HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED LANDS AFFIDAVITS7C. �TC�,C0i7:�t7f"tS7', Bu uv Z-0NxhEc jVE • 2300 �'SitG�iNtA AVENUEFORT PSI RCE, FL 34982=56 772-462-1553 SEP 2018 uc/e ,c^• . _ I SCAMY& BY. 1, the ut-idersigned, am the owner, of the follow%#BV&RPperty: Irt of 34I4-501'—170I-000/9; 8e�ctiah 26, Towns'hin 36s &• Range 40E (Tax Mtegal descripti6rdAddress) far Which l have applied to S'.L tucie County for a Final Development Permit. In accepting this Final Development.Permit, BP Number ; Z acknowledge that as. owner'of the. above described property, and in accordance. with. Section 7.04.01(D), St- Lucie Cod aty Land Development Cade, X shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate cO maality Wl—LL NoT be adversely affectecl. l further acknowledge that in granting this permit ,for the developmeni of this:p�roperty, St. Lucie C.ountyJs neitl�e�r obliged nor liable to grova'defo'r, or-niazritain in any form, adequate: drainage off ray prroperty which Will not adversely affect the iMrimecliate community. Matth-ew Lyle Wynne Property Owner Name Property Owner Signature Date STAT•6 OF F1,OR'[pA, COUNTX OF S t . L u•c i e AMNOWLEDG•:ED BEFORE ME TWS C D DAY OF , 2ULP Bx M a t t` h e w L V 12 . Wvn n'e PJHO IS Pt P-SONAX:LY KNOWk4 TOME OR W)40 FI AS PROOUCIsD As WENTMCA770N. C41 NATUNS OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAMt OF NOTARY (SEAL) NOTARYpti�l:Y T L CO1vtM1$SYOUNUMBER Notary Public State of Florida - Julie Ninassi My Commission t30 038942 aW Expires 10/16/2020 ,