HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2387 :- ()'-' .)0 , .._.'r.......~_4>.- ".1 . l C .--..._-~ Colonial Land Co. !O R\lhl W.Koblegard r ._~ 1fJJm,l1,"fY DUD L THIS INDBNTUR!, Made thil 2nd da1 ot Ioyember, A.D. 1926. between Colonial Land Co., a He. ler8e7 Corporatlon, authorized to do buslne88 in the State ot Florlda, party ot the first part, and Ruhl W..Koblegard o~ the County ot St. Luolo and State ot Plorlda, part7 o~ t~e aeoon4 part. 1fITft!SSEfH. that the eaid partl ot the tlr8t part, tor and In ooneideratlo o~ the eum ot One Dollar ($1) and other valuable oonelderatlon to it in hand paid, the re- oeipt whereot 18 hereb7 aoknowledged, ba8 granted, bargained, sold, aliened, rem18ed, re- leased, oonyeyed and oonfirmed, and by theee presents doth grant, bargain, sell, allen, reJ mi8e, re16~se, oonve7 and oontirm, unto the sald party ot the 8eoond part and hie helr8 and I ae8i8ns torenr. all that oertain paroel or land l,ing and being in the County ot St. Luoie I and State ~~&Ori~, more partioularly deeorlbed a8 ~ollo..: Lote Seyenteen (17) and I ,-yw 1Ik,1l {g Eighteen \18 Aot PiDewood. an add1tlon to 'he Clty o~ Fort Pieroe,' Florida, aOoordlng to a ! . plat thereot entitled "Pine.ood" a subdlv1810n ot part o~ the Hi o~ Seotion 16, T. 36 S., I' R. 40 E., and ~iled in the o~fioe o~ the Clerk ot the Cirouit Court o~ St. Luoie County, I Florida, on lune 9. ~. D. 1926, and reoorded in Plat Book 6, page 24, In the publio reoord. I 1 ot said Countl. I fOGftHKK with all the tenements, hered1tamentl and appurtenanoe., with ..very privilege, r184t, I tltle, intere8t and estate, rever8ion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or 1n ~_ ! j wiee appertaining: i !O HA.n.um 70 HOLD t,e same In.tee 8imple torner. :.1/, rrl,-,.. d;c,(".,t,/'/. t~~..,( "/'-;':'J':~/ ;~;~~(;~;~b '~;~'~:-(~~(~ve ',~~;;ri~~.{;~~tr~tJI~~~ ~{~ - to {e" :~i~' ~p~~" t~e ~~~(~~~'~~~~:d oonJ - J 1 I ditlona and re8triotione: Flrst: That business buildings will be permitted/8ft I. 4th St.,: . \ S. 3rd St., Pinewood Drlve, east ot S. 4th St., and Hlbisous Road, east ot S. 4th St., pro~ vided plana tor suoh buildings are submltted to and approved by the party ot the tirst part! c ( It suoh bul1d1ng is oonatruoted, moved or plao.d thereon prior to Ian. 1, 1932. Seoond: i That all other lots in Pinewood not mentioned above are restrioted to dwellings to 008t noti , I i I lele than ~lYe thausand dollars. Third: No building or any part thereot shall be permltte4 I I , at an7 point .ithin 25 teet ot the tront property line, m)r within three tt. of anl side or i I rear property line on lots restrioted to ~.11ing8, exoept oorner lots restrioted to dwelli~a i 011 on whioh the building shall not be les8 than ten tt. trom side 11ne ~n the street 8ide. all lots on .hioh buainels is permitted no buildlng or any part thereot shall be permltted wlthln 3 ~t. ot rear 11nel. be plaoed not lel8 than 90 I I I I ( ! j I ! Fifth: The toregoing pr8llises are sold eubJeot to any agreements made or to be made by the! l I part7 ot the tirat part with reterence to 8n1 publio utllity or betterment and the party J I : Fourth: ~ll private garages 8)al1 ., restrioted to dwellings, garages lines. . Bo private garage shall be ~",..... " tt. tro. the ~ront propert1 line and on all oorner 10t8 8hall be plaoed in the oorner farthest trom both street / \ \ \ . built prior to a dwelling unless oonsent In wrltlng ls given by ~arty ot the fir8t part. f o~ the ~lrst part reseryes to itselt Its BUooe,sors and assigns, the right to enter u~on th1 property tor the purpose ot installing and aaintaining overhead eleotrloal wires and a180 i to enter upon the property tor the purp08e ot oonstruoting, ereoting or maintaining along the rear line ot said propert1 OTer a Itrip ot not more than 3 ~t. in Width, pole., wiree, underground conduits or pipe. neoe8sary to tranemlt or fUrnish said lot or anl other lot, lUll' utility. 'fhe party ot ths tlrat part &l.o resenes the ri8ht to enter upon the pro- * :~':';J~ ,:.;~: ;~t:::'~'?r:,~, '" - ",'; i'- :.:~~~'~-~: ii