HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE1 05-Ol-'19 12:03 FROM- 7728787658 ­T T-442 P0003/0006 F-710 If sef-V cts Nis&-tioxims tylvisibn 1 .; 4 61 . Ve. Vtlk4b2 65. FaX772-4Q-6443 ?6vftrkefebse V/0 Pwtit Number, ��CA,ddrws. I TH11 E UNDEPMGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE'OF ELECTRICAL POMFP, TO 7niE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROA D 1PERTY, FOR PER10 ' NOT T 0. , MMED THIPUY (30) -DAYS FOR THE PURPOSE OF*TESMG SYSMMS AND EQ UIPMENT' IN PREPAR-ATION FOP, A F.-INAL IN4 - - N. 'IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE AUEST WE' HffaY ACC IWEDGE •AND Algi 'AS FbLLOWS: I. 7h!s t6nXrary poww roem is Mqueft fbr tM above shat6d f: OLtuPancY Of anY tMe, other than that permitted by ' ' Pu9m, only, and tere wM be no .mb#mWon during this UM period. 2. As "Wiess byour sig, - Wrlwl We hereby •agree to abide by e tears and cofidlMns of this agreemerk !na IrrJUdiho Building Division Policy, which is incorpor .aw)a h6pon by refbmnm .3 Alf conditibns and reQuIrementr, fi�� in die attached document -irld the. prem cument elittled "'Requirements for 30 Day n f -f ulflled P wer or To Ung", have.be� Ise is ready for compliarfce inspWi0r). All m4uesft fbr.iarl eztens�on beyPad 30 days must be: made in writing to the Widing Offidal stating the reason fbr the reque sL Pdvver may bd removed. -from the sitz nO/br a Stop w.orkIT oraer issued the FihaftnspeOon has not bis'en •approved within 30 a the Stop Work Order, days. A%edf $100.o0-vdil be required to Ifft WE w'FkESY MEASE AND At;REE To 14oLn HARMLESS, S7; LUaE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL MWMES AND CLAIMS -OF ANY TypE. OF:'NAT - URE WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN ll­lE r-uTuRE OUT OF T")�; TR,-A 'A jNS.. CrJQN, INCLUDING ANY.. DA. * D DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECFRJcA� MAO 010i'AAY B� lkdi RRE I POWER IN THE EVENT OF WO ON OF THE AGREEMENT. 9 DME DATE Flm-it,EC I Af E rlM) MAY 1 Z019 - Permitting IDepartment St. Lg. de County, FL