HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMI.TH, CLERK- Girl THE CIRCUIT: COURT - SAINT LTJC�.Lm COUNTY FILE # 4483693 OR BOOK '4183 PAGE 2859, Recorded 09/25/20'1.8 01:1 ..23 PpM. I �l�U��UV�� 84 Lucie (�Oumy PERMtT N13 1 TJdt StuuC �< it�irlxd ftr� Ceu�d4� iid�, NOTICE OF CO1Vl112ENCEMENT Thevndersigned hereby.given notice that improvement will bei made to certain real propertt% and hi accordance with Chapter.713. Florida statdtes the.following information is provided'in:the NoticeDfcommencement 1. DESCRIPTION OIi PROPERTY (legal dcscripdon $Ad street'addross) TAX 1?OLI0 NUMBER; 3 41.4.-1ip 1 —1 7D 7 --0 0 0 9 ._�,. �rc.� ....t.»y AECL• lon GU "Awncki-5 p 3•F•S•r Rang 4�E' 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION, OFI!►2ROVEbMT._ •s•i'n!le �aigz] y resic%nce 3. OWNER INFORMATION a. Name_i� sz b.Addtess .8000 S. USli Suite 402, PSL, FL 34952 c.rnterestinproperty . d.11atne and address of fee simple titleholder Of other than owner} 4.CONTRACTOR'S, NAME,, ADDRESS ANDPHONE NUMBER: -Wynne Development Corporation 8000 8. US1, Suite 402, PST, >•r aca52yv, _ . 87R 5�,7 � 5.,SUREi'Y'S NAME, ADD22E,SS AND P.HONV XUIUBER.AND`BOND' AMOUNT.. 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NU?ABER: 7. Persons'withia the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or,other documenfs.may be served asprovided by Section 71313;(1)(a) 7., Florida Stanites: IvaME,ADDRESSANbPHONENiJ2dIlER DDug ,Brantley 1� silver- 0ak• Dr_ PSL-, �FL. 20 S. In addition to himself or herself;.Owner designates,the following to receive copy of the Uenor's Notice as.provided in-S6cdoa ' 71113 (1)(b),'Florida Statutes: NAKF1 ADDRESS AND.PRONl3 NOWER , LU 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from•the date of recording ugless a different.date'is Ft spectfirdj - :29 �.� �, Signature of Owner or Owner's -Authorized Officer/Director]Fartner/Manager Print Name and Prdvide Signatory's. nz—o State Of Florida County of sf� _ r,yl j, e . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this d'ay of _ -7y7e� 20 " By Matthew L.vl e .Wvnrre , as_ Ul GC• 1�.24;37j `r1 i-W-r (Name of person) (rype.of authority—c.g: Owner, officer, trustee, aftorney in fact) iorWYnn.e Building COrPOrat.ion (, lame of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally-Known.-t� or produced the following type of ID: •�1.+ ,,Q DOROTHYANNBASHIN t n1?.a•11�f d rJ �r✓1 bre.� a� j jMy COMMISSION#000301 gatur209(�int¢d Name ofNotary Public) EXPIRES;k2 11 3rhN Notary PiCet wer iUnder penaitirs of perjury. I declare thaCI have read the foregoing and tbat the Faris In beliir(section 9i525.,F1orida Statutes). ; Signatuie(s) of Owner(a)'ar Owner(sj,-Authorized Officer/Dlrector/Partner/,Matwger whosigned above: By Jr By. I tuV: oarilv�ntrrca���