HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSB o8:23 WM I PERMIT_ ISSum DATE RECEIVE,) SEP 17 2018 9t! gDepartmentcle County PLANNING & BEVELOPM ENT SE1tV.ICES Building & Code Compliance DIA51ou 89 BUIL DING PERMIT ViVS0 sU&CONTUCTOR AGREEMENT i St Luc1e county have agreed to be (Coup y DimndImdividuat Nexro) L �G� 44g the y �^ Sub -contractor for ►r the i project located at I (project Stoat Address or Property Tax ID 9) �I is understood that, if there is Say change Of Statue regarding our participation with the above mentioned �jeCt, the wilding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. I � A I I Z, COVN't"Y �7`�=�'%I�IPt`9 , � _ n GOUNTI► CRR'CI CATION ER State otgtoslde. CountyeJ_ statc oMortde. Count—ir 'r gola tnetrumtat was ■ip before me thir-k-7—day of The foreplog IbslrutMnt Mpe alg712 rore mt tNL day a I Who h pw oeal4 n(Qor htn pr+odaced a _ who Is pr,aooatry known r nee produced a„ .d I"�/�) /i"" �/�r�� j� I an ., UP004 Q , / " STAMP Print kgene of moiety Public e�tpr PUQ��o SHERRI FEHLMAN a ,�..... [tevtsednlfrl�oi6 * Commission#W1871160 * Expires March 14, 2022 9TFOFe�oPc Bonded TkwBudgetNOWrswims ' I I• prInt Name of Notary Pubuc I of v rOB�� SHERRI FEHLMAN e ' ° Commission # GG 187160 �, Pc Expires March 14, 2022 9rFOFf�op BondediTwBudgetNotary$erviteS RECEIVED SEP I19 PERMIT W ISSUE DATE Permitting Depa LugCo ----- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance�Division it 4 3a .- BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTA� '0 UC j� cot,'17tJ/ have agreed to be (C m6anv Name/Individual Name) / the /1119 G, Sub -contractor for Z C/) G/nele-� 4LO (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) I Z�- - z z&S For t e project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is I nderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proje t, the wilding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the i filing Hof a Cihange of Sub -contractor notice. SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) /� 6: - , PRINT NAME tment rty C�UNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION S 7E C . State of Florida, County of State of Florida, County of % The for (going instrument was signed before me this AQday of The foregoing instrumentt�wyas si d before me this ` D day of �� V who is IIII rsonally known or has produced a who is personally known r has produced a tenfli ation. as dents ation. STAMP STAMP Si atu} a of Not�rV lie S' ature of Notary I I " I ` ' tag„Poe SHERRI FEHLMAN commission # GG 187160 Revised 11 / 16/2016 __11 P`oQ Expire a March 1a ary Ose� FOF f�0 bonded Tlw Budg Print Name of Notary Public otPa� Pue�,o SHERRI FEHLMAN r ' commission # GG 187160 * * Expires March 14, 2022 A9 oFf�o�ot Bonded ThruBtdgetNotarYSenioes