HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPAIENT SERVICES Euildint & Code Compliance Di ion I RECEIVE® iBUILDING. PERMIT SUR-CONnUCTOR'AWRE+ EMENT the I t tec_%r, -z- / (Type of Trade) `\ For the oject located at \ �" P (Proieat Street J. SEP 26 Z018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting evU42;bu 0016 have agreed to be Sub -contractor for t A.) ti rl e7 //c & e- f cIIO Lr ew� / 2-a s/> (Hm Contractor) G�2 n or Property Tax ID' #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, t e Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) O RACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) State The who is Revised County v \ 3trument was signed before me thiss Oday of known. or has produced a i_&.C� e✓ STAMP f Netmv Pnhlir tNotan p6btlaStaff$ VW* 40 Kerr} Budka e My CommissWo FF 878543 E ...... ®5i2 ... PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County ofst,,�yf_ The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ' day of zo by W t%JC0 �`7 bY�, who is personally known,V_or has produced a as identifieation. STAMP Signature ofNota�Puhlic��� y� Print Name ofNotsry Public -: LAUIiA P. Cub6EQGE Commission # GG lx?.2876 + , Expires October2l, 2020 Bon�dThruTioyFa6��quQnoeaoa385�1015 '6601m, In@, wynno DMIOROM ........... maj if *weu Any- Amp W, A tb@ gbov'@ ri!gndowd - oung of VA 0401WOW-Mopgorm). mg�w wo wynnoi '00 be 91\\K u lies DO " WAW DOROTHYANN BASKIN 145]' 'G 030 0 bmMISS(ON # GG , 030145 XPIRES:brtober2,2020 U der" m n2 Bonded-Thru NdtarY Public Undeto 9 1WO ......... . . . . . . WIN WAR fto offloc m-op Cooky of St Lurie TIM forpong jaimmfit'vo fog �*ifm ffiok- dw of Ri" ------------ ftc,4�j lav ED 'Uele CIDU,14 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & MWELOP MENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliauce Division omfort Control o'f St, (Company Name/Individual Name) the I HVAC (Type of Trade) For the project located at )aUM.D*G PERMrr RECEIVED SUB-CONnUCTOR AGRE11), E ,�X' � , SEP 2 6 20i8 _ `r�� ST. Lucie County, Permitting 1 Lucie County, Irxc, ha�ve,aglreedto'be °. ' Sub -contractor for Wynne Development Corp. (Primary Co ` mo (Project Street Address of Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above mon"tibne'd , proje t, the 13uilding and Code Regolatio l Division of St. Lucie "County will be advised puisuant. w the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Matthew •Lvhe W COUM, 'c I Stare of) lo] The to cgoh who is p lrso as fdentiticai 1 natur of �g ``i. priintName < ` rat Revised I1�16 I W.... � RTMCATION NC)'1V103 A COUNTY U9RT1FfV,&T;ON NUMBER a, County of St (���&lof Horids. County of� iustruniev�i-t''was dsimed befotie me this( day of The`foregoiug instrument was s ee before b re me tliis� bay of v 20�� by e 26 by By known `� or has produced a who is personally Imown ✓r Las produced a : o. as identification, STAW, dadz -. fta tie Signature ofNo STA1V>14 % . tery PnbP Voia 'Arblic: print Name of Notary Public DOROTHYANN BASKIN , MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 ' ;z�;�:::s!y�,,, DOROTHYANNBASKIN EXPIRES:October 2, 2020 ; MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 Bonded Thru.Nbtary Public',Underwrlters : _: .,s �. EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 '�•....p•,, '•. ;o ..... F; 4•• Bonded Thru Notary..Public Underwriters )16al L66-d Z000/ZOOOd tL0-i 999L9L8ZLL dAo0 suIpiin8 auuAM -W08d gL:ZL 9l 60-ZL .r F miT -a .'. * I f - - $)tgci. $i.�Ggti jComp.in:�e J3iatisrd. RECEIVE® SU lit ..... .. ...... .. .. S E P ,6 20i8 el,� 2?=.% �T. Lucie County, Permitting®� Uvi;tq:le 11ft o3u i t ui8061N. 4 ��;. �:�:o:�o��;�;g: •���• �•yix�ri:� •I7�^V:.2��•#� 7tY;�� � •�,�:�.�. '.; t~Typegae .:p%rirq:..ntQaj . :Foie ]���j�c�fta�:a��ira� . \ .. � �.�•� ��G • •It•�s;�u>���>^�foaci�fia�;i�'t���s�'.i�;3ri�>a��a�.:...g�+���s�as:��' ..e�Qur°�:'��`ai+t�:� �� a�b� �i�; : � be �b � . . ec.:tle:ul+ali1oh_e; :� "�a�ri Ors; . ,....... ..:..... :.x . LuiCe Coin:v�r1'rativ�se.u>r;stiito:'4e; • o . i? Sat''ti:{pi�rekj. 1 ;. Wy.n......... :;r<zan' 1:•:.rr �CUCIir�`Y : EiiTI ICr1?I'Cf11 5Z., ER` ;• � C001`;['Y•.CDRMCQ�51-"At[JM$ZR`. puaiY'a : sT• r er r \ � state•;ol7e7onaa; reouotjr t- . , e 'diefarega��ains#ram�nt,.dessigngit:(�?�Q����i's�:dsyof• :..::'T&e;:�dreguin�a�team�uts�,gr���IrePorcrii�:ttu�•��13i�.�f. . .......R��I...If}'iCFrt4:.,[t' • Qlr.'d'B.Sp�`Q'dblced�a;: .. •..:.::: � :who'is�pei'�oii�jlYlato+x�:✓•bFtissspradiic8.fl�5;:. .. ... . s�s,�rienbficait►4�: :as;��$tefi�titihS aSTAibe !SA•� t ' .)'6blcc .`W.1w 'ie::of d:'' ubli go°: o`i'ls!`F..l n�►� �A5,�i.N c1,:(�o-rN>!...3 NN /J�SK�N -�nnfl►Ie►i�e of uhl.:Pa$lie Priut9\°atitie'd£hii Pn . taiq; "b6c ". DOROTHYANN BASKIN COMMISSION# GG 030145 ;�,;•r,�: EXPIRES: Odtober 2,2020 ' .Tt$vis4d;;1I:11�/�2036�, "'%'�:.`.°`' Bonded�7hruNofaryPgbUcUndPrwritets DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION# GG 030145 o`o EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded Thru Notary.Pu6lic:Undetwritcyg•