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cf i.oval FL Application Type Cddk-Veislbh. APPlicafiba $tatus, C-brhmerim. AedhlVed AddresV.0 . hovelErnall Aluthorizedikftnaturo Todhripal-Reprgpgotive Addeds5/.,PNone/7EmWl Quality ,As*suronce,-Kiffpr&6iiWtiv.6 Categary. Subcategory ComolianceiMethad Ero-ricla EhpinedrorArdhi ttld EVaRJ563h -Refliditj fl6rijda 125dense Quality Assurance,Entil:V. V611date&Oy ,Cer,bricate,of,lnifLiOendi!hte 1131I18, 1:58 PM Y.- F-4-. INKOWD S6bmlt$uicharge I SiaMAfacts PhliftaWKS Msfifi,l. Basatiolup Uift search C�6L R&I-sroln, zaxi Ap,'Ordved g., IPa lhwdty,,fL-4345qO, '11(chMMKOhery AM , , - Ov h, ,iiii6tion , a 001corn illleh'ard f4dKUhL'h - 2160. pw F!qrqa;P* iklhVCity,+L34550 (772 )'87,�-SL ,N ae1C aem b;6 t tqajLatjojjRepdrt,rotnta�Fdrfda,9dgj6tered Arcitectora Licensed E4luai6bn'Reodit - Hapdoopy, Received Wtkt sowDEN PE-49704 mystdtietCortiffcadc(M 64 24 FL,j;jOZ,2,a7,�,(Q j# Li..jqljj'2,2..j-LVT -d ItIMP gsr.p TTAS',112.5 ,year 2003 Phae I of Building CQde;.Online llimcw Uq uiv, .6 ,f'Product.Standards Certifl.dd;-By Sectibns--from the Code Pro,ductApprovall Method: Date Submitted Date Validated: Date:PertdlnyffftApprov9t C)ate.Apprqv(* . 'Siminar.Wof�-PeOdUct5. UL1857 2012 UL 580 2006 Method 1 Option,l) 09/1812017 08/25/2017 08I2412017 10/210/2017 1/31118. 1-58 PM am, height24 Wide jappod,root partet '�� 6ecf+to ll!T/3-7- 131060d orWood ;[)ei* With fasto'neps, clzfNfp',sSnpd '4.ApproveiM;'fbr,;usc,outside NVit"yj V ,49.704 IlnpacC Resistant Na I f ce%az Independent Yes. "niReports Digemrg+Mfil Table -A 44itbiit Other Refer M cc 'W'co 11 di Fh-ditiblis. litta e R6n;rKdffid'd"fffdVh tdcift;16 ep.. assembly this report ndtiapphcabte 40e 3te -5 tnstalletion instruecions: ,mantifaChJrert 17022,2Crnw. 0.03V, Aluminum, Rib,Raldt21, wid'e lappe&dof Epanel,32`plywoq4 or Wood rL Rh--, e R po.! eftistertersLTiriits of Use strucodhis; IInstallat�on . . . . ...... ....... AOprov6dl6)r,use, torfuse 6-itside HY 052--'d7UTTLFl4A,7422...... ......... Verified13 l et.6diden,V!P-.E-9704 . Approved Impact Resistant No' ,4 ervaiedfllIhd pendentThircRaOr' 'Yes De5ighlPiessure :Aefe-rA:o)evaluifb-rr eport}fbrondiVors.'Inttillithe :::FU e—M1filid Party:f Yes (ea44AhdjOr d� ' ,Other asiehbij t 6jfcw'i -et -40 Od !;,-re )5 and, A-7,021.1 3 - *AS"'Mecf bh(6l:SOarh7.1(R-5)m 1it. 1�&Wjak,. 6drWo6cl.deck. 13T 5, plywood Limits of Use. linstalTattdrt iostmcflons: Alj.ijrdve.:d-,gor d&'e;lMHVHZ" No. Approved fqt use ou 4a8�-°Ssrnay Impact Rlfarit No . v-egned-my, QC a w ere V;Ttdbpen ep Yes Design A r r :+Table ReferOther Uatibn e6pdrt far itheassembly.- f- rdfttdns,bOd v compliancemifft,the E26tiiilo 'keped s JF 6i46-6-17. Minitations3of usevInstall (Installatl0h Meft,,�ad-1 IfAiWhAIS'report jd�; applicable code -, 4kVionstdfnC. M&ito manufaetiireY lhstdllatoej C're��dibylod�pdeltTfilrd i party: Yes 1 4 -151.7 Mdd 3nical 5dafffipot% A.VidbvtfOel§jit, 16*wide, J JY03r blUinihUmi starid ifig SOM n ---. Cit-_ M465 Ig/ i ' 1�6aft?, iDeck Page 1 ON i Flo n La RtildlhTC'ade Onlihe 1131118, 1:58 PIA Limits oflJse No Installation Instructions 1FI117-0 R7-IlLFL1,7022A MlEtAANCIA EAR HVHZ.' Approved ,'..for�use,,outsidet!VHZ: Yes , act Resistant• No Bow-dp .497 0 Veh 4 Created *W , W6I$enAe'nt`ThIr.d Party - Yes Dei 1§n,�Pri��;duri�'*.,+U/.A,/-T;ibleA iniirropfotozeA(uibol-r,qpgrtlror 141tionsand Evaluation Reports ktiiftlt'AssemblyI ctlmphanceV thfih� - 02, 7ME-ANClAuSFAM j ;jff§tbIr6tjbn,dn-ethad Bredilh this rid � Id Ca ft, : ins-0 n L. MIN Created -rh Yes sbctlohsa, of-FB R. Ihstructigm, 17022* 1 In; kafft-'&W (RS) .2 #,stedj, stapdInT.seanT*rGOf gq -,.a pIVwood,orwwddetk `.with fasteners, Limits ,of -Use 4;Nog-agm a—Ij.c;TAfP ssripdf lot. Approved� . Ap ideiiiml: Yes pr.oVddW&,us&aidt§ I-.r-. 40104 1� Vbhfl6d3j3 'tW 03owdbn;, PSmpactcResiftant ''. -a I c*fjjijb,". i-&-i tl.hied'NrtV� Yes fildri No 664gOiesisure +N%N Table iA y.iggpet Evaluation 'Eo il ;_tE_q,-,V_df Other Refer ii�eepbrt bmitahonso 40,ii4auidii rarar(d US rWli .1 ti& rcompahWIthi 7b. LiNAT LU ihdlay-- Yes instalfation method lfi:�_blecode �s, e� manu faaU6$ k0tilliff6h instrtictR. an.. NSl[r;StflPN,(R5,)- ii� i6ow'de�'10,0U* alumintift.standingseam roof panebmechanically, at edlo attatheld' to 1:5i32"plywodd ,6 IX ithlikertersi J,LiniltsioiUS6 ; oru:%e.j;hiHVHZ=N0 Installation Ansi'malo6s 2,20 AWMi,isro i Bowden, RE .49704 �Impact Vdiirod,.Z�, --,`IWft Yes :.Approve, Yes Resistant sNo: Design Pressure #�/-TahleA d; V�.Vddpendentlhl rd;'Part—: XWOluaticiplIMPM linn1w sb�a nitil, Itidna. ixbft�-PlianceA rith1he -Rii T.OXA11L STRIP Q'.032 Hit 'n p I'd, - .'Olidbld code p ap ALwMksSr.DdF-- '-Z-4�01fiopinden tferj nu c re s secttgns of (BC. Referi a Insfillid ThiM Part Y: Yes instructions. .17022.7 *i.s Irv. Na I Seelpr'(R-8 4 wider,26 gaugev�;�al, stanCiqqseam.ya.qf 7papeliaW..ghica y>a edvto IS/32 plV.woodFd,r ':with ifa`sEerie Limits of d3r, usin,HV.HZ* No, Approve i or,,e 5-n-Ailiffuctliong By Bowden,.P3E o*, ApOrov6&iil(ir,usejo,qWde,H. tiZ: Yes -Oct Venfied Locke Party: Yes l;ip k6�'fsiantl tilbll i:4+NjX/,T6bIeA - e r� Qesi�dip tttirb - t Other:Refertwevaluptontrepartfo,7 .the assembly: 'R"d! _.cns and: FuCo1pqcq.le4the ; timMA ssrpff. cFj Oj`V4ipendentThfid Party: Yes j. thlVrepoh t- 4nstallttionr rfieth-dVlstE�4uirn ithfVrepoh rid 0 W dk ;sedionwbflFBC. I'M �'liiti6h -17022.6 [EEmAkWit (15) 91 atelap lapped roofto ' P ! �orw..d-deck�w.tlexppsedf.fastepers. Installation Ituctibnp 770 22, IL IV 7 72 gaMal-flib . orusi . Approvedifl— -- --ei-jammHEm. No:. a HVHV Yd Approve , oVusm,qu lae- - _Sltp -OF ?VdHfied5BW lUO'6C&8bWd6ft; P.E. 49704 'm e W Part CreSteIR Rd* p.knden - ! I �Thi! LYz*. ,IMp ,A,. ilkes1qr _ _.-g; e 15 rPlressdre +NjA(-iTabje-.A Other tot&dluaifiort eAgort4be,c - 'Itn itatjdns�-of.usL-+Install the assembly lhsCaIlaEfWWethJdcE fi&badqnl'tbi5 pott, sjEd - I , onity-df i FBC Ilerdrbo Mai ln druc .01a n , s. )ndMdiis and Jucompllariwmlththe, . ,p Uwbla,code :FLrl77022;8,EMAXvRib,ssrndf .` `E—f-kaIkdfb'y Party.`Yes -`PBr(AA).fi.0,6ndl -iedifod , math anTeb lty.�attached -(6 47622.9 i�cto A rfers. aq. d, eckmi threxposedifoite Page 3.ol`4 .,Aoprov,dddot%use iri HVHZI No M7 iRM III ;AT7.G2,2%PBRLjRIR.9sr.,QdF Ap 30W all, provedlor usQ-otitsiaeiHVHZ- Yes .04 Q nE uni ramy;-'YeS Design Pressure +N/A%Ta"6fe,A: Evatc�attan�Reports: -6evaluatlqn report Rr.c-. ®r o idf6ofism.dfid limitahons--iifi use. -e Yes: 41y,�jr ce.w.fth the, 'irdAPahv nikOamobtMen Credfu-C- ard =qte 10' "19111"INUMI 113WO, U.56 OM P6&-Aof:4 05.1 m . - .. 21BOxSW Poma, O:rive Ralm Gtjt; F4 349gO 7s7Z872_=803'�4: {{'' '�' 4 t�d�� yl.." y;�f,.Jgg�s^t1VI I�1�'� �dL`Si[l!'lii�;�Sar'7 t • it; °lQ' .• " P. 017 Cotnp.l ant with Florida: BuildiOVCode Compliant witfrt Fl,gn,4 Piro ,04-Appro. al`vRule #'61G2O3 Compliant: ificatons Product 5 V Crimpt26Gp Stea( Rolf" nej f OC- Sec S07 p4;2 Y�e(d sti`ength; 50 ks� mini; A ticked to min_ 15%3�'�:plywdod:orwopdi Deckv+r� rain, Oj42 sp,Pcific gr vitX wifh scr_ews., 240':Cove aga Rib HARN M Corrosion�Res(stant�Complaa�t FBC S c 15074 3 Fa terier r(Mdt.,h d jAttaehrtten. i: ),tl r "Hex 17VasherIiciod screw"` todpenetreye. 3jir6" . mm. tf ru cteck.or:5'/.8" enrbedm ti ,n vinia wood pla'nlr (ff*vr'stif crerf?I'ength'to.�neet requirer�entsJ; fastener `�(Metttod 2jk &AAttachn .HeX l!I!!asher Head woodi screw `to penetrate3/1'6" mm. thru deck:or°5/8(';embedment�inta wood'�"plark�. ('`orsufficen Eength to meet requiWi etits) Und'ertayment To.be eumpharit°sirith ,.C.Sec., Chart'150T is Stope:'Shatl ise �tr corhpliance with F6 :Sec. 2507. See Fate " er. a �rient�pecificat/ons above Install jDetail5 .7`ab'Ie A Allovwable ttfad5 ? METHOD 1 ,,,mVHUQ METHOD 5 IUIETHOD%4- A3 iQ{PSF -228 P5F DESIGN{PF3ESSU.RE ......... -86 RASE 9aPSF �. F4.ASTENER SPbQNG(/[L+ONGpenei width} .: 12" o c, , ......12"oc. It FASTENERFSIZE` #9; ... 140{ " . #10 #10` Rd errence0tia#a. AMI&O f 4 T- EO INC. TST ID# 1527 +UL,58Q=06 & 18�97-04? Test Re{ort i, t�893'0[-_450 �`8�s05/b2Ji4 Test Re US, 115-Q3 'Pest Re �.:oc F88.66;01=:480. T$ .i2/18/,15 ort R05893 O� 450 10 -07/22114 *EQl/IVAL'lNCY=UL 897=0 is+ :egprva/ant: b^ _ ' DeSr n ressuce margin of- ety Md sfandarrf UL 18971� 9_-.P , Lock"i wdetr,, Ewdaowddc'have, :;unie��tlfs:tw5l�iati5n.. LoI;W--sowdWu P.S,lvnotawned tiodi . FM7022-1 5V \� 31T, Panel, 'OrveAgp piandprofild qa&4 ISAW orgreater -'0 r yw @tedpj6nk referenm jq4t;Metlido, lio, M&r-.by'-bthdr rlttbrdld diightef o -164dr t-tid, b.fidpidt