act ..."MCC
Pre- COpstruction'Ter woote, Treatment Contir and Flhal Treatment Certiflegion
dvantage is a full service company offering pest control, lawn & ornamental spraying 4ndfdffilization, and ter-
inite control. trol. For more information, please call (800.)698.-7098. c - $peciA ms; & condltion re ardi' tbIQ
this 'e holder Have fi. reference to this contract,. please
-pag Should h oldet with
c6'iitddt bur'4fic
e at ihe."number-o-raddrdss noted b&.16w. This contract is transferable and -is
fdr the PAinary. structure
noted below. In the case of a multi -unit structure all unit holder must renew warranty in order - for structure to main-
tain termite warranty protection. It does not include, unless specified in writing, fences, detached structures., decks
ai}d additional construction. provided rovided after the date conttacontract%isgudd, Mdkehce to termites applies to subterranean
termites. This cofi&Act does nOt provide for protection Of a"Y Omer WOO . J&Wqying organism, insect or pest,
and -qxjcu A65 formftgaA -termites. This contract and Work it represents is specifically and solely for topical soil
prqperation, (top indh) of soil and application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed building
coAtractor/Ongineering firm, and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject. Advantage does not provide any
ser�ice other than thOse outlined herein.
94!PM*r and RetireatmentWarr.anty
Company agrees to warranty the structure for an initial period of twelve' (12) months fr6m the date of the. initial
treatment -eh,t. Iftdrihitb infestation occurs at any time during this Period the company will inspect property
remedial treatmda(s), spotor full, with a liquid ,tetmitic" as required to. eliminate or control termites. Should structural.
termite damage be noted through inspection, company or a gtibcbntK (s) chosen or approved by company, will f6
dan�age caused by termites at cost to property owner. For . annual I ual repair
I - .4. fee specified below, owner(s) may extend this
Wairanty/con'tract for, a maximum period of four (4) additional years, as specified in paragraph two (2) of terms and
Conditions noted on the -back of this page.
I -
ResidentIO Treatment Informs-flon
The Itreatment provided are for prevetiqve putpoges, and, we
re requested -by the contractor, or builder noted below. Pre-
construction termite treatments area pplied as defined yapAdpprovedpesticide ht(s)
. I- defined � b, . f�bels.Suppler.fiental.t.rea.tine.-
(patio,entryW ,ab Uingfoundation, etc.) were provided - subsequentthe initial treatment date, as notified of
readiness by builder. The cost of this treatment has been fied, n bi to the builder, or gubb
"Ont the builder..
soli -contractor of.
Final Treatment- 6,,��019
Bifilder: Renar Homes (Momjngsjcje) LLC
pitial Treatme - 1 6/1018
Property Address:
1 129 Palm'Breezes Drive
:Ft Pierce - M.
TregmOW Cost: Billed to Contractor
- r
Treatment Ateas 2200 sq f t
Pr 06%
oduct(s): Bjfen�htl]ft. -
Subdivision: Morhingside
Lot. 22/
This COjjffijdt.rj6tLva1id withou
t CO seal and citi issuance date.
The Buildifig, has received A .-tr n f the entiorf-6fsub
tdffifftdAd Tdrrnite'.'
- , . . - is i qq rul rfd laws estab
lishidd- by the 6 attmen Agrircl '
nier Ser'Vic'ps.
These reat t
� - 11 p 4as a. Ofbdi lr!g cod_'. zinCWg ins
tion requirements iiu
.1 Me
Pest Relai&i Services. idei. W-d .-V 2'8-
dTerrace.-Pompafto Beach. FL 330691-81