HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTALLATION GUIDE�r ►� uh/ast MetaBY St Lucie bounty 114*nUM111 0 21 T SW Poma Drive; Palm City, Florida 34990 0 772-223-4055 Phone 0 772-781-7492 Fax www.sunlastmetal.com 0 sales@sunlastmetal.com IMPORTANT NOTICE REA[ THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION OF THE 5 V CRIMr (KEY WEST SERIES) PANEL SYSTEM. SUNLAST METAL DETAILS MUST BE FOLIJOI WED TO INSURE APPROPRIATE WARRANTIES REMAIN IN AFFECT. ALWAYS INSPECT EACH AND EVERY PANEL AND ALL ACCESSORIES BEFORE INST LLATION. NEVER INSTALL ANY PRODUCT IF ITS QUALITY IS IN QUESTION. NOTI Y SUNLAST METAL IMMEDIATELY IF ANY PRODUCT IS BELIEVED TO BE OUT OF S ECIFICATION OR HAS BEEN DAMAGED DURING SHIPPING. IF T IERE IS A CONFLICT BETWEEN OUR ENGINEER'S EVALUATION REPORT AND THE ETAILS IN THIS MANUAL, THE ENGINEER'S EVALUATION REPORT WILL TAKE PRE EDENCE. Installat, 's contained herein were in effect at the time of this installation manual creation and approved for publishing. Sunlast Metal reserves the right to discontinue products or change specifications at anytime without notice. To ensure that you have the latest material available' please contact Sunlast Metal directly. Installation Details are for illustration purposes only can may not be suitable for all building designs 11r conditions. All projects should be engineered to conform to applicable building codes and regulations. For complete performg6ce specifications and any disclaimers, please consult your local Sunlast Metal representative. uh/ast Metal (772) 2234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Technical Information Sheet .................................................... Page 4 B. General Panel Description .................................................... Page 5 C. Handling & Storage Specifications ........................................... Page 6 D. Installation Requirements .................................................... Page 7 E. Fastener Patterns .............................................................. Page 8 F. General Installation Instructions ........................................... Page 9 G. General Installation Order .................................................... Page 10 H. Flashing/Trim Metal Details .................................................... Page 12 I. Installation Details 1. Eave Drip (ED1-5V) .................................................... Page 14 2. Box Gutter (BG1-5V) .................................................... Page 15 3. Gable Rake (GR1-5V) .................................................... Page 16 4. Peak Flashing (PF1-5V) ........................................... Page 17 5. Gambrel Flashing (GF1-5V) ........................................... Page 18 6. Transition Flashing (TF1-5V) ........................................... Page 19 7. Ridge Cap - Notched (RC1-5V) ................................... Page 20 8. Ridge Cap - Hemmed (RC2-5V) .................. I .................. Page 21 9. Hip Cap (HC1-5V) ..................................................... Page 22 10. Valley (V1 -5V) .............................................................. Page 23 11. Side Wall Flashing (SW1 -5V) ............................................ Page 24 12. End Wall Flashing (EW1 -5V) ............... i ............................ Page 25 Cunlast Me��al (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 T INFORMATION 5-V Crimp (Key West TECHNICAL INFORMATION SHEET 1. Minimum Recommended Slope is 2:12. For slopes less than 3:12, refer to Florida Building Code (FBC) section 1507.4.2 and/or FBC section 1515.2. 2. Support Type: Wood Deck-15/32" (min) or greater Plywood, or Wood Plank (0.42 min specific gravity) 3. 5-V Crimp Panels are water shedding panels and due to their %" rib height, must be installed over a completely waterproofed structure. If the waterproof membrane is mechanically attached with metal fasteners of any type, fasteners should be covered to protect the under -side of the metal roof panels. Any mechanically attachment device that does not lay flat on the deck will tele- graph through the panels. 4. Underlayment specifications will be determined at time of estimate, but all underlayments will be in compliance with FBC Section 1507.4.5. 5. Insulation is optional, but must comply with FBC Section 1508. When insulation is incorpo- rated, fastener length shall conform to penetrate through bottom of support a minimum of 3/16". General Insulation Details: Type: Thickness: Density: Compressive Strength Rigid Insulation Board 3" (Max.) 2.25 pcf (Ibs/f?) min., or 20 psi (Min.) 6. Panels are subject to surface distortion due to improperly applied fasteners. Overdriven fasteners will cause stress and induce oil canning across the panel at or near the point of attachment. Oil canning is not a cause for rejection of the panels. 7. For the proper fastener application, please see the Fastener Pattern section of this installation manual. Fastener spacing across the width of the panel are shown on Page 8. For fastener spac- ing along the length of the panel, use the wind upload table on the bottom of Page 8 in conjunc- tion with the local governing code. 8. For continuous panels over 30 feet, please contact Sunlast Metal for direction. SEE ISUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 410 C N T 11 L tiunlastMe�IIII�­al (772) 2234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 GENERAL PANEL DESCRIPTION 24" Maximum -Net Coverage PANEL NAME: Key West Series (5-V Crimp) PANEL MATERIAL: Steel PANEL THICKNESS: 26 Gauge (Min.) PANEL WIDTH: 24" (Max.) Coverage PANEL RIB HEIGHT: 1/2" YIELD STRENGTH: 40 ksi min. CORROSION RESISTANCE: In compliance with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ASTM A792 Coated, or ASTM A653 - G90 Galvanized Steel COATINGS / FINISHES: Galvalume Plu0w/Additional Acrylume® (Mill Finish) Kynar 500 FSF® OPTIONAL STIFFENING RIBS: Striations Only (Flat - Standard) FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE �� �unlast O 234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 HANDLING & STORAGE SPECIFICATIONS The info' ation provided are suggested guidelines and not intended to cover all applications or building requirements. It is the esponsibility of the designer/installer to ensure that this information meets particular building conditions and/or code re ulrements. It is also the responsibility of the installer to ensure that all OSHA and/or other safety regulations are und4 rstood and upheld. Sunlast Metal will not be held liable for any claim which arise out of handling or installation of them iterial. RSONAL HANDLING PANEL INSPECTION When andling metal panels care should be taken to All material should be inspected upon delivery. Any protect a panels from scratching or abrasion. Pulling damage or moisture intrusion should be reported to a panels cross one another may cause scratches to the Sunlast office representative within 48 hours and surface film. Individual panels should be carried vertical notated on the Delivery Ticket. to the g 1�und to avoid bending the material. MECHANICAL HANDLING A forkli or crane can be used to handle unopened bundle but care must be taken to ensure equal distribu on of weight across the entire panel. Spread the fork ift forks to their maximum width in order to ensure weight distribution. Use of a spreader bar, when uiqual nga crane, will enable equal distribution of weight. i,able supports should be avoided at all costs. CTING & STORING Material should be left in a secure location to avoid the possibil ty of theft. To protect the metal panels from weath; conditions it should be tarped (non -plastic materi�') and stored at least 4" above ground with one end ele ated slightly higher to allow moisture to run off. If metal panels become wet, they should be individually removed from the bundled stack and dried. Prolong storagE Iis not recommended. If immediate installation is not p ) ssible, additional care should be taken to ensure hat rust or watermarks do not develop. Do not stores �Ieet metal roofing materials in contact with other mated Is that might cause staining, denting or other surfac damage. Store sheet metal materials away from u cured concrete or masonry. FIELD CUTTING Some field cutting and fitting of pre -manufactured panels is to be expected. Minor field corrections is considered normal operation. Always cut one panel at a time. For small cuts, hand-held shears (tin -snips) can be used. For best results an electric shear may prove useful. After cutting metal panels, ensure that all metal shavings are removed from the panel before installation to avoid rust stains, which will void the warranty. FASTENING DETAILS The use of proper fasteners and installation procedures is an important factor in the overall appearance and performance of the metal roofing system. When using metal fasteners with weather seal washers (WSW), be sure that you do not over tighten - causing the sealing material to extrude beyond the edge of the washer. Also, not tightening the fastener enough will not allow the proper compression of the washer to seal the penetration. SEE SUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE h/ast e� Ju . ,al OFFICE: (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS METAL PANELS: INSTALLATION METHOD: ROW SPACING: 1 FASTENER TYPE: FASTENER SIZE: FASTENER CORROSION RESISTANCE: FASTENER STANDARD: FASTENER SPACING: MINIMUM FASTENER PENETRATION: PANEL RIB INTERLOCK: 26 Gauge (Standard) or 24 Gauge Refer to drawings on Page 7 Refer to Table "A" on Page 7 (Along the length of the panel) Hex -Head Wood Screw with WSW #10 x 1-1/2" Per FBC Section 1506.6 and 1507.4.4 Per ANSI / ASME B18.6.4 Nominal pattern of 12" O.C. Along the row, across the panel profile & at top of corrugation peaks. Through bottom of support - minimum 3/16" Lapped SEE iSUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE unlastMelllillval O FICE: (772) 2234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 FASTENER PATTERNS "5V Crimp" Panel Typical Panel Profile View Nominal 12" o.c. I Nominal 12" o:c. Fastener $aacinq Across Panel Width. #10 Hex -Head Screw with WSW .Spaced 12" across the Panel Panel Fasteners - #10 Hex Head =15132" or greater Plywood, or msuwauon a maximum - Wood plank TABLE "A" METHOD 1: METHOD 2: Design Pressure: - SO.S PSF -106.7S PSF Row Spacing: 16" 8" Fastener Spacing: 12" 12" SEE ISUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE L c - 7, t�junlastMa�".-al (772) 2234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The information provided are suggested guidelines and not intended to cover all applications or building requirements. It is the re ssponsibility of the designer/installer to ensure that this information meets particular building conditions and/or code re l�irements. It is also the responsibility of the installer to ensure that all OSHA and/or other regulations are underst "od and upheld. Sunlast Metal will not be held liable for any claim which arise out of handling or installation of the GENERAL PANEL INSTALLATION There a e three main measurements that are critical when installing metal roof panels: the length required at the eave, the pea end and the amount of panel lap (if required). In each case a certain measurement is required. Check each measur ment to ensure panel placement gives you the distance required at the eave and peak. In most cases, any varianc can be taken out at the eave or peak. Insure that the structure is square and true before beginning panel installat n. If the structure is not square, the panels will not properly seal at the side -laps. Start the first panel square to the ea4 by using the 3, 4, 5 Triangle Method (See Below). Green or damp lumber is not recommended. Moisture releaseq from the damp lumber may damage the metal panels. Nails installed on green or damp lumber may back out. If you wis to pre -drill fastener holes, use a cover sheet to prevent hot shavings from sticking to the metal panels. For best results, ipe a fastener with a Weather Seal Washer. Drive fastener so that the washer is compressed securely against the met' I. Do not overdrive the fastener as this will cause a dimple to form, which will collect water and cause leakage. Overdri Ien fasteners will also increase the amount of oil canning that is present in the metal roof panels. Do not leave any fas eners that missed the substrate or have stripped the holes. Either use #14 (Goof Screw) or completely fill the hole wi sealant to prevent leakage. Remove any loose shavings left on the roof immediately to prevent corrosion or rust. Aer installing the roof system, remove any debris such as leaves or dirt to prevent moisture from getting trapped on the danels. TRIANGLE METHOD 1. Est blish a line from Point A to Point B by temporarily marking each point with a nail. The line must be parallel to the ea v . In this example, we are going to determine that this line is going to be 3 feet in length (This is the "3" side of the riangle). NOTE: For larger 3, 4, 5 Triangles - multiply each side of the triangle by the desired increase in size. For example, if the roof panels are 25 feet from the Eave to Ridge, multiply each side by a factor of 6 for an 18, 24, 30 riangle. Obviously the shorter the vertical length of the triangle is, the better accuracy you will have when squar- ing 1pff. 2. Usi g two tape measures, locate Point C by hooking one tape measure to the nail at Point A and a second tape me ' sure at Point B. Extend the tape measures until they cross and meet at 4ft on the Point A tape measure and 5ft on �e Point B tape measure. Then place another temporary nail at this juncture. 3. Hoi k a chalk line onto Point A and pull it in line with Point C and then mark you chalk line on the roof deck. This will be our square reference line for the panel installation. 4. Ma chalk lines parallel with the square reference line out ahead of the panel installation so that panel square can be 'hecked as the panels are installed. Suggested line spacing is one foot beyond 3 panels wide or about 7 feet. 5. Chd ck for square by measuring the distance from the installed panel edge to the chalk line at both the eave and ridc e ends. If the measurements match, then the installed panels are square, if not, adjustments must be made to bn the panels back to square. NOTE: Please take care when attempting to adjust for square. If completed improp- erl then oil canning will become present. 6. Sep; the following pages for a step-by-step process. SEE SVNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE l t I t�unlastMe.'.al (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 2 Using two tape measures, locate Point C S' by hooking one tape measure to Point A and the other tape measure to Point B, then extending both tape measures until lc they cross at the 4ft and 5ft increments (shown here). Then place a temporary nail at this intersection. /-- 1 Establish a line from Point A to Point B by temporarily marking each point with a nail. The line must be parallel to the eave and in this example 3ft Long (This is the "3" side of the KA... 5... Triangle). 3 Connect a chalk line to Point Xs nail and then pull it to Point C's nail. Then mark your chalk like on the roof deck. This is your square reference line for your panel installation. NOTE: For larger distances just multiply each side of the triangle by the desired size. For instance if the Eave to Ridge height is 25ft then multiply each side by 6 to get an 18...24...30... Triangle. III SEE SUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE III D m h/astMe.'a u I OFFICE: (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 11 21 3 4 Use two tape measures, on at the ridge and eave ends of the Square Reference Line and measure out 1 foot past 3 panel wide, or up to a maximum of 10 feet. Then hammer another temporary nail at the eave and run a chalk line to the ridge at the same length. 41 51 6 7 O O N r O Ifn 11 21 31 1 41 51 61 7 91 10 9 5 Check for square by measuring the distance from each installed panel edge to the chalk line at both the eave and ridge. If the measurements do not match, then the installed panels are not square and need to be adjusted. Be careful not to cause oil canning P. when attempting to adjust panels. M 11 21 SEE PUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE h/ u astMetal FFICE: (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 r 1. Moi Lure Barrier - Install Moistufe Barrier according to the manufacturer instructions. 4. Vs Trim from INSTALLATION SEQUENCES 2. Fascia Trim - Install the fascia trim 3. Eave Trim - Install the Eave Trim along all eaves and rakes. along all eaves lapping over Fascia Trim. Trim - Install the Valley 5. Metal Roof Panels - Install the 6. Hip Trim - Install the Hip Trim over r the Eave Trim, working panels over the Eave and Valley Trims. the Metal Roof Panels just installed. Eave to the Valley Peak. Do not install panels where the trim laps under the panels. 7. Ridde Trim - Install the Ridge 8. Transition Trim - Install the Transi- 9. Metal Roof Panels - Complete the Trim o 'er the Hip Trim intersection tion Trim over the low slope panels and panel installation - installing the high and v ley peak, moisture barrier. panels over the Trim Transition and the remaining exposed locations. SEE PUNLAST FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 10. R Trim Rake 16un1a,stMet----:-1 (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 INSTALLATION SEQUENCES - CONTINUED Trim - Install the Rake 11. Peak Trim - Install the Peak Trim the panels along all Gable over the panels. 12. Ridge Trim - Install the Ridge Trim over the Panels. 13. Shade Wall Trim - Install Sidewall 14. Side Wall Trim (Rear View) 15. End Wall Trim - Install End Wall Trim §ver the panels. Trim over the panels. FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 95unlast Meta/ : (772) 2234055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 'PT INFORMATION 5-V Crimp (Key West FLASHING / TRIM METAL DETAILS EAVE DRIP (DRIP EDGE) BOX GUTTER (6" STANDARD) �3"� 1° 3/4" 2" 1" 6" 5" 3" 611 Standard = 3"(S.O. = 6") S.O. = 23-1/4" (Standard) GABLE RAKE PEAK / HIGH END FLASHING 1" 5" 3All 1/2" 2-5/81 1/4„ Closed Hem 511 to 3-1/4" 1/2" (Cleat Receiver) S.O. = 7— 7/8" to 8 1/2" S.O. = 10-3/4" GAMBREL FLASHING TRANSITION FLASHING 6" 611 6" 1 /4" Closed Hem 6" 3/4" S.O. = 12-1/4"" S.O. = 12-3/4 FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE unlast Met'al (772) 223-4055 TOLL FREE: (877) 8-METAL-6 FACSIMILE: (772) 781-7492 FLASHING / TRIM METAL DETAILS RIDGE CAP (NOTCHED) RIDGE CAP (HEMMED) 5-1/411 � 5-1/411�� 3Ait 1/4" Closed Hem S.O. = 12" S.O. = 11" (Must Use Closures) HIP CAP VALLEY 5-1/4" 1" 3/411 S.O. = 12" S.O. = 20" SIDEWALL FLASHING ENDWALL FLASHING 4„ 3/4" 411 �1„� 4"-i 5-1/2"�� 1/4" S.O. = 9-3/4" S.O. = 9-3/4" FOR CURRENT INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE _O ED1 - 5V #10 x 1-1 /2" Hex -Head Wood Screw Inside Closure (Foam) #30 Felt (Min.) Sunlast Metal, Inc. DRAWN Name JAR e Plywood Decking (15/32" Mire) Name SCALE j Eave Drip 1 - 5-V JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER JR A ED1-5V REV A ISHEET 1 1 AL BG 1 -5V #10 x 1-1 /2" Hex -Head Wood Screw #10 x 1" Pancake -Head Wood Screw Stainless Steel Pop Rivet 1/2" Buytl Tape Inside Closure (Foam) Box Gutter Strap (Sized to Gutter) Box Gutter (6" x 6" Standard) #30 Felt (Min.) Plywood Decking (15/32" Min) Sunlast Metal, Inc. e JAR e ° JR Box Gutter 1 - 5-V Name JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER Name ED JR A BG1-5V SCALE 2:1 REV A SHEET 1 JOL GR1-5V #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 1 /2" Buytl Tape #30 Felt (Min.) Plywood Decking (15/32" Min) Sunlast Metal, Inc. Name JAR Name° JR GABLE RAKE 1 - 5-V ENGINEER Name JAR s zE DWO NUMBER ape E JR A GR1-5V - Z � PF1-5V #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw #10 X 1" Pancake -Head Wood Screw 1 /2" Buytl Tape Cleat (Highlighted in Red) Outside Closure (Mandatory) #30 Felt (Min.) Plywood Decking (15/32" Min) SCALE 2: Sunlast Metal, Inc. JAR PEAK FLASHING 1 JR 5-V JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER JR A PF1-5V REV A I SHEET 1 OF ' -L - GF1--5V #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw Inside Closure Outside Closure #30 Felt (Min.) Plywood Decking (15/32" Min) Sunlast Metal, Inc. N ED JAR GAMBREL EER JR FLASHING 1 (5-V) e JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER 2 ED JR A GF1-5V 2:1 REV A I SHEET 1 OF r. TF 1-5V #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 1 /2" Buytl Tape Inside Closure Outside Closure #30 Felt (Min.) Plywood Decking (15/32" Min) Sunlast Metal, Inc. JAR TRANSITION JR FLASHING 1 (5-V) JAR ewe,- ui ROSE= Name Eo JR I A I TF1-5V SCALE 2:1 1 REV A ISHEET 1 RC1-5V (NOTCHED) #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw WSW FASTENING PATTERN - RIDGE (5-V CRIMP) #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 1/2" Buytl Tape Outside Closure #30 Felt (Min.) Decking I Sunlast Metal, Inc. Name JAR Name D Ridge Cap 1 - 5-V JR NameER JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER Name ED JR A RC1-5V SCALE M RC2-5V (HEMMED) r #10 x 1-112" Hex -Head Wood Screw WSW FASTENING PATTERN - RIDGE (5-V CRIMP) #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 1 /2" Buytl Tape Outside Closure #30 Felt (Min.) Decking I Sunlast Metal, Inc. Name JAR Ridge Cap 2 - 5-V Name D JR ENGINEER - Name JAR SIZE Al DWG NUMBER RC2-5V Name ED JR HC1-5V #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 1 /2" Buytl Tape Universal Closure #30 Felt (Min.) Decking Sunlast Metal, Inc. DRAWN Name JAR Name D JR Hip Cap 1 - 5-V Name JAR SIZE DWG NUMBER Name ED JR A HC1-5V SCALE 2:1 REV A I SHEET 1 HC2-5V 2" 1" Z-Closure #10 x 1-1/2" Hex -Head Wood Screw Z-Closure 1 /2" Buytl Tape Universal Closure Stainless Steel Pop Rivet #30 Felt (Min.) Decking Sunlast Metal, Inc. IR Hip Cap 2 - 5-V JAR SIZE -DWGNUMBER JR A HC2-5V SW1 - 5V 10 x 1-1 /2" Hex -Head Wood Screw 10 x 1" Pancake -Head Wood Screw 0 Felt (Min.) lywood Decking (15/32" Min.) Sunlast Metal, Inc. DRAWN Name JAR Side Wall 1 - 5-V Name D JR ENG EER Name JAR SIZEDWG A NUMBER sw1-5v APPROVED JR SCALE 2:1 REV A I SHEET 1 OF