HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPLICATION - BUBBLE PACKSr �1 2015-0 �idwest 28 12:�10 r- P » Branch 54 7723438907 772.�� 1063 Canvas: About Us P 1/3 Page 1 of 1 MIDWES B (3PA+° t4FisL'IS CANVAS-CORP. 11Y1,a v9M.5-11" �o�tnd I6 T% �I 1994 1997 SPULW PA1111111 u,dow AlcmlPlun In duribluty N1nt Shllll lued,nldt) In 1984 we found that bubble pack wrapping could be used for swimming pool covers. We added speclal polymers to our plastic for strength and durability and Solar Bianket was born. In 1997 our team added a layer of aluminum to our Solar Blanket that increased its reflective value, increasing heat retention. The Space Agel7* Solar Blanket was born. In 1999 our team set out to improve our Space Ageo* Solar Blanket. We understood that by decreasing the space between cells, we could increase the insulation factor. New templates were created and Diamond Bubble❑` Was born. Shaping the cells like diamonds instead of circles decreased the space between cells and increased the insulating effectiveness. And after all, diamonds are a girl0s best friend. Home I About Us I Products Distributors I Contact Us I Innovations Online Warranty Registration .midwestcanvas.caiii/in dianxond.htmI 1999 RECEIVED OCT 16 2018 i.ucie County, Permitting MANNED By Lucie County r_t n 2015-0 ��-28 12:10 rasp Branch 54 7723438907 >> 772 1063 2015 04-05 12:18 SCP Branch 54 77234.38907 P 2/3 P 3/3 MIDWEST CANVAS CORPORATION WARRANTY DEPARTMENT 4635 W. Lake St. Chiceago, ll, 6064.4. In:.t.:Illation and User Instructions SOLAR BLANKET Place Starner Here CAPTION., THE SOLAR POOL COVER iS N01' A SAPETY rOVFR AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO SUPPORT PEOPLE. CHILDREN SHOULD BE A VISIrU. THE SOLAR COVER MUST Or- REMOVEII FROM TIIF i OOL BEFORE SmmmiNn TO AVOID RiSK OF DROWNING, TTALLATION'rha Solo, Pont Cover is installod on the pool with Mr: air calla (hubbles) down (mounth r;ldn r rp). Float tho cover on the pool a few al before cooing to etllow the packing folds to alralnhten, TAI(E EXTAPME CAUTION WI•IFN TRIMMING 011 CUTTING YOUR SOLAR Porn. C 1IEFi ON ALL FORMS OF VINYL LINrr) POOLS OR ABOVE GHOUND NUCLS. YOUR SCISSORS Oil CLITTING TOOL MAY DAMAGE THL- VII YLLINicR. Tho ooverann be out artslly wide ordinaryscissoru to ill the r:antours of the pool alde well. Before starting thu cutting pronesc, mark th Futuna of ilia pool wa11 on lho coverwith a marldnfl Pen. Plnnse exprrlse caution when vetting around culven and anglen, for all types of VINYL I.t ED prrrrb; rPmova the cover from tho pool altar you have. markrrl It and do the fduvning urid cutting away from me vinyl.11nr_r. Si ne It in rasy to cut off too much materiel, leaving n puur fit, It IS bellar to out the cover larger than necosrcory, then glvo II a final tllmrnlng for exact fit sitter a day or lwn, Olrcu ilia raver In r.Ul and (n place, it raqulre9 no nrenvnnta, this orwelghl to keep Il lhere. Willi the bubbles down, your solar p00 cover will float In place on Iho water through wind and heavy rabrs, M NIIAL REMOVAL OF THE COVEFI I -OR SWIMMING Pit j three ar fnul• teat Of the cover onto Ihr. rf oclr ar it' ro eat Ilia fanfold milliner unlif (he ujillra coviot lu On the dank, DO NOT R �.L'i'I IC COVL IL WHEN OFF THE POOL. Tl IFCOVER MUSTBC COVEREDnWITIITI If: WHIon Tr-' POLYGTHYLENE PR(A LCTO Wl 11 H 15 IN ILUDCD WITI I IT, You onn roll the cover r,nr a ealar reel but muet gIIII be covered with whitu Pulyathylr7ne protector. MgiNTFNANCE• AND CARE - 1. • roleol Ile ("nvPr While Swimming It, rover Mt I ,T be prolocted from the sunlight when 1t IS ramnved from the pool. The sun uonerRtes inmperaturas hot rnnugh iu d+rnnge ilia air ur;f s two it) rlx layers deep. The surort way to prolort your cover whop it Is ufl the Will It, to Mar with the while upaque pnlyuthylem., prolector wh y`rl'r I. includurl with llla rover. DEIAMINATION DUE_ TO IMPROPER EXPOSURE- of riiE t:;Ut AR POOL COVE-13 TO Dh•lFr..T uUNL.IG1.11' (W EN OFF TI.117% POOL) WILL RESULT IN VOIDING -n If-' ENCLOSED WARRANTY! 2. sire In Hantlling Til�'.rova, it damage to tho air calls (bubblers), the rrrverslrotdd be carcruliy lifted overab• rosive purl dnckc or roping or any shatp, raggod surlarn. 3. Do Not Trim ur Stol•n on ihn Lawn Your lawn can be surlously dn,m,god In it brief pordad of Ilia() if dro rotor pool coves i:: deft on It. 4. f I Igh Temberatum!, Wa , r tempardiurps above 90 duurner, F. entry r;horlon th0 life or your solar pool covar and meld alsu damage your pool ;is well.111)e01 ltenrpora- arr !"vAse above 80 degroos F. Iho covernhnUld t)H 1urnoved and covarnd Willi ilia white uInique polvelhvlano protector. We do nolwarrmily if used in'r. vddnll .pn's In wltlCh temperatwTr:; exce"(l goo. lannh ig Ma. f dill and leaves ann be hanad off ilia floeiing onverdb'eclly into your pool skimmer. stun the circidnilan pump while hosing ru as to senrl I loulu drab I,ilr, into the Slimmer and through the tiller inolaad of into Ihn pnnl. II noc.ocsary, the loot bn rknl er hat, ran entptleu npor heufnl1, Watli o-rnd a L it brush am penamily all that Is requlrod to remove hunvinr gilmu and atann from the oovec A CLEAN r..OVr.,I.1 ALLOWS FOR Dr'TIMUM SO AI i L:NERGV 1 ILATING. 6. ° orage Aft cleaning Ilia rniArcover, allow it to dry. Fold It Into roar -foul wldlhs and roll II tip from one end, It can nuuv'ho sturad standing on end, in Its Vila not rlllpping cArton or 1n a large plasllo hag. Always siuru di In a shadad orprolecled area below 12U dogrees I 7. L O NO'r lanvo your cover art the pool oltnr the : wimnling ranson antla.1'Ire cover Is lot a winter rover or►d its Ilfo inny be r;nvorely ahnrieneti try .inter condillons. 8. 101 a1 cols 'rho Solar Putrl Gnvrrr will slurdficanify mducn your uro of chlordnn. MadnlaIll uhlurina At the proper Iuval as recontmondoid by cha111110l cnnlpany. Wh 1) you'supur chinrinalo' THE COVER MUST BE REMOVED FHUM THE f't)111. TO AVOID SI•iORTENING ITS USEFUL LIEF Do not return cuvt { to pool until Chierinrl level It. low and Ill the Idnal range of your lust kll. I1ropor luvalr must brr ratalrtnd. so^ MIN 9 F. AIR FLOW OUT 12" MIN + � i MIN I I o GAS , AIR AIR HEATER FLOW- --- FLOW IN ® IN Fig. 1: Installation Clearances • Irrigation water should be directed away from the All wiring must be in accordance with the National heat pump pool heater -water spray can damage Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70, latest edition, and all the heat pump pool heater. applicable state and local codes. Wiring diagrams are located on pages 22 through 26. • Rain water run offs- the heat pump pool heater can withstand normal rain. Install rain gutters to prevent direct steams of rain water to the heat NOTE: Refer to the National Electrical Code, Article pump pool heater. 680, for general requirements for swimming pools and equipment, and to Article 440 for special consid- • It is important to keep the area next to the heat erations necessary for circuits supplying hermetic pump pool heater clear of shrubs, bushes and refrigeration .motor/compressors. chemicals containers. They could prevent air from circulating fully through the heat pump pool heater, Locate the equipment disconnect means within 3 and will affect the operation of the heat pump pool feet of the heater's electrical enclosure, or as heater or damage the heat pump pool heater. close to the heater as possible. Always satisfy • When installed in areas where freezing tempera - applicable codes and standards. tures can be encountered, drain the water circuit In sizing power wiring, be especially aware of up - to prevent possible freeze-up damage. See the sizing requirements necessary due to wiring Freeze Protection Section. distances. Always satisfy applicable codes and standards. • For high wind installation requirements, refer to the diagram on pages 8 and 9. Electrical installation should be done by a licensed electrician only. Electrical Connections This unit is pre -wired to work with external control sys- -- Refer to the unit rating plate below the control panel for tems, heat -on -demand options and other external time precise power requirements for your unit, and for clock overrides. Referto the external control system's ampacity and over -current protection requirements. instructions, and page 27 of this manual, for installa- tion information. 7