HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITPlanning & Development Services
Building & Code Regulation.Division
2300 Virginia Avenue RECEIVED
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
772-462-2165 o.r 772-462-2172 S E P 2 0 2018
Fax: 7726462-6443
ST. Lucie County, Permitting
Re; Permit # �$ �
I, Dee Keihn , licensed as a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect 9ut?ga'
(Please print name:& circleiicense type) *FS468 Building inspector
*Generol, Building, Residential or RoofingContractor or any ih&ldual certified under 468,E.S. to make such' an Inspection.
gn.orabout_�f U !
., I 'did personally inspect the roof deck nailing~
work: at: 1085.1 S Ocean, Or Lot. 55
(Job. site address)
Based upon that examination l have determined'ihe installation was done according to the,current
edition of the Florida Exipnting Building Code Section 708' or the product approval submitted (,whichever
is lyfdist strigent),./
and Seal.
COUNTY -OF J,;:i ..W\,i Q
License #
Sworn to a d subscribed before me this I day of 20�.
by ¢ +ham Who is personally known' o me or who has produced
as Identification.
Notary Public, State of Florida ,=o'"
4+s. Notary Public State of Flolda
Signature of Notary: • . r' Commission # FF 924719
Commission Number: U ( al opt? My Comm. Expires. Oct 5 2019
BondedthroughNational NotaryAssn.