HomeMy WebLinkAboutLONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL STABILIZING SYSTEMSi C I m tM Iz Q CO ()LL aZi w rn c 3 26 cm A AD ?!L"anchors,@.ft Mal a Ural Stabilizing 0310013 dsrequirements for all wind zones. Eliminates ties and stabilizers, saving time and money. Versatile: provides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal Flat pad design installs easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground lop gUTAIKy, HUM lUdUYu U1,101 IDluBlU05 stability utuizas adjustable tubing for structural integn'ty with less inventory Easy to install and neatly packaged for warehousing and Transpon 1*0 90011\® Top-quality heavy gauge steel throughout system Versatile: Dwides combined lateral and longitudinal support, or only lateral, or only longitudinal Flat W desrgrt lr 4611s; easily, eliminates digging and driving foundation pad into ground ..n ors w Longitudinal System Includes: i - 20" Galvanized Steel Pad 2 - Beam Clips with Hardware 2 - 1.5" Square Bracing Tubes =0355 3910 Longitudinal system for All Zones p9IZ0000 a4"" LV11Vl%Hj11n1 OyVW1•, fui r ill Onnns 0120357 539* Longitudinal System for AN Zones Lateral/Longitudinal System Includes: 1 - 2a" Galvanized Steel Tad 7 - ldV' AdJUStanla Lateral Tube with httclrlwrare 2 - Beam Cgps With Hardware 2 -1.5" Square Bracing Tubes ®120377 39- LateraVLongitudinal System for All Zones 0120378 44- LaterayLongitudinal System for All Zones 2129279 f?"* Imsliareif'—&-41n0l cyaf&m $Ar all 76na+c a Refers to the length of the bracing tube terej S~ em Include. 20" Galvanized Steel Pad t - So" Adjustable lateral 'tube with Hardware 0120370 Lateral System Notafodod staff fccaP= -Replacement, Pins for Pan Systems 0120366 16" Pin spW icedws subject 10 Change without NOUCe w.... [.r44a e% n,e a LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM Ii iNSWE HONE FRAME GEW . GE 8013 ' OUTSIDE HOME BEAM 4-Y,"xYi SELF ORIWNG MMLBC BEAM CUP scREWs - z-EA. sro£ ,_y�- TUBE W� 4 iS"Xl K2" 1HSTALL AFTER H057E 60" FOR 9W MAX. SPAN 15 5£f AND ALL .ram TIGHT ,CARRIAGE BOLTS eons ARE ncNr TUBE h„ LATERAL. TUBE CUP 60" FOR 99.S" MAX. SPAN CARRIAGE BOLT 0 MAX 4F MP.) yy" LONGITUDINAL 13RACE TUBE CAMCE BOLT 1/C HEAVE DUTY WASHER W/ 1/2"at-T/2" CARRULGE BOLT. 2— 39i FOR 18 70 24" PIER 2— 44' FOR 25" TO 32 PIER TO 40" PIER 2— 4e PIER t ATER� BReCE D AIL ro51 FOR 41" TO NOTES. PINS MAYBE USED IN CLASS 2 & 3 SOILS. y2^ i 2—A- CARRIAGE BOLT 12" DRNE 16" PINS MUST BE USED IN CLASS 4 SOILS. MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHT- 48" S03 PIER PAD MAXIMUM SIDEWALL HEIGHT 96" EtRACE—D �AIL MAXIMUM BEAM SPACING 99.5" LoNgITUDINAL WHEN USING LONGITUDINAL BRACES,;2ND PIER IN FROM THE END OF THE HOME MAY BE USED To MAKE ROOM FOR BRACE TUBES. SPECIAL IPLSTRUC offils 4ATERA BRACE OETAIL µ ALABAMA MAX - PIER HEIGHT 32" 13 ONLY HOgE *HID LABt HOMES 1NsIDE L+ LATELIAL AWUSTAaE FLEETWOOD -'MAX PIER HEIGHT 32" nT �rITUDINAL &LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM BRACE TUBE B> P' *BOTH LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL EMBLY D BRACES MUST BE USED ON ALL SYSTEMS oL} C51 HOME 6� `LING DE DETAIL ASS *MULTIWIDE HOMES ONLY *4.3:12 MAXIMUM ROOF PITCH *90" MAX SIDEWALL HEIGHTS tME 1/Y BOLTS ARE GWE 5 BEAN OCK OR CLIP DaUX sma PIER umrru01Po1L UP UP BRACE 1UBE MINUTE NAN ANCHORS STEEL PIER PAD � QL� anchorsF&M a D1a srAaLRER cAP SEE DETAR DAG. ya ` W UA. STAWMITCAP 7112 -- 114' LCICAT104OF MODE. t10.MVA•9'. �`. FOR HEM pETALL 1;B'� XOW. ROD f FOR HEW DES %e VVJG- 2 114�- - 121 DISH: 9 DISC: 9 c:. BEb'dED \�� 8 _ GiLBEVELEO EDif HEUY. J.9W.0201A. TOGA. CDAyACT,NGC:9C3.98(L.020'A •� EDC HEDL 5.9916.02 Dt4. 9 GA. CaV.?ACM* DrK 198:L.02 DLt a I. AD.SIEEfiuS@wAri id551•.coN�pite6l'OASfAaA-36mi lO MODEL: 4430 EZDH CsC:9C-A.BEIjLEOEDGFHRDI 3. US.FATNO.4,90.165 13 4b3b - EZD 3.9$�4.02 aJL ( DEL: 4'I �4. AtuAoz 4. vrdDA£w.CoAFORMswaws A5.ISCLASE'701 EB,USiDEJANCHORfi5Y• 3. US. PATN0. 4,923.16S' yTr NMg91 & PANT TO HEALOWGLOS,WAER RM WNT COAMIG• RASIOA51tQ/L36dR1Cc'0 W 5, pAL MBBAL WI ._ 71. 91,004,1 DOB Solid!Ran, Cent4r:Ve Top Or6nt To p Back Bottoiv- T1 US" .040"1 Panel 0 4 0 m .059 M -.059": .047. vientilation: Center Vent 8.4 sq- in./ft, i f panel Available Colo S White Grey I Tan Clay Sand V ntuation: n1 Ce pt Vent 4.9 sq. in./ft. of panial EALGLI Vinyl Skirting Avat able Colors A -olld Panel 35 I White Panel M�35 Grey �ented T p Front Tdrn 50 Tan Clay o:)p Back Trim 48 n Sand •Bottom Trim 0 Trimkit' Con iparlsion: P emitim Plus Eagle Front Aali 059 .0501, NOTE; Top Back t(IM f0f Back Oaii Channel� Sol*Qn1 .050- .04Jl" 04B* Premium P and Eagle Trim Kite.ar the same .040" 'Its a Top FTrim ' th 4.725" .0h dimen'Ision's 4.36 1 upper The resort ma � installers use Premium PIqs Trim i with Eagle Panel Is because it il HEAVIER; Kitt K and, in areas whVre blow-out is a problem, PrIl MIUM PIUP offers more rigid protection ab 4 1 nat blow-out 1 f Can i1)V1 IcWA 10d3a 3WOH 31IROW GML9VE98 1 I TES' A: ITACH BACK RAIL 1. Determine a place for mounting. PIace bottom edge of back rail just below bottom edge of the home. This location must offer solid support for attaching and wind load pressure for Panels and rails. 2. Keep the back rail straight and level Snap a chalk line around the home to guide the top edge of the back rail. 3. Correct sctewing or nailing method for buck rail: Start on the back side of the home. Position screws or nails in the center of the slot. Screw/nail to allow for a clearance of 1116' lzom the back rail surface. Note: avoid tightly scieMng or nailing back rail. A 1/16" clearance allows for normal expansion and contraction with temperature change. Plane a screw or nail in every Durex slot. 4. Provide a 1/2" gap between each back xW section for normal thermal expansion. To install around comer, refer to Step E. kSO A. TALE EL RIEL DE APOYO Determdae un lugar Para el montaje, Coloque el borde inferior del riel de apoyo justo abajo del borde inferior do la cass. Esta ubicaci6n debe oftecer un apoyo fame que permita clavar Jos rieles y soportar la pred6a por cargas de viento en los paneles. Mantenga deredro el riel do soporte y a niveL Marque una linen con el cordel ontizado alrededor de la Casa para guior el borde superior del del de apoyo. Mdtvdo correcto pars clavar el rid de apoyo: Comience en la parse posterior de la caaa. Coloque log clavos en el centro de la ranum pare davos.Introdavalog clavosy deje una holgura de 1116" desde Is superftcie del del de apoyo. Nota: No clave muy ajustadamente el riel. de apoyo. Una holgura de 1/16" con la cabeza del clavo perraWd el espacio suficiente pars absorber la expansion y contractidn normales resukantes de los cambios de temperatura. Cologne los clavos en ranuras altemas. Deje un espacio de la' entre calla secci6n de riel de apoyo pars tenet en cuenta la expansi6n *mica normal. !a instaiar el producto ahcdedor de lag esquinas, consults cl paso E. STEP Be MOUNT BCt OM RAIL 1. Ground preparation. Npare the ground so that it is smooth, free of loose clumps, dodo or protruding obstacles. Guard against uneven settling of newly excavated ground by mounting the bottom rail on treated (2"x2") lumber. 2. Mark the ground location directly below the outside, bottom edge of the home. Use a level or plumb bob to determine this location at each corner. 3. Snap a chalk line or stretch a nylon string between each corner to guide the bottom rail. 4. Position the bottom rail with the back leg toward the inside of the chalk lice perimeter. 5. Drive ground spikes every 19 inches. Two sets of holes are provided lax the bottom mg. They are, located inside the channel, and on the back leg. Ground spikes may be drivers in either hole at intervals of 19 inches. 6. Installation on concrete. Use a 3/4' masonry nall. You may also drill a hoIc for a 3/16" molly screw and plastic sleeve. (Nail and screw materials are available at most hardware stores.) To install around comer, refer to Step E. NAW Be MONTAJE DEL RIEL INFERIOR 1. prep=86n del plso de tierra. Prepare el piw de mantra que est6 uniforme, sin rocas sueltas, terrones ni obstaculos que sobresalgan del piso. Proteja la in3t0laci6n coma Cl asenfamiento no uniforme enpisos recien excavados, montando el del inferior en umpieza de tuadem tratada (2" x 21. 2. Marque la ubicad6n en el piso directamente abajo del borde inferior externo de la casa. Use un nivel o una plomada pars deterx malt esta ubkael6n en cads esquina. 3. Marque una Iinea con el cordel entixado o coloque una mdda de tril6n entre calla esquina pars guisr el rlel de apoyo. 4. Coloque el del de apoyo con la parade respaldo halo, el interior del peametro marcado pot la Linea de Liza. 5. Introdueca los clavos pews en d piso a cads 19 pulgadaa. En el riel inferior se proporcionon dos conjuntos de agujeros• l stos se ! encncntraat dentin dcl ca►4 err la pata de soporte. Los clavos gruems pars el piso se pueden clrrvar a traves de cualgtucra de los agujeros a una distancia do 19 pulgadas entre d. 6 Instala46a en pisos de concreto. Use un claw de 3/4" Para mamposteda. ,Ad mismo se puede taladrar un agulero pars un tomilio de 3116" tipo ii4olty con oncla plastica. Uq matcriales de d vos y los tornillos estin disponibles on la mayoria de las &WAV«j. ,a instalar at producto *ededor de las esq*as, consulte el gasp E. IIEP Ce MAL INSTALLATION 1. igonning 24" away from the lowest.corncr of the home, measure i6�m the ground up to 1-112" above the bottom edge of, the back rail. (lf the temperaturc is below 407,, with frozen ground) measure Ito 3" above the back tad edge.) 2, casurements on sloping ground should be taken every 16" (width 3. ut the bottom of each panel to angle with the ground. Each cut �� anel section should siiga9Q° to the bottom edge of thehome. Use Wation snips or a power saw (with a fine toothed saw blade turned 4ackwards) fox cutting. 4. punch lock tabs every 4" alorig the top and bottom, edge of cut cl seetions ()r outside portion of each panel face for 13" FatlUiBest). A, Malco (BL-S) Snap Lock Punch tool is recommended. Consult your slc dug supplier for obtaining this &I. Tabs are to be positioned outwarxl to catch on the hooked ddge of the tads. 5. �tedock panels and insert into the bottom rail. Begin with the first panel "inserted itito the bottom, rail, Lock tabs should snap past the hoofed edge of the bottom rail. Insert next panel section into the interlock hooks alotlg tht vcttical edge of the panels, Seat tach Teel securely into the bottom raiL Repeat Werlorlcing panels, forming about a 12-foot section. Resume panel cut and interlock To i ir!i�stxll around cornet, refer to Step L pASO ♦ri it iNETALAaft DE Los PANELES 1. Cometrzando a 24" de la esquina inferior eras b* de la Casa, mida desde la superfide del plan haste 11/2" arriba del borde indedor del riel de spoyo. (Si la temperature ambiento durante la instaladdn es inferior & los 40T y el piso estd congelado, mid& hasty 3" arriba del horde del riel de apo)o). 2. Las medicioues on pisos corn desnivel deben hacerse a cads, lb" (ancho del panel). 3. Corte la parte inferior de cada panel en angulo sego el desnivel del piso. Cada seccidn de panel corWo debe estar a escuadra Mr) con of borde inferior de la case. Use gerw de hojalatem o una sierra eUctrica (con una 4a de torte de diente fum colocada al reves) Pon cortex los pantiles. 4. Perfore In lengtietas de cierxe coda 4" a to larp de) bordc superior e inferior de las secciones de pantiles cortados. Se recomienda el use de una punzonadora de mano Malco (SL-S) Snap Lock Punch Cousulte con su proveedor de cencfas sobre o6mo obtener esta herfamients. Las leng,etas &ben colocarse haciia )foes a fin de poder enganchar el borde do gancbo de los rides, I Engauche Jos panties c introd6zcalos en el rid inferior, Comience con el primer panel introducido eft el riel inferior. Las leng,etae de cierre deben enganchms hasta mis alle del borde con gaucho del riel de npayo. Introduaca is siguiente section de panel en los gauchos de enclavarnknto a to largo del borde vertical dt lm pantiles. Asiente cada panel firmemente em el 64 is "10f, Rep4 el encimmiento de los panelcs hasta formax una se='D'n de apro adamente 12 pies. Maude d torte de los pantiles y el nletodo de enclavaWato. a instalar d pwdacto en las esquirm, consulte el peso E. P Di ERLOCK. FRONT RAIL M BACK RAIL Stair aaapong one end of the front toff rail into the back top rail, creating the interlock. Push the front top rail upward, its entire length until the front top rail is completely interlocked with the back fail. Overlap 1" cash top rail section. inctaIl around corner, refer to Step E, A, SO D: LAYAMIEIM DEL WEL t AL CON EL RIEL DE APOVO 1, Commence emganchando un o memo dd riel frontal superior lien el del superior de apoyo, pare formar d wecar WO de enclavarniento. Empule el rid superior 'de apoyo fiacia "arriba en tech su lonotud hasta que el riel frontal superior este complaunmte enganchzdo en d Ael de apoyo. 2. paslape V cada secd6n del riel superior. P#& inststlar e1 pr+oducto on las esquirtas, comulte el Paso E. MP SO' CORNER iNSTALUrON 1. Top bark rail — Make a 1" vertir�t slit from the top: Top interlock hook should be complettlY cut tbxo A- Notch V on bottom Curvedleg• 2. Bottom on — Notch the back portion with snips, as )llumated. Dead around a corner and attach to the ground. 3. Panels — Cut panel to proper' height. Det mutle perint of corner bend; bend over a table edge, forming a uniform angle, 4. Top fimt rail — Notch at both the top and bottom books of the f torn rail, as illustrated, Bend around the corner and fit into the interlock with the top back rail. Refer to Step D. FOUR pMNOrCHED TOP FRONT RAILS ARE 1MCWD90 IN TRIM P, PASO 1HS1'A1�► s DEL PIRODUCTO EH LAS JESQUINAS► 1. P% superior de apoyo — HW um Corte vertical de 1" desd': la parte superior. El gaucho superior de enclavamiento debe cottam contpletameate. Plaga una muesca a 45- en is pact curvada inferior. 2. Riel inferior - Corte la porci6n posteriox tom djeras de hojahtero segfin Be muestm en la ilustracuin. DdWelo alrededor de una esquina y divelo a1 per. 3, PaAeles — Corte el panel a la altars. aPro0ada. Determine c;l panto de doblez', doble el panel sobrc el borde de una rnee% pars fotmar um h ulo recto. 4. Riel fmatd superior — Corte los gauchos superior a iaforior del rid frontal, $*A se gusts en la figara; DA',1a pieza alrededor de la esquina y enghtchda, en e1 elti tavamiet<ato con d riel superior de apoyo- Consulm el peso D. IN EL CONJUN'TO TRIM PAK SE INCIO'YEN CUATRO RIFLES SUPERIORES FRONTALES YA CORTAD" ,min ^mn man r arnr TJP1T1f1PT1W-61nS1a 99:r.M GT .-1.Irl—T.171