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RECEIVED .. Panning 14 Development Services Bu�id��ng &Code Regulat�un Dmslon MAY 0 1 2019 23Q0rgima Ave r, • For>r?Pierex; FL 34982' ST: Lucie County, Permitting 772=462 2172 Fair 772''462 6443' . CERTi.FICATE OF TERMIT�.TREATM:ENT ...- - ' CONSTRUCTION. SOIL TREATMENT FOFtl' PERMIT' #:1$09-010fi`OB ADDRESS .29PALM BREEZES DRIVE •PIERGE, FL 43 ILDER/CONTRACTOR, ftEiVAR KQW$'�MORt�IfNGSIpE} PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR a�van[rAOE�sT IFArEo sERVICEs wc_ PEST CONTROL LICENSE the unclerslgned, hereby certify that_ g have pretreated=die above t escnbed construction for �,sutite'rraraean tterriites in,aecardance with ifie;�standaris ofi tte;Naional Pest Coimol Assouation i 184. - Ci1emlCaiS US�tI , 11AAXXTHQR EC/6IFEMl;RIN f Percentage of solutions°� Tobatailons used _ 102 Date of Treatment. v1s�2o�s , - , Tine of Treafirient ;FootingSlab 1 Treatment 1 Trea�ment Driveway e- rea r Foots i X } Pei�meter for Fnaf 3nspectibn `1, Treatmenf ; Re -Treat. a�soIMP,, ig attire of Exi ermMA '% r Date` ` Note There :Must be a comp/et�¢forrr� for:each required freatrrlent or re=fmatrent a�rdiis form musbe on the�ob se gbeprkedq b 't_earSpectoratCirrie ofech inspecTaon ©r., fhb scfierlgleinspection ►n!l fa�f and`a re irispechorz I ' fee.cfia�ed° , FBG 04 2 6 Cerbhcate ofProtec6ve Treatment for. preueiiron oftertes: A wet/zer resslsbntjobsrte posting lroacd ' sbal/be provided to �ceive dup/icai Trearnent Certificates as eadl rer/uired profecbve bea6nent✓s comp/eted i providing a copy fore peison the permit is issued to Viand anofher°copy fnr the hui/dfng, perm, fi/es Tlr 7eafrnent ° - Cer#�hcate:sl al! prow/de the'prodCct:used, den6tyof #Le app/icafor., 6me-and date dfdrta trea6neat, sEte;rcatio%, afea . `treated, chemical used peitentconcentratron anrJhurr�befga//orbs usest to esarb/csh a verrfable record of proc%ue treaimenf If rite sot% emlcai barrier iiie�Yiod for"teriir"�fe prevention used final exterior kreaimentshal!` f die romp/eiedpnort0416idmg approval St Luce Couonk edertSen ; A. ih`e electrical paei box cover, 6st�iRg all fie treatments and dates of appl�cat<onis: { _. _4_ »-_ *A4 E Pest Related Services Pre -Construction Termite Treatment Contract and Final Treatment Certification dvantage is a full service company offering pest control, lawn & ornamental spraying and fertilization, and ter - Amite control. For more information, please call (800)698-7998. Specific terms & conditions regarding this contract appear on the back of this page Should holder have any questions with reference to this contract, please contact our office at the number or address noted below. This contract is transferable and is for the primary structure noted below. In the case of a multi -unit structure all unit holder must renew warranty in order for structure to main- tain termite warranty protection.. It does not include, unless specified in writing, fences, detached structures, decks and additional construction provided after the date contract is issued. Reference to termites applies to subterranean li termites. This contract does not provide for protection of any other wood destroying organisin, insect or pest, and excludes formosan termites. This contract and work it represents is specifically and solely for topical soil preperation, (top inch) of soil and application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed building contractorlengineering firm and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject. Advantage does not provide any service other than those outlined herein. Repair and Retreatment Warranty Company agrees to warranty the structure for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the initial treatment. If termite infestation occurs at any time during this period the company will inspect property and provide remedial treatment(s), spot or full; with a liquid termiticide as required to eliminate or control termites. Should structural termite damage be noted through inspection, company or a subcontractors) chosen or approved by company, will repair damage caused by termites at no cost to property owner. For annual fee specified below, owner(s) may extend this warranty/contract for a maximum period of four (4) additional years, as specified in paragraph two (2) of terms and conditions noted on the back of this page. Residential Mreatment Information The treatment provided are for preventive purposes and were requested by the contractor or builder noted below. Pre - construction termite treatments are applied as defined by EPA approved pesticide labels. Supplemental treatment(s) (patio, entryway, abutting foundation, etc.) were provided subsequent to the initial treatment date,, as notified of readiness by builder. The cost of this treatment has been billed to the builder or sub -contractor of the builder. Final Treatment: 04/30/2019 Builder: Renar Homes (Morningside) LLC Initial Treatment: 11/16/2018 Subdivision: Morningside Property Address: Lot: 22 RELA . 329 Palm Breezes Dr �5� a oRa;11 F This contract not valid without c y seal and cent issuance date. Fort Pierce, FL. The Building has received a co = n f r the ention of sub d laws. estab to an Termites. Treatment is ig cc ru ed y the Florida departmen Agiid C er, Services. ese tments.are applied as a of burg code nancial institu- Treatment Cost: Billed to Contractor tionre uiremen �coaiop Treatment Area: 2200 sq ft "39 p Product(s): Bifenthrin .06 /o orized Agent Company License No. LAWN & PEST CONTROL RECEIVE DISCOUNTED PRICING ON LAWN, ORNAMENTALI AND PEST CONTROL SERVICES. CALL (800) 698-7998 FOR MORE INFORMATION. i Advantage Pest Related Services. Inc. • 2800 N.W. 22nd Terrace • Pompano Beach. FL 33069 1-800-698-7998 www.adv .