HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSPERMIT # ISSUE DATE 1� 4 )1)6 (Company Name, the 1 r CoAl i wl Il (Type of Trade) For It is PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sub -contractor for e=penV RECEIVED S E P 2 4 18 ST. Lucie Countyr Permitting ��������pp BY St Luce C®URV tv have agreed to be (Primary Contractor) vyi project located of tCj'� `{Dt.te�E'`, eu"C 'V.Q . f (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 2TIFICATION NUMBER � a, County of�� cicp-� instrument was signed before me tthis day of 201%, by C0.$ t 1 Cl h illy known, ._. or has produced a STAMP SU 0 RACTOR SIGNATURE (Quaff er) PRINT NAME, Nl..�tl-7 I l -1—i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County oI 1m I uLt I The foregoing instrument was signed �n`"Ielm e this &day of 'syZ , 20 !0 , by who is personally known 4ar has produced a as identification. STr. , ignat a of Notary Public L_aurn M . VitAnnr� tr i v5 Print Name or Notary Public -� rti t�AMUR�A',,M� cVALApN^TI�Z~►UAS. =^^ HVrt+WsW#W0�0WQ 4 pyy(pipeptenm�bepr78,L110 }ry�6 OQp'• p�µM�l��*fiUu�i tiM,l(1.71(:i PERMIT # ELECTRIC INC A O ct — (3 rod ( ISSUE DATE Sol PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVE® 11,11 tUompatty Name/Individual Flame) the fLECTRICAL (Type of Trade) BLDINGPERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREELMENT I S E P 2,4? 1 S ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be GENTILE CORP MANNEDSub-contractor for ny (Primary Contractor) LUde c®CQfl1i For the project located at 205 44TH STREET FT PIERCE (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is i nderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. I ACTOR SIGNATURE (Qua ►er) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) CONT � S,coicsoR PAUL ROMANO AME PRINT NAME PRINT I t5o8 27517 ' CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUN State o (. lorida, County of i0.1 aac—I State ST LUCIE %iortda, County The foregoing of of (� instrument was signed before me this I day of The foregoing instrument was signed before this 19 day me of II 2d by Q �� Ci SEPTEMBER Zo by PAUL ROMANO who is :eraonally la►owa _or has produced a ? CP,Y�I,P who is personally known or has produced a asidencation. as identification. �eef� AWLW1RNM "1 �"r�"••4'b WCOiAS M O GG M9122 ,��� STAMPa WNMS1►UZ2021 of Notary Public *Sgnat=ure_oLf Notary Pablic of Bonded rm mo tV &y Setvirsrs gn JAIME HARNER Print Name of Notary Public Print JOYCE GLANDERG -.; MY COMMISSION # FF 212M EXPIRES: July 23, 2019 % f�s� ,.`�� BondedThruWtaryPub%Underwriter! Revised the PERMIT # I `A<5C\ 65 6 � I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED 1..E.cpap. Name/Individual Name) (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT I Sip 4 2018 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 9 ST. Lucie cou�ntv- , Ne—" _____MAUFINSV BY 82 LUde C o uRV (Z RI 244 % have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 6&JT4-F CORP- (Primary Contractor) 111 For the project located at /,05 t4 4osT• bRT ?I�RCJE. I I (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is t'nderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned proje'i t, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONT ACTOR SIGNATURE (Qua Fier) 05 m ` {� SUB-CONTRACTTOR SIGNAT X4(Qualifier) 05�i` �W* z IV PRINT AME PRINT NAME I �508 04 GC 15V 50 8 COUNTY CERTIFICATION`` NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ollylorida, Countyof'�4. �'Uw� State of Florida, County of , • 1�C 't The foregomg instrument was signed before me thisa day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 5Ic Ik 20 � by 400r 'FtO�-%Yti 20Aby6sC-% who is Ii rsonally known _or has produced a T (' 1► who is personally known _or has produced a ! as idenUGcation, �as identification. of Notary N r,- 6. e, of Notary Public Revised!, STAMP R,SGrEO R"at4i;e of Notary Publid M sop, p p1RES.n publw�nde � V *ir%d► Bonded m�plolatY fit" ame of Notary Public ��hlAMAR k tjC p1 0't�h : -MY coMtwber 16 7.620 �(pIRES: pecorn Bonded-fhn' Notary Public Undow,nler._ 4 (Co-ii'Tipaiiy =yaillu/llidividuall Stiin the S a Ylla✓ 4J x. : it3aiG! For1iiie project located at r3 'ulC i1A T.- :{ ... d?_ �'+n. r3 _.-_ E'"""�r,•vu.a z. �ds„va n., �""�a""vr; SUB -CONTRACTOR AG EEMFNT Sub-coutracttrr for reet Address or Property Tax ID #) Ti tii,ct's tot�� Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will i filiri,l Of a Change of Sub -contractor hotice. N( UIY u i�rni "• a, a n,n COU. TY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 2 L_a «_ Th., � 'c}�viu� im6ia iivacr"ai »uS Si�yncu uctvlx alii: sasii5-13— us3 Of • S za�,by OSGo,t Ft 6zth,\ aS idel it (canon. . Print Name DEANNA MARIE GIVENS MY COMMISSION # GG 022023 EXPIRES: December 16, 2020 Bonded lhru Notary Public Under%Wtem' ES 4 ? naa RECEIVED SEP 272018 ST, Lucia County, Permitting ltmve --greed w i;e SCANNED BY ---St-Lude County W;tis tl-ILal-kQ) = 2- advised pursuant to the .v :;'3.!S'Ta'ACT'JA:`i i�a;K, T-rJJPX. (QualtX1Ci; V Y"_..'„/�fb),i�4 'ice ✓«•��'•r.�,�s 4B/"4 , F COUN, TY CERTIFICATION NUMBER _ _ /_ f' .1t51t'. 4131'tt:a fiLY. t.:lil SSY_Y �LfL ,� i iL fVli�'i11 i1 •�.• tll�i3 SiLlGI31 YTd;) ]lgit411 !�JCtViE TiS>: iiS3s 4:v 39f - - '--- ! �3 , - -�--- -- aS itdeni%lti:ation. iriF;,,asua a. vt a•f,i«t y rub", Print Name of Notary P(iblic Notary Public StWG of FlaTida Javier Santana My Commission GG 239744 of Exp{rt:s 0711912022 i