HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE - 9-25-18ORM-R4056-2017 III FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE. FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION F orida Department of Business and Professional Regulation : Residential Performance Method ProjecIName: AHMED RESIDENCE Builder Name: 14 AA r- TPA a 1 street 11 City, S 7875 SADDLEBROOK DRIVE Permit Office: ST LUCIE COUNTY Zip: PORT ST LUCIE, FL, Permit Number rso-i6 n g 4FB�q Owneal D V- - a!; M E V. Jurisdiction: ST L _ 05-1E COUNTY Desigr Location: FL, ST-LUCIE-CO-INTL County: St. Lucie (Florida Climate Zone 2 1. New donstruction or eAsting New (From Plans) 9. Wall Types (0420.0 scft) Insulation Am 2. Singlc family or multiple family Single-family a. Concrete Block - Ext Insul, Exterior R=6.0 61 90.00,ft2 3. Number of unitsi if multiple family b. Frame- Wood, Adjacent R=11.0 230.00 1`12 c. N/A R= ftz 4. Numt er of Bedrooms 6 d. N/A R= 1`12 5. Is this lI la worst case? No 10.Cefling Types (7522.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Under Attic (Vented) R=22.0 7522.00 ft2 6. Condi floor area above grade (W) 7522 b. N/A R= ftz Conclifi,oned Toned floor area below grade (112) 0. c. N/A R= ft2 7. Wind I 1 (888.3 sqft.) Description Area 11. Ducts R ft2 2 additional duct system(s) 6 175 a. Uiio "cir. SgI, U=0.65 723.00 ft2 b. Sup. Attic., Ref: Attic, AH:, AHU 2 6 140 SH, C: SHGC=0.25 c. Sup: Attic, ket Attic, AH: AHU 3 (see details b. U-146clor. SgIj U=0.70 165.33 f!2 12. Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SH6 C: S.HGC=0.30 a. Central Unit 41.0 SEER:116.00 c. U-IIII N/A if b. Central Unit 29.4 SEER:18.00 11 2 additional cooling systems (see details) SH d. U-40tor. GC: 11 13. Heating.systems kBtuJhr Efficiency NIA fI2 a. Electric Ship Heat 27.0 cdp:l.00 SH C: b. Electric Strip Heat 27.0 COR1.00 Area VY Ielghted Average Overhang Depth: 2-000 it 2 additional heatin9 systems (seedetails Area eighted Average SHGC:, 0.259 14. Hot water systems WAN 3 8. Floor ype& (7522.0 sqfQ Insulation Area a. Electric Cap: 80,gallons; By a. S 1 1 On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 4263.00 ftz EF. 0.980 b. Conservation features LUCiE) County b. Raised Fkxx R=19.0 3259.00 ftz None c. N/A R= W 15. Credits None GlassI Area: 0.118 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 210.92 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 224.90 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and this calc Aation are in complianceAth the Florida Energy specifications covered by this Code. calculation indicates compliance t Y.,o C-11 with the Florida Energy Code. W PREP D -Rv- j Before construction is completed D E' At this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby ify that this bu#ying, as desigwd, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the orida Energy r OWNER/AGENT•- BUILDING OFFICIAL: . DATE. 11 ME DATE' C an nce requires certification by the air handier unit manufacturer that the.air handier enclosure qualifies as fac.tory-seaM, in accordi,ince.with R403.3.2.1. ice requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with. R402AAA and this project requires ie leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50 (W2.4.1.2). 5117/2018 244 PM Energy FaTsAsE20C040P41 VC1,pliant Software SEP 2 5 2018 Page I of 6 Permitting Del-Jartment St. Lucie County, FL FORM 1. Newcbristructionorexistin.9 . 2. Singi ,Iffy or multiple iamily 3. Numb of units, if multiple family 4. Numbel r of Bedrooms 5. is this is worst case? 6. Ccndoned floor area (ffs) 7. Win - Description� a. Sgl, 0.65 C: SHGC�25 b. ,actor. Sgl, 6=0.70 S C: SHGC4.30 c. U46don. NIA S C: d. U actor. NIA 7V5.SA0DLEBR0OK DRIVE, PORT STLUGIE, FL, New (From Plans) Single-family 1 6 No 7522 Area 723.00 ft2 165.33 ft2 ft' ft= Area eVited Avenge Overhang Depth: 2.000 fL Area. ,eightm Average SHGC: 0.259 8. Floor types Insulation Area a. Slat rade Edge Insulation • R=0.0 4263.00 ft= b. Rah W Floor R=19.0 . 3259.00 W C. N1 I R= IF 9. Wan Types a. Concrete Block-.EA.lnsul, Exterior b. Frame- Wood, Adjacent c..NfA d. WA 10. Ceiling Types. a: Under Attic (Vented) b. NIA c. WA 11. Duds 2 addrb'onal:duct systern(s) b. Sup: Attic. Rec Attic,.AH: AHU 2 c. Sup: Attic, Ret:.Attic; AH: AHU 3 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. Central Unit 2. adiffionai,coding. systems 13. Hee ktg'systems a ElectriaStrfp Heat b. Elect is Strip: Heat 2 anaf heating systems 14. Hot water systems a.:Electric b. Conservation features None IS. Credits I certify t iat this home has complied with the Florida Energy: Efficiency Code for: Building . Construc 'on through the.aboVe;energy.saving features which will be 'installed.(or exceeded). in this hc me before. final.: inspection: Otherwise, a new EFL Display. Card: w'tl(be cximpieted , . based: or installed Cbde i_s t feat' re Builder gnature: Date: SEP 2 1.2018 Address f f New Home: M15 5APpL1F6M00le biz city/FLZip: PSL A 349$� insulation Area R=6.0 6190.00 fie R=11.0 230.00 ft2 R= ft' R=. fi= Insulation Area R=22.0 7522.00 ft- R= ftz R= A2. R fi= 6 i75 s 140 (see details kBtuthr Etfre eficy 44.0 . SEER:'1M 29A :SEER:Y61l0 (seri;deiarig) kl3pi/M .' Ems►... 27:0 C60'100. 27.0 . `.GOP 100 (see`itei�ls). Cap: 80galtons EF: 0.98 None This. is not a:Building Energy. Ratirtg. If .your Index is below 70, your home may:quallfy for energy effrclerit- Ie (EEM) incentives if you obtain a: Florida EnergyGauge Ratfng .. Efnad EnergyGapge tech support at port a�energygauge com or see the EnergyGauge web srte at ener ygauc�e-corm for yj ... , ahon and a.11st<of Raters: For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation;. contact the Florida Building aion's support staff: required by Section R303:1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Z44 PM . EnergyGauge® USA - FlaRes2017 - Section.R405.4.1 DEFAULT. i S r 'ce x.,dYA �A SEP' �, r