HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY # 4478831 OR BOOK 4.178 PAGE .209,9, Req6rded 09,/11/2018 1-iM SCANNED By St Lucie -County NOTICE OF COMN[ENCEMENT Tba undersiped.het6y giv ca notice that iMproverwt will Ond fivace&danbe v+ith:ChapWljj. Florida sl*tes ftLblj6*ljjg information JS Pjcvjde&in ihe'14I Ofc0n=emc=:6L 1.15ESCRWnnw OPPROPERTTIfAgid docription and street address) UXFOL16NUMMEF_41.4._5n1_ . 8panis SUBDIM10MI* ba� CIL r K Ot 2; GVWIAL-AESCRIPTjpN 01, WRONtMENT.•- 1911191M_faiftfly. tOmEdenqe. 3. OWNM WORMA71ON: a.Narw W"""_ n-1114pq biAddress 8006 S. USI, SUite'11402, PSt, FL 149,52­ cjnterest in, -1 d. Plop Y_ Nme an&addremof fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) ............... 4."COMACTOR'S NAME AMP MS'ANDPROftNU14REM Wynne Development' Corporation S. '6SI, Suite 40ZEkSL_z__FS 34952: 77_7_-A,7A_-_cm1-1 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDPXSS AND PHONE NUMBER -AND BONDAM9UNT: 6- LMEWS NAME; AIDDAESS AND PHON9 NUMBER: 7. Peri&s vAthin'thi Smm,,6fFlorida. designated bXOwnw, upon whoin notjces oridther docuniqils inay be s1�jycd'as:pVvided by Section 71113, t1j(4) i,:Ftorida Smtdtm.- Do'u'g BrntSilver Oak Dr. PSrFL.2 ley 1 e:L.0_1_ NAW,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMM: ai­ 9.4,18 8.baddition to himself or hersclf;Owerd;sijj4= thefdflowing:10 receive a copy of the Lienofs'Notice as provided in--Sccdoin 713-13 (1)(b), Flcddi Smates: NAM3, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUbMER., 9. Expiiad;date of notice, of commencement (tho.expiration date' is . 20� I year from the dAM-6fri=ordin&uoless a different dateis S.ignaturvor,Owner or, OwneesAuthoriwa o[acerADir&torq&rtnwm"ger State oi.Florid.a Poly of Stie Lu ie- - 'Th e foregoing irtstrumen wasack Matthew Lyle Print Name signatoryosv-idi4qffire Of ay ­-*�zzq=w zY.Lt: wynne as- V., %I;v- - r FC-Nm g4 I (Name of pemn) (Typvof authority .,.x_g-,Jbwncr, officer, trustee, .amornoy in r0a) fi&,Wynh6. Building: Corjmratio'n- (Name ofpariyori.behalf 6f.viborn htstrun=t was Cix Octima W41Y Sim Of F" Jugemlha 3alie Minas , I t (Parktod'Narne of Notary Public) (Si ipriture'of Notary Public AAA Under penalties of.ytmjury, I declam that I have sead the foregoing -and that the 'facts, in it ate true the b.t-A a, my knowkdge and betia on I I, - .