HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRIP TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMDIRECTORY OF PAGES PV-1 PROJECTSUMMARY PV-2 SITE PLAN PV-3 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PV-4 SAFETY LABELS PV-T FIRE SAFETY PLAN MODULE DATASHEET OPTIMIZER DATASHEET X LU z w INVERTER DATASHEET MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET QMOUNTING SYSTEM ENGINEERING LETTER UL 2703 GROUND AND BONDING CERTIFICATION ANCHOR DATASHEET PROJECT DETAILS PROPERTY OWNER MCFARLANE PROPERTY ADDRESS 120 NE CAPRONA AVE, PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34983 US APN ZONING RESIDENTIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ONE -OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING GROUP (GROUP R3) AHJ UTILITY COMPANY FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO ELECTRICAL CODE 2014 NEC (NFPA 70) FIRE CODE 2015 NFPA 1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY BAY AREA PROJECT SOLUTIONS LICENSE NUMBER ADDRESS 2512 BAY FIELD CT, HOLIDAY, FL 34691 PHONE NUMBER (727) 543-8361 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 1 W w U W l Qx ttA m SCOPE OF WORK THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR -• _ PANELS. THE SOLAR PANELS WILL BE RACKED USING A PREENGINEERED SYSTEM. THE RACKED MODULES ova r WILL BE ELECTRICALLYING CONNECTED WITH DC TO AC POWER ` k,�= _ INVERTERS AND INTERCONNECTED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY USING MEANS AND METHODS CONSISTENT WITH THE RULES ENFORCED BY THE LOCAL UTILITY AND PERMITTING ' JURISDICTION. a 2 LOCALE PV-1 SCALE: NTS THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIBING THE DESIGN OF A PROPOSED PV SYSTEM WITH ENOUGH DETAIL TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. THE DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL MANUFACTURERS LISTING AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE CODES. NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE INTERPRETED IN A WAY THAT OVERRIDES THEM. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND DETAILS IN THIS DOCUMENT. SYSTEM DETAILS DESCRIPTION NEW GRID -INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WITH NO BATTERY STORAGE OC RATING OF SYSTEM 8,85OW AC RATING OF SYSTEM 7,60OW ACOUTPUTCURRENT 32.OA INVERTER(S) 1 X SOLAR EDGE SE760OH-US MODULE JINKO JKM295M-60 ARRAY WIRING (2) STRINGS OF 15 INTERCONNECTION DETAILS POINT OF CONNECTION NEW SUPPLY SIDE AC CONNECTION PER NEC 705.12(A) UTILITY SERVICE 120/240V 10 SOLAR DISCONNECT EATON DG222NRB , 2-POLE, 60A, 240VAC SITE DETAILS ASHRAE EXTREME LOW O-C (32-F) ASHRAE2%HIGH 33'C(91-F) CLIMATE DATA SOURCE VERO BEACH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (KVRB) WIND SPEED 170 MPH (ASCE7-10) RISK CATEGORY II WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY GROUND SNOW LOAD affeeMelle W W M co 0A W Q M W Q J U- W w of U W Z a- Q U O Of Z cj w LQL U O F- Elf O 0 PROJECT PV-1 P-98796 N; v W M UJI Z � W Q M of W 0 Q J 3: Z of W n J 0 - 1 ' 0 J W ~ < (N) PROPOSED ROOF -MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC 7OARRAY.8:12 (34°) SLOPED ROOF, 3 PV MODULES U) QLL. Z � 1--' (SILVER FRAME),127° AZIMUTH = ROOF PHOTOVOLTAIC W p (N)PROPOSED -MOUNTED O ARRAY.8:12 (34°) SLOPED ROOF, 27 PV MODULES H U 0 J.. (SILVER FRAME), 217° AZIMUTH d 9 0 1 SITE PLAN AERIAL VIEW PV-2 SCALE:1° = 20' SITE PLAN DOC ID: 98796-124135-1 DATE:10/2118 CREATOR: S.S. REVIEWER: REVISIONS PV-2 GENERAL NOTES EQUIPMENT LIKELY TO BE WORKED UPON WHILE 1 ENERGIZED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS THAT SATISFY MINIMUM WORKING CLEARANCES PER NEC 110.26. 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ONLY COMPONENTS LISTED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY FOR THE INTENDED USE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING ALL 3 EQUIPMENT, CABLES, ADDITIONAL CONDORS, RACEWAYS, AND OTHERACCESSORIESNECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL PV SYSTEM. WHERE DC PV SOURCE OR DC PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE THE BUILDING, THEY SHALL BE 4 CONTAINED IN METAL RACEWAYS, TYPE MCMETAL- CLAD CABLE, OR METAL ENCLOSURES FROM THE POINT OF PENETRATION INTO THE BUILDING TO THE FIRST READILY ACCESSIBLE DISCONNECTING MEANS, PER NEC 690.31(G). 5 ALL EMT CONDUIT FITTINGS SHALL BE LISTED AS WEATHERPROOF FITTINGS AND INSTALLED TO ENSURE A RAINTIGHT FIT, PER NEC 358.42. ^- ^ MODULES REF. Ott. I MAKEMDMODEL IMTEP.COEF.OFVOC FSERATING PM1-30 30 JIN(OjKM295M-60 W PW 9SA 3M15A INVERTERS EF tt MAKE AND MODEL AC VOLTAGE GROUND MAX OCPD ATNG RATED POY+ER MAX ORPIITdIRRENT MAX NPUi CURRENT 8W(INPUTVOLTAGE CEC WEIGHIEO EFFICIENCY 11 1 SOLAREDGESE160N14US MOV UNGROUNDED d0A ],600N J20A 20DA IBOV 0.0% POWER OPTIMIZERS REF. Ott. MODEL RATEDINPUTPOWER MAXOLDPIRCURTtENT MA%NPIIT IBC 84VIOCVOLTAGE WTUGHIED EFFICIENCY P0140 30 SOLAR EDGE P.12p 320V1 USA IIDA d0V 01% DISCONNECTS OCPDS REF. I OTY. IAAKE AND N12 EL RATEDCUNRENT MAXRATED VOLTAGE REF. Ott. RATED CURRENT MA11.ACGE SWt 1 EATON I=URB OREOUN. EOA 2d0VAC Ft-2 2 4. ZdOVAC SYSTEM SUMMARY NOTES STRWGI STRNG2 Q OPTIMIZERS PROVIDE RAPID SHUTDOWN FUNCTIONALITY REDUIRED BY NEC 690.12. PTIMI2ERS MAXOUIPUT CURRENT iS1 15A PTUAZERS NSENES 15 15 THE SPECIFIED OPTNJZER CAN BE SUBSTITUTED WITH A PLOD, P405.P370, OR P505. THESE OPTIMIZERS HAVE AN INPUT VOLTAGE WINDOW WIDE ENOUGH TO OMINAL STRONG VOLTAGE IDOV dWV ACCOMMODATE ME OUTPUTVOLTAGE RANGE OFTHE MODIREATTHE DESIGN TEMPERATURES. HAVE AM= INPUT CURRENT RATING MT IS ABOVE THE MAX OUTPUT RAY OPERATING CURRENT 11.1A f1.1A CURRENT OF THE MODULE, AND A MAX POWER INPUT THAT IS ABOVE ME RATED POWER OUTPUT OF THE MODULE. RAYSTCPOWER 8,8504Y YPTCPOWER 8,142W ® UNGROLINDEDSYSTEN MC OVCTIXLSB BECOLMR EDASF04ONSOCPOSIIIVESNALLBERED(ORAURXEDRED)M XDC TNESHAILEESt (OR /AN AC CURRENT MA MARKED BLACK) AXE_ AC POWER 7,600Y1 ERATED ICEC) AC POWER 7,MOM Q MAX DO VOLTAGE OF ARRAY FIXED BY THE INVERTER AT 400V REGARDLESS OF TEMPERATURE. THE MAX DC VOLTAGE OF THE MODULE AT O°C IS EXPECTED TO BE 42.6V (0°C - 25-C) X 4.115VIC - 39.7V = 42.6V), ® INVERTER IS NMSOLATED. NO DC DEC IS RECLINED. ^L PONT4IF-CONNECTION IS ON THE SUPPLY SIDE OF SERVICE DISCONNECT. IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 705.121AL CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE WIELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS TYPICAL CONDUCTOR CON ITT CURREMCTRSIN GCOCONDUI RB IN OCPD EGC TEMP. CDRR CONDUIT FILL Cow. MAXCURRENT BASE DERATEO TERM. AMP.®TERM. LENGTH VOLTAGE CONDUIT FACTOR FACTOR CURRENT (125%) AMP. AMP. TEMP. RATING TEMP. DATING DROP 1 2 IOAWG PV WIPE, COPPER FREE AIR WA WA 6AWG BARE, COPPER 076(M°C) 1.0 15A 18,75A SSA 50A 98FT 0.91% 2 1 10 A'A'G THLYN4. COPPER 0.75'DIA EMT 4 WA 1DAWGTHWN-2, COPPERB 0.76 (SS'C) Ob 154 18]SA IOA fi0'C 30A 50FT 0./7% 1 AWG THWN-2, COPPEREMT 0.]S DI0. 2 WA 6AWG THWN-2,3 COPPER 0.96(33°C) 1D 3ZA 40A SSA qll�TS'C 60°C 4W lop 011% 1 B AWGTHWN-2 O.S DN 2 10AX2 1DAWGTHWN-;d 1D 32A 40A 55A 7SC So COPPER E78T CAFPE)4096(33'C) IOFT 011% GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 2 IMODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS 3 SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6 (C) (1) AND ARTICLE 310.8 (D). CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE 4 SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE GROUNDING NOTES ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER THE 1 REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 & 690 PV MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING INTEGRATED 2 GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. ALL OTHER EXPOSED METAL PARTS SHALL BE GROUNDED USING UL-LISTED LAY -IN LUGS. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN EVALUATED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH UL 2703 3 'GROUNDING AND BONDING' WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED PV MODULE. ALL GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED 4 FORTHEIRPURPOSE IF THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE A VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE 5 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TOINSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. AC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR (GEC) 6 SHALL BE A MINIMUM SIZE #6AWG WHEN INSULATED, #6AWG IF BARE WIRE. EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC ARTICLE 690.45, AND BE A MINIMUM OF 7 #1 OAWG WHEN NOT EXPOSED TO DAMAGE, AND #6AWG SHALL BE USED WHEN EXPOSED TO DAMAGE GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS, IF INSULATED, 8 SHALL BE COLOR CODED GREEN, OR MARKED GREEN IF #4AWG OR LARGER Lu I-_ cn O�f) I.r Lu O m Q O m LJJ L..I� LJJ Ch Lu co Lu ¢ M Q LJL Lu CD La w u U Lij Q U J Lu Uc N C SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM PROJECT ID: 98796 DATE: 10/02118 CREATED BY: S.S. CHECKED BY: REVISIONS SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM P -3 SCALE: NTS n\ /-^ 110.1 IG D➢FM WS ED RP SEEN CREATFOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRId0.G ME DESIGN OF A PROi 03 PNDTW0.TnIC POWERM1FT41VI1N FNQIGH DETAIL T00EY0N5f1UTE WNPWWCE WDHALLAPPI.KMEL00F MR TWTHE D0 NS. 0 NMT SHWNOT T BE -ASA SLBSTROTE FOR r v 3 iD,LOAMG NNNFALNRERgSTALLAROY MANUALS-g5TK1ER Sf41LLg5TKLAlLEWPNEM INALCOWLWLE W11H MWNFACNPFRgSTAfURON WJNPl£NOMWGINMbOOOLNENT9HOIRp fiE gTEAPREIEDWA WAYINATOVDTflIDESTILF WBDNCRONS W AWNFACNIPAgSTAWRON N.AA9lN£ DC RACEWAYS O SEE NOTE N0.4 (DC RACEWAYS) O EACH DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR O UN ND D CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED O PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT (JB1 EACH DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED, I7) DURING SERVICE (JB1 11) JB1ONOWARNING NE.i9EIAEDCSTIRDiEC5SKryIAOYCBKNAZARiST IZOEO0dd1�O{TT�TIEOCPEH N ELEP�J iC9H MODELRPECIFD R• • • • 005 • EERKPiHi OZTAORVDO,LTTNAEICi�SGYSTEM ' #EUNGR}UN(OANU1�gY6EENERGiZED. ?O O3 NEC 690.31(G)(3) AND IFC 605.11.1 NEC 690.17(E) NEC 690.35(F) (SOLAR 4 OC DISCONNECT I1 5 SEE NOTE NO. 6 AC DISCONNECT(SW1) SOLAR EDGE SE7600H-US O () O O O O O PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM • •• B SW1- DISCONNECT14APID SHLlbOWNJ,, EATON DG222NRB O\ D O NEC 690.53 NEC 690.56(C) AND IFC605.11.1 NEC 690.64 ANY AC ELECTRICAL PANEL THAT IS FED BY UTILITY METER O BOTH THE UTILITY AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC O AC SOLAR DISCONNECT(SWI) --------------- SYSTEM (SWI, UTILITY METER) DUAL POWER SOURCE. SECOND SOURCE [S PHGI fQVOLTA1C SYSTEM <, NEC 705.12(D)(3) NEC 690.13(B) LABELING NOTES 1 ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 2014 NEC AND 2015 NFPA 1 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. LABELS, WARNING(S) AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4, WHICH REQUIRES THAT DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION SIGNS USED THE STANDARD 2 HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL. THE ANSI STANDARD REQUIRES A HEADING THAT IS AT LEAST 50 % TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.21(B). A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY SHALL BE 3 INSTALLED PROVIDING THE LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN THE SAME LOCATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690.56(B). LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, 'WARNING PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE; SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY 10 FEET OF EACH DC RACEWAY AND WITHIN ONE FOOT OF 4 EVERY TURN OR BEND AND WITHIN ONE FOOT ABOVE AND BELOW ALL PENETRATIONS OF ROOFICEILING ASSEMBLIES, WALLS AND BARRIERS. THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 318' TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND LABEL(S) WITH MARKING, 'PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN,' SHALL BE LOCATED 5 AT POINT -OF -INTERCONNECTION OR AT MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT THE LABEL SHALL HAVE318°TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED BACKGROUND Lu ?� M U Lu00 U) Z uJLu Q M L Q LL 0 w w W of LLl U Q U O Or Z c/) ILL O h- of Lu UCN FO H IL 0 SAFETY LABELS I PV-4 P-98796 • N ' W M uj 00 Z d � W Q ch W Q Q J LL W O _ tea- 3� �'FYY1 Q W �p W U �. J O3.0 FT. WIDE SMOKE -VENTILATION SETBACK, PER NFPA p ILL C7 ~ W U C-4 Lt O2 ROOF ACCESS POINT, PER NFPA z' 2; 3 CABLES, WHEN RUN BETWEEN ARRAYS, SHALL BE 0 ENCLOSED IN CONDUIT. 1 FIRE SAFETY PLAN 01 PV-7 SCALE: 1° = 20' FIRE SAFETY PLAN DOC ID: 98796-124135-1 DATE:1012I18 CREATOR: S.S. REVIEWER: REVISIONS PV-7 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR -MOUNTED DC CONDUITS, WIRING SYSTEMS, AND RACEWAYS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC CIRCUITS SHALL BE LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE RIDGE, 1 HIP, OR VALLEY, AND FROM THE HIP OR VALLEY AS DIRECTLY AS POSSIBLE TO AN OUTSIDE WALL TO REDUCE TRIP HAZARDS AND MAXIMIZE VENTILATION OPPORTUNITIES (NFPA 1 ROOF ACCESS POINTS SHALL BE DEFINED AS AREAS WHERE FIRE DEPARTMENT LADDERS ARE NOT PLACED 2 OVER OPENINGS INDOWS OR DOORS), ARE LOCATED AT STRONG POI S OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, AND ARE IN LOCATIONS WHERE THEY WILL NOT CONFLICT WITH OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS (TREE LIMBS, WIRES, OR SIGNS). (NFPA 1 PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SHALL BE LOCATED NO CLOSER THAN 1-112 FEET TO A HIP OR VALLEY IF MODULES ARE TO BE PLACED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE 3 HIP OR VALLEY. WHERE MODULES ARE LOCATED ON ONLY ONE SIDE OF A HIP OR VALLEY OF EQUAL LENGTH, THE PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SHALL BE ALLOWED TO BE PLACED DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THE HIP OR VALLEY. (NFPA 1 4 PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES SHALL BE LOCATED NO LESS THAN 3 FT BELOW THE RIDGE. (NFPA 1 www.jirtosoIar.conl � � KEY FEATURES 4 Busbar Solar Cell: 4 busbor solar cell adopts new technology to improve the efficiency of ® modules. ai!an a o?tle: aesireric, ar:pe<nance, mat::ag it perfect far roaBon. installoton. High Efficiency: Higher module conversion efficiency(up to 18.33%) benefit from Passivoted Emmiter Rear CentactlPERCJ Technology. PID RESISTANT: Limited power degradanon o` Ecale module caused by FID effect is ]kk_J' J7 guaranteed under strict testing condltior. (85C/85%RH.75ho:lrs)f0lmass production Low -light Performance: Advanced gloss and solar cell surface texturing allow for excellent performance in low -Ion' environments. s ans� Severe Weather Resilience: Certified to withstand: vend load (2400 Pascal) and snow load (5400 Pascal). Durability against extreme environmental conditions: High salt rn-isl and ammonia resctance certified by 7tiV NORD. LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 10 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty lW CYCLE jf I " ENERGY PgnITNyE QUPI.IiY' MENR6R • �^• 1W% linear Pelfortnance warranty 9rg Aryd. ',�V Stardandperfonnancewananty a40R °na/Yf°e ham Jlnkeso%r•sIa °r`-oe' I S 12 „ IS yean � a•. C1um YM.ve Paw, qc T fI. OPn;.%noc ' anwsprJavn� �.ilxv«:,rn;,. .� —-- - _-. ' r',>I I ' e.nr Cell Type Muno­ynta!finnPERC i 6 1 a 1( c r .:......,. : Dimensie:ts 1E50*992.46n:re (65.00,39,0;x 1.57 inch; t x.,r. is>e;=0r:e px!h=:1 ,unction Ro: 1967 Rated A',edale Type JK1.128.0M-0ti JK1,125561-60 JKM.'90h1-GO XA2951-A-U0 JKI,13001.1-6tt � „— 5tt lCrT SiC 4f3�.7 ST�,� 1DC7 y 57C IdtA.i;. e C NOC7 hi —in p' t (Pr-) 20M. 20jV.V 2ZSVVp 212Yip 2901".21 hp n5yVp 2_10,sip 3 OYvp 2 t p r?axm m}Aar al age C�9 G?�+_. 181 '9'1?t ?V ,2•� 2 5">� °.:34 yAlt, 26� u6 11:3cirnu:n Pry r Current (h.:Pj 6.89.A 7:01A 3.9CA i.12A 9.92A 7.15A 9,10A 7.2M1 9.21A 7.32A e � ail, valt3 cCkW`-�- _ ?� ifTLv g7v � .4 1i51 3 vV �;�t"n7 vefv sat 3,n sh.It•dl all; O:rrenl Its,) 9APA 7.62A 9.51A 7.72A 9,56A 7.61A 9.61A 7.89A 9,72A. 9.01A Modulo 37ce1 ^y5 C('r,Y -. i 11 '.. tF�t� ;tt 2� _ 3 Lys yJ Operating 7—H C 40R C MF..knein se.rlel fu,e ratin)) 1.;A Paa YalB a1 ce.,,,...... ............,...._,,..._.. _ ...�.. � _ F_.....,....,•.,.......:c....r...,,.. �`,� 3_..,....�...,.._..�. s.... w..a,...._.. ._......_.._.,... �....,_ _,.....< Te:nper3ture aaeff:cients of Pm3r .139:SPC T1 Jt 'r4 tyeftf fttef VP° ,.....•.ems,._ '— ._.._,....�, ,..,. .,-,C,i4litf_.W�"7Z--� ...._.. ._.,.. ...... 0—.. ~. .... ""^ ...u......—._ ..... ,_. _. Ptnrprate,e coefficients of be 1I.C5':wK STC: '.& irradiance 1000W/mz ' 1 Cell Temperature 251C AM=1.5 NOCT: zl«adiance 800W!n Ambien'. Temperature 20°C AM=1.5 �'_j Wind Specd imJs ` Paxer.ne3}:IreTCnt [alPralu(' + )•t t :or axPiana rn r..ty of "1e micnraech cr2sent::d nn:cyv. EV.;K:'r. G:'s.^._ptiRC i 0 r v2^•7 ...2 Cps 1p%ir:Vr r059! r�S it:e iia`. repel _ SolarEdge Power Optirnizer Module Add -On For North America P320 / P370 / P400 / P405 / P505 Solar =11s z SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On for North America P320 / P370 / P400 / P405 / P505 . .... . ....... ..... 1 5 P370 P329 I t P400 0405 P505 high -power If.172&96-11 (forthinfilrn vahigh., rnod.lu) Mrd rr�.dvie) Ahsolufe Maximum Input v0sm, is 60 so 125 3 Vdc I i ...... ................. ................... ...... ............ ...... ..... Yj i" ............. ....... ........... ................. ..................... I Maximum OC A .......... ............ ................. ........ I ..... . 17.5 Aft ........................ ...... ........... ....... ....................... ............ ...................... ........ Maximum Output Current Adc .......... .. ..... ...... ....................... ........ _15 ......... I .......... .......... ...... ... 60 Vd� ... . ..................... .. . .. .............. ............ . .............. . ............. . .. ...... Safety Output vci:age per po—, PptvdC im ..t� . . ..... . ............... _11 .............................. . . . .................. ........... .. ... . . ....... . .. ................. ... . ...................... ......... . ..... . ........ . .......... ......... . ........ ... . ........... . . ....... ... MAIDARD COMPLIANCE ....... . . .... jE�A_' ........... I.— .......... ..... ... .. ........... ............ Safety .............. ........ ...... .. ...... .............. .......... ....... ..... I ............. ........ I ... ! . ............. ........... 1000 .............. . .............. .......................... 1 ............. .4d �.fin Edge Single. Phase -d Tb,te PI ... e,. inverters ........ ....... ... .... ... ............... ...... .. - ­.. -.- .. - - ..— 1 i28�152,3�/ 128x1S2xS0,,' .. .. ...... ... ............. 128.x!52x59/ Dinsensors lynx L H.) 228 x IB2 X 28 5 . 5.97 x 1.1 ... ....................... . ..... 5 96 ...... i. 5 . 5.97 . 2.32 ....... I.... .... nm/ in ........ Ot. .. .. ....... ..... ....... ....... ...... 75Ji.'.? {,,,,, 8a5r 7,S. Input Connector ........... ........ ....... ........ 1­1 .............. ........... ...... Cutuui Y?1.j m Yy m 1.C? ...... ...... .......... 09515o........ ...... I'll"', " ................ .85 .................. ............. ......................... ............ ........... .......... ...... ....... Restive Humidity ................... . ­............... ............00 L. _ ('s ............ ........ ........... P?V ............... .......... ...... ......... _14 _ ........ ...... ... , Length "Wirnm 25 25 so;,; J,�q, ....... i .......... ....... ..... .............. ... ................... .. ..... ...... 5 700 (6000 1 ............... ..... .......... Maximum Pp,ser per String SE7600H-US, 5259 6000 12750 W ............... .1 g� f Diftnem Unrffi� ......... ........ ........ cr Cremations ye, ............ ....... .................... ................ ........ ­ ...... ........ Single Phase Inverters for North America SE300OH-US1SE380OH-US/SE500OH-US! SE600OH-US, SE760OH-USISE1000OH-US solar=Sit Single Phase Inverters for North America SE300GH-USISE3800H-USISESOOOH-USt SE"6000H-USiSE7600H-USiS£70000H-US 4')0 V 7b00 ,.,.. 0±....r7 ACQuR tbota^efV. -Nori - _ - ,.. _....... ..... . 1 t 4tl §.1t ✓ ✓ f ✓ ✓ J i 5t3r r 4.C.frc�.ve ryirypn all - ,,53,3-F'� ........... .... - .az ,.. McN nU.. Ca t ............ ........ . . ... .... curs t2Alw xz5 ? C .1.. Z .... i. 25 ..-Z: I... ..... ...� .. G"rDtTre5h01u..._. .,.. 1 ..... t R Utslrl Mc:'itniiog. S.artd ...... ..... ............... j'.. , .•,.. M'CtA".iOn. C6::^[� f CUe Cty'i:f3�ip "Y3 15 IRONRIDGE Built for solar's toughest refs. Flush Mount System XR Rails a XR10 Rail IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar. Every component has been tested to the limit and proven in extreme environments. Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features, such as curved rails and reinforced flashings, and is also why our products are fully certified, code compliant and backed by a 20-year warranty. t f, Strength Tested PE Certified All components evaluated for superior Pre -stamped engineering letters structural performance. available in most states. ' Class A Fire Rating Design Assistant Certified to maintain the fire resistance Online software makes it simple to rating of the existing roof. create, share, and price projects. 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Fully assembled & lubed Bonds modules to rails Low profile Bonds devices to rails Single, universal size 6 different sizes Single tool installation Kit comes assembled Clear & black finish Clear & black anod. finish Mounts in any direction Listed to UL 2703 Attachments) ___ _._._.__........_._..._.-_.-._. ......-_........_._. .... _...._ _._-" .--_.._ _ _. FlashFoot2 Slotted L-Feet Bonding Hardware Flush Standoffs �ty e Flash and mount XR Rails Drop -in design for rapid rail Bond and attach XR Rails Raise Flush Mount System with superior waterproofing. attachment. to certified attachments. to various heights. Twist -on Cap eases install Secure rail connections T & Square Bolt options Works with vent flashing Wind -driven rain tested Slot for vertical adjusting Nut uses 7/16" socket 4" and 7" lengths Mill & black finish Clear & black anod. finish Assembled & lubricated Ships assembled ---- Resources _ Design Assistant — NABCEP Certified Training Go from rough layout to fully r, Earn free continuing education credits, engineered system. For free. while learning more about our systems. Go to ira#2Ridge.corn;design _ �aa ¢szcenEicige.e;orx :lwiR nl3 — 495 Ilayw dPCAg4544 ' I R 0 N R I D G E 11495ZephyrAvenue l i hyr Avenue Hayward, CA 94544 - IRONRIDGE ' ,1-800-227-9523 - ti-B00-227-9523 I IronRidge.com € IronRidge.com. Attn: Corey Geiger, VP New Markets, IronRidge Inc. Date: December 201h, 2017 Re: Structural Certification and Span Tables for IronRidge Flush Mount System The span tables provided in this letter are certified based on the structural performance of IronRidge XR Rails only with no consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments, PV modules; or the underlying roof supporting members. It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify, the structural capacity and adequacy of the afcrementioned.systern components in regards to theapplied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration. This letter addresses the structural performance and code compliance of IronRidge's Flush Mount System. The Flush Mount System is a proprietary rooftop mounting system used to support photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in portrait or at�,.tr,rrri+ Sincerely, landscape orientation and set parallel to the underlying roof surface. PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum ` XR Rails and secured to the rails with IronRidge mounting clamps. The XR Rails are side mounted to a selected roof No '`attachment with 318" stainless steel bonding hardware and then attached directly to the roof structure or to a stanchion "OSOg hat is fastened to the underlying roof structure. Assembly details of a typical Flush Mount installation and its core = components are shown in Exhibit EX-0015. The IronRidge Flush Mount System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the following reference v �� ,f+°++r;; standards for the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables: Gang Xuan, PE, LEED AP Senior Structural Engineer ASCElSEI 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10) 2015 International Building Code (IBC-2015) Florida Building Code 61' Edition (2017) Building 2015 Aluminum Design Manual (ADM-2015) The tables included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans of XR Rails in the Flush Mount System for the respective loads and configurations listed, covering wind exposure categories B, C, & D, roof zones 1, 2 & 3, and roof slopes from 00 to 450. The span tables are applicable provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Span is the distance between two adjacent roof attachment points (measured at the center of the attachment fastener) 2. The underlying roof pitch, measured between roof surface and horizontal plane, is 450 or less. 3. The mean roof height, defined as the average of the roof eave height and the roof ridge height measured from grade, does not exceed 30 feet. 1 4. Module length shall not exceed the listed maximum dimension provided for the respective span table and module width shall not exceed 40". 5. All Flush Mount components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per IronRidge's Flush Mount installation manual and other applicable standards for general roof construction practice. /21 20/2,011 0 2017 IronRidge, Inc. FL Flush Mount System Certification Letter -1 Q 2017 IronRidge, Inc. FL Flush Mount System Certification Letter - 3 The Flush Mount System may be used to ground and/or mount a PV module complying with UL 1703 only when the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instructions. Unless otherwise noted, "xxx" refers to the module power rating and both black and silver frames are included in the certification. Modules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames and model identifier aaSM66yyPzz-xxx; where "aa" is CH Astronergy Solar or A; "yy" is either 10 or 12; and "zz" is blank or (BL). Frameless modules with model identifier CHSM6610P(DG)-xxx. Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier AC-xxxY/aa-ZZ; where "Y" is M or P; "aa" is 125 Axitec z or 156; and "ZZ" is 54S, 60S or 72S. ... ... ................. -.............. _...... _.._...... _.._..... -...-.---._.._.........._...... _._._._........ ..........._...... _......... _._. Modules with 35 and 40mm frames and model identifier CSbY-xxxZ; where V' can be 1, 3 or 6; "Y" can Canadian Solar ; be K, P, U, V, or X; and "Z" can be M, P, AG, MS, PX , M-SD, P-AG, P-FG or P-SD, MS -AG, MS-FG, or I MS -SD. Frameless modules with model identifier CSbY-xxx-FG; where "b" can be 3 or 6; "Y" is K, X, or ! P; and "Z" can be M-FG or P-FG. _ ET Solar Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and model identifier ET-Y6ZZxxxAA; where "Y" is P, L, or M; "ZZ" is 60 or 72; and "AA" is WB, WW, BB, WBG, WWG, WBAC, WBCO, WWCO, WWBCO or BBAC. Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and model identifier FXS-xxxYY--ZZ; where "xxx" is the module Flex power rating; "YY" is BB or BC; and "ZZ" is MAA1 B, MAA1 W, MAB1 W, SAA1 B, SAA1 W, SAC1 B, SAC1 W, SAD1 W, SBA1B, SBA1 W, SBC1 B, or SBC1 W. ' Modules with 35 and 40mm frames and and model identifier GCL-a6/YY xxx; where "a" can be M or P; GCL f1 and "YY" can be 60, 72, or 72H. GigaWatt Solar ; Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier GWxxxYY; where "YY" is either PB or MB. ......_.... ... ..___.___.__-;__..__._........................__....__.__...__..___._.__.__.__._.... __....................._.._........____..... _........ ....... ..... _........ _...... .... _.... _ ........... .......... .......... Hanwha Solar 'Modules with 40, 45, or 50mm frames and model identifier HSLaaP6-YY-1-xxxZ; where "aa" is either 60 or 72; "W" is PA or PB; and "Z" is blank or B. Modules with 32, 35, 40, and 42mm frames and model identifier aaYY-ZZ-xxx; where "aa" can be Q. or B.; "W" can be PLUS, PRO, PEAK, LINE PRO, LINE PLUS, or PEAK DUO; and "ZZ" can be G3, G3.1, Hanwha Q CELLS G4, G4.1, L-G2, L-G2.3, L-G3, L-G3.1, L-G3y, L-G4, L-G4.2, L-G4y, LG4.2/TAA, BFR-G3, BLK-03, BFR-G3.1, BLK-G3.1, BFR-G4, BFR-G4.1, BFR G4.3, BLK-G4.1, G4/SC, G4.1/SC, G4.1fFAA, G4.1/ MAX, BFR G4.1lrAA, BFR G4.1/MAX, BLK G4.1(rAA, BLK G4.1/SC, EC-G4.4, G5, BLK-G5, L-G5.2, or L-G5.2/H. identifier YYZZxxx• where "Y " is 36 60 72 or 96• and "ZZ" is Heliene Modules with 40mm frames and model iden ier e Y .M, P, or MBLK......................._.__.._.._.__._.. Hyundai Modules with 35, 40 and 50mm frames and model identifier HiS-YxxxZZ; where "Y" can be M or S; and "ZZ" can be MI, MF, MG, SG, RI, RG(BF), RG(BK), TI, or TG. _ Itek : Modules with 40 or 50mm frames and model identifier IT-xxx-YY; where "W" is blank, HE, or SE, or j SE72. Modules with 35, 40 and 45mm frames and model identifier JAyyzz-bb-xxx/aa; where "yy" can be M, P, JA Solar M6 or P6; "zz" can be blank, (K), (L), (R), (V), (BK), (FA), (TG), (FA)(R), (L)(BK), (L)(TG), (R)(BK), (R) "aa" - _ (TG), (V)(BK), (BK)(TG), or (L)(BK)(TG); "bb" can be 48, 60, 72, 60501 or 72501; and can be MP, SI, SC, PR, RE, 3BB, 4BB, 4BB/RE, SBB. ---'--.._..................... ..........._.__.... _...... _..._................................ _... ... _........_.... _._......__..................._.... _.... ......... _._.._................. _._... _..... __....... -_...... ...__._.._..........._....... ............._............ Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier JKMYxxxZZ-aa; where Y' is blank or S; "ZZ' is P, Jinko ' PP, M; and "aa" is 60, 60B, 60-J4, 60B-J4, 60(Plus), 60-V, 72, or 72-V. Frameless modules with model identifier JKMxxxPP-DV. Modules with 46mm frames and model identifier KYxxxZZ-AA; where "Y" is D or U; "ZZ" is blank, GX, or Kyocera SX; and "AA" is LPU, LFU, UPU, LPS, LPB, LFB, LFBS, LFB2, LPB2, 3AC, 313C, 3FC, 4AC, 4BC, 4FC, 4UC, 5AC, 5BC, 5FC, 5UC, 6BC, 6FC, BBC, 6MCA, or 6MPA. -._....................... _............ ......................._..._...__........_....__..__....... ..._ .._........ ._......... _.................... ......_;..------------- __...__..._......................__...._..._...._...._... LG I Modules with 35, 40, and 46mm frames and model identifier LGxxxYaZ-bb; where "Y" is A, E, N, 0, S; i "a" is 1 or 2; "Z" is C, K, T, or W; and "bb" is A3, A5, B3, G3, G4, or K4. Longi ' Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier LR6-YY--xxxM; where "YY" can be 60, 72, or 72HV. Mission Solar Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier MSExxxZZaa; where "ZZ' can be MM, BE, SO or SQ; and "aa" can be 1J, 4J, 4S, 5K, 5T, 6J, 6S, or 6W. Mitsubishi ( Modules with 46mm frames and model identifier PV-MYYxxxZZ; where "YY" is LE or JE; and "ZZ' is either HD, HD2, or FB. Motech w IM and XS series modules with 40, 45, or 50mm frames. Neo Solar Power _ Modules with 35mm frames and model identifier D6YxxxZZaa; where "Y" can be M or P; "ZZ" can ....... -.._ be B3A, B4A, E3A, E4A, 1-13A, H4A; and "aa" can be blank, (TF), ME or ME (TF). _,_._. _._ _ ._....... _.. ) Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier VBHNxxxYYzz; where "YY" is SA or KA; and Panasonic I "zz" is 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 06B, 11, 11 B, 15, 15B, 16, 16B, 17, or 18. Phono Solar Modules with 35, 40, or 45mm frames and model identifier PSxxxY-ZZ/A; where "Y" is M or P; "ZZ" is 20 or 24; and "A" is FF,T or U. Prism Solar Frameless modules with model identifier BiYY-xxxBSTC• where "YY" is 48 or 60.- REC Solar Modules with 30, 38 and 45mm frames and model identifier RECxxxYYZZ; where "YY" is M, PE, TP, or TP2S; and "ZZ" is blank, BLK, SLV, or 72. Renesola Modules with 35, 40 or 50mm frames and model identifier JCxxxY-ZZ; where "Y" is F, M or S; and "ZZ" is Ab, Ab-b, Abh, Abh-b, Abv, Abv-b, Bb, Bb-b, Bbh, Bbh-b, Bbv, Bbv-b, Db, or Db-b. Renogy __._.-.------- Modules with 40 or 50mm frames and model identifier RNG-xxxY; where "Y" is D or P. �_..__.._ .�_._____. -_.__._..__.__.._.__.._......__......._.__.._..._..._._._ i Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier SNxxxY-ZZ; where "Y" is M or P; and "ZZ" is 10, or S-Energy 115. Seraphim Energy Group Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier SEG-6YY-xxxZZ; where "YY" can be MA, MB, PA, i PB, and "ZZ" can be BB, WB, or WW. Seraphim USA ? Modules with 40 and 50mm frames and model identifier SRP-xxx-6YY; where "YY" can be MA, MB, ......_...._....__._._...____...____.........__.........._...._..._._.._.__._.__._._...___..........._.._._._._...__._........_............__._._......_....___.__._._._...__.____..._.....___.._._ [ PA, PB, QA-XX-XX, and QB-XX-XX................ ._._._......_. Sharp Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier NUYYxxx; where "W" is SA or SC. Silfab _ Modules with 38mm frames and model identifier SYY-Z-xxx; where "YY" is SA or LA; SG or LG; and Z" is M_, P, or X. Solaria Modules with 40mm frames and model identifier PowerXT xxxY-ZZ; where "Y" can be R or C; and "ZZ" is BX, BY, PX, PZ, WX or WZ. SolarTech `Modules with 42mm frames and model identifier STU-xxxYY; where "W" can be PERC or HJT. SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus, Protect, XL, Bisun, Bisun XL, may be followed by mono, poly or duo and/or black .. or bk; modules with 31, 33 or 46mm frames and model identifier SW-xxx. �___._..._._W_ Stion ;Thin film modules with 35mm frames and model identifier STO-xxx or STO-xxxA. Thin Film j frameless modules with model identifier STL-xxx or STL-xxxA. Modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames and model identifier SE-YxxxZABCDE; where "Y" is B, F, H, Sun Edison P, R, or Z; "Z" is 0 or 4; "A" is B, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M, or N; "B" is B or W; "C" is A or C; "D" is 3, 7, 8, or 9; and "E" is 0, 1 or 2. Modules with 35, 38, 40, 46, or 50mm frames and model identifiers OPTxxx-AA-B-YYY-Z _ Suniva or MVXxxx-AA-B-YW-Z; where "AA" is either 60 or 72; "B" is either 4 or 5; "YYY" is either 100,101,700,1 BO, or 181; and "Z" is blank or B. _ E Modules with model identifier Ab-xxx-YY and standard (G3) or InvisiMount (G5) 46mm frame; Sunpower where "A" is either E, P or X; "b" can be 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22; and "YY" can be blank, NE, BLK, COM, CAC, D-AC, BLK-C-AC, or BLK-D-AC. _ Sunpreme Frameless modules with model identifier GXB-xxxYY; where "YY" is blank or SL. Suntech _.._.._..._______......---....---..._....._............__........._.._ Vd, Vem, Wdb, Wde, and Wd series modules with 35, 40, or 50mm frames._. ..............._.....---.._...................... __.._........._.....___._...___._._..--------___._....._.._.._._.._._..___...__........ _...... Modules with 35, 40 or 46mm frames and model identifier TSM-xxxYYZZ; where "YY" is PA05, PC05, PD05, PA14, PC14, PD14, PE14, or DD05; and "ZZ" is blank, A, A.05, A.08, A. 10, A. 18, .05, Trina 08, .10, .18, .OBD, .181), 0.82, A.082(II), .002, .00S, 05S, 08S, A(II), A.08(II), A.05(II), A.10(11), or A.1 B(II). Frameless modules with model identifier TSM-xxxYY; and -YY" is either PEGS, PEG5.07, PEG14, DEG5(II), DEG5.07(II), or DEG14(II). Modules with 35 or 40mm frames and model identifier Wsy-xxxz6; where "y" is either P or T; and Winaico ""z'"' is either M or R L-Mount I QMLM / QMLM2 Elevated Water Seal Technology& ■ ITEM NO. ..._.....-..._._....._.............. --.-_- ....... - -...__..-............. DESCRIPTION ......._......... QTY. 1 I FLASHING, ROUNDED CORNERS,9"X 17'X.040', 5052, MILL I 2 L-FOOT, 2" X 3.30' FOR .438" O.D. FASTENER, 6061-T6/6005A-T61, MILL 1 3 WASHER, SEALING, 5/16" ID X 3/4" OD. EPDM BONDED SS 1 4 LAG SCREW. HEX HEAD, 5/16" x 4", 18-8Ss I L-FOOT 2" X 3.30". 2 X .75" SLOT FOR .438" O.D. FASTENER, 6061- T6/600SA-T61. MILL QMLM2: 2 X .75" SLOT VERSION OPTIONAL 0 \ o AVAILABLE IN MILL, AND BLACK FINISHES TITLE: QMLM2 QMLM: L-MOUNT, 5/1611 LAG, 9" X 12" FLASHING UNLESS DLHER.. E nCG .SIZE DRAW14BY: RAD REV ..pMFhSIOARE i.........._............................... A D...AZE: 6/Z2/201] 5 ............................ ,au rt : ovol G zw �JG0.CE�<w4L •.ID 1:4 WEGHf:lA301 SHEEfIGFI 3 2 L-Mount Installation Instructions Installation Tools Required, tape measure, roofing bar, chalk line, stud finder, caulking gun, sealant compatible with roofing materials, drill with 7/32" bit, drill or impactgun with 1/2" socket. Carefully lift composition roofshingle with roofing Insert flashing between 1st and 2nd course. Slide mounted. Select the courses of shingles where bar, just above placement of mount. Remove up so top edge of flashing is at least 3/4" higher mounts will he placed. nails as required and backfill holes with aproved than the butt -edge of the 3rd course and lower sealant.See"Proper Flashing Placement" on next flashing edge is above the butt -edge of lst course. page. Mark center for drilling. Using drill with 7/32" bit, drill pilot hole into roof Clean offanysawdust, and fill hole with sealant Place L-foot onto elevated flute and rotate L-foot to and rafter, taking care to drill square to the roof. compatible with roofing materials. desired orientation. Do not use mount as a drill guide. Drill a 2" deep hole into rafter. Quick Mount Prepare lag bolt with sealing washer. Using a 1/2 you are now ready for the rack of your choice. u c R inch socket on an impact gun, drive prepared lag Follow all the directions of the rack manufacturer RESPECT THE ROOF bolt through L-foot until L-foot can no longer easily as well as the module manufacturer. NOTE: Make rotate. —DO NOT -over -tort--, uretDl ofL=Footmakessolidmntactwthrackinis. BI 7.2.3-44 Jun-2017 Rev BI 7.2.3-44 Jun-2017 Rev