HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - STRUCTURAL WALLV�Forcc Engaacen-rYg & Tes6ag Inc. 19539 R=btewoadDrive IivmbYg;TC-T7338 Product Evaluation Report CAROLINA,CARPORTS, INC 26 Ga. AC all Panel over open framingr Florida Product Approval # 6102.1 ItS Florida Building Code Z.017 Per Rule d6203 Method: i -9 Category: Structural Components subcategory: structuraf Wall ComplianceMdhod: 616Z6-3.005(2l(b) {VON HVHZ. Product Manufacturer: Carolina Carports, Inc. 187 Cardinal Ridge Trail ®obson, NC Z7017 Eneineec Evaluator: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 9 44923 Florida Evaluation ANE IM 2920 Validator: Brian laks P.E. €#70159 Contents:. Evaluation Report Pages 1-4 ,```'%$ M f i i tt, ti' � �� C E.. E• �'t Q q4�. CENg� . ,�. lie b • tYo. �k9 r J •m .. STATE OF ��• +�• sa.arrs 'i F� • . S rat ,rtI ORAL %0 FIX 6702.1 R5 August I6, 20I7 Force Engineeii.ng Es Testing Iac. 19530 Rmmbterioad Dike Humblc,=773M Compliance Statement; The product as described in. this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1709.2_ PraductDeseription: AGWail Panel, 26 Ga. Steel; N' Wide, through fastened, structural Mall panel. Structural -Application. Panel Material/Standards. Material. 26 Ga. Steel panel material`shail comply with Florida Building Cade 2017 Section 1405.2. Yield Strength; Min: 80.0 ksi PanelDimension(sj: Thickness. 0.0185" min. order thickness Width: 36F maximum coverage. Rib Height. Y." major rib at 9" D.C. PanelRollf6tinem MRS.Metal RoilformingSystems Panel Fastener. 912-14 x! HWH SD#3 with 518" (16mm) diameter sealing washing drapproved equal. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017. Substrate Description: Minimum 14 Ga. (Grade 50).Steel tube framing or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade SO) Steel hat channel purfins/girts, See Table A for steel gauge: Framing must be designed. in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2017. Allowable Design Pressures: Tahty 'Q" Maximum Deslin Pressure: -59.9 psf -62.5 psf -83.3 psf +46.9 psf; +57.3 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1-2-1 2-12-1 2-1-2-1 2-14.1 2-1-24 Panel Span: 51-W O.C. 4'-V Q.E. 4'-0' O.C. - 5'-0* O.C. 4'4" O.C. Substrate. Mtn.14 Ga. Steel Framing MIn.19 Ga. Steel framing Min. Ga.. Steel Framing Min.18 Ga: Steel Fram!4 Min. Is Gm steel Framing -umfgrr t-ressure mamesa Salery kaciar = z.m �,/{{{Litidll/jl C E. E, �r�e C E Al N.. 4,*e 4 sr.arrm E`omms • ♦�r1Q o 111"It�` FE # 6702.1 RS August 16, 2017 rorce Eragirteering tic Testing Inc. 19530 EtaronbtcwaodDxhm Huinb1c TX 77338 Code Compliance: The product describedhereinEms demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building We Zon, Section f7o9.2. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with tize structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code: 2017, as relates -to Ride 61620-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ■ ASTM E 1592-05(2(112) Test method for structural performance of sheet metal root and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference. Reference Data: 1. ASTM E 159Z-0s Test Force Engineering,& Testing, Inc. (FBC ilrganiaatici t # TSi o28) Report 00.183-0063T T %E. 2. Certiticaf a of Independence By Terrence E. Mile, PZ (Ma.44923) @ Force Engineering &.Testing; Mr- (FBC Urganfaatfdn # ANE 10.1920) Test Standard Equivalency: The ASTM EE 1592-OS test standard is equivalentto the ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) test standard. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established cbmpliance of wall panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule. 6iO20.3.005 (3) for manufacturfng under a quaffty assurance program audited by an approved. quality assurance entity. Installation: Install per manufacturer's.recommended details. insulation: Manufacturer's approved product (Optional) Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of ihisacceptance.. Shear Diaphragm: Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. C E. E ,`�1�r�rrnrrr1r, ``mac Fyo C E. At STATE OF : a F l3 4 se.nriea ,op ORY 9 .� sum I Pj L L# 6702.I RS August 16, 2017 Ponce Eiz&dcsing &,Testing Inc. ]033.0 i:.vabh,-"d Drive Musuh1c;M M38 Design Procedures Based on the dlmensfons of the structure, appropriate wind toads are determined using Chapter 16 of the Fforida Building Code 2017 for wall cladding. wind loads. These component wind loads for wall cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The desfgn professional shall select the appropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners for pullout and pullover.Supportframingmust be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2017 Chapter22 forsteel, and Chapter 16 far structural Loading. - RN 67021 RS t`s,�r►srrrri,<<� C ENS NO. 'Poe • J STATE OF •q e Fz 0 RL ID gum , "v�rrrbtd'V,�� August 16, 2017 i PANEL FASTENER 2-1-2=1 PATTERN MIN, to 1 A. (CRAW W �eL eAT. cIS-; t. MfWP MNG #12-14 a 3/41 WiN SvBa Y1/ 5/b (t6m n% =4-4ita sE i to wa.-M OR MINI. 14 GA: (G(UOF 50j, S5EE4 TUBe FIW{(N_li (SEE TMEE A FOR SPACM) Ma L p�aGn'6 N.O.AA923 i sy• • STATE OF .,c a R, •�� {� J�IIInrr August 16, 2017 PANEL FASTENER 2-1-2=1 PATTERN MIN, to 1 A. (CRAW W �eL eAT. cIS-; t. MfWP MNG #12-14 a 3/41 WiN SvBa Y1/ 5/b (t6m n% =4-4ita sE i to wa.-M OR MINI. 14 GA: (G(UOF 50j, S5EE4 TUBe FIW{(N_li (SEE TMEE A FOR SPACM) Ma L p�aGn'6 N.O.AA923 i sy• • STATE OF .,c a R, •�� {� J�IIInrr August 16, 2017