HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJ ) gym FILE E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT. COURT SAINT L"..i�E COUNTY' 44836eq OR BOOK 4183 PAGE 2855-,, Recorded 69/25/2018 01:14:23 PM flits'b'pjreLrse cdrorrowdlugle.p �LS� NOTICE OR'COItA ONCEiGIENT. �'��'�� court The ugdemigded hembygiven notice that improvemenf will be,made to certain real property, and: in accordance''with'Chapter,713; Florida statules.the fonowing-infotmation is provided in the Notieetif eosrimtrtematt: 1: DESCRIPTION OF PROP �$�� iCegal descnpnoa agd stn et address); TAX FO}rZO NUNIEER.3 41 4 S �" i 17 f�'F 00 0 9 SUBDIMIO Smnls :Bi30Ck TRACT' _ LdT_ B 1.,MERALDESC92TION OFROROVEMENT. 3. VnM INFdRMA'ITON •: a. Name Gisrn x b.Address '�OVO.S.. USlr Suite 4'0$r 'FSL, FL 34'952 a interestinproperty d.:Name and address orfee simple tideholder(if other than o"waer) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE`NUMBER- • Wynne Deve-10omen't Corpora"tion. 6000 S, US7., Suite 4' 2., PS •. i--A 5. SURETY. NAI4IE, ADDRESS;AND P.HO]9L.NUMBER.A AND GOND AMOUNT. ti L13NIDE1t'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER 7 Persons"within'the State o(;Florida' designated: b .Owner upon whom.notices or other docaments inay:be served as.provided by Seenon 713.13 (1)(a)-7.. Florida Statutes: -- - _ _ •NAME,' ADDRESS AND PRIDNENUM BER:.DOgg ,Brantley Y Szlver Oak Dr. PSL,j- ' L. 261-9418' B. Lt addition to himself or herself• Owner designates the following to;receive a copy of the Lietioe-a Nbtiet as provided;in Section 713.13' (1)(b).. Florida Statutes: i NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:. 9. F.itpiration date of nedee of commencement (the expiratioa'date is 1 year from the date'of recording unless a different.date is specified).. !- 20-" Signature of Owner or Owner's Authorized.Otiicer/Directoc/PartneeManaggr Countyof S' L', ie' PrmtNaine,and Provide Signatory's Title/OiGce (Name ofperson) (Type of authorky..:eg. f}:wner.,office4 trustee, attorney:in fact) po.Wyriad Su ld ctq Cortoora.tion (Name of party:tin behalf of wbom'instrument was eXt rated) Personally Known orproduced>thc follovng rype'of ID: }5x OQRCTNYANN BASKIN ,,//�� /� WOW GO 030146 �QYQ�Yx 91 ri „i ;�/N4��"' �:•+ • EXPIRES"Oetober2, 20ZQ (priatedName ofNotaryPoblic) (Sigpatuie.o" otauy-Public} t • 4 ' gyidedStiuNoleryRuDtxUt+dnwnleta Under,penalties' of perjury, i deciart ibat I have -read the foregoing and that the facts in it are'trbc'to tht.:bsst of Thy'knowtedge and belief (see 0 i 92,525, Florida Statutes). _ By: Signature(s) of.Owner(s)'orOwner(s)'-Authorized OfficeriDirector/Partner/Managerwho signed ,above: ' By