HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTS# I L I �q r d S13 I ISSUE DATE .: PLANNWG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & 'Code Compliance Division 4 BtUILDING PERMIT F RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i SF 6 ]<1 (� Lucie County, Permitting Lude County -c- have agreed to be . Co pony Name/Fndividual Name) the Sub -contractor for CA-) = A e? ge.' tr f e✓ e'.� ype of Trade) (Prim Contractor) For the roject located at 2 � -1\, \.N,- iz S (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID' #) It is und erstood that, if there is any change of status regarding participation articiP ation with the above mentioned �� project, `the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing Of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACT OR SIGNATURE(Quanfrer) O RACTOR'SIGNAT (Qualifier) PRINT N PRINT NAME COUNTY RTIFICATIONNUMBER !COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State o#Flo da, County of m 0 _' State of Florida, County of The forego instrument wag signed before we this day of The #oregoing instrument was signed before me this�day of . "C 2&Wpy��:w�s2L, zo by I�RWd2V�C4`7�0% who is per so i any known Kor has produced a who is personally knows _V__or has produced a as identifica 'on. as identification. '6 STAMP Signature o Notary Public Signature�NoQy�ftbllc STAMP PrmtName ofNotary Public Print Name of Notary Public Notaty.Pupul; Pam ; , �°. "�,y LAURA R CUNPEDGE ' Kerrt Budka �. j; Cammissioll GC, 02Z07ti v° My Commiselan:F¢ 978543 Revised 11/I 11016 Expires ®5451202a 's4 P &Pir43'Q ober2l, 2020 �� anwrroyFaU,tnturimeaoa38�.1015 .pg RM0 1 gai OS13 FLA XMIC'U4 DIVE LOPWO—ONT-0 'simm, Ing, Ift jWWWW410 F19 . BY Lucie � CEIVED' Sr' 6 ST. Lucie County, Permitting OVO-41ST1014 O."k, Wynn@ 08Ygj@PM@nf V www ffgaa 0 ------ .... Fib �Riilafu?. *0 Lyle Wynjvi RabW WOW W NAW v9WAAW, V0PJJWJA*Yae xjWmjjgWb* lo fq 4: Awe- DOR THYANNBASKIA tr,z`1r;` "ITV toy COMMISSION #GG 030145 EX5lRES:*0ct0b6r2,2020 - B ndsd-Thrum6tary public Undetn(Om 18618 F9 ----vw FATIONN Fy Tim -RaboriLudium Adi"fiAg . §999 . , 6TAW Rhonda. L@ff".:. ON16A. LAFFEWY: PERMIT # 1 O q c ISSUE DATET_ omfor•C (company (Type of Trade) PLANNING & DEVEL' OP'MENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RYi -DING PERM17 is ti SUB-CON'TRACTORAGREEMEN'Y' y �v ST. Lucie County, Permitting Lud e C����dl of oT St. Lucie County, Inic. have, agreed to'be •. For the project Ideated at N=e) Sub -contractor for Wynne Development Corp. 01mary Coxitiactor) Street Address or Property Tax ID ##) It is i I jnderstoodthat, if there is any change of statusregarding our participation with the above mentioned. prof ct, the Building and Code Regalatio l Division of St. Lucie "County will be advised pursuant. to the filing of a Change of Sub-cortfiractor notice. COU $tube The f who is agideb Revised iew Lvle Wvnne 8 8288 "CERTIFICATION NUMBPTt COUNTY C=TWICATION•N�,UMBER lorida, County of ,�Qe-, i^�[.',�State;of Florida, County off �� L Diing iustra4th��t••//Was sthed heNre me this( dray of The�foregoing instrument was signed before me this` ilay of ® $r.': • sonaliy known V or has Produced a who is personalty known —ZOr t►ag produced a cation. as identification. 1a7 STAMP• STAMit of Nora J ublic Signature ofNouq Fnbl y AA/d e of Note `Pubtie Print Name of Noiaty Pubife "'� DOROTHYANN BASKIN :a�,; MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 DOROTHYANN BASKIN c�l::�Y�''i ' �� 'c„: MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 •°` EXPIRES: October 2,'2020 . ' ; °o Bonded Thru Notaty_Pgb1ic',Underwriters EXPIRES Octobet2, 2020 "' %,}`opv�Q• , Bonded Thru'Notary.PublicUndenwiteis 16/201b • . L66-A ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO-i 999L8L9ZLL dA oo Su,i p i i n8 auuAM -WOdd 9 4=Z 6 9 6 60-Z L RECEIVED .......... ::. S E P 16 'll MANN9"Dr. Lucie County, Permitting Luds CouHV .*U aqy th -o UPWe l .. s>t n Lurie Con W-Adifte �Y* dpursm#..' L%A. �n:. DOkOTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION4 GG 030146 EXPIRES: Odtober2,2020 C-00I.W...'r."I".m. W. taregoiria ON tit' 0, :who ..wrxoftglfrlwis 1 deom ba"4,:, lsr�� *Si' wte:i DOROTHYANN BASKIN MYCOMMISSION#GG030145 EXPIRES: October Z 2020