HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - UNDERLAYMENTS., w��gxw-,yz ����. d � jx�'�yypy a `. �� '•°' '� s �s Y3 '^'t �aai�r��.�' x � �' �yya • ry�`wrd^a �' s '
- Y ` P ""`�1� '-Y E ,.y E 11i11i � �y .S P° iti•- 61 °��l :, 5 2 T —tee' i�' =�.
Borai T' , _ srrYes Yes,, Yes Yes.
t3oralTileSeal"T Yes Yes Yes Yes° . Yes Yes
s°�)' .
Bt�rai Metl5eal"r - ;Yes Yes Y5 Yes Yes 'Yes
(See .•1).
Yes No ao Na., Yes Yes
"Adhesive set Tile" is limited to use of following Approved the adhesives./ underiayehent combinations .
DAp Foam Touch"'n Seal StormBona.kd f Tile A`c(hes�ve ELi4S08 Bor 'l TfieSeai! t or Boraf Me aiseaf"T=,
DAP FoanTouch'n Seal StormBond 2TwaComponn! ;EL21374;, :Borai TileSeal"T or Hor`ai Me£al5eal "
olyiiethsne RootT�le�Adhgsiv¢
', Dbw 11L B4OWD*"' `Roof'Tile'Adhesive FL22525 ° Bola) lite5eai"T of Borai oi6i`eaf'#T
11 ICP Adhesives Po(yset°9 AH 1S0 FL5332 8'oralli{eS,eal"Tor. t3ora! MetaiSeal"T - , '
i e' ' f ` ®TA=i ?, Borai Tileseal"T or 8ora1'Meral5eal"T ICP Aclh slues Poyset R, . < . FL5276
1 ltej r.fa 711e JVlnnu arfurer's orAtlheslve• li lanufociurer's �Iorlda #ro6ct Approval fort verturrrirag Moment Resistnnce,Performonce :
"f�EfiilO ETC, LLC .. ` , <." ` Evaluatlan Rrpott itr115T10....
rttflcate of Authorlx #i1ds5 6"'.ED -'6W (2O,i7j FBC3UON H UHZ EVALUATioN FU4317 R9
8oia1 Roof UodetWyime s, (bOt) 9.2288 RevisEon 10 ;as 2911018
3 bf,8°
MEMO etc.
5 6 Aliov abie,SubstrMtes ,
I 5:6A `Direct-Bond�to neck:,
Citadel Plus, gotal Tileseai 50"T,,Boral TileSeal"T; Borai, MetalS.,eai"T or GatorSeai
Plywood (unprimed'o. r p'rimedwith AMTM, D41,,pruner);.
Boral Tileseal"T or Bbral;Meta15eal"T
O,SB primed With..ASTM D41 primer.
`Note: Refer to Section 5.6.4 for.upAft,lirnitations associated with:tlirect-deck underlaymenr,installations where the
{ °overlying roof covet is adhesive -set tile. ropflog,
56,2 Bond to Base laver Onderlayment:
Citadel Plus, Bora) Tileseal 50"T, Boral: Tile5eal"T, Boral MetalSeal"T or GGator5eal:
•A$TM,b2!6;'T.ypd 11 felt,• dtadel Plus.,
For installations`under mechanically attachd& repared roof coverings, base layer -shall be attached per minimum.
I codified requirements. For installations `under .adhesive -set 'tile .systems,, base laYer, shall be attached per.
1 minimum requirements,of FRSA/TRI April 2012; (04.12), Appendix A,'iable.l,,gr as listed in Secl:ion-5.6.4 hefeln
1 or as idsted in ,accardance with FBC 15643.1.
1 5.6 3; Bond to,Other;Substmte Tvpes:.
;Citadel Plus,4oral TileS,eai 50"T, Borai TileSeal"T, rat MetalSeai"T or Gatorseih s
➢ ASTM 0.41 primed, metal (e,g:, flashing metal; valiey.metal, etc,);.
Boral Tileseal"T:
Y Huber Zip Deck (unprimed or primed with.ASTM D41 primer); i)ens Deck Prime.
Notei FoY Installation under mechanically attachedprepared roof coverings; insulation shrill be attached per
I ',minim UM requirements of the prepared t6df,covering'manufacturer's Product Approval:.
5.6.4 Uwiind:Resistance:far Underlayment Systems in Adhesive -set Tile Applications: 1RSA/TRt April 2012 (a4-12) dotes
not address wind uplift resistance of all underlayment :systems beneath adhesive -set the "systems, where the
underlayment°forms part of the load, path. The,following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment;systems
that;are not addressed In FRSA/TRI Apr 02012,(0M12) and;are ..used.in.adhesive-set tile applications. Maximum
Design. Pressure: is the result of testing for, wind load resistance based On allowable wind loads, and reflects the
ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety'p& FBC 1504.9 has already been applied):
Referto ERSA/T'R1 April 2012 (04-12),.Apfieri'dli.!A; TatilelA or:FBC,1609 for determination of riestgn wind loads
##1 Maximum Desib Pressure = 420.0 post:'
I DeckMin: 15/32-inch plywood° -°to meet prqjoct. requirements to- satisfaction. of, Authority Having
Primer: ASTM D4i to the plywood, deck:
Base Ply: Citadel Plus, self -adhered
Cap Sheet: Boral TileSeal"T or Borai MetafS4aI"T;. self -adhered;. and 1. back -nailed within the `selvedge -edge side
laps using, 12 ga. X 1"!0" ring shank nails through 32 ga., 1- diameter tin `caps spaced 1.2 inch o.c..
92 Maximum Deslan Pressure -141.5 psfr
I Deck, Min. 15/32-'inch plywood to meet project requirements to: satisfaction of Authority Having
Base Ply: None
Cap Sheet coral TiieSeal"T or Boral Metal5eal"T, self -adhered and back: nailed +,within the selvedge -edge side
laps using 12 ga. x;11" ring shank;nails,through 32'ga.;1-5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c:
I .
NEMO'ETC, LLC Evaluation Report;ti1357101240-R10
CerOftedW OtAutt(drfz.AI t132455' 0' EOITION (2017) F8G NON-HVHZ"EVALUATION, 'FLU317-R9'
Borai Raof (inderldyments;.(602)1694288 Revision 10; 05J29/2018
Page *our
501f' Bor6I 1IleSea'I1'o!r1 GatorSeaL
Slope-lirrilVitioM are those associated With tK,6top -laVer'Undt-elaytt)Liht.
rect to Deck,"
CUt,thO. merfibrane into manageable 1prigths,A:Viiically' 10 to i2,k)kligri the membrane parallel'to the-roofedge;
6xtendin&qv6r - by X-inch:.Fold -flie, membrane away from 06.edgbohto Itself. Remove, the release sheet. Place -
the.me'rhbrane with the e*46d rubbbrize-d4sohalt,ontij the dbckj•peessfhgfirmly Into place, Rbilirito place
with �a weighted roller.
Fasten theAdo edge .oUthe,sheet to.th'e:Oeck.,' 4: cqrrosioq,reMsta6t roofing,,nails, nails & tin -tags or 14nch
diameter Plastic. or'steell .'cap nails spacOVLiriap,su,ccessiVeco(irsesthe,entire:width -of
the blackwselveclge area, mi.nimom,2 inches,(hprizorital lap)and 'ffi)nI.f*Um,6"end (vertical) IaM,
install final uncleilayment 16ver atop Citadel, Ao -deck' instructions for Boral TileSeal 504T 'Boral
TOOS'eil"', goral:fvletalS.eal"T or GatorSeail.
T6,Base Sheet,
,Install basesheet.-of ASTM D226 e-II.JeWin.atcord accordance with Code rdqu1reqiqfht or install Oil
. TO ..... Me p!y, of Citadel
-Plush accordance with Boral':Robfihg,,ppblished'linstallitiijn',instructions-and Section 6.4.3 arid,when used as,.paft,
9fa mUltkpjy"system.
iRstall'ontional'Ciiadel Plus as.a yln 6dc6ri1orfce-wIth.'B6ra1 kbofing published installation instructions... -and
section 6.43.
Install I final 1, under I lay I ment, layer a I too, tifaddl Plus per 'dir6drto-.deck'' instructions f6e, tqral fiW_teal. tbHTi,•Boral
'N .OW, r He systems; iftl. Citadel'. Plus. In the. system, the project, fd , a66siye-sett here. is� a base ply or mid -ply
,design pressure requirements, inaV:riot exceed , A 0 r)sf.
'ShblJ,bdJhstaIIed,in. cbrripliarke wlthOe requirements foY'ASTM D1970.underlayMent in FOCTable 2507.2.1tor
the;typeof prepared roof covering
Do notuseBorallileSeal 50"lon roof pitches iessthan 2:12;
,NonrTile Applitations,birda,to'beck:
-Cut the membrane into. marfapable,Ieq9,ths,.fy typically 101a: 12,ft. Align the membrane paralle. 'to _991
extending, over by, X - -inch. Fold .the membrane away . I from the edge onto itself. Removeihii rOease sheet. Mac
the membrane with- the exposed rubberized .•,as,Aalt,onto the, deck,,, pressing firmly into place.. Rollinto.':pI#e
with, 6 weighted roller.
Fasten. the: 6i66k §eIvedge 6dgetd the "deck ikh corrosion resistant roofing nails,
s, hails & tin -tags or
diameter plisilc'of steel cao'naits:spade maid M'24-` ch b.J:Jor4 m�6, in slope$,`beldW 7*12 and rriaximum 11-Inch "ox;
for sioOes'7:12 an . d, grleater.' Ove'ifai$. i6cci-ei"S's"we 'Cou"i-ses; IM entire---,AAdth of the black -selvedge ar go# '-, minimum'3-
seal under ehOlVertical),laps using approved mastic, or use'Joine&and Folded:Seam or'Inverte&Sheet Seam
method detailed inboral. Abofing1pub4ished iristallatioriffistructions,
EVptuitloln'Report M3571012.10-RI0
6P.ED)`T14N,(7.4)17 )"" fBc, NPN,-HVH.Z-EVALUATION:- FL1431-7-Rg
,AotAl,Roof,.Underilavments,.(602) 269..2288
"Page 66fl
"NW 1 etc. �.
6.5.4 Non -Tile Applications, to BaseSheet
instal) ASTWD226; Type:ll felt in.acedrdance vrith Code requirements -'or install Citadel''plus in.accordance.with
' Boral"Roofing published'installation instructions and Section 6 4.
install Horal TileSeal 50"T in accordance liver A5%TM' , D276; Type'll felt<oi Citadel Plus with 'Borai Roofing -';published;
installation,instructiormand Section 6 5 3, except rid (vent cal)_laps, described below,
Apply.SBS. Mastic under all end (vertical)Aaps or any other laps where the self -adhering bituminous underside;is,
in contact,with`the4abric top surface, milling the interface into, place .with a weighted roller.
' 6.6..
ro x.
. _i-:f„.-e. ,,. fir. hwY.,. <.,rvP_, c ♦. �.<3_ ^ .�3�£^]x
6.6.1 Shall be installed; in compliance with the 'requiriements for ASTM D1970 underlay meat in F13Glable,107:1:1-for
,the type of prepared roof covering to. be Insialled"
6.6:2 Do not u`se Sato".Seal ph4bof pitches. less,than
6-AA Non -Tile aoplications,.Direct to Deck:.
Cut the membrane into, manageable, lengths, typicallV�16 to 12 ft Align the membrane parallettoAhe:roof edge,
i extendingover, by`v-Inch. Fold the, membrane away',from.the edge onto, itself. Remove the release, sheet. Place
the membrane with'the.exposed rubberized.asphalt:onto:the deckpressing firmly"into place. !toll, nto,place
j With,a weighted roller.
i 'Fasten the -black selvedge" edge; to the, deck, wRh.tdrrosion resistant roofing nails,,,nails & tin -'tags or ;1-inch
'diameter, plalstic,!orr steel ,cap nails spaced 24-inch o c. for siopes,below 711 and 1 Anch o.c. for "slopes -7:12 and
i greater., Overlap successive courses°the-entire width, of the.black�-selvedge area, minimum 3-inch'.
i Seal end (Vertical)'laps.using SBS Mastic .under all side, (vertical)laps or any other laps"where:the self=adher)ng
bituminous underside Is in contact with .the granular or mineral top surface, rolling the interface"into place with a
weighted roller; or using thL, Inverted 5i eet Seam detailed in'Boral Roofing pubiishedins"tailation instructions.
6.6A NonTlle,Ap-P lications.-to Base Sheet:.
'install ASTM b216, Type II felt in accordance with -Code requirements or install Citadel Plus in accordance .with
O ralApbfing published installation mstructions'and'Seetion 6:4.
Install GatorSeal over ASTM b2 6, Type II felt or Citadel Plus in accordance with. Bora) .Roofing published'
installation instructions:and 8ection,6.63 except:end,{vertical) la
ps;rdescrlbed below;
Apply' S$S (Mastic under all; "side (vertical) laps o� any other laps"where the self -adhering bituminous: underside is
n,contact with"tt eggranulartop'surface; r' ing he interface into place with a.welghtedroiier.
{ 6.7 '�Tile5ttlirsT
6.7.1 .Shah: be installed in compliance with; tha. requirement`s for AST(vl D1970, underlaym6nt in F13C Table 1561.1.1 for
th&type of prepared roof,covering to be.`installed.-
1:6,..7.2 ` 067h6t use, BdrW T116eal"T or Boral Meta -14T on roof pitches less than 2:12.
63.3 Non=tile Applications,'Directto.beck:
' for 05B' substrate, prime, with; ASTM D4] primer and ;allow't6 dry` prior to° installation. Cut the'membrane,into
manageable"lengths, typically 10 to 12'ft: Align"the,r►iembrane parallel to the"roof'edge,,extending over by'/.-
inch. fold .the membrar a awaV .from the, edge :onto itself: Romove the release sheet..'Place they membrane with
i the exposers rubberized asphait onto'Ehe,deck; pce`ssing firmly into place, Roll into place with a weighted roller.
i Fasten the black selvedge edge to the'deck.wlth; roofingnails nails:& tin-tags:or,1-inch,di,ameter plastic or steel
cap. nails, spaced maximum 12;inch-ox.,.bverlap successive courses the entire width:of the black-selvedge°area,
Seal under all end (vertical) laps using,-apprvved,:inast c or use;.Inverted Sheet Seam method detailed in Boras
:Roofing published instaliation;lnstructians,
t%iimo trc.�LLC Evaluation Report M35710tl1 O410
CSr ficate of AWh6dxot7bn #32455 6,.." wn-ioo od!7) 06 -,NbWHVH4EVALUA-noN, F,L14317,-R9 _
sorai hoof Underlaymen", (602) 264-2234, ttevlslon lo: 05/29J2018
;Page 7,of a