HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCE. SMITH, CLARii— THE CIRCUIT COURT — sjum�'IE; COUNzy". # 4483691 OR BOOK 4183 PAGE 2857f Recordied 09,/'2'5/2018:. 01:14:18 PM NOTICE 0F]Q0MTyMNMMT Lucie C oust The undersig6dd hemby given will be=ada to certain real pro* d party. ?n in swordanedwith CbVW;713' 2. GENERAL-DES.CkVTjON01?W 3. OTMER WORMATION.- - - '-Nama andaddress:0-ft simple titleholder (if 'other Wit 0Wi 4. CONTRkCr,0Ri9..;NAW RADD?MSANP--PHOIjENUUMER-. Oynt�e'De-velbpinent CorgorAtidrI 8000� S. C81g, Silite, 41CY2i P.S . r, FL 349si'2 71j?_,;&7A_C;';_ _ 'I, 5. SUIMIPS NAME, .ADDRESS 'AND.pH0NE NUMBER ADO bONb AMOUNT. 7. Persons -within tkesiate of -Florida designated b Owner upon whomiriatims iorother doLt' Mcuts maybe saved as providedby NA31E. ADDRESS ANOTAONE NUMERi.1)4Vg .Brantley 1 jilVerm Oak,, Dt's 3. Jr addition toWirtself or herself; OuterdWignatc0he'rono "'WtOi coosprovidedinsecti 711-13,O)N. korida statutem -ac6iV�--'A,cVY Of--chb Ueno?-51406 ' 'Pit XAUZADDkESSA'ND,PH0MNM0ZR., 0-Expiration date of riWce,ofcomfoenoement(ibe'e)Vzratidi% dam ,Ap.1year .'troin,tbe'datoofttec jjgunjass Signature oiowner or ,ownei Authorized Officir4Dkeetar/PartnerfWanager Ccb*of AE., r.11 'jo Thebte$04insttu.114'at was acknowledged betbrar me Os —hLtday of 5, �-mezw By Matthew Wle.Wynne as.: (Name -of person) (Type of wthority—Ag.-OwneZ, officeritrustee; 'attorney : jh:'fAct) por,,Wynn6 Building I (Nain; 64;ayon bewof whom instrument was executed) Fqsqq;uy:PQ,Wn orproduced;thc following type ofIDc .00 V r 20 (P4itcd Ni= ofN6tuy'PiiblIq) (SignaturcAhlotary Public) Under penzldrs offsJumy, I declare diat.1 have lead the: ,foregoing 2ud:,%jI- ihe facts,ji) ft.aro.Uut,to 66.bast qf'=y,,kzowIadga. and Wi Signature(s) of Ownerts) 6eOWner(s)' Authorized Offlegr4DIrector/Partnee gi*-Wba sfgiled;aqv"C: By: