HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING CODESRECEIVED SEP 2 8 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County SCANNED L. By County 4501.17 ,1:9 Where a wall of a dwelling serves -as part of the barrier, one of the following shall a p I - a H use Bill 535 and Senate Bill 1602 - made the following 9 langes to the existing law for Residential, Pool Alarms. ._ N; w language was added to.5t" Edition of the riding Code (�2014) /Residential Section 4501., ich includes surface motion, pressure, sonar, laser, a,id, infrared alarms" for the residential swimming pools. Ei, active date July 1, 2016 1: 4501 .-17.1..9 Where a -wall of a dwelling�_ = series as art of the barrier one of the- =- � -Y foll6winq shall apply.. 3. A swimming pool alarm that, when placed in a pooN, sounds an alarm upon detection of an accidental or unauthorized entrance into the wat6r. Such pool alarm must meet and be independently certified to ASTM Standard F2208, titled "Standard Safety pecification for Resldential Pool Alarms," which includes surface =� motign, pressure, sonar, laser, and infrared afar it s. (continue on next slide) y 450 i A7.1.9 Where a wall of"a dwelliffl se es as part of the barrier one of the, following -shall apply. 3 - �ifd ....... For purposes of this paragraph, the, termP'swimming pool alarm"'does not include any �wimmin-q protection alarm device designed for individual use, such as an alarm attached to a the e d a child'il'ihat sounds when the child exceeds a certain distance' or becomes submerged in i. COwa,t6f. %1� C12- 15/2019 16:13 7725896469 KSM ENGINEERING_ PAGE 01/01 • ��1 j A%LJArL ELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. ARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978.1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 `<LM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.icsmengineering.not MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 1X (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSMG.IKSMENGINEERING.NET ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 A.. 5693 SOIL COMPACTION REPORT FAX (772) 589-6469 ASTM D 1557 and ASTM D 2922 DATE TESTED January 14, 201 JOB # PILE CO.E)PY, : 184180-lpd/MH/ct Pennell PERMIT # 1809-0285 : CONTRACTOR Crystal Pools SCAN RECEIVED JOB LOCATION 114 Queen Catherina Court By S$ Lucie JAN 1.6 2019 Hutchinson Island, Florida county Permitting Department St. Lucie county % ITEM TESTED Pool Backfill TEST LOCATION DI PERCENT OF SAMPLE �� -� y `, i Up COMPACTION 95.0+ 3 '"'`� ` r r 4 95.0+ 5 N.W. 97.8 7 xc" 95-0 i 8 3k r t yam. c' yl' 95.0+ 9 South 0 - , ` rl�w ;;" �I 96.3 10 1 `.1 95,0+ 11 2 `; _ ri`t , F ! , �. 95.0+ 12 3 y t '9 S >,;:, , ,, . 95.0 �• k t i i- Soil Description: r Tarn Sand In Place Moisture: I I 6.3 Percent G 1os.o a— •— I — ...{.., „i_.._j._.._ P I I I I I Optimum Moisture: T I I I I I 11.0 Percent I I I I I F I Max. Dry Density: I 1 I 109.4 P.C.F. I I 1 I { F I I 1 I I I @ Test Locations the Density & 107.0 .. _ .i. _ , . 7 _ .. T.. Penetrometer Readings Indicate - the Deg rq%Rf,Corn pact! on Meets o I I I I I Mid illpi� r vedw ' R I I I I I • . �'+,a: -; �, �R,9 �. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Moisture - % of pry Weight sa*190 0 L?' 3T2931 fLY�?`It1n:��8�D / Julie E. Keller, RE_, 68366 ti