HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2390 5BO f1 .~ r __ ~ ....-at 4W " ...................--............. _.~ 'alned 8hall preTen\ the keeping and maln\alning ot eerTantB on the .ald propertr tor ~ea80n ble tamn)' use. .th. ao splrlt~o~1 or Intoxloatlng llquor &hall be manutaot~~d. bartered or sold In a~ portlo~ ot the sald 8ubdivlalon. ~th. No signs at a~ kind or oharaoter shall be exhlbited or 41spla,ed In a~ portl n ot the residential leotionwlthout the written oonsent ot the aald tirat part7' 6th. Bo exoaTaUon O&n be made upon aD1 ot the abaTe deeoribed property- wi tho~t the :::t:::.:::::::n.:~t::.:-:::l::';:..:l::; ::r:;.::::P:'::::a~. BOY be .b..lnt.1T a.....arT tl" 'the 'l'he prlY11ege ls hereb7 reserTed to eaid party ot the t'1rst part, 1\8 soooeSSOJ:8 I and asslgns. to ~ot and maintaln eleotrio and telephone poles and suitable equipment tor I lame or tor aDT other utllltiea, and to lay water ~iD8 or gas mains on or over 8ald lota and . , i the streeta adjoining same, and tor suoh purposes ae well as to repair, remoTe, or r~laoe eald ?~le I I poles, equlpmAnt and maine, eald party ot the tirst part shall have the right tor itselt, It. i agent8, employee., and assigns, to enter upon laid pre~.ee in reasonable manner and at reasonable r ; i ! j ! trolll time to time to release or ohange aD1 ot the above or toregoing restrlotions, omdlUona I or l1mUations by sealed instrument dilly- exeouted In aooordame wlth the laws ot the state of' i I timee. 8th. 'rhe party ot t'le tlret part, Its 8uooelsors or aS8igns, shall haTe the ri~ht Florida tor the conveyanoe ot real estate. I I .&.n4 the laid partl ot the t'irst part, tor iteell, Its 8t100ea80rs and a8signs, d,es here- b7 oovenant and agree w1th the eaid_party of the seoond part, his heirs a4d assi8na, in the manner t ollow 1ng: 1st. l:hat the above and tOl'eooing restl'iotlons, 11mlta.t1ons and oonditions shall be Inc l~ded In all deeds and agreements tor deeds to lots in the at'orelald Falrlawn Plat. 2nd. ~he partl ot the tirst part hereby agrees and binds itself and its auooessora I I ! I i I taoh and aU or \he s~reets laid 01110 to grade roadways at leaat twenty- l20J teet 1D width upon , In aaid l'lat and to construat a oement sidewalk four teet In width, In front ot all lots, ~locks . One, Two, Three, and 1"0111" (1, 2, 3 and 4), a8 shown by sald Plat. I I assigns ot the respeotlTe parties. . j shall j be an essentlal part ot this oontraot, and tha t all oOTenants and agree:nen\s hereln oonte.1ned" I shall extend to and be obligatory upon the heirs, exeoutors, administrators, suooessors and l j - I i That the said party ot the seoond part aha 11 keep any buildings that lD8.y be ereated ul>on i '.rha t In oase ot tailure b7 the party ot the seot)nd part tD make any ot the pay.nen ts or IT IS lIUTtJAU,Y AGREED ~ between the parties hereto that the time ot pa,yment .aid premlees Insured tor the benetlt ot flrs~ party tor a reasonable amount. to pertorm an7 ot the oOTenants hereby made and entered Into, this oontraot ~~y at the option, ot I the second ! retained th& party ot the first part be 'orteited and termlnated and in that eTent the party- ot part shall f~rtelt al~pa~ents made by him on this oontraot and suoh payments shall be 1 i by aald party ot the tirst part In tull satlataotion and 11quidation ot all damages by it sus- I \ained, and .ald party ot the tlrst part shall have the rlght to ..-enter and take possession: of the premlses atoresald without being liable to aDT aotion theretor. vr this contraot ma7 be I toreoloeed in equ1\T in the manner proyided and allstomarr tor the t'oreoloeur. in equ1~7 in th~ manner provlded am oustolll8.r7 tor the toreolosure ot mortgagee or oontraota in \he ocunty whe e I sald land 1s s1t~ated, or ..1d amounts may- be oolleoted in any- other canner allowed by 1... J.t 8ll1' inRtallaent 18 not pal d wUhin 10 days athr JIll tur1tl all payments w111 ther.~pon be- oOllle d~e. .u ls UDder.tood that l'airlawn 18 a "proposed Plat- and is subJeot to aD1 ohanges wh1 h OJ ,.' '~ ; ;" ..~':;~~~~',';F~:<~' ~':'.. ~~, , .'. I .: " ": ,>,~'.~;'.f:;t ~~~: