HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONAll APtlItlPLICABLE INFO UST BE COMPLETE . OR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED LL . I� a Permit Number: Dat RVA RECEIVED NE _ I " Building Permit licatio sEP 4 �o18 � Planing and Development Services EU Si-. Lucie County, Permitting BY Build,ng and Code Regulation Division 2300IVirginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 � � C®U* Phone. (772) 462-1553. Fax:.(772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERT IT APPLICATION FOR: s�• I�R POSED INPR01lEMENT t, � CA ION: Addrelss: Z cJ 0 6 w Pon-( c4 Q 8 z Legal Lcription: 06&�6-z?- a A4--9'7L, 2 h-4 P(4T II1C ja to- �I � PrPr p y Tax ID #: O d z 7 ©dC� �j Lot No. Site PI' n Name: Block No. Proje �I Name: Setbap ks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DE AILED DN CR+IPTION OF OR 14 P FL 4� VRSFf'A/e-,Pr .90.0 sA ` IllF *"V 7-4 I'I �STRJUCRON INFO +MA ON: Additional wor to be pertormed under this permit - checK all that apply: —Gas Tank - — Gas Piping — Shutters _ Windows/Doors Eechanical lectric Plumbing — Sprinklers Generator 0--"Roof 311Z Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Z TKO 5ec - Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost o Construction: $ S rid -' Utilities: _ Sewer —Septic Building Height: g OU1f �EIRJLESSEE: •UNTRACTCO'Nam 9l�iGisCo cyl� r Name: Company:C�jv���� tic//L7�7cS L-LG Addrless: z4ol City: State: rL Address: 3!03 ticU iT�1�T� Lrti City: Apuz: Si c.cic% State: Zip Code: ik 1 g Z Fax: Phony No. Zip Code: 04f -?9 3 Fax: E-Mal I: Phone No 7-7Z zZ �-f Fill it fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-Mail �JTlu�G7�lc s is �f�/foo_ Corr from'the Owner listed above) State or County License GAG7 if valu lof construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required.