HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2363 . " ..~ , [ 111 wtTlIlSS 1IlDKOP. 'he .a ~ par'7 ot 'he ti rat Il&r' hae hereQll\o .e t her hat d and Mal ,he 4&7 and 7ur aboYe wri UUl. Signed. Haled IDd dellyued ID pr..enoe ot U I Paul J). 'flUe" Selar. auer StATE 01' l'IDUDA couny 01' ST. LUCIE Jenni8 W1l11... (x) her mark (Seal) I HERDT CIRTIFY That on \h18 d~ perlona1.l7 appeared betore lie, aD ottioer dQ17 authorlztd '0 admtnls'er oa'he ~d ULke aoknowle~en\.. JennIe Will1aas (w140w) '0 ae well ( " oonatraint. apprehensIon or tear ot or troll her .ald huaband. :idaa JS&ker .otar7 rubllo State ot Florlda ., oo~l..ioD axpiree Feb. 9, 1927. ( ~o ' 'V on aeo. 1~, ~2);. a' Z:~' l'.K. r-\ .0<..0 ~O.. P. C. J!Oldred. t;lerk C;7f;1' Oourt. ( Ct.ct.s-a}. ~.,S~ 0- B7 /1. }'/1. (j A{J 4/ D.C. I \ / lL cI t<<J-A.. (j rlRcut! it h -~ ":":~t~1~~:":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":ft:":":.:":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":"; I I I I r !HIS IB'DDftJIm, ll84e thll 9'h 4&7 ot ueo8lllber, A. D. 1925, BK'l'WEBI H. C. Daniela, ino.,: i a oorporatlOD exl.tlDg onder the 1..8 ot the State ot 1"lorlda, ha~lDg lte prlnolpal plaoe I .., bualne.e in the t;ount7 or rat. Heaoh and ~t~te ot I"lorlda, part7 ot the tlrst part, and I ! .nux ltealt7 COIDp&D7, a Florlda ~orpol't\UOll ot the Count7 ot l'alm Heaah and :::state ot 1"101'14& ! part7 ot the aeooD4. par', wITJrESSETH, the.t the p.ld part7 ot the tirst part, tor aDd in oon.. I eideraUOZl ot the 8WIl ot 'ra dollars and other Taluable oonaldera\lon !lOllare. to 1 t 1ft haD' I ! pald, the.' reoelpt wbareot le hereby aOlmolldedged, haa granted, lBrplned. . old , aliened. re. mlsed. releaeed, oonTe7ed and 0<mtl1'11led, and by these present. doth grant, barsain, .ell, H. C. DAlIELS IBC. ~ ESSEX REALTY COKP AllY WARRAnTY DUD 'I . alien. reml.., release, oomey and oontlra onto the .aid part7 ot the seoond part, aDd 1 t. 81100...0rl and aea18n. torner. all that oertain paroel ot land 17lng and being in the ~oon.7 ot :it. wolt and S'a te ot r1orida, aore parUoular17 desoribed as tollows: +' The .or'heast quar'er \BIt) ot 'he ~outhweat quarter (SIt) and the ~outheaet quarter ( ) .~ ot the .orthw..t quarter (111ft) ot ~eoUon eleYeD \11) 'townshIp thlr\7-toU' l34) Sou\h, KallS %hlrt7-nlne (39, -'et oontalning elgbt7 (80J aoree, aore or Ie... %hl. deed 18 SiTeD .ubJeot to ,hat ontain mortpge giTaD b7 11. 1.1. ua:nhla. ~no., to 'ort Pleoe BaDik . TI'1l8\ ~O.P8D7, bear1DB date ot .o....ber U~. 192&. giftD tor lhe porto.. ot .eoviD<< the IIQII ot Six -mOHand (t6,ooo.OOJ Dollar.. as eyidenoed '7 'hree pJ'01D1880r7 not.., each 1D 'he.. ot TIfO "thouaaDl (11.000.00) Dollar., due tn one. \wo and three 7ear. atlu da\e, r..peoUftll. wUh 1Dtere.t a\ th8 rah ot dx (~) pel" 0811\ per &DlUl. p&7&ble ...1-ann-111. .hioh aor\88<<e the sranhe berein. b, \be lIIOoep'..e ot \h18deed. a..... '7~\Tr>~-};):~- ->.;'.: ::'~;i: .' G') ~ J ) d ~ .; ~-, j i :: " ;::':~':Z~}~'~,~j:jt