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Jl P1afiMqg',,'&Orright-'Qb%ie16 S —erVi.ces .Building .,4-tode-Me ul" ion.bivision 1. 1 Z. -230.0 Vllekihila Avenue. Fort ',P'iEi 9 Pierce, FL,34 .82 2 772A62., 165 or 77446241,77 Fak: 7724624443 'D"CANNED ROOF, INSPECTION-AFFIDAVITL ' BY Yele COUnty Re: PerMit# 1,809-0451 1, KYLE WHITE li;qnse.&as ip Cd -rehit ct., ntraotor Itnoneer./A 6 (Please Print name &cltcle. lltefise.tVlpe) *F346,8-Building lhsoe . gg.r. *Gene al,. Resl*nddl o'�Robfthj,:'C66irdetbr6r-any lhdividooI certified under ;'4'6'i7.,F'.,�"S.'t'6:-m'dke-suih, an inspeciton. On or about :111,01120-1 a` zi,did.,.per.sonally.!hSpect-th-e edqfdggk,-rf6il work�at-, 204 TUMBLIN KLING ROAD: FORT PIERCE I , Job I site:a . cl&#ss) Based upon -that examination: 1 mhavg. OeterminedAhe instal latioh%.was'd,6h6.atec"rdin,g-',,to'jth" --h't e-x0rre... :edition of the Fliorida;',X'istjing- Building CddeSoctlon submitted ':(whichever "is, most•.strigent §Ignature,and'seai ,sTATE:OF FLORID- * IA .COIUN.TY- 0'--..tt LUOI E' CO wprn,to,and .,subtceibe.dbefdee,ftie,this JISt, day of.N VEMBER 4018m,: -by KYLE'.. HITE' Wh'61 personally as id6niffidiii6b. Notary Public, Stkebf Flo - rid Signature of Notary: "41' Corn rnisMdint N umbeir: FF;9S6066 En'01/19/2011