HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - ROOFING PANELSCou/7611 REPOi�T HOLDER: 'GERARD R00FINd TECHNOLOGIrcz OVALUATIONSUBjECT:, STEEL ;R0OJ:ING'PA,NtL TILE-j*°SHAKE,-.,,-(;'AN.YON SHAKE,'8ARRELVAULTINI-BlItEiN : ALLIMET ARMOR E-O C C. LO, E 16 1. C fN R- Y �Q p 6 ER,ARRI ROOFF LOCISTOP 't D.C. STORM LOC..,STORMT(Lt iiiILE AS PNO AWN 714 Rec►pientof-Pre.46giWesmous, te".5tctte§,S0I§mIc Policytbuncil SSPC) Award in ,Exc-&Ience.'. q ksuhsidlafy of VIM, 40. :are #ollo,be "cons�t-ruedosreprgs Wing aesthetics or, any,,otherwitribum a' I'V ES.—Evaluot ,esseck, nor ar-e-,.4Aqv to bg°construg(f asanendorsarnmipftft sub)wer qf-tfie -epw-tor ,acreeonim hgom. v, is, no,:wareantp Ay ICC-,E, valuation Service, I W,, 4wpr&iss. & I aslo, an'y'fAh"din,g or' other Watter, in Ak �yright:!P,>2.0,lig,I.C,C'.Ev,aluatibn Service, UC., All O&S reserved.. 100-ES Evaluation-Raport, ESR-44 This repart is srjbjpcf to renewal J61k 2019- c�wrQQQ)424-$ 09-0 1, y,.oftheintemationalCod&Cound#0 mo PROTECTION ' 4actipm,0141 43.—Mbtaf Roof Panels KEPORT44OLIJER, ,GERARD-ROOFING. TECHNOLOGIES. ADDITIONAL LISTES. .B,QRAL ROOFINIGLILP EVAll14TION :SUBJECT: STEEL °Rddkkd PAN'-EL'St, TILE; SHAKECANYON bAkIIIEL, VAULT;.ih, 'TILE" IN THE 06LLOW[Nd, ViAANM�. ALLMET',- ARMOR, W.0.4. LOC, MkdY Ut, 6EERAR6,, 1160F LOC, STONE LOC STORi1A. Lot;, VOKKTILIE' 4.6, 1EVALUATION-SOOPE, 1.1 "Campfiance with the follawfng, coders a 2015, 1 1 2612 '2009,, and 2066 International Buitding 9201 2015, 2 , 01 . 2, . ,260Y and,,2006, lntemafibnal,Resideritial IThe AOIBCls baiecron the 2W91150,2009 18Czdddd sedU646-MOred6id ir'tfiivrepory are the same sedionsin the ADIBC, Properties., evaluated: 10, Firp.c12Ssifipqtipn a, Wind resistance. m,Wedth6r1,9.$jstPh`c I e f;2, Evaluaftion fd.th#foIIoWhjggreen j:od9.: :Green; Building,, Siandiardis 'Co;dfi6a (QAWreien), Title'24,1'Parf I ii Attributes , verified; ,See Section 3.1 1.0 USES - The steel roofibg. pdh6l�,-dd9ctib'ed'ih. thi's 4'dP,6rt:a,r,,e- used i -existingds !.1 6 rqdf,mv4§nn Ever '10 EjE61tRIPTION: 1A Gefteral'. The sfe6l! roofing panelis araJormed ;from .SS 0 minimum galvalume,.sheet eet steel having. Az* class, hotwdlppedaluminum-zinc coating comply inq- W(th XSTK Am. Bo& sides, of the' panels are,treated;' wift a,, co.rr,oeiari4hhibiti'ng'=coa'tfng,,. Theesteel'is 2$gagq witift a: ' After the ipanels-. areforrned.,the:upper surfbcesandVangei, edges are; -coifed'. with.'crushed stone 'chips, that are; bonded .to the panels vithi an acrylic ,re$i in, -A c4oara(cryfib, overglaze is,applied to thepanels 'iqcomplete--1he process Thepanels, foot, (6.84' k6tin), The, ,attributes. of the, steel roofing Opn.'Olt. have been` ver!09.6 as, conforming tQ, :the; provisions , , .of CALGreeff, -. Note *11, �aec0qri thot, of this, r . .... ... . report �1 _qrt. Tbq-us0t-j0-AdVi0@.d 9f _pq specific _ _ �T c c provisions that------ b" t ... Ay,qq contingent meeting sped c corsdstionsc - aid: ,Of those conditions! is outside the '# this rd oitjfta­. codes-,,tj - d' 9 e s D �qr art Ird often provide suppiehi6h al; 0 "godhas,gUidain 1 06. The Tile. I rrir�) by papo,4� q(e, 4SN4. 41666'�(Ilk` wide 'pvn)= deep . and nd wefig4 -.�gk pounds Tho:Airnensions are -actual panet'dirriensiong. 'l., � '3, h 7 -njM) 4 The shako panels irp, 44 14 inches (143., wi&by. W/2 'inches, (394 fdeep and. I weigh, -S.69, pounds (25$Aui;Warg illustrated in Figoto, To dk""o .54 "Patiells f;WV Panels; and :NB, Tile : F The �Canyon,,*$hakel Panoks Are 45 J400-0143' ffirn),wale, 'by., 10,15 166 '(419 inches Min) 466p, 'effid weigh 668 pounds 'it 'panels are 45.1 , - ft s• (2;65, �gy,� TheT 'Bairr'91 Vault panel - :a -1. i cbe (1 11 4 rnrri made by 15 58. inches: (396 •mrn); �deep� and weigh 531 ;pounds :(2-A1` f<g). The'146 Tile panels, are,, '06, 'd .16inches (4eep b : � A6 ihc J: `6 I-B' m�, wide' y. and weigh 5.51 1:11:1 AbUtidsi 162.... I ustra in F arr6f:'Vault; paiiifl1 t,avail 6 ridarthebordl; koofing. LILC brand L: 110N .0 LLATION 41 General, All panefs 'must be., insfaflod in accordance. with, the. applicable, to& this the manufacturers . , ) m ',report and publlshedinstallation ih o'st r t; om� 4,4A, SIOPOP'.: The Pan . els,010 be.installed.dh toofai'thkh. x 5 percent] Far roof slops:• less,. than 3,12 Q& percent nat er decorative and, hidqti bei installed over 1`60f DDVennq system complying with the :aPpfica�le •coats; sublet ito ,the;: code . official's approval- ,of4lij,s0 to OFY i-P#*,rmd11er#1!wrePqr1' orocjuarolp 'N 4 tsk-149,1 '064 widok.Aocepeea4d Trusted P OMSSION CAP' 4"XIS4140 SNAKE W, "S 1/4" HAfC PANKI 15,11rAX44