HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRID-TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM1 .M DIRECTORY OF PAGES PV-1 PROJECT SUMMARY PV-2 SITE PLAN PV3 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PV-4 SAFETY LABELS ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS MODULE DATASHEET INVERTER DATASHEET Zw QMOUNTING MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET SYSTEM ENGINEERING LETTER UL 2703 GROUND AND BONDING CERTIFICATION ANCHORDATASHEET PROJECT DETAILS PROPERTYOWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS 3056 EAGLE'S NEST WAY, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34952 US APN ZONING RESIDENTIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ONE- ORTWO-FAMILY DWELLING GROUP (GROUP R3) AHJ UTILITY COMPANY FLORIDA POWER 8 LIGHT CO ELECTRICAL CODE 2014 NEC (NFPA 70) FIRE CODE 2015 NFPA 1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY SOLAR HOMES LICENSE NUMBER EC13006510(ELECTRICAL) ADDRESS 3180 MULFORD RO, MULBERRY, FL 33860 PHONENUMBER CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE RECEIVED SEP 17 N18 tyPermitting ��; lueie Coun, SCOPE OF WORK m+ THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR r d m ( PANELS. THE SOLAR PANELS WILL BE RACKED USING A PREENGINEERED RACKING SYSTEM. THE RACKED MODULES - ' A S-• - + WILL BE ELECTRICALLY CONNECTED WITH DC TO AC POWER INVERTERS AND INTERCONNECTED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY ' USING MEANS AND METHODS CONSISTENT WITH THE RULES ENFORCED BY THE LOCAL UTILITY AND PERMITTING JURISDICTION. zr fdap data @2018 G 1 PLOT PV-1 SCALE: NTS 2 LOCALE PV-1 SCALE: NITS SYSTEM DETAILS DESCRIPTION NEW GRID -INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WITH NO BATTERY STORAGE DC RATING OF SYSTEM 9,860W AC RATING OF SYSTEM 7,68OW AC OUTPUT CURRENT 32.OA INVERTER(S) 1 X SMA SB 7.7-1SP-US-00 MODULE SOLAR WORLD SW 290 MONO BLACK ARRAY WIRING €1 STRING OF 12 5PT #3 INTERCONNECTION DETAILS POINT OF CONNECTION NEW SUPPLY SIDE AC CONNECTION PER NEC 705.12(A) UTILITY SERVICE 120/240V1( SOLAR DISCONNECT EATON DG222NRB , 2-POLE, 60A, 240VAC SITE DETAILS ASHRAE EXTREME LOW 0°C (32°F) ASHRAE2%HIGH 33-C(91-F) CLIMATE DATA SOURCE VERO BEACH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (KVRB) WINDSPEED RISK CATEGORY II WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY GROUND SNOW LOAD Me I W CV Lo U) � M LLJ U) LLJ p Z LLJ a. U) U J — U) U) LU Lu co F- [If F- CM f� 0 PROJECT ' ' PV-1 GENERAL NOTES EQUIPMENT LIKELY TO BE WORKED UPON WHILE 1 ENERGIZED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS THAT SATISFY MINIMUM WORKING CLEARANCES PER NEC 11026. 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ONLY COMPONENTS LISTED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY FOR THE INTENDED USE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING ALL 3 EQUIPMENT, CABLES, ADDITIONAL CONDUITS, RACEWAYS, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL PV SYSTEM. WHERE DC PV SOURCE OR DC PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE THE BUILDING, THEY SHALL BE CONTAINED IN METAL RACEWAYS, TYPE MC METAL - 4 CLAD CABLE, OR METAL ENCLOSURES FROM THE POINT OF PENETRATION INTO THE BUILDING TO THE FIRST READILY ACCESSIBLE DISCONNECTING MEANS, PER NEC 690.31(G). 5 ALL EMT CONDUIT FITTINGS SHALL BE LISTED AS WEATHERPROOF FITTINGS AND INSTALLED TO ENSURE A RAINTIGHT FIT, PER NEC 358.42. SITE PLAN (AERIAL VIEW) PV-2 SCALE: V = 20' W >- N Q f�nLu cf / Lu co Ly W O Z W a U _U) W Z) J J CA W F- ui co M O C7 PV-2 PM714 I ^,,••• I wuu ory ew own I m,,ry I "" I "" I B.44n I "" I 4 " I � vr°:lu.ai7w-�l I 25A I I I 29OW INVERTERS I I I I I I QQ OTY MAKEANDMODEL ACVOLTAGE GROUND MAXOCPDRATWAX G RATEDPOWER MOUTPUTCURRENT MAXINPUTCURRENT MAXINPUTVCLTAGE CECWEIGHTEDEFRCIENCY ISIRIN ISTRIM 1111N I 1 T IN [STRING ISTRIN II 1 1 1 SMASB7.74SW540 (140VAC) 240V UNGROUNDED I 50A 1 7,680W 1 32AA I 30AA 1 600V 1 96.5% I I I I I I RAPID SHUTDOWN DEVICES I I I REF, OTY. MAKEANOMODEL MAX INPUT CURRENT (CONTINUOUS) MAX. RATEOVOLTAGE I R51 I 1 I TBO I 30A 6WVDO DISCONNECTS OCPDS REF 1 L - . OTY. MAKE AND MODEL RATEDCUWENi MAXRATEDVOLTAGE REF. OTY. RNTEDCURRENT MAXVOLTABE I 1 SW7 7 EATON DG211NRB OREOUN. 6 0A 240VAC I_ F7-2 I 2 I _ _ d0A 240VAC rRAPID SHUTDOWNEEMTED(CEC)ACPOWER SYSTEM SUMMARY NOTES L I DEVICE MPPT7 MPPT2 MPPf3 Q UNGROUNDED SYSTEM DCCONOUCTORS SHALL BECOLOR-CODEDAS FOLLOW& DC POSITIVE SHALL BE RED (OR MARKED RED) AND DC NEGATNESHALL BE RS7 3 SERIES 17 11 11 BLACK (OR MARKED BLACK) I' J 345AV 345.4V 3TK: 2 9.3A 9.3A 9.3A ®KAX DO VOLTAGE OF ARRAY IS EXPECTED TO BE 516.OV AT O°C((0-C-25-C)X-0.124VIC� 39.9V1 X 12=SI&OV). _ INVERTER VOC 473V 473Y 516V I -- 10A IOA IOA RAPID SHUTDOWN DEVICES COMPLWWITH REQUIREMENTSAS PER NEC 6%.12. CONTRACTORSHALL WSTALLDEVICE(S) ATLOCATIONSSUCH THAT PV I 117,680WPOWER 9,860W ASOUACE CIRCUITS CONDUCTORS MORE THAN 5 FEET INSIDE ASUILDING OR MORE THAN 10 FEET FROM AN ARRAY WILL BE LIMITED TOAMAXIMUMOF30V 1 POWER %285W ANO240WWRHIN IOSECONDSOFRANMHUTDOWN INITMTIOW I f{f-{�}4 1 EERT T,660W 32A A INVERTER IS NON-ISOIATED.N000DEC IS REQUIRED. I L� EC)ACPOWER 7,68DW ®POINT-0FfANNECTI0N IS ON THE SUPPLY SIDE OF SERVICE DI3LONNECT, IN COMPLIMCEWITH NEC TOB.12(7N. I L__- r7-z 40A r-- Swt 60A I _1_ 5 AC GEC SERVICE DISCONNECT AND MAIN DIST. PANEL 1200A MSP W1200A MBR) 0 KWHR 2240111I2T0YV 1E,3W CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE WIELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS ' TYPICAL CONDUCTOR CONDUIT CURRENT-0ARRYIN DOE GCOIT OCPO EGG TEMP. CORP. CONDUG FILL CONT. MAX CURRENT EASE DERATEo TERM. AMP. @TERM. LENGTH VOLTAG CONDUIT FACTOR FACTOR CURRENT (125%) AMP. AMP. TEMP. RATING TEMP.RATING DROP 1 2 70 APV WIRE, COPPER CO CO FREEAIR WA WA fiAWGBARE. COPPER 0.76(55-C) 1.0 12.48A 15.58A 55A 41.8A 75-C S0A 72FT 0.52% 2 1 10AWGTHWN-Z COPPER 0.75'DIA EMT 0 WA 10AWGTKWN�, COPPER 0.76(55-C) Ole 72.46A 15SBA 40A 24.32A Svc 30A 50FT 0,36% 3 1 10AWGFVWIRE, FREE AIR WA WA 6AWG BARE, 0.76(55-C) 1.0 - 1246A SEA COPPER COPIA PER 15.58A 41.84 75-C 50A 79FT 0,52% 4 1 BAWGTHWN-2, 0.7FDIA 2 WA 8AWGTHWN-2, 0.96(33-C) 1.0 43A COPPER LFNC COPPER 32A 55A 62.&A 60-C 1. 10FT .1% 5 i BAWG710vN-1, 0.7F 2 40AX2 "AWCOGPPERTHWW2, 0.96(33-C) 1.0 32A 40A 55A 62AA COPPER LFNG WC SOA 10FT D21% .NERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES iAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL DLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE. 3 CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. TORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS T RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND 310.8 (D). TORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE C C W GROUNDING NOTES ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER THE 1 REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 & 690 PV MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING INTEGRATED 2 GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. ALL OTHER EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GROUNDED USING UL-LISTED LAY -IN LUGS. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN EVALUATED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH UL 2703 3 "GROUNDING AND BONDING'WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED PV MODULE, ALL GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED 4 FOR THEIR PURPOSE IF THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE A 5 VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. AC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR (GEC) 6 SHALL BE A MINIMUM SIZE 96AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG IF BARE WIRE, EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC ARTICLE 690.45, AND BE A MINIMUM OF 7 #IOAWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE, AND #6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, 8 SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN, OR MARKED GREEN IF #4AWG OR LARGER N } CV co dam" Lu O C) LLI Z cnof J L.LI U J LJJ CD W o N of O C7 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PROJECT ID: 96824 DATE: 09106/18 CREATED BY: D.E. CHECKED BY: REVISIONS �1 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PV-3 SCALE: NTS r V n\ /-/� 3 1lOSD000MIM1u9 BFFNCRFAlEO FORIME PURPOBEOFDESCW3PIGTXEDESYN OFAPRDPOSEOFNOTOVDL7NCPOWIIV STSTEId WITHENp1GNDE1Mi0DFA10N91MTECp61N4YCf WIfHAILMRIGBtE WDESMIDREGtMi10N5.1HEODDIWFMSNOMDNOT6E REIlFDUPDNASASUBGIRUfEFOR FOLLDNWG LLWUFACTMtFR OV3TALATX)NMWVA13MSiKIFRSHNLPSFALLNLEWPNEMWAtf/JPDPNCE WRXMM'UFPCIUPFRINST/1LAlIR1 N4WO15.N0T19NG MTM6 DOCU61EYf SHWUIBE OVTENPIffIEDINAW0.Y1H4T0VFIWDE9TXEMSIRLGIWN5Po4ANUFACNFFR P6TAl3ADONHW UAl9. DC RACEWAYS O RS1- RAPID SHUTDOWN DEVICE O SEE NOTE N0.4 (DC RACEWAYS) WARNING MODEL NOT SPECIFIED POWERPHOTOVOLTAIC OO NEC 690.31(G)(3) AND IFC 665. 11.1 11 - INVERTER SMASB7.7-1SP-US40 3 EACH DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR O PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT(RS1,11) O OO OO OB I WARNING I--, SW1 - DISCONNECT O DGO222NRBO OLOAD ? 8 9 10 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND_',' SIDES MAY Y BE ENERGIZED IN THEOPEN • POSITION;- NEC 690.17(E) UTILITY METER EACH DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED O UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE. (RS1, 11) OOO I WARNING ! ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC,-, CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM: ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED .< NEC 690.35(F) ODC DISCONNECT(MPPT CHANNEL OF 11, MPPT CHANNEL B OF 11) (11) NEC 690.53 OB AC DISCONNECT(SW1) NEC 690.54 OPOINT -OF -INTERCONNECTION ORAT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT(UTILITY METER) AS SHOWN x� STOLARA NLO M.bd(B) DC DISCONNECT(MPPT CHANNEL C OF 11) 01) O7 SEE NOTE NO. 5(SW1) NEC 690.63 OANY AC ELECTRICAL PANEL THAT IS FED BY BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM (SWI, UTILITY METER) !:WARNING 1, DUAL 'POWER SOURCE. SECOND80URCE IS` PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. NEC 705.12(0)(3) NEC690.56(C) AND IFC605.11A 10 AC SOLAR DISCONNECT(SW1) 0 OVO C D4 NEC 690.13(B) LABELING NOTES 1 ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 2014 NEC AND 2015 NFPA 1 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535A, WHICH REQUIRES THAT DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION SIGNS USED THE STANDARD 2 HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL. THE ANSI STANDARD REQUIRES A HEADING THAT IS AT LEAST 50 % TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.21(B). A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHALL BE 3 INSTALLED PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN THE SAME LOCATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.56(B). LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, "WARNING PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE,' SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY 10 FEET OF EACH DC RACEWAY AND WITHIN ONE FOOT OF 4 EVERY TURN OR BEND AND WITHIN ONE FOOTABOVE AND BELOW ALL PENETRATIONS OF ROOFICEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS AND BARRIERS. THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 3/8' TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND LABELS WITH MARKING, "PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIP D WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN,' SHALL BE LOCATED 5 AT POINT -OF -INTERCONNECTION ORAT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 318• TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND W C/) CV j Lu C/) O Z Lu a 9) U Lu J_j J O) Lu F- 0 Lu co L0 O r M Nam_ LL SAFETY 1 REVISIONS I PV-4 Conductor, Conduit, and OCPD Sizing Validation 1.2. SMA Inverter w/34 SolarWorld SW 290 Mono Black (290W)a 1. Maximum System Voltage Test Array Properties NEC Code Validation Teats 1.1. SMA Inverter w/34 Solar World SW 200 Mono Black (290W)e Array Properties NEC Code Valldation Tests Arta Type String Inverter Array NEC Code Calculations A. Maximum Voltage of PV Source Circuit 516V see 690.7(c) NEC 690.7(C) requires that if the PV module manufacturer provides a temperature coefficient of open-cimu t voltage, it must be used to calculate the PV arrays maximum system voltage. It includes an Information note recommending the use of the ASHRAE'Extreme Annual Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature' as the design low temperature. Using these values, the module Voc (39.9V) wi0 increase to 43V at the design low temperature ( 0°C). (0'C - 25°C) X-0.124VIC + 39.9V = 43V The string Voc at the design low temperature is 516V. 43VX12=516V I Array Type String Inverter Array System Description SMA inverterw/34 Solar World SW 290 Mono Black 290 s Module SW 290 Mono Black 290 Highest number of modules in series in a PV Source Circuit 12 Design Low Tem. 0°C Module Voc 39.9V Temp. Coef dent Voc -0.124V/C NEC Code CaltwlaUons A. Maximum Voltage of PV Source Circuit 516V see 00..#Q NEC 690.7(C) requires that if the PV module manufacturer provides a temperature coefficient of open -circuit voltage, it must be used to calculate the PV arrays maximum system voltage. It Includes an Information note recommending the use of the ASHRAE'Extreme Annual Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature' as the design low temperature. Using these values, the module Voc (39.9V) will increase to 43V at the design low temperature ( 0°C). (0°C - 25°C) X-0.124VIC + 39.9V = 43V The string Voc at the design low temperature is 516V. 43VX12=516V PV Source Circuit maximum Voc must not exceed I PASS 600V 516V < 600V = true I A SMA Inverter w134 Solar World SW 290 Mono Black (290W)s Array Properties Array Type String Inverter Array System Description SMA invaderw/34 Solar World SW 290 Mono Black 290 s Module SW 290 Mono Black 290W Highest number of modules in series in a PV Source Circuit 12 Design Low Temp. 0°C Module Vac 39.9V Tem .Coefficient Voc -0.124V/C NEC Code Calculations A. Maximum Voltage of PV Source Circuit 516V see 69o.7(C) NEC 690.7(C) requires that if the PV module manufacturer provides a temperature coefficient of open-dreuit voltage, it must be used to calculate the PV arrays maximum system voltage. It includes an information note recommending the use of the ASHRAE'Extreme Annual Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature' as the design low temperature. Using these values, the module Voc (39.9V) will increase to 43V at the design low temperature ( 0°C). (0°C - 25°C) X-0.124VIC + 39.9V = 43V The string Voc at the design low temperature is 516V. 43VX12=516V NEC Code Validation Testa PV Source Circuit maximum Voc must not exceed PASS 690V 516V <600V = We 2. Wire, Conduit, and 0CPD Code Compliance Validation U. S1: PV Source ClrcuR : Series String Output to Rapid Shutdown Device Circuit Section Properties Conductor 10 AWG PV WireCopper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 6 AWG BareCopper OCPD s NIA Raceway Free Air Lowest Terminal Temperature Rating 75°C Maximum Wire Temperature 55°C Power Source Description String of 11 SW 290 Mono Black 290 PV modules Current 9.97A Voltage 345AV Module Series Fuse Rating 25A Total Number of Series Strings 3 NEC Code Calculations A. Continuous Current 12.46A see 690.8(A)(1) The continuous current for this PV source circuit is equal to the short circuit current of the PV module (9.97A) multiplied by 1.25 9.97A X 1.25=12.46A B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A see Table 3f0. 15(B)(f7J Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation in free air Is 55A. C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 41.8A see Table 310. f5(B)(2)(eJ, Table 3W.. f5(B)(3)(eJ, endAdde f00 The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55°C is 0.76. The fill factor for conductors in free air is 1. The ampadty derdted for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductor ampacity (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) and by the conduit fill factor (1). 55A X 0.76 X 1 = 41.8A D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 35A see ff0. f4(C) The lowest temperature limit for this conductor at any termination is 75°C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current pernitied to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°C rating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which Is 35A. E. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG see 690.45(A) and Table 250. f22 No OCPD Is used in circuit and an assumed rating of 25A has been calculated in accordance with 690.45(A) The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 25A according to Table 250.122. NEC Code Validation Tests System must meet requirements for not having PASS series fuse (690.9(A)) Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS the Continuous Current (Article 100) 41.8A>=12.46A = true Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PAS:, Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) 55A> 12AGA x 1.25 = We Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS the Continuous CumenL (110.14(C)) 35A>=12.46AX1.25 =true EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) 6AWG>=10AWG=We EGC must meet code requirements for physical PASS protection (690.46) 6 AWG >= 6 AWG = true 2.2. #2: PV Source CIrcuL- Rapid Shutdown Device to Inverter Circuit Section Propertlos Conductor 10 AWG THWN-2 Copper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 10 AWG THWN-2 Copper OCPD s WA Raceway 0.75" dia. EMT Lowest Terminal Temperature Ratin 60°C Maximum Wlre Temperature 55°C Power Source Description String of 11 SW 2" Mono Black 290 PV modules Current 9.97A voltage 345AV Module Series Fuse Rating 25A Total Number of Series Strings 3 NEC Code Calculations A. Continuous Current 12.46A sea 690.6(A)(1) The continuous current for this PV source circuit is equal to the short circuit anent of the PV module (9.97A) multiplied by 1.25 9.97A X 1.25=12.46A B. Ampacity of Conductor 40A see Table 310. f5(9)(1) Ampacity, (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation in conduit Is 40A C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 24.32A see Table 310 f5(B)(2)(a), Table 310, f5(B)(3)(aJ, andAlticle f00 The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55°C is 0.76. The fill factor for a conduit that has 6 wires is O.B. The ampadty derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductorampacity (40A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) and by the conduit fill factor (0.8). 40A X 0.76 X 0.8 = 24.32A D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 30A see I f0.14(C) The lowest temperature limit for this conductor at any termination is 60"C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 60°C rating would be the amount referenced in the 60°C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which is 30A. E. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG see 690.45(A) and cable 250.122 No OCPD Is used In circuit and an assumed rating of 25A has been calculated In accordance with 690.45(A) The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 25A according to Table 250.122. F. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75"dia. see 300.17 The total area of all conductors is 0.1899in2. With a maximum fill rate of 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter Is 0.75. VConducbr 10 AWGround 0.1899irP 0.18991n210.4 = 0.4748in2 (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.751 NEC Code Validation Teats System must meet requirements for not having PASS Wanes fuse (690.9(A)) Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS the Continuous Current (Article 100) 24.32A-12.46A = true Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) 40A> 12.46A x 1.25 = true Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS the Continuous Current. (110.14(C)) 30A>=1946AX1.25 =true EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) 10AWG >=10AWG =true Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS minimum size (300.17) 0.751n. >= 0.751n. = true i 2.3. #3: PV Source Circuit: Soda String Output to Rapid Shutdown Device Circuit Section Properties NEC Code Valldadon Testa Conductor 10 AWG PV WireCopper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 6 AWG BareCopper OCPD s WA Raceway Free Air Lowest Terminal Temperature Rahn 75°C Maximum Wire Temperature 55°C Power Source Description String of 12 SW 290 Mono Black 210 PVmodulas Current 9.97A Voltage 376.8V Module Series Fuse Ratinp 25A Total NumberIfSeries-n s 3 NEC Code Calculations A. Continuous Current 12.46A see 690.6(A)(f) The continuous current for this PV source circuit is equal to the short circuit current of the PV module (9.97A) multiplied by 1.25 9.97A X 1.25 =12A6A B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A see Table 3f0.15(B)(1;9 Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C Insulation in free air Is 55A C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 41.8A see Table 3f0.15(B)(2)(aJ, Table 3f0. f5(B)(3)(aJ, andArb's/e f00 The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 55"C is 0.76. The fill factor for conductors in free air is 1. The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductor ampacity, (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.76) and by the conduit fill factor (1). 55A X 0.76 X 1 = 41.8A D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 35A see ff0.14(C) The lowest temperature limit for this conductor at any termination is 75"C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°C rating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which is 35X E. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG we 690,45(A) and Table 250.122 No OCPD Is used In circuit and an assumed rating of 25A has been calculated In accordance with 690.45(A) The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 25A according to Table 250.122. System must meet requirements for not having PASS series fuse (690.9(A)) Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS the Continuous Current (Article 100) 41.8A>=12.46A=true Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS Continuous Current (2152(A)(1)) 56A > 12.46A x 125 = true Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS'I the Continuous Current. (110.14(C)) 35A>=12.46A X 1.25 = true EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) 6AWG >-10AWG =true EGC must meet code requirements for physical PASS protection (690.46) 6 AWG >= 6 AWG = true 2A. 94: Inverter Output: Inverter to Why Disconnect Circuit Section Properties Conductor 8AWG THWN-2 Copper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 8 AWG THWN-2 Copper OCPD s NIA Raceway 0.75" dia. LFNC Lowest Terminal Temperature Rating 60"C Maximum Wire Temperature 330C Power Source Description SMASB7.7-iSP-US-40768OW In In Curtent Volta a 240V Inverter Max OCPD raft 150A NEC Code Calculations A. Continuous Current 32A see Adele f00 Equipment maximum rated output current is 3 X 9.97A = 32A B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A see Table 3W.. f5(B)(f6/ Ampacity (30"C) for a copper conductor with 90"C insulation In conduit Is 65A C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 52.8A sea Table 3f0.15(B)(2)(af, Table 3f0.15(B)(3)(a),, arrorkfc/e f00 The temperature factor for 90"C insulation at 33"C is 0.96. The fill factor fora conduit that has 2 wires is 1. The ampadty aerated for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductor ampadty (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.96) and by the conduit fill factor (1). 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 40A see 110.14(C) The lowest temperature limit for this conductor at any termination is 60"C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 60°C rating would be the amount referenced in the 60"C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which is 40A E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating 40A see 240.4 NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25 times the Continuous Current of the circuit. 32A X 1.25 = 40A F. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG see Table 250.122 The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for 0CP0 rating 40A according to Table 250.122. G. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75"dia. see 300..17 The total area of all conductors is 0.1309in2. With a maximum fill rate of 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.75. a Desdolion Size Tvoe Area Total Area 2 Conductor 8AWG THWN-2 0.0366in' 0.0732W 1 Neutral 10AWG THWN-2 0.02111n' 0.0211in' 1 Equipment Ground 8AWG THWN-2 0.036&2 0.0366in' 4 0.1309W 0.13091n' / 0.4 = 0.32721n2 (Corresponding to a diameter of 0,751 NEC Code Validation Teets OCPD rating must be at least 125% of Continuous PASS Current (240.4) 40A >= 32AX 1.25 = true Derated ampacity, must exceed OCPD rating, or PASS rating of next smaller OCPD (240.4) 52.8A r_ 40A (OCPD Rating) = true Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS the Continuous Current (Article 100) 52.80= 32A = true Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) 55A>32Ax1.25=true Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS the Continuous Current. (I10.14(C)) 40A>=32AX125 =We EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) 8AWG>=10AWG =true Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS minimum size (300.17) 0.75in. >= 0.75in. = true 2.5. 95: Utility Disconnect Output: Utility Disconnect to Point of Connection Circuit Section Properties Conductor 8 AWG THWN-2 Copper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 10 AWG THWN-2 Copper OCPD s 40A X 2 Raceway 0.76" dia. LFNC Lowest Terminal Temperature Ratin 75"C Maximum Wire Temperature 33"C Power Source Description SMA SB 71ASP-USZ 768OW Inverter Current 32A Volta a 1240V NEC Code Calculations A. Continuous Current 32A 8eeAAC10100 Equipment maximum rated output current is 3 X 9.97A = 32A B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A see Table 3f0. f5(B)(16) Ampacity (30"C) for a copper conductor with 90°C Insulation in conduit Is 55A C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 52.8A see Table 310.15(B)(2)(eJ, Teblo 3f0. f5(B)(3J(a). andAlkle WO The temperature factor for 90'C insulation at 33"C is 0.96. The fill factor for a conduit that has 2 wires is 1. The ampadty derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductor ampadty (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.96) and by the conduit fill factor (1). 55A X 0.96 X 1 = 52.8A D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 50A see f 10. f4(0) The lowest temperature limit for this conductor at any termination is 75"C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75'C rating would be the amount referenced in the 75"C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which is 50A. E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating 40A see 240.4 NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1.25 times the Continuous Current of the circuit. 32A X 1.25 = 40A F. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG ses Table 250. f22 The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 40A according to Table 250.122. G. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.5" dia. see 300..17 The total area of all conductors is 0.11541n'. With a maximum fill rate of 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.5. Description Sae Tvoe Area Total Area 2 Conductor 8AWG THWN-2 0.0366h2 0.0732in' 1 Neutral 10AWG THWN-2 0.02111n' 0.0211ln' 1Equipment Gnwnd 10AW, THIM 0.0211in' 0.0211W 4 0.1154W 0.11541n' 10.4 = 0.2885in' (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.51 NEC Code Validation Tests OCPD rating must be at least 125% of Continuous PASS Current (240.4) 40A >= 32A X 125 = true ampadty, must exceed OCPD rating, or PASS ting of next anOCPD (240.4) fferated 2.BA >= 41A (OCPC Rating) = We Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS the Continuous Current (Article 100) 52.6A>= 32A = true Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS Continuous Current (2152(A)(1)) 55A > 32A x 1.25 = true Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS the Continuous Current. (110.14(C)) 50A >= 32A X 1.25 = true EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) 10 AWG >= 10 AWG = true Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS minimum size (300.17) 0.751n. >= 0.51n. = he e t 1'+, i{a• Y k'� 4 • • g Sunmodule/ Plus SW175,290i'MONO BLACK TUV Power controlled: TOvabw�d Lowest measuring tolerance in industry Every component is tested to meet - 3 times IEC requirements J Designed to withstand heavy accumulations of snow and Ice J Sunmodule Plus; Positive performance tolerance J 25-year linear performance warranty and 10-year product warranty J r"-- Glass with anti -reflective coating J World -class quality Lo;:r';a u"•i,m Fully -automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and Dve m' SAo VS��7 x'mi omwon¢iw material ensure the quality that the company sets as its benchmark for its sites c us worldwide. _ UL 1703 SolarWarld Plus -Sorting •� (• pn•r Plus -Sorting guarantees highest system efficiency. SolarWorid only delivers modules LflJ that have greater than or equal to the nameplate rated power. 25-year linear performance guarantee and extension of product warranty to 10 year ` SolarWorld guarantees a maximum performance digression ofO.7% p.a. in the course ✓ �i° PJ of 25 years, a significant added value compared to the two-phase warra nties common in the industry, along with our ind ustry-first 10-year product warranty." • Solar cells manufactured in U.S.A. or Germany. Modules assembled in U.S.A. '• in accordance with the applicable SolarWorld Limited Warranty at purchase. wwwsolarworld.com/warranty solarworld.com MADE INaUSSAor us & Imptos Sunmodule%Plus . SW 275-290 MONO BLACK PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS (STC)' SW 275 SW280 SW 28S SW 290 Maximum power P,,,•, 275 Wp 280 Wp 285 Wp 29OWp Opencircuitvoltage V. 39.4V 39.SV 39.7V 39.9V Maximum power point voltage V_ 31.OV 31.2V 31,3V 31AV Shortcircuitcurrent Ill 9.58A 9.71A 9.84A 9.97A Maximumpowerpoiatrurrent Lf.,, 8.94A 9.07A 9.20A 9.33A Module efflciency 9m 16.40 % 16.70 % 17.00 % 17.30 % ' 'STC: 1000w/W.25•c. AM 1.5 PERFORMANCE AT 800 W/Mr, NOCT, AM 1.5 SW 275 SW 280 SW 285 SW 290 Maximumpower Pm„ 203.1 Wp 2072Wp 211.1 Wp 215 Wp Open circuit voltage V. 35.7 V 35.8 V 36.0 V 36.2 V Maximum powerpoint voltage V_ 28.1V 28.3V 28.4V 2a.5V Short circuit current I,c 7.75A 285A 7.96A 8.06A Maximum powerpoint current Im 7.22A 7.33A 7.43A 7.54A Mlnor reduction In efficiency under partial load conditions at 25' Gat 200 W/m=, 100%ofthe STC efficlency (1000 W/mj Is achieved. COMPONENT MATERIALS I< 1000 w/rr� Boo W/w Wh inermodule 60 Front tow with -iron ARC(Eemperdglass with ARC (EN 12150) Cell type Monocrystalline Frame Black anodized aluminum a 6oOW/ , _ Celldlmenslons 6,17 inx 6.17in (156.75 156.75 Weight 39.71bs (18.O kg) 400w/m= x mm) 200% _ THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ADDITIONALDATA loo W/m= - Noer aa•e Powersonfng-owp/+swp Va �vuue•M TCI„ 0.044%/'C d-Box IP65 TC q-0.31%/'C Connector PVwire per UL4703 378 (961) TCP„w-0.44%/'e with H4/UTX connectors 4.20 oo Module fireperformance (UL7703)Type 1 006.65).. i ax1 Operating temp -40 to ♦BS'C 712 T 00.26(6.6)� - (1806s) PARAMETERS FOR OPTIMAL SYSTEM INTEGRATION • 6035 (9) Maximum system voltage SC Il/NEC 1000 V o Moxlmum""n current 25A a Numberof bypass diodes 3 51 Design loads' Two raifsystem 113 psfdownward, 64 psfupward - Design loads' Threemflsystem 173 psfdownward, 64 psfupward Design loads' Edgemounting 178 psfdownward. 41 psf upward '%ease referto the Sumnoduie Installation instructions for the details assoclated with these load cases. onrlN Compatible with both 'Top -Down' • E335(9)4 and'Bottom niountingmethods 1132 • -16 Grounding Locations: (29750) -4loations along the length ofthe taa or) L module in the extended Flange. 39.40001) � 1,30 (331 All units provided arc imperial.5i units provided In parenthese- SalarWorid AG reservesthe rightto make speeifiation dungeswithout notice. 4..- to 1z91 ----� SW-01-752OUS 160324 SUNNY BOY 3.0-US / 3,8-US / 5.0-US / 6.0-US / 7.0-US / 7.7-US Value Added Improvements -R� educed Labor .Unmatched Flexibihty� j Trouble -Free Servicing Tj f tSupenor integration with SMA's r New l st 116tion Ass slantwith d SMA s p pnetay Opt7roc,Z_ j ri encl... concept 9 r MLPE, Power+ Sol fi n : i direct accesib!. sm?nphanti -i # .. Global Peak technology mitig?tes J allows for simple, expedited Would. firsl5ecu Powei:SuppFy nimizes tlm �'In the field.. 9 shade with ease � '.,, � } servicing _ ! nowoNmsupt 2000W Inl gmt ddsconnectsimplifies Muhpl Independent MPPTi .i Enhanced AFC! technology reduces • Full Eric! ,ma age ant copab Imes equipment stmki g and speeds aceo modale hundreds of r False tripping while ImproNrg _ ensure o uhhiycomphant solution installation _ stnngng posi bJfies - sum!" in redfor any market SUNNY BOY 3.0-uS / 3.8-US / 5.0-uS / 6.0-US / 7.0-US / 7.7-US Reduce costs across your entire residential business model The residential PV market is changing rapidly. Your bottom line matters more than ever —so we've designed o superior residential solution to help you decrease costs at every stage of your business operations. The Sunny Boy 3.0-US/3.8- US/5.0-US/6.0-U5/7.0-US/7,7-US join the SMA lineup of field -proven solar technology backed by the world's #1 service team, along with a wealth of improvements. Simple design, improved stocking and ordering, value -driven sales support and streamlined installation are just some of the ways that SMA helps your business operate more efficiently. And, Sunny Boy's superior integration with the innovative Power+Solution means installers have even more flexibility in addressing their toughest challenges, www.SMA-Amedca.com Jechmi,l data ,.._..,_u,_1._._Rav-_:)�..—.in Input JDCI 100 W ',J lr , 3d50 W.,,. .5000-W r i �..5150,W� „ i 5150 W-m 480.Y_ :i _.-,.-_1.95_480V J,_r j ;;„220490V r_w t� MPPr paroling vdroe 9 � t 100. 550 V DCQtO a /tan Img '' i too V/ 125 V M ('.-hlax opera! ng pur currentper MPPf 1S- `„ ,t_—�.:.- ,10A ?.:,_N bar aF MPPT hoot/,ihing pa MPPi,hooka,_;,-,.+.,___�„_„.:____.f..___.2/I_,,,_,,,,._;,;, OvtuatxpuA_C_AoCppI U:AC _....�....IlE__30JON'n7J..=„300W=4,33W. r__3_00V^1 =S0.O_ W=j ):'—_S._.OO.W = _000 VA3330VA_:~3800VA="5_000 VA,ai5000V_7; '��Nanmol volrog / dfuat Gl_._�.;"";=208 V/_•__„r�`2'40V/�- ,_ 208,V,/_� usi~240_V,/i,_1[�,208 V/•,,,,,,j 40V/•_�; _,, _ 21,126A V—; ,�„183„ 229V 21 J_ 264 V.,! 1-iM =,229 V -3 (-211 - 264 V -1 - -: q ry l� 60 Hz/50 Hz - � '�;M tpulnat _ �l" 14SA ii 125A —ir 160AT 160A l 240A a{�'240A---� r `�P F d ,Icon rl 1 f 1 Efficiency j_�Ma e8iden -. ' , 972%. .,'975-%� 972,%. ,:975%. Protedian devices r'~Ground fouli m ro B / Gd. on to.. B:—.w.-._.rj �,.._.._, _,„ems..-....____.._._.._.._.. _,_,_ . __ „....•._.::�• _._._.:.._._ .. _ �_:�:_...._e_:.-�_...___.„.____..,.....:a _ .._ rrA[shunn ci�aitp tedlon;.';;,,� _,. :.,:.�._.._., �r. ..... .......__.'.., ....,....;. ,.�, , ,.,r : _.:�... ,.__,.m .....::,e•.";..».�.s.—_,.--__.__,_...:�,..,... .«.: .;_,::_a.�:..1 .. Arc fa Ise rcuB nrerrupiar�(.4KII�.,. _i 5__u� �'' _,.•„_,,,.,.,,i �.,,:_':„, _,,. General data _ Pockog gdime ght/packog ..'39dBJAl assones .� 'saeer4 6hmaIVAANankruw w ,SMA Ro•frop _ `•._77 MDSENUS4a FATAML54D .. Commrmimnm l(Ir - ROOFCOMMIerFWS � Tech Id to i ° -f S yBdy66U5 ] 5 yBay7t•W S yB y,77415 ~�InpW (DCI pow 270 480V rv-_..----,_ _._.�:..- _ M DC wlt "" .J,._.___� t - toot//126v._'' i M .Shan rc t Cp MPPr 1.: " 18A__._-_7- 11:�_5200 w,-„; ; 46000 W ;-] {, 6660 W -_� 777000_W j j 6660 V 721 M F9C_ pp tpover J %' S200 VA „j f„- 6000 VA:_, r 6660 VA ,{ s -7000 VA L 6660 VA 7680 VA. ,„? — - _-_ r' N m'utal Itoge/adry5table _,_ ___j [��208 V/•��t4 240V/• �It 208 V/i �I L„_240 V/• �C, 208 V/�, -I, 240 V/•�1 AC vpltpge mngL- k83 229 V,,,,t _21 I 264 V_-383.,, 229 V__3 if 21 T , 264 V.-„ I E:183 - 229_YV_ { t-.. 211 264 V ACg d,frcq ry �L _ 60H/5014I t M uip t urc Y. 'IC__250A f 250A. t 320A f _292A a "320A I ` 320A Efficiency Pr fern n d Dcd l _i5r4men arcun inranupier.l. 1.. _._-..:_.. ._1.. :�___'....._.�_..__,�.__.....'_ • - s. --.A ua IdW D Irn (W/H/D)in () "� JI- S35 730x 19a t211 2[f.5 7a{..' •�) Pack giagD .fW/H/DI, _�(tI Tt..._ �_. '� 600 800x300 (236x31S 11 g) V� 1 W ght/p <k e' gvretght �i: 26 kgj5716)/30 kg (?b lb] � TopolaBY_ { T. fo d y POWER+ SOLUTION The SMA Power+ Solution combines legendary SMA inverter performance and intelligent DC module -level electronics in one cost-effective, comprehensive package. This means that you can achieve maximum solar power production for your customers while also realizing significant installation savings. Unlike conventional microinverter and DC optimizer systems, Power+ is faster to install, provides more flexibility, boasts logistical advantages, and reduces service risk. Visit www.SMA-America.com for more information. SUPERIOR INTEGRATION . WITH THE POWER+'SOLUTION L D Lin SfJlA%,PI �IA Ir5lFSEa¢4f % #1 INVERTER o r.......................................................................... Speed the completion of customer proposals and maximize the efficiency of your design team with the Sunny Boy -US series, which provides a new level of flexibility in system design by offering: a Hundreds of stringing configurations and multiple independent MPPTs a SMA's proprietary OptiTrac`M Global Peak shade mitigation technology a Diverse application options including on- and off -grid compatibility •. SMA wants to enable your sales team by arming them with an abundance of feature/ i benefit support. Show your customers the value of the Sunny Boy -US series by utilizing: a Secure Power Supply, now with 2,000 W of opportunity power in the event of a grid outage, as an increased value -add or upsell opportunity a SMA's 35 year history and status as the #1 global inverter manufacturer instills homeowners with peace of mind and the long-term security they demand from a PV investment a An economical solution for shade mitigation and the challenges of complex roofs /..............................................................................................................: Ensure that your back office business operations run smoothly and succinctly while mitigating potential errors. The Sunny Boy -US series can help achieve cost savings in these areas by providing: • An integrated DC disconnect that simplifies equipment stocking and allows for a single inverter part number a All communications integrated into the inverter, eliminating the need to order S additional equipment STREAMLINED INSTALLATION r COMMISSIO....................................... 6 f �t Expedite your operations in the field by taking advantage of the new Sunny Boy's installer -friendly feature set including: a Direct access via smartphone and utilization of SMAs Installation Assistant, which B f minimizes time/labor spent in the field and speeds the path to commissioning a Improved communication —no need to install additional equipment a Integrated DC disconnect that simplifies onsite logistics and eliminates the need to install a separate disconnect unit, speeding overall installation time .............................................................................................................: " ... Uil �e <fi ..................................................................... .... .. . SMA understands the factors that contribute to lifetime PV ownership cost, that's why Sunny Boy designed for backstopped by the -US series was maximum reliability and an unmatched service offering. Benefit from: a The now Sunny Boy's two-part enclosure concept that separates the connection unit ¢ from the power unit, which allows for simple, expedited servicing a The #1 service team in the PV industry,as recognized b IMS research, with 8 � Y experience servicing an installed base of more than 55 GW l............................................................................................: S E . J