HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2383 I I l-- I ,,- f-- -- I .., oxpres.ed. [ AIm .1 .l"mtTRER CERTIFY. .a.M t the sa id aabel fI1111ams, known to me to be the wtte ot' the said A. ~. williams, on a separate and priTat. examlnation taken and made bl and bet'ore me, lepara tely and apart frem her u1d hl1sband, dld aolmowledge that she made herselt' a party to laid deed t'or the purpose ot' renouno.ug, ~elinqulshing and oonTeying all her right, title and Intere.t, whethe~ dower, homestead or ot' separate propert" Itatutory or equltable, in and to tho land. des~rib.d therein, and that she exeouted the aald deed freely and Toluntar117 and without an7 oompulslon, oonstraint, apprehension or t'ear ot' or ~om her .aid hwaband. ftI'i'Ki!:SS ray hand and ottl01al .eal at ~t deroe. \;ounty ot' ;)t. Lu.o1e and ;state ot' J'lorld ft. r.. va.sar aotarl !'ublt. t'or the ;)ta te 0 t' ~ lorlda at l.4l'ge. MY oommlssion expires ueo. 6, 1921. MY oolllllllsslon explre8......... L J'11ed a r4ed on ueo. 18, 1925, at 3:54 peK.1 I (') <\ Y.I/~t P: C. ,n....4. Clork CIr..1t Coert. ...O!."...~tJ:~~:~~:~.'.'. .....!~~~~:!.~.. ..........~.:!~.&.~~~{...~:~:....I . . eo. .... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . "- - ----' c FORT PIEROI BAlIK " TRUST OQ. Trustee TO TRUSTEE'S DEED He C. DANIELS IRC. ( THIS IlrnEIITURI, )lade thie 1st day ot' Deoember. 19~, between FORT PIERO! BAB'K AND TRUST I tCOKB\lIY. a oorporat lon ot' F10rlda, as, trustee under :the pl"oTls10ns ot' a deed or deeds ~- trust idU11 reoorded am dell vared to eaid oompany auG. In pursuanoe ot' a trust agreement dated t.he 21th lc1al ot' Februar7, 1926, and knofll o.s Trust lIumber Ten. part7 of the tiret part, aDd H. O. ~I ald., Iao. ot Pal.. '.aoh COOD'YJ Plori4a )ar.p ot th. -ooa4 )art. I WITNESSETH. That eaid party ot' the t'lrst part in oonslderat ion o~ the Sulll ot' Ten and 1'0/100 , oUare, and other good and Talunble oonsiderations in hand pald, doe. hereby grant, 8ell and I :GonYer unto sa.ld party ot' the seooild put, the {.>llOid.ngdesoribed ree.l estate, elt\B.te in I ~t. Lu.ole CountT, 1'10rlda, to__1 t: I I The Bor\heast quar\er (JBt) ot' the Soutmreat ql1.8rtet <81Ft) and the Southealt ! i ! I I quarter (SEt) ot the 1I0rthwest quarter (lfWt) of Seotlon E1eTen (11) Town8blp thirty-t'our (3.) Sou.th, Range Thlrty-n1ne (39) East, oontaining eighty (80) aores, lIlO re or leB80 \ogether with all the tenements and appurtenames thereunto belongluge TO HAVE AlfD TO HOLD the same unto said party ot the aeoom. part, and to 118 proper use, benetlt and behoot t'orever of Bald party ot' ~he eeoand part. j I I , I ('12.00 I.R.S~mpe oan.) I I !hie 4..4 10 .xoou ..4 ......uaa. to aa4 la "'. <xoroh. ot "'. _ ....r OD4 au "'orUp I I sraa..4 .. ..4 .....4 la .014 .r...... bp 1ha 'or.. ot .al4 "".4 or de.d. la .r.... 4alh.r.41 to the said 'mltee and in pursuame of the trust agreement above mentioned., Th18 deed 1s rde eubJeot to the lien ot' enrr trust deed or mor\<<age (it an,y there be) ot' reoord In .aid oo~'V glTen to seoure the P8yment of money, and remalnlng unreleaaed at the date ot' the del1yer7 .1 hereot. ! i 1 I I hereto aft'ixed, and has oa.-ed its name to be e1gned to these pres .nh by Ue Pre.S4ent and) Thls deed 18 given subJeot to all exlstlng rlghta-of-way ot' oanals and publlo roads. II' WI'l'lrESS WHEREOF, eald party ot the t'irst part has oausod its oor,orate aeal to be aUested b7 1\s Ca~1er, the Gay and '.1' t1rst &bon writteD. PORT PIKROE BUlK A1fD Bl E. L. Pri O. Pr..ldeD' TRUST /~ Tru. ee r. Co..,. S..l/ 1 l. ~ .;.:r:,1~~?~-"'...,.-'~~~~',: ~':::::" <~~~. ',,~" . \ , ' - .',,'. ,:~~,::-.t.,,::"'~ ,:, ,":" :~ ,": '. ,.', ,':_ , , ,..'. :~- .' ~?~ -~~~ :_~~~:::~:~:-;-~~ A' . , { .; i- ..~:- ~~!~;~~J-: :"4':'