HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOOL INSTALLATIONN .•'Gliximt ML .. . ���_y �. � _���.__ ���., JRPE. erving the Industry Since 1984 hone: (423)781-7336 Fax: (423)781-7337 mail:carl@tesengrs.com Web site: tesengrs.com Zailing Address: P.O. Box 1500, Englewood, TN 37329 Project #: 076818 DWG #: EB-7472 Polymer Series 42" High Pools Wall Panel & Brace Calculations for 11*fDRA POOLS, 543 South Main Street, Sweetwater, TN 37874 P.O. # 36263 Installation Address: Mark Hillabrandt, 306 Deerwood Lane, Port Pierce, FL 34947 �EZVED i SE? 19 z038 - . ''aunty, Permitting ,its, is,, �,, .••'� 1V ''• ,� N0. 36539 '00 ; STATE OF '� F''•. < O R 110 IL III0% August 3, 2018 SCANNED By calculation is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signet of this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. f 1 • jj pp `�y^ f,• a sit 1, J I°� 4. 1 . J r4A w 1 rsy r `. 1•� J ° r.. a - ,•a;, 0 *To C E. THOMPSON, JR., P.E. P. Box 150Q, Englewood, TN 37329 Phone:l 23) 781-7336 Fax: (423) 781.7337 Project Job Ref. ���,1't Polymer Series 42" High Pools -.0' 0, Project #: 076818 %� •....... P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, DWG#: EB-7472 ��� ; •''• C IV Section Sheet no./rev. �,,V• 9 �' �• Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 2 Cale. by Date ChWd by Date •� STATE OF D.J.W. 8/3/2048 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 •40 ORI 1 Florida Building Code 6 Edition (2017) Residential 2 International Residential Building Code (IBC) 2015 3�I International Swimming Pool & Spa Code (ISPSC) 2015 4 ANSUAPSP/ICC-5 2011 Residential Inground Swiming Pools Solt Properties (Assumed) Sandy Silt U' it Weight of Dry Soil Wd =105 lb/ft U tit Weight of Saturated Soil WS =135 lb/fl S it Friction Angle = 30 ° degrees L teral Active Soil Coefficient Ka = (tan(45 ° - / 2))2 = 0.333 E'i uivalent Active Unit Weight of Dry Soil, Ka* Wd yd = Ka x Wd = 35 lb/fl? uivalent Active Unit Weight of Saturated Soil, Ka* Ws y, = Ka x WS = 45 ib/fO U it Weigth of Water yW = 62.4 lb/fe = 62.4 lb/fP Sail & Concrete Friction Factor µ = 0.46 owable Soil Bearing Capacity Bearing�acin, =1500 lb/ft Dij iinsions & Material Properties Baces, Channels, Pannels & Stiffeners owable Bending Stress of Polymer Fb = 5.1 ksi A owable Compressive Stress of Polymer Fe = 3.7 ksi owable Shear Stress of Polymer F„ =1.8 ksi A owable Tensile Stress of Polymer Ft = 3.7 ksi P iel, Stiffener Thickness to = 0.30 in P iel Height h = 3.60 ft ter Depth hW = 3.00 ft E ective Height of Panel h. f = h - t° = 2.833 ft imum Radius of Panel R = 9.00 ft E ective Height / Length of Stiffener, heir Le = 2.83 ft Ni minal Depth of Stiffener D = 3.76 in IV mum Brace Spacing L. = 6.00 ft P iel Tributary Width to Vertical Stiffeners Bn b _ (12 in + 24 in) /2 =1.500 ft Co C Crete Bond Beam mpressive Strength of Concrete P° = 2500 psi ickness of Base Pour t. = 8.00 in U �dth of Base Pour it Weight of Concrete Br = 2.00 =145 ft lb/ft3 y° Ny, on Bolts A owable Tensile Stress F, fastener =11.2 ksi A, owable Shear Stress F„ fastener = 8.7 ksi lilt► a. ontroling conditions (i.e. brace spacing, panel dimensions, etc.) forth the 42" high panel system are used in this analysis. b. he 6 foot long wall panel is the longest panel used with this pool system & contains the largest spacing between horizontal & ertical panel stiffeners. All other panels are shorter in length & have horizontal & vertical stiffeners no greater than that of the 6 oot long wall panel. Full height vertical stifeners considered only. C. he concrete base pour (i.e. bond beam) provides a minimum of 8 inches of vertical support to the panels, stiffeners & braces. d. lRefor to the last page for more Material/Installation Assumptions. calculation is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signed and dated by C.E.T.. of this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S, and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. • ,y r� � �. � - ,. � e � 1 I •, ,lr. � r .� .. � i `S n , b .. I i a, ... •- .. � � �. ,. , , � � r !: i • .r ._ i � � •.ni., T .. ,. .•. � .. i , ,. � ! ! I r .+. - o 51� .. .. .. ' , .� ,! �. ,1. i '�1 �! ... i � . ..! � � • ,i' I. , .. , i i 1y ', t � ., ! 1 � t 1, • � i, f r t o:S• !r y io V ,�' „� •� it � "1 � r; � � .i `r ,'i � , ,( �� , � 'i ! s. � .r.� ,. Project Polymer Series 42" High Pools Job Ref. Project #: 076818 P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, DWG #: EB-7472 Section Sheet no./rev. o CAK 11 E. THOMPSON, .M., P.E. Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 3 P.0 Phone: Box 1500, Englewood, TN 37329 423)111.7336 Fax: (413,111-7337 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date D.J.W. 8/3/2018 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 Conditions (per linear foot of pool Wall) Lateral Dry Soil Load, Pa = (7axh2)/2 = 214.375 lb/ft Lateral Water Load, Pw = (7wxhw2)/2 = 280.8001b/ft Lateral Load Per Unit Length, P = Pw - Pa = 66.425 lb/ft mimate Distributed Panel Load, Pnet = P/h=18.979 psf Lateral Saturated Soil Load, P$ = (y,xh2)/2 = 275.625 lb/ft Lateral Load Per Unit Length, P = Pw - PS = 5.1751b/ft )ximate Distributed Panel Load, P°e1= P/h =1.479 psf Lateral Dry Soil Load, Pa = 214.375 lb/ft mimate Distributed Panel Load, Pne1= Pa/h = 61.250 psf T- - �--- Hw Pw ►11111111/�� ♦♦�•�`�. T HOMpsO � . ♦ C N 6 9 %�0 ;• STATE OF ice, � ••. � Q`.' ��♦♦ ���111111►►► Elective Panel Load soil load on panel), ' — x 2 ( P ) P — Ya hell / 2=140.4861b/ft Ap�oximate Distributed Panel Load, P'net = P'/hetr= 49.583 psf Largest Unsupported Panel Area (ignoring minor stifners in panel), 1 x b: 1= 24 in b =16 p t�l q.4356 + (b / I -1.4) x ((.4680-.4356 /(1.6-1.4)) = 0.3168 ❑�� X Z 3R"z,10. (4, EX-. FLANGFS Ac al Bending Stress, fy = Rl x P'net x 12 / tP 2 = 0.698 ksi % tressed = fe / Ft,_panel = 3.1 Factor of Safety, FS = Fb_panel / A = 32.229 >=1.0 OK i l 12 --�-- 2" lr-- 24" i 12- 12- Re erence for bending stress of panel, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 7th Edition. To le le 11.4 Formulas for Flat Plates with Straight Boundarys and Constant Thickness. Case #: 8. Rectangular Plate: all edges fixed. Loading Case #: 8a. Uniform over entire plate. (At center of long edge) Noe: Panel stiffeners are used to reduce deflection, even though panel stress is low. P' ° ya x heffZ / 2=140.486 Ib/ft Ap" ximate Distributed Panel Load, P'net = P'/het1= 49.583 psf Ac al Compressive Stress, fc = P'net x R / tp = 0.124 ksi %S 1 essed = fe / Fe = 3.4 % Fac��or of Safety, FSe = Fe / fe = 29.849 >=1.0 OK Tension Stress, ft = P'net x R / tp = 0.124 ksi ised=ft/Ft=3.4% of Safety, FSt = Ft / ft = 29.849 >=1.0 OK g IL } ition is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signet calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. Project Polymer Series 42" High Pools Job Ref. Project #: 076818 co P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, DWG * EB-7472 Section Sheet no./rev. * o CARL E. THOMPSON, JR,, P.E. Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 4 P , Phone:i Ill Box 1500, Englewood, IN 37329 423) 781-7336 Fax: (423) 781.7337 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date D.J.W. 8/3/2018 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 end are fixed at flanges & ignores vertical stiffeners) Section Modulus (V-Stiffener), S„ = 1.0478 in3 Yd x het£ / 2=140.486 lb/ft .imum Vertical Stiffener Moment, M. = (2 x P'x Le x B,,;b) / (9 x 4(3)) = 76.5131b ft ial Bending Stress, fb = M$ / S„ = 0.876 ksi ressed = fb / Fb =17.2 % or of Safety, FS = Fb / fb = 5.820 >=1.0 OK tttttt���ii��I lob * .0 10 STATE OF00 •.• OR to ♦ . —� �-- 0.25" Vertical Stiffener Area: A = 2.6134 ire C = 2.8825 in Moments ofinc& I — 3.0204 in' S = I / C = 3.0204 in° / 2.8825 in-1.0478 & panel length governs as maximum spacing between braces & ignors horizontal stiffeners) Section Modulus (H-Stiffener), Sh = 0.9592 in3 P' Yd x het / 2=140.486 lb/ft Lo Along the Top Flange, P,op = P' / 3 = 46.829 M imum Bending Moment, M, = (P,op x Le2) / 8 = 210.729 lb_ft Ag', al Bending Stress, fb = Mr / Sh = 2636.312 psi % tressed = fb / Fb = 51.7 % Fa Itor of Safety, FS = Fb / fb =1.935 >=1.0 OK 0.375" 2.775" 2.4" 0.3" still's -91 3.75"1 0.25" � T 1.1407" 2.6093" Horizontal Stiffener Area:' A=1.8926 hit C = 2.6093 in Moments of inertia: I = 2.5028 ire S = I / C = 2.5028 ire / 2.6093 in = 0.9592 in3 calculation is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signet of this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. (L/o Project Polymer Series 42" High Pools P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, Job Ref. project #: 076818 DWG #: EB-7472 Section Sheet no./rev. o CARL E. THOMPSON, JR., P.E. Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 5 P. Phone: I� Box 1500, Englewood, IN 37329 423)181-7331 Fax: (423) 781-7337 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date D.J.W. 8/3/2018 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 taken about point A with concrete bond beam in place. Calculated per unit foot of wall) R' isting Moment Arm, amI = Be /2 +D =1.313 ft 0 erturning Moment Arm, a,,,Z = h /3=1.167 ft W ight of Backfill, Pb = Be x helr x Wd x 1 ft = 595.000 lb W ight of Concrete, Pe = ye x to x Be x 1 ft=193.333 lb Applied Vertical Load, Pviraw = Pb + Pe = 788.333 lb Resisting Moment due to Backfill, Mbaddll = Pb x a,ni = 780.937 lb— ft Re11 sisting Moment due to Concrete, Mconerete = Pc x a,nl = 253.750 lb—ft Su ation of Resisting Moments, E; Mresisting = Mbaekfil + MCOncm,=1034.687 lb—ft i eral Force Due to Backfill, Pd = (yd x h2 x L 1 ft) / 2 = 214.375 lb Su ation of Overturning Momeets, E;M vMn, = Mwii = Pd x a z = 250.104 lb ft Overturning Factor of Safety, FSovenuming = Mmisting / Movenum = 4.137 >=1.5 OK ,11111111111� �� ` II Fut ,CNS —0s• STATE OF ♦♦I Fs.•• 4 OR I p••.�� A k-:,------ Bo ---- — i --1 Bd2+D=amp [ -- hart h Fo, ndation Load Eccentricity, e = MOV.R1m / (Pb + Pe) = 0.317 ft OK, Resultant in Middle Third So, J Bearing Load, BearingJwd = ((Pb + Pe) / (Be x I ft)) x (1 + (6 x e) / Be) = 769.323 lb/fe Bering Factor of Safety, FSBearing = Bearing__capaciry / Bearing-Jead =1.950 >- 1.0 OK, Actual Load is Less Than Allowable Load d bond beam in place. Calculated per unit foot of wall) fight of Backfill, Pb = Be x heff x Wd x 1 ft = 595.000 lb eight of Concrete, Pe = ye x to x Be x 1 ft—193.333 lb rn of Sliding Resistance Force, E;Pre M.g = µ x (Pb + Pe) = 354.750 lb Sliding Force Due to Backfill, EARding = Pd = (yd x hZ x 1 ft) / 2 = 214.375 lb Factor of Safety, FSsiiding = Pmisdng / Psliding =1.655 >=1.5 OK I'I (Pb+P-)•N hilt h .lcuiation is valid only tor installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signed and dated by C.E.T.. this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. u Project Polymer Series 42" High Pools Job Ref. Project #; 076818 cll� P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, DWG * EB-7472 Section Sheet no./rev. CARL E. THOMPSON, JR,, P.E. Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 6 P. I Box 1500, Englewood, TN 37329 Phone:, 23) 781.7336 Fax: (423) 781.7337 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date D.J.W. 8/3/2018 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 bond beam in place) of Brace at Top of Bond Beam, Bbrace = 20.25 in t of Brace Connection, hbraee = 37.75 in Sectional Area of Brace (worst case), Abram = 1.344 in2 num Horizontal Force Resultant at Brace, Pbraee = P' x Le = 842.917 lb t of Resultant Force, hrearien = to + heff / 3=19.333 in -I Tensile Force in Diagonal Brace, P.i d = ( brace x h, eoa / hbraee) x (�!(Bbraee2+ hb.1)/ Bbraw) = 913.234 lb l Tensile Stress in Diagonal Brace, ft = Paxtat / Abrace = 0.679 ksi ssed=ft/Ft=18.4% of Safety, FSt = Ft / ft = 5.445 x 1.0 OK 7 i SECTION THRU 3RACE MEMBER (AREA =1.344 in) �\\IIIIIIII iv 0 ;• STATE OF •; "TZ c shear in bolt at brace to panel connection. Assumes only 1 of 4 bolt takes all the load for conservative analysis) Nylon Bolt Area, Ab°it = (0.375 in)2 x 7c / 4 = 0.110 in2 Reaction at Bolts, PBett = Pbrace = 842.917 lb i,iat Bolt Shear Stress, f fastener = Pollt / Abott = 7.632 ksi Messed = fv_fastener / Fv_fastener ' 87.7 % tqr of Safety, FSv fastener = Fv_fastener / fv_fastener =1.140 x 1.0 OK )acing, Bolt spacing = 12 in (Worst Case Spacing) mate Distributed Panel Load, P'net = P'/haff = 49.583 psf ensile Force, T = P'net x R = 446.250 lb/ft Bolt Tensile Stress, ft fastener = (T x Bolt spacing) / Abolt = 4.040 ksi �sed = ft fastener / Ft fastener = 36.1 of Safety, FSt fastener = Ft Fastener / ft fastener = 2.772 >=1.0 OK 1'tiis lalculation is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signet Use of this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited. -•�Ilnln++' ' lil Project Polymer Series 42" High Pools Job Ref. Project #; 076818 (11/0 P.O. # 36263 Mark Hillabrandt, Port Pierce, DWG * EB-7472 o Section Sheet no./rev. CA ! E. THOMPSON, JR., P.E. Wall Panel & Brace Calculations 7 P.O Phone: (423) Box 1500, Englewood, TN 37329 781-7336 Fax: (423) 781-7337 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date D.J.W. 8/3/2018 C.E.T. 8/3/2018 1. 1 �hese structural calculations shall be considered void if not complete (page 1-7) & do not contain a raised P.E. review seal & olor signature. II 2. Ioil pressure used in these calculations constitute those soils which are in their active state & have a maximum equivalent luid pressure equal to 35 lb/ft under non -saturated conditions & to 45 lb/fi under saturated conditions. See Soil Properties ectlon for more soil type assumptions used in these calculations. These calculations do not consider the existence of xpansive or adobe -type soils, high ground water table conditions or adjacent non -compacted soil fill conditions. If the fisting site soil conditions dictate a different or potentially higher equivalent fluid pressure than those used herein, the pool urchaser/Installer shall contact a local Geotechnical (Soils) Engineer for additional guidance & direction, prior to pool 3. all panel backfill materials shall consist of clean porous soils, free of roots & debris, installed & carefully tamped to timinate voids, in layers not exceeding 12 in thick. In addition, backfill materials shall not exceed the same equivalent fluid 1ressure characteristics identified in item 2 above. Lastly backfilling operations behind the pool panels must be performed in conjunction with the pool filling operations. Although these calculations show that backfill material can be placed behind the 13ool panels when the pool is empty, these pool panels should not be considered capable of independently withstanding either e pool water's lateral forces or the lateral soil forces (from behind the pool panels). 4. he pool is designed to remain full of water at all times. The pool may be damaged if the water level is allowed to drop elow the pool inlet(s). When appreciable drawdown is noticed or if it becomes necessary to drain the pool, contact Hydra Pools, or it's agent immediately for instructions. Temporary shoring of the pool panels is highly recommended. 5. Wall panel, brace & panel/brace fastener sizes, thickness, dimensional characteristics, material properties & strength used in hese calculations were provided by Hydra Pools. These calculations assume that these elements have uniform thicknesses, � izes & material properties/strengths & that they are free of defects. these calculations cover only those elements identified lu herein & do not cover liners, ladders, steps, slides, decks, railings, etc. This pool system is intended to be installed only by amroved distributors/contractors. 6. Pool system is not designed for earthquake or surcharge loading (i.e. neighboring structures, vehicles, trees, equipment, etc.). 7 i� Finished decks &/or grades shall be constructed in accordance with the pool manufacture's guidelines & be sloped away from t,he pool copings at a rate not less than 1/4" per linear foot. 8. (Concrete bond beam dimensions shall be 8" x T-0" minimum. to the pool Manufacturer's Installation Manual for additional restrictions, requirements, guidelines & calculation is valid only for installation address listed on cover sheet and is null and void unless sealed, signer of this calculation without the express written consent of C.E.T., T.E.S. and Hydra Pools is strictly prohibited.