HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASEOF 219 12:02 FROM- r 7728787656 f T-442 P0001/0006 F-710 Ulij -f p -n es bde SIB! 1'' W*9iffla Aire 772-46Z-2-1*65 Fax­7,72-4-in-a443 Lucie Co' my Pen -nit Rftbw. I Addrem 10 2q UNPERSIGNED HEREBY PEo t.)EST pE.LEASE -or- ELECTRICAL pCiWER To THE ABOVE DESOUEW )ERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TQ MEED THIRTY (30) -J?Ays, FOR THE pURP'OSE OF TESTING SYSMMS EWIPMW IN PREPARATION FOR A MAL INSPECItON. IN CONWMATION OF: APPROVAL OF 'rHg ,VV mmmy- ACMl*0WLE1%E -AND AG 'AS F,6LwWs.- 1- This tempo .nary POWer reldM is Mqum%.d fOr the ov baw . al es PUPOM Onlye and #we wM be -no OcWpanq(of any type, -Qther than that perrnitbd by.coh$ft*ucVon di d6g ft Umt period. 2. As wWiew by our s rrd U WV, we he� eDyAg�ee to abide by elf tems and coiidlitions of this agrwmerit inclUd1hp S.Ulding DWjon pojjcy, which is inoorpordW herein by mfemnce 3. All conditibns and mquirieffients. llw� 'ln the atnthed amiment er=ed -Re4unments ft 30 Day Power fbr TZOng" have been fulffiled-and the premlge is ready for compliante inspecibn. 4, All rs4tiestt for an. LaikW81on beypnd �O days must be: made in writing to the BulicUngofficial statingthe rewri gar the maquesL PdWer . may be rainoVed-ftm the srv-- anoft a StopWorkorder issued if the Finsil InspecUon hffs not been approvW "within 30 days. Afee of$loo.Wwill berequired tolift the StDp Work Order. , FV RE -WE AND ACP, ,EF-To HOLD HA RMLE$,5, ST, WcIrz -C . OUNTY,, AND THEIR EMPLO UMES AND CLAIMS -OF ANY TYPE oF',NAmjgF WjjjCH YEES FP,6m MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE RMPtt OUT TRANSACTIPN,.INCLUDNANY D `Hjq4.j4�y8tjN " W. CURED OUE TO THE qEMON 'OF Inea:=L POWER' IN THE E'EN-" OFW'OLATIM OF THIS Amamw DATE 3 Permitting RErEIVEM R MAY 1 2019 P p tti ermitting Department S� L. L uc i St. Lucie County, FL