HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - ROOF DECK:i'orccEagenecruig TestisigJnc. 1953iJ i2itmbfewoctd Iiavc� I I FL# 6596.1 RS Produce: Evaluation Report CAROLINA CARPORTS, INC. 26 Ga, AG Roof Pdnel ®der open firaming Florida Product Appro�r� at # 6596A R5 Florida Building Code 2017 Per Rule 6I5203 Method.- 1-D Category: Structural Components Subcategory: -Roof Deek Compliance Method; 61GZtY-4.005(i'(d), NON HVHZ � Praduet RAanufacturert Carolina Carpoits, Inc. 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail Dobson, NC 27017 Engineer Evaluatort Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. # 449Z3 Florida Evaluation ANE ID:1920 Validator Brian 1aks P.E. #70159 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1-4 SCANNSCO By St Lucie Count �g�o�rrir� Qs •� cENSE�'�`�: Z M. 40e STATE OF ,, Aumtlst 14, 2017 rFo,ce- Engineering 8--. Tesdng, Inc- 1953Et.fimntitesvoodl]iivc Uumblc;TX 77338 Compliance Statement: The ,product as described In this report, has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1504.3;2;1564.7. Product Description: AG Roof Pane(; 26 Ga Steen 36" Wide, thrasrgli fastened structural roof pane(: Structural Application. Panel Material/Standards; Material: 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 orASTM A653 G90'conforming to Florida 8ui(d(ng Code 2d17 Section 1507.4.3. Optional paintliin€sh. Yield Strength: No, 89.0 ksl' Corrosion Resistance: Pastel Material shut( cdn*iy with Florida Building Cade 2017, Seetian.1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s)- Thickness: 0:01850 min, orderthickness Width: 36" masitiium coverage Rib Height: '!" mayor rib at 0" O.C. Panel Railfarmer. MRS Metal RollfarmingSystems Panel Fastener: 412--14 x'Yl' HWH SDIl3 with 5/8" (16mm) diameter sealing washing or approved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4:4. Substrate Description Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 56) Steel tube framing or Minimum 18 Go. (Grade 50) steel hatchannel purlins/gue. ts: SeTalrle A.for steel gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Cade 2017. Allowable Design Pressures: T..dr.. LA°° M34MUm Design Pressure: -59.9pst -62.5 psi .83.3 psf +46.3 or +57.3 psf Panel Fastener Patten: 2-1=2-1 2-1-2-1 Z-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-1 Panel Span: S'-o' O.C. 4'-OP O.C. 4'-0' O.C. S'=W O.0 4'-V' O.C. Substrate: Mtn.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min.18 Gac Steel Framing Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Mill. IS Ga. Steel Framing Min.18 Ga. Steel Framing FIA 65961 RS ``4t!C. ►illllrrj�e, �J STATEOF =ac:.AiQR1iD 4.: C,aA ° �>ins ,`� old ei►lts ���,. August.14, 2017 Force Engineering; 1`e! ling Tnc. 195�0 Eizcnbte�vuod Drivc Kufnbk;rX 77338 Code Compliance: The praduct. described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Buliding'Code 2017, Section 1504.3.201504.7. Evaluation tteportScope, The product evaluation Is limited to eompliance.with-the structural wind load requirements of the: Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • ASTM E1592-05(2012) Test methadfor structural performance of sheet metal rodf aril siding systerns.by uniform static air pressure difference • FM4471.-92-FootVaffieResistanceTest Reference Data: 1. ASTM E 1592-Q5,Test Force Engineering &Testing, inc. (FBC Organization #f TST 5328) Report No,183-0063T-IGA-E 2. FM 4471=;SO,Section4.14 FootTraffic Resistance Test Force Engineering &testing, liic. (FBC Organization t#TST-5328) Report No.193-010gT 12; & 183-0142T-15 3. Certificate.of independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. (No. 44923) @ Force Engineering. & Testing, inc. (FBC Organization €f ANE ID:1520) Test Standard Equivalency: The ASTM E 1592-05 test standard is equivalentto the ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) test standard, The FM 4471-10, Foot Traffic Resistance test standard is equivalent to FM 4471-92. Quality Assurance Entity. The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (%for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. iiifiinimumSlope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used In the panel side laps. Installation: install per manufacturer's recommended details. ``►►►►►►rrl0rll I C E, wf iJ ♦Q,m E C �J w o • STATE OF e GRI FL# 6596.1 R5 August 14. 2017 J r "cze Lsgineesiszg; & Testing C. 1953? Ratmbtccvvod Drive lFiUmble,I* 77336 Insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optiong1I Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classificationis not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. Design Procedure: Based an the. dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determinei using, Chapter 16 0$ the Florida Building Code 2011 for roof cladding wind loads.'i'hese compopentwind toads for roof cladding,are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall selectthe appropi-fate eiectiori detafts to reference.in his drawings,forpraperfastener attachmentto his structureand analyze the panel fasteners far pullout and pullover. Support framing muss be in compliance with Florida Buildingtode 2017 Chapter 22 for'steel, and :Chapter 16 fdr structural loading. FL# 6596.1 RS 6 C E, E• ¢�tCE2dSFE,��: tVo.44� STATE OF ; Ct: a xx �. • +++raNAL IA►1►t���� Ammst 14,.2017 L[OZ `Vl }snwnV ,�11B9ittttra ♦ y ti y• P � E P ' iZSi'(',0� Epp �oA Na0�•. �-bo S �E9s -3?01y9e♦� ou"llp 1Tn O' OP140141DO e19 (•1VNd5'90.4 V 7W.L 33S) 21;} IA'Jliilp3S H3131YYift (Imu W) .9/9 !ia "as WIN :.Vc x �s-zil� $NIMWJ HAL'133LS .(4s-iovsb) 'Vg .Yt -hl)l-No 'J;iM ZMM3 IVH IBIS (®5 3 %WS) -0 81 -I&j