HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - METAL ROOFINGBdS Ron! I E99.10 qser,*Iifmtlo'T I fleuser 4pogm-- Ana! �,Atl Ap.p#-tf9n Type Appiitatf6.h Status: Cbrrftfteott; AtChfied Aukhorlzedj,Sl§mturi! TedhdvqaM4prgg_ktaQve ,Addtd.4s/,P[fdnejEM6[[. qtplity As's � e 4ft. r.esdh f6twd wpnkl 1141180*5618M I mmgj� 9dbWnit.Sqfojkrge I gkts&.MW pojtdffdjis FBCSfiiff I. ecm.siwmbp.! Ufift [ S-earth- •'ke-Wilow 2"KIT A.�ordved' NAB *wr"p Ggmw g Ad (772).'i 0:72r.804* Rieffind MeKiihdh 2160 "ik-ttypFL.3 99G (7,72);87-Z-8034- ffc'h'ai'd@iFrhM&net Cattgbry Siibcategpry ! L,�op nq� 6om.0 - Iran,0*6thed EvBluatigilAep0tt,..IM "A T RbF6$ej ------ .r Florida . iame.Wftd, tevelop od, t , ,.go 04, fhd.Es)aTu -aTi 6 fi�&Vd et- Vatjjda QuOjityt kdygtdrlg�IC quaklity''M.Mnd to d412 t4. VoIrcra.te&-15y I Z4cFbfjM-Etiest RE. C - ertiticzkte<of,,IniWpendiiht:i-- C-01-ft YtrCfi LM: P r Refere n ced -'Sta!Op rd za ndMear'(0f. S tah db td) 'bkWdhrd- N60444, File COPY lorda Bpildfng Code:•Online ULL;1897 UL580': Equ)val'encdtOf' Peoduct:Staildards Certifed� By Section%frori the Code' Roduct'-Approvals M. OOiod..' ' Method:I OptibntD Date Submitted 0.8l18/2U17 Dot@ Vall'd'ated; 1)8%25/201T Date ?e11'ding tEBC'Approva(:, 08%28j20Y7 Date.Appraved 10%10j2US7 :5[imEna rys o1 ~PraditcEs. 4 1131118. i-68 pm 2012 2006 < L Model, ;Otescr►pEion 17022! lj 1 "51%sCrimpr,(R6? ,26.Gauge steel; 3%8" iibtheight, 24" yuide lapped raoPpa.►leT -� - "° " ' ''' ;m'echanicallygattaclYed�to 19/3 NOlywbod or Wood'-Ueck with• ;fa'ste-n'ets- Limit .ovUse � InstalldtwrtXnstruc 4ons R�"r►rl FL�17022aL 5;!V CRiMP ssr.p1F ApprQvedlforuserih RVF(Z fio, Approved fbr use outside t)VH2 Y,e y,��n�� Venried By -Locke Bov7den,IP E 49704 ImpacGResistarnt No Created byIndepenaentThlyd Patb/ Yes bes►gr1 Pressur,"e +iV/A/ Tdb1e A I f:lralyatiomRepotEs. O[her: Refer toievaluatioii�report fnr condifio"ri5 Install the F072R7: IA Ck7F� 17022 i. SV RTMP ss, r odF assemtiiy in cump�larrce wtUntheipStaI ti6n ►nethodrlisted.ln Cieated.by�independentTh'iid Party Yes' this report and a pllcatile code sections dF'FOi ; IRe errfo- " I manafacturLrsa staliaEioh�hstructions 17022:2.Crimp I (RK)- 0 032 iCfuminum� 3j8' Rib ReigfS[, 21'" wide lapped=.roof }panel, mechanically attached to I'S132" plywood or Wood Deck with exposed fastEners Li ni[stoflUse Approved,for^.iiset►n HU.HZ .►Vb,—�R—[L� Install [►dn,Tnstru¢Gohss F , i02 7t: 4 n ►7n7� S.Uz RTMP 0'r 32 ALUM 55r 13df ApOrq d far usg-d !sitYe1.lU l :.Y No _: I Venfied By-?Loeke'�BOwden PE �49704. Created by, Indepehdent Third Patty Yes. )cmpactlResrStagt DesrgniRessure *N/A/`Sable A 6Va[uation Reports Other: RefertotevaluaLon reportfor�c nditlons4hstell the R°17022 R7�aF FL'17022 2 5 U CRIMP;O?033 PIUM;ssi tidF Create¢ by lndepeiid'entThird6Parly. Yes ass2m[ly infcomllance la flonfinethod.ilsted in FBc. [hts report arid: appl4cable m'de sections of Refertd ma n'ufa2turers. installatlgri>rristiuetions: i 7022:3' 3 1.S'Met an7cat Searii"'(R5): 1:5 rlbth'eight 16"Wide, Z4 gauge steel ,standfng[seam roof,• panel meehanlcaliy:attached to'T8�3Z OIV.w od or wood decfE. twithlc,%ips?and iasterrers Limits of Use'. APprd`ved for tine 1n HYHZ No TnstallatioTt ItlStruttions �. • ° >7 R7Ott FL 17022'3 "' We ANFCAL. Appr¢iled fbr use oul5idejHVH? �Y_ a�ami ?4gar ssrndf �mpactliesrstant�No pyes►gnPPressure +N/A/ -Table A Venfied�By, LoCkit WdenhPE 49704 Ci sated by fndependent7htrrlYPaiiy Yes Other Refer to eilaluation report? far hmlta6onsa6use Installtheassembltr ndltidns and ncomplrancerwithitheFLU7022ti1R7 aivatiq Reports AE Fh.ti70223. irSMECHAfJICAL tnstalla ion mettA6d11tstedlih this report ndla)'.plfcable code.ggaml r7a ac �srQ sect idnseof FeC.'Refer-to :marY(ifatiure :s3nstallahoril ;Create:.'byxlndependenG ihirdi'party: Yes rlrlsGUcfions 17022:4 '4 Ills, "' Mecianical Seam (R5), 1S' 11b:hi§ht, i6 ►vl7e, QFQ32" afummurll► Stapdmg se8rrm; I 'tib-f?panelpmechani�ally attached�fo 15%32 p1yCv6uti of Wood ?age 2 of4 N Baildteg;Code gnli'ne I i f3r/ra; 7:56 PM I Limits -of .Use ru , st-al I atf dnA nstrucEions F.Lbi7022 d FL 17022 b MECHAM1IC[Al SEAM1T: ApPcovediforu's6 in HV.HZ No Aiiprovedforuse.outsid'eMV:HZ:Yes AlUh1iNUM11 S r�df Venfied,By ' & Bowden, P.E..497A.4' Impact ResiStanG No- DesignPyeSsure +N/A/Tab1eA Created byindepehderitTfilydiParCy Yes gUrer: Referto evaluation;report for cq�iditions Itmitatiohsiof rise: inslatl ilie assembly ir♦ and compliance with the EvatuatiorttReports IFLL7022 R7: i FL170 4 ME • HANCf11LSEAM1t installation,mettiod�istearm, jsrep`ortappdT3ppltca6lecode FBC Re,FeY tq riianufactutei's�insfal(aEtori. 1lLUM[NIJM ssrRdf'" Createdv, I6dependehtThird-psi y: Ye's sectio"ns of instrucEions, 1702Zi5 5:- 111n: Nail Strip"=(ILS)' 4 1"'.rib height; �6 Wide;; 2figauge,steeh standing=seam roof paoetrmechan[�ally,:attathedrto'1.5/32x' plynvood or -wood deck. with fasteners Limits:of Use Insfallation Snstructions F147077 R7 i[ FFL 17022kS 1 O 1AIL-S IkIP ssrodF Approved formse O HVHZ ND Approved+fok use outside HVEIZs Yes V.pnd By LocKe 6owde0, P E 49Z04 ii»pact Resistahf No Created by, IndependentThird Party Yes Design Pressure +f�/A(:1'abteA Evaluation leports FL17022sR7' AE FL 1'.7Q72 5 7 0 NA` - RIP s5rru(E Other: Referto evaloabori report.for-condihol�s limitations of us"e:, instailstfie as2rnfiiy, i l ands compbance f v7fh'.t if a 'Greated;tiy,.Independent Third Party: Yes ' installaEtommetFiod listed`th this report nd4appl(cable code sections of'FBC; Referto manufacturers fn?;tallion ,instructions 17Q22 6 G' 1.in.,Nail Strip"t(RS) 1"`nbaheigh� a6' witle,_ 0 032"''alummum�.standing;seaminof`i ipanehmechanically attach ed'to-attache&to: 25/32"'plywood or Wood D�ek�witlY;fasteners; Limits;oWUse Approved for use ni HUHZ ilyti. � I istaga't:on;Tnstructrons L1r702 tR7 II +FL.17077 6 r 0 NA1L>STRIP Oe0a2 �3 _,- ..: ,�- r Approvedkfbr-,use out6Ida HV HZ• Ye ALUMS ssrvdf, Venfied'By E 5t)wden, PE 49704s i ZmpacEResistanf tNo Design Pres5rire a N/A/ Table A I Created 6y,3n endent Third i?arty:. Yes i Other: Refer t4 evafuat[on Report fo"r conditions Ilimitationskaf�use Instal(fihe assent ty t and romphance with tfie irvaluhtion ReporCs p F[M 6R7_rAE FL.1702ZG..MO NAILSTRiP '0:032 ALUM�ssrodt; inspallation�metWod bsterT,n this2eprirtndl sectiops�of:F.BC: Refer,to-manufactyrerss applicadlecude installa`tion Geatedxby,3naependent.?hird Party: Yes rnsiiruc[ions. I i 17,pZg;7 `i.5-in: Na I Strip' @RS):,5" rib heighF, Y9 sVide, 26 gapge sleet, standing early roof panel mecha'rtiicaliV attaehetlefo15132` piVwoodrorwood deck Yiith fasteners Limits:of Use Approved for='rise rp.H1/HZ Nb, I I Irista`llat�ormatrualdris FLU 702 ii7 i[� FL 17027 7 1 5 NaihSRin 26(l ssl iiitF Verified Bys Lockp Bow' en,�PE.-44704 Created'by�InilependentThird Party Yes Approved fo`r use ouiside HVHz: Yes ImpactResrstant• No. Des"r'gdiP[essUre ,i N%Q% Table A teportfor nditionsand rEVafuationReports Fi�}7022,R71�Fi r7mZ� i•SaNadStrap26GA5sr.gdf Other Refertoseva(uahon ttmitation5fofyuse= Install Ehe as5emblyi instatlatiari m�tfiod 1(sted.in+this�reQort n com'pliance wittatthe. nd'appli�ble cifde. -rested by lnd6 denk Third Party. Yes �sectTQnSafFBC.RefeYto:rnanufaditrei'i instapaboh instructions: . 17022:8 i e "EMAk Ribl' (R5): 2Qrgauge steel, lapped ro4Ppanet meeBagiolly attached to: 15/32 plywood orwaad deekwith exposed fasteners: Omits oFU5e_ In5ta11ati6rl ihstruct�tsns F41,7ib ssrodf 022 R7U(s1&EEM.4A9X7eBiwden ApproedifoNusefrnHVH2�Nb:. Appro... �e �FVvpR4 `Ved ByTLac C.reatedibyrIndependbentTitGdParty Yes: ImaetResr5fant jVo DeigniPiressure +N/A'1 a.O OA Evaluat(on!Reports Ocher Re%rto evatuatron report for the ndibons and compliance with HCe I FL17022 yRhrAE FL 177022 B EMAx Rlb ssrodf ICreatedtbyzlndepentient7htid=Party. Yes Ihmitationsof arse Install assem6lyin Ala" methodshsteUEir► this tepott�ndsapplicabte gale sectl4is of FBC Refer; iCo rrVandfaeturer's. (tistallafioir instrric[tuns. 17022':9 P.BRM. (lisp 26gaugeis"tee(;.lappedfoo"fpaneimechafiicblfy'.alfaehedRo ,9 �1.5/32�'.plyuYaod�;or wood deck�wlth exposedsfastertere;. f.iriiitsdf`l}si= �;1nstallatiytsZitstrueiions Page 3:of 4 n -65 w I -,R74 P,', Ea � 49704' Ve rd" ifty y es' Created by�IndependeritSThlril?P.�i'tyt Yes MIM Cradit0acd., 1131/10i 1:0TM Ateruq&gtaMmept pi&;4; of 4 .> a� 216�}��' Parnai ®give Pailm'Cft Ft, .34900 772872=,8034 S Complipint enfn#h Fla�ceda�fa�ieldaaigCode01yy'(��' ed,� comp,laent wk.:.Flonda product Appro�9tl3eale #1G20a Comp(eant Ke�/ston� Cent-frcations p<rodadt :511'cdmp_126CA5teet Roo f:P nel FRC sec 151Ja;4:2 Vlel&, streri thV50 kse men.,=A acFtec(, to item 15%3�'' p�8 ►oo or lomd DecC drr% mart,, 0 42 specefc?gr�v�11 w►thstrev�s:4" arove=r�ge; Re6 @1'eeght`3/�" GorroseontesrtAComgiat 150�4 7f3e fa�(Nhod�Afc:enYV' �ener ��YAIgsrevu* topenef"aie; 3�16" min. thru deck ors%13r'':ernbe¢9m ,ret w_ wood,p0 nk i `ors u e+e.�tlength toerrieet; re'querementsj F-.astener 2�(ICAethod 2y3, 8iid'Attahri� nt j=#1Qsx 1-�/2" .HeX 91��rerifead wood+screw*'to peer+efra%'3%1 "men:.thtu.deckor`5%8'en�Wdment bWWeod;plMik."ats ttfident.iength - to;'meet raiseMerits:) U;rtder,{a ,merit. Tobe ctrmpliant:Vuith O.0 Se�.,.Chart 50 1; sIoi�w/e:'Sha!l�be ire cotfipleance wit%=F,.S �ec:15S➢7;: See -Paste �r. Batienspecr51aionsabove. Instill �t7e#ai(s �a6(eyA AIIoiNable Loads s lV1ETFfiOD 1 s � ee7i_ETHe)e)' � 1lle�cTHdD 3 ' METHOI)<4 ,: DFSVGNsPFtESSC1RE =Bb QSF 93 ! PSE� 10IfP$F -228 PSG ..._.... ROVQ�SPACIRIG._. 16" o c, 16" o t» , i _ . �" o � :6" O c;• ' . _. _ _ :. FYISTEHER SPACING,�AI:CjNGrpaere! width}_ o;.., j o:c. _ ... _ FASTENEWSIZE, f . , [teferenceEUa`to ARCFpgi ECTID6fA`L TESTING, 11 Wall IDf#' I52i i+UL,S8o=06t&X8$T-04 Test, Re{o�jE D�8'�3O�.�ti50 18 345,Jo2/�4 Tess Re �,:orE F366 Oi=:450 t82J18ji5 . TA5 S25-Q3 rtesx R ivale�ttib +t�QUIi/pl.`ElffC=UG1�'Jyp�F !s-:egl=. ®ri<. 4058,93 02 450 T8, ;OT�'22/i s6iidaiY7OL 389a 1 `�ps(98+Pmssucie:margTR ofsafety2a °r..Il.�ii _„ •..._. ECickir,bbWden, •und�tlfsg_vafuatio feporc. FLA 1; 5VP Gr. i in -plr 7.0k- - Widjeltadftfitl, - Details Paniff'ft.OAW am. I , V * G.C. Oarlpl) ,6veilop, smq-Q*O",