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j7 jJ(J �y�]�d} J * ?j({ taito SP-IeGtion and Preparation StloOn and PreParation site saftc on Description 'rop ofganerator Front and end cleamnee Rear cfez:'ance Windows a�d openings 1 S isung wa Removable lance Overhead oleatsnce instaiiaflon O, 5 (1.52m) C i I ll� M) �0 �grtpe 3-9. �tt��alla�©n C�ar��Pees comments hdnlmant clear dtstances cannot include shrubs, hushes, orfiees. ys to (4Q7 c,n) Intntr-um ofeztanoe per NFPA testtt7g, label diciafe Qtheffte. fg, and leg, unfese state orjocal cotes No operable windot+f<s, dDO rs, or openings in the Wall are permitted within 5 (i.s2 m) from the generator. Otte -hour tires rated walls allow closer placement of the Removable fence panels for servicing generater set Confirm 6efols lnaialtatlon, Sit cannot be placed Less than 8 ft (0.99 (4•62 tn)1n front of the generator. m) minimum distance from any structure, overhang, orproJectfons from the wall, DC) IJOT install undervsraoden leaks or structures unless this rIIsiance is maintained. , vt vv n4 H"r-uoolep uanaralors 11 Me Selection end Prepara4uri y1 ° tnsioiJ the generwor s�, Jrt its protaotive enclosure, nutdvv s where a equate initcooling end vevtil en alp ' atw s aisleIs The generator must �e talt�� C I�vf Y availface, The ins Sur. �' y=: j, Consider these actors: generator Must be level %khln a D, 5 in ° The installation of the 9Eneraior (1a n3trr) ali around. strictly with 1CC 1FGC, NFpA,97, IgFPA 64,c�FPA comply The generator is fyplcafiy placed ors 5$, and JVF1gA 70 standarcls, c0nipactec� soil, ct'us pea graves, install the unit where air inlet and outIeE openings stone, a COcrete MY not become obstructed le leaves pad. Check local codes to see what required.lf acohere#e pad ►s re ut W. is etc. if pMallin , grass, snow, cabfe codes should be €aid is re� �' au appli.. drying, consider us n9 �s�rin�bre��}c � � �# i�g or . unit. the Ins ilatlan Guldeffnes for � �i� a ° install the generator on high ground where wager, 1VF#�A r �7 his � A��-00®led levels vtfl)1 trot rise and endanger if. This unit should Assocfatfort's elan not c the The National lire Pro#e�ivl� l rata in or be sub}eeted to s#anding water, sta . cla y combustionstandard f br the I ° Maw sufticfent room on all stiles of the generator lard for the installation and use of for rrrainfenance ands s g �qur'renZents Itniit the �,,.11 accordance YthM This unit must be wall ��?-yTof ��. e) closed general@r se# tom a structure or uisialied �� e'i J =� '+! national Codesgp 1131nf11'ji)!ii' 1°cal, state, or 1UFPA 37, Seoffvn 4. �.. structures. d�S�)ICt�� �'�)li_��h�r �ngi13, , I_nginQs LQoataGf Ol�dC018, �'�► iNgBI�ipfiria hausittgs if prav►ded, ° Clearance from `t'a` are InQMlled outdoors shall be located at must be 3 the ends and front ar the generator � tom openings in walls and at least fa )east � � he (1.52 nt bushes� m)• This in shrubs, frcri structures ft (�,52 nT) and trees. Ciearanca from Me back of the having carr�bustiblO vfralis. generator Must be a separation shall not be � mtntrrium Clearance at the to minul din of 18 in (457 rnm), conditions exist: required where the f�1 (1.52 p should be a mini q, ctnrtng ►n1 front any sfruc tulrP arm , 5'r The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire protections from the wall � overhang. or reslstanoe rating of at least one hour. ° unless NOT install under wooden de 2' The "'atheroroof enclosure is Constructed unless there is at least 5 it cuss or structures noncombustible ove the, (1.52 rrr} or clearance demon materials and >{ d of generator, demonstrated that a ire tytihin the enclosure beers ° lnstafl the urrif where not igni#e combustible mrlals 'outsidere run-atF, lendsci e .lath goer down spouts, roof Enclosure. the A rmrgatlon, water sprinklers, or s taip pump dischar a does ray the enci 9 not r7ood "nl�e�A Explanatory W�eriad ire, Including any air inle or outlet O enings, t A4. i.4 (2) Means of demonstratln ° or In lI the means of fuU scale lire test or by valiance are b trnli where services wilt riot kre afiacfed or obstrucfe�l, incJudtng concealed aecauss of the limited spaces that are mcedures.y or overed services such as eleefrlca/, f djrground, available for insiallea, frequently air cond ionirig, or ird anon, This exaepdvn , it has become apparent that wa 9 phone, (2) would be benefelal for ma t Verage. could ar€ect and commercial installafions. ► ` restdenttal manufacturer contracted with a nde f in mind, the Vlih re strong prevalling winds blo laboratory peridgnt dtrecfr`oti, � the 9erierat8r w from one enclosure wifirnot€ gn �)e fire teats to s n9 the A�evailing winds, air inlet openings the enclosure. assure that the 1�enln s � cornbuszlbfe materials a e lastall the generator as close as possible to x utside htfl r S: i'HATIyI reduce :he length of piping. l3IrM the �usl 18 In (57 mni�arcfr In, testing approves DISTAhtGEs OR Cfll]>;S tI/1,� REGULATE $€R (�.���.� ; : c) staffaiiOn Minimum from, s Lt3CATION. In the TE T i� nationally rove' Southm, trucfua Southwest Research Institute Is a local odes regarding place�enf or Clearance, a gn'sed third recom>i erld following these 9uidel) r agency, parry fesitng and listing insia►1� the get�eratar as close as possible #o the The 1r1#er1 generator determine file worst base ire s franslerstrvltchN. , wlthfn the and to d Cenado GODS )R1 USMRI;R -'HAT LAVVs pR firms Outside the engine enadet re at va fie GODS WAY UtATe THE p1ST ANZ) The t9nlistan 1r of A 10E enclosure is consfftled s distances, r;iaterlals, and the °# non-cvmbushbte iPtepend=nf testing tab oils and conclusions from the g r7dimted that anY fire within the Instatfation Gutdetfnes pot 601 f Alr Cooled G®ns, =��.