HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSf PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT- SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisio ...._ RECEIVED I Wy;'nne Build.i `` (Company Nan the 11 P]_nmber (Type of Trade) For the project located at BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY oration St L.ucie County Name) SEP 11 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permit:tinq have agreed' to be Sub -contractor for Wynne 'Building Corp . (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is �inderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above.mentioned projellt, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St'. -Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filinglof a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTPACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifi r) Widiam D. Brantley PRINT �AME ,95,24 COUNT`f � CERTIFICATIONN NUM%BEAR State of Florida, County of l—K�0 - fore of g instrument wassigned before me this day of i �i 20,qbyWilliam D Brantley who is personally known _or has produced a dentif anon. n _ IVI 4 , ill n STAMP Si ture' ofNotary Public Print Name of Notary Public .psr Notary Public State of Florida Julie Ninassi Q My commission GG 036942 ?apd� Expires 10/16/2020 Revised 11 16/ SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifie William D. Brantley PRINT NAME 29524 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER , State of Florida, County of � l C foregoi g instrument was signed before me this l 6 day of nAbyWzlliam D. Brantley who is:personally known " or has produced a; as' ntification. ( r) I hi STAMP Sign t e of otary Public i'na s� i Print Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Florida �f+ Julie Ninassi C c My Commission GG 036942 a �o� Expires 10/16/2020 'PERMIT DATE UE ' ISS =. • PLA�t11lIl�TC & DEL0PMENT SERVICES' VIA, fi&Curie Com lianee Division STLDING.PERMI�' .. R.ECEIVED •SUB.= OPaR�iCTUR AGRF',EIVIENT .� o ol $CAIVND ' SE P I' 2018. ' . .. .BY - :.ST• Lucle.Cou'nty,:.Perrnitting .. St Lucie County. aw., s . Electra c, Inc., have agreed to'be . (Compony.'Nai O&dj*ldual Name) the' E-lectrician: Sub=contractor for yruie Build rig .Corp: , (Type of Trade)'. _ _ (Primary' Contraetor) - ' por t i pra ect loc ited•at .. , � � ; �`\\�- .. (project Sheet Addressor Popert� TaX'ID #) I. Itl .un erstood that,'.ifafiere:is�any.'chalige of status. regarding our participation witli'the above mentioned . project; ;the Building and Coddlegulaiion Division of St::•Lucie County will be advised pursuant'to the �� iifing of.a-Change:of Sub=contraato notice. _ : ' CONTRA (SR SIGNATURE (Qdalifier). ' :. S T SIGLV(Qualifier). Nattlt.. .. le W`•nne . James_.W:.La PRINT NAYZE w 'PRINT NAME ' 08898. �.. ' . 2098 . . COUNTY • RTIFICATION-NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State offlor i�a, Coiinty.of 4 . ` State of •Florida, County -of %• I' . ' - Tliofuregdin instrument was�siigrneed' befdr�e nie this ` dliy of : The foregoing instrument wa's signed before'rne this ay of �I�. 20� by�v ®Q�C °� 20\kby . who is person ay 2fiown-or.lias.produeed a. who is •personally lmown -or •has;prod'n, bed a- . . as ident rli ati r6on� . • as idendficatio 16 STAAV-- STAMP Signature of ota... blic : Signature•of Notary Public uQz#xneoP)Totar T blie:•: : ' PrmtName'of:. ota ::Fulih „.,.,.„ r aj;.,��' �DOROT:HYANN BASKIN • � : • • • • ��` PY%�;•,, • •SU3APf�IAGEE • ' :�°t_, MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 . x,; ��:. MY •�OA�� IS$tON # F.F 187647 EXPIRE81. Gotoher2,2020P,=` EXPIANS: r§bnlay 23, 201a' l• •,,� ''� "''0y�'�� UonNe�'hruAa.�3i•�PybGcUg¢enudteTs• FOF a II B nded T► r44 Notary Pu61(c Underwriters, �Pf - R&ised ll/-1 016 ' AERMI7# ' • ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED ]BUILDING PERMIT S E P 1 1 2 018 SUIR-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED bY, . . St Lucie County Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, I have agreed to'be •- (Company Name/Individual Name) HVAC Sub-0611tractorfor -Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) (�, the project located at _ " '(Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 0) it is understood. that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. It, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Matthew Lyle W COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUME2r COUNTY CERTWICATIO�N" NUMBER •' $tgte of)Ftarida, Coumty of i..QC ` State of Florida. County of�'r �� C� �+� The toil egoiag instrument�w/as aiEned before me t1us� flay of The'foregoing instrument was slgoed before me this•' dhy of 20�by���l �"."�,"'�• xA,�by �QQ� � ��,'taA.`�'t�-�'�R14� who isl persona tIIy knowA _V or has produced a who is personally known ✓r has produced a as Men , ication. as identiGeation• STAMP- � STAMI? \gos'I eofNotaUme n Signature ofNotaryPub l' ,p o-rw y ANoy .6.49KI n� J o Ro`Tfl y !/ � NFL �U AS_A_-in� Print Dame ofNota Public print Name of Notary Public DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 iYP" •P�•.Yo'� . DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES; October 2, 2020 �? MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 Bonded ThIu.Notary Puhlic',Underwriters '•Q �� = EXPIRES October 2, 2020 rP� '•`r F.•`. ''•,FOFF� q.` Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters 3evised� � 1/16/2016 . • Z000/Z000d tL0-i 999L9LRLL d.l o0 Su i p l i ns auuAM -WOdd 9 L:Z L 9 L60-Z l,