HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA - ASPHALT SHINGLESRECEIVED — OCT 0 3 2018 ST. Lucie County, Per NIIA TI-DADS COUNTY DEP.ARTtitE\ i' OF REGI-L.4TORl' A D ECONONITC RESOI-RCES (RER) T CO\TROL SECTION* BOARD AND CODE ADNfTNTSTR.ATTO\ DIVISTON 11805 SW 26 Strut. Room 208 Miami. Florida 33175-2=;4 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) T (7s6) 31 ia.1i F (7s6) 31 _-2.99 c}�r�i'.miamid2de.aocieconomti Iko Industries Ltd. --------- 40 Hansen Rd. S. Brampton. Ontario CANADA ` �� L6��'3H4 COMCEALE0 FASTENERS @R AT' / HP�IE'�l=" , ,E C-) �e ��� SCOPE: �CONTRACTORORE -THE iRECITY OF O DHE �� %M Thi's NO.A is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations QVet-ntng the use Of Construction materials. Thy documentation submitted has been rep ie,vcd and accepted by N iami-Dada County RER - Product Control Section TOO" used in Miami -Dade County and other areas ,,here allowed by the Authorn Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This \OA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated belot,. 'T-he %Miami -Dade Count' Product Control Section (in Miami -Dade Counr:) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade Counrr') reserve the right to have this product or material tested for qualiry assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner. the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testin'a and the AHJ may immediately revoke- modify. or suspend the use of such product or material within theirjurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance. if it is determined by Miami -Dade Counf Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements ofthe applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein. and has been designed to compl; wlih the Florida Building Code including the High Velocir, Hurricane Zone of the Florida Buildin'2 Code. (DESCRIPTION: Cambridge. Cambridge HI), and Biltmore .AR Asph s Vj{t§'P_�ANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacture�EQ��I�� E�I�L����PEC ORS THAT statemeni: "Miami -Dade Counts Product Control Approved unless oit?er . SSAFJ c3`���-�c C pL ' _ ALL APPLICABLE CODES. RENEWAL ofrtlis?�OA shall b considered after a rene„al application has been fled and there has been no chari;e in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. ` TERNIINATION of this x'OA ,vill occur after the expiration date or if there h 1 i_�., and/or manufacture of the product or process. as been a revision or chance in the matzria s. �-�- Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement ofany product. fo!- sales. advertising or any other purposes shall automaticall, terminate th! ` 0?.. Failure to comply �, ith am section of `his \O.A shall be cause for termination and removal of N`O.A, ADVERTISETNIEN7: The tiO:A number preceded by the words'`Iiami-Dade CounLv_ Florida. and follovvedl b� the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If anl- portion of the NCIA is d ii shall be done in its entirety. ` ispfavcd. then INSPECTION: A copy of this entire ?\O.A shah. I?e ar04idec; io itte user b, the ; ;; P, Tta, i?Citlrer or IiC dlSiribuforS and S rel: be avall.abie i'or inspecdor. at the lob sire a the request OT the 'btllldi;� Oi'IC131. l ;,is ti0:; renews -,O.a 1'-0603, 02 and consisis of pa.,e 1 71, -ub1i? iced dOCli???` ;A.: ,,'as reb't�l� Chjpar J � �ndri? ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDIMN N REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE >.� ^ia <• ^_;ode l� REVIE NO.A No 16-0129.13 DATE Expiraron Date: 0_%0S%7_I PLAN AND E IT MUST BE KEPT JOB -approval Date: 0-4/21 16 SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL MADE Pace I of 4 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Cateeory Roofing Sub-Cate-ory: Asphalt Shingles Materials: Laminate - Deck Type: 'Wood SCOPF This approves a roofing s�..stem :sin_, Cambridge an�taciured b _ AR, Cambridge HD. and Biltmore AR asp' TKO InduKries LTn. as de crihed in S shalt shingjes 'cTion 2 of his ���Ircc Of cCepttance. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product Dimensions Test Specifications DescriptionCambridge Product Description - TAS i iC, , .11fa37U%actt/.r1rc* T heavy vveight, fiberglass reinforced. laminate asphalt shingle. Cambridge HIS Biltmore AR llarw.iac'zo irr� Locatio;7 =1. A`N_T_rFACTLTJNG LOCATION 1. Kankakee. IL - Wilmington- DE Svlacua`a_ AL EVIDE.NCF SUBINgITTED Testiest Aaencv PR' Construction Materials Inc F',-! .Approvals aE COu.N—y rl. ME- 1= ' x 41) TAS 1 I0 a heavy weight. fiberglass reinforced laminate asphalt shingle. 13 ._ ., 0 - r TAS 1 1 iJ A hea-ov weight_ fibergl ass reinforce, laminate asphalt shingle. Test Identifier Test Name/Report iK0-0�n_0-?_01 IKO-0..6-02-0 i TAS 100 [KO-1 14-02-01 1 AS 100 TAS S 100 IKO-096-0�-01 TAS 10u ii:0-096-0'- 0i AS T M D 346= _ IKO-121-02-01 ST%M D;462 IKO-100-02-01 ASTM \i D 3462 AST%4D;161 iTAS%-i0;'i aST\i D 3161 (T.a.S-I0") 30^1659 .a ST\•1 D 3462 3039"1 a';T\4 ilnl iT.aS-iij?'j n-126 �,STkfE 10S Date NOA No.: 16-0329.13 Expiration Date: 05;05%21 .approval Dste: 04.!21i16 Ki.ge 2 of 4 LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance: refer to a current Appro'ved Roofing Tire ratings of this product. Shall npt be installed on roof mean heiahis in excess of;_ ft. Materials Director -.for -. All products listed herein shall have a y, q.ialin assurance audit it accordance v ith the FloridaBuil Rule 6iG'n-; of the Florida ?drniriciraril'. Cod dingy Code and INSTALLATION - Shingles shall be installed in compliance With Rooilnc A =• Flashing shall be in accordance v. rh Roofne = ppiication Standard RAS I l The manufacturer shall r - ,%PPI'cariOn Standard RAS 1 l: p.o�ide clearly Tlut . Exposure and course ia�cut ;hall Ven application instructions. be in compliance wirh, p �. \ailin` shall be in co, Detail attached. pllance «'irh Detail 'B'. attached. LABELING 1 • Shingles shall be labeled xvith the %liami-Dade Seal as seen belo,,,. or the «ordina "Miami -Dade Product Control .approved'". Count}• IViIAKPDADE COUNTY BliILDING PERMIT REQUIRENIENTS Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the folloIN ino: 1.1 This NoiiczofAcceptance. 1 •' A, - other documents required b% the Building Official or the applicable code in order re, p Or.erl eValuare the insrallatior. of this s�stcn, .� 1 r-t1��L CO2, NOA No_: 16-0 29.13 Expiration Date: 0_505.121 Approval Date: 04!21/16 Pacre 3 of 4 DETAIL A CAMBRIDGE. C._MBRIDGE HD, BILTMORE AR COURSE LAYOUT .... ............. Rco'ng C-2:mE!r,: not SCln jr. jpjs jacu... g 15 '.r =.:rse IEYC_! Orly VZI,� ffiA r n 1 Q :?-er' Dl=_c=MenT details R/Ow," NO ----------- i :IRST COUPSE %///�/.i // j%/ j� � MEN DETAIL B CA-MBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE HD, BILTNTORE AR 7" u 133 L END OF THIS ACCEPTAWE 7 5 8 EXPOSURE NOA No.: 16-0329.13 ExpimdonDate: 05/052)] Approval Date. 041/21.,16 paue 4 of 4