HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - METAL ROOFINGr Pr�:oaxat aiM„ > vti a� r ,.,aggisranon;schrcti > 3n�t�i�;aj !s > +toa>�uon eemn. _F117,022-R7 Application Type R vision Code Version tll Application Status App�rnveii Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phonegmaii AuthoHzed'signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/EmaB Quality, Assurance,keprNsentattve Address/Phone/Emall ST. Lucie County, Permitting a9/teraoizv: date _; Extreine'Metai Fabricators; 2160 SW Poma Drive LLC ��®®®ppp��, Palm C t 3asg0 (772)57272.6034 Nvalidatlonoyahoo.com Veb ey St - Richard McKuhen 6 'Joe Du�ty flvalldationQnya hao.eom Richard McKuhen / O O Q �O 2160;Sw Poma Drive §T: LUCIF COUNTY BUILDING N (ii2) $ ty,8034 A9Vi'I€iW��EpD COMPLIANC ;richard($emfab.net AI V�MED Dy By PLANS KMIT MUSTKEPT ON JOB SITE Oft NO INSPt-CTION(S} WILL BE MADE Category 'Reefing - subcategory Metal,Roofihg Compliance Method, .Evaluation Report from a.Florida Registered Arihltect:or a ucensed Florlda Prbfesslonal Engineer lei Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received fiorido'Engineeror.Architect Name who'rleveloped the'Evaivailen Report .LOCKE BOWDEN Florida ucense - PE-49704. - .. Quality Assurance Entity Kaystone,Certifications, Inc. Quality "Assurance=Contract Expiration,Date 04/22/2024: Validated By Zachary R. Priest, P.E. ''a Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence EL17022 A7, COI FL 17022,1f %V,CRIMP ssr:Q Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) year: 7AS 125' 2003 UL;1897 2012 UL.580 2006 Equivalence of -Product -Standards Certified By sections. frorn'lha Code Product Approval;Method Method 1 Option D Date' Submitted' 08/18/2017 Date Validated 08/2512017 Date Pending FSC;Approval 0812812017 Date Approved 101,,1012017 - THESE 'PL,"iNS AND ALL PROPOSED wow ARE SUBJECT TO ANY COp13ECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT IMAY BE NECESSANy IN ORDER TO .COO iPLY WITH ALL AAPLICAME COVES. summa Or.PrOOMW FL # Model, Number ar Name Description 17022.1. i 1- "5V Crimp" (116) _ 26.dauge steel, 3/8'rib.height, 24";viide'lopped roof panel mechanically attached to Ic . .. 15/3r plywood pr Wood Dgck;with fasteners.: Umks of Use Installation instructions. Approved for usa'in HVM;i- No - F ii 7022.R7 )f FL-17122 1 S•V CRIMP <snjldf Appronred for use outside HVHZ: Yet Verified ey:"Locke Bowden,P,E, 49704 Tripnct Reeietant::No Created by independent Third Party:; Yes Design,Presaure: tN/A/-Table A - Evatuatlon-Reports, Other: Refer to evaluatioti'report:for conditions. install:theassembly in'compflance, rL17022 R7< AE FL it 1 5 V CRIMP s rAid with the"instaliation;method "listed in this report and applicable code sectlorieof FBC. Created by.1ndepentlentThird P6rty:' yes (.Refer to manufacturer's'instailation�instiructions. - T7022 2 2 5V Crimp {RG) o.g32"•Aluminum, 3/8" Rib height, 21 "wideiapped root panel, niecl anica11y'attached; to 15/32°'plywood or Wood Deck with exposed fasteners" LfmNa.01 t7ae instaifatfon InstfucHans Approved for. use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside IiVHZs Yes 7422 `R7 IT F ;'0 5'V ft7MP 0 03A ,pl' ssnof Verified By: Locke 0oWden, P.Er49704 impact Reslstantt No• , Created by IndepandentThird Party: Yes ' Design Pi essuret +N/Al Table A Evaluation Report= Othert Refer -to evafUatio,rreport for conditlons,)nstali the assembly in'cmnpifance, with the:instaliadon;method listed In'tnts report and appllcabCe;code,secHorii of FBC. FS17i)22 R7 A f y 702z 2 c` V CRIMP il6R2 ALUM ssr odf: Created by Independent Third, Pa[tY: Yes c Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions: i 17021.3 3 - "1.5" Mechanical Seam" (Rs) 1 5 rib helght Y6" wide 24 gauge steel, standing seam roof panelmechanically attached to 15/32'�Piywood or wood deck with clips and fasteners. Limits�of Use, 2nstollatloa;Instructions Approved for uoo in HVN2.' rid' Approved for i7ae outside HVHz.. Yes FI 7022 R7 rt FI 17022 4 i 5 MECHANICAL seam 240a aat'tidf Verified By:,Lotko Bowden, P.E.49704 ImpactReststentr•No CreatadbyindependentThirdParty:Yes peafgn Dressdre`o'+N/Aj-TableA Pa Rep Other. Refer,to evaluatiolt:repoit, ror conditions and limitations OUuse.`Insiali the FL17fI2� h� eK, ff A7022.3 t-5 MECIJANIC'AL�g a'rn aaa_5=r.naf assembly in coinpilance'Wlth theinstallatlan method, listed in thls*reportand applicable` - Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Code;sections or FBC. Refer to manufacturer's installation Instructions. 17022.4 a 1, Mechanfeai Seam"(RS) elg15J32" wide, . seam roof panel mec:hanlcatly N or Woalu Dark wending attachedjo ith dips,and fasteners Utnks-of Use ` instolfo4toa Ynstructlons Approvod.for tim rt HVHZ;'No`.,, PLiZO22 R7 it fL 17nyz 4'MEGHANCIAL SEgM A cMtNUM aseodf Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yes Verified gy: LOcka Bowden, P.,E, 49704, •by i Impact Roslstant No Created Independentlhird Party: Yes,. Design Prnssune: +N/A/ -Table A Evatuatlon Reports` Out t"0far,to:evaluationreportforconditions andlimitations ofuse.Install the FILL 022 R7,A t7OZ2.4ME9 ANrIA AMA iMINiUM-sr•bdt ` assembiy.In compllike with.the installation method listed, fri`thi§ reportana9 ippllcabie Created by Independent Third Party: Yes code ' ns of FBC: Re►ar,to manufacturer's installation mitruoons. 37022sS s +1 if Nail Strip° (RS) 1" rib hefght,.161 wide„26 gauge steel, standing seam roof panel,mechanically atteehid to 1SM"'plywood or Y" deck:a ith'fasteners: installation Instructions rove .for use fn HVHZ: No fl t702? R7 It FL*7707, S LO MUMBLE ssr,Qdf Approvedforuc®ontsidaNVHZ:Yes Vehfied0y LodceBowd. I P.E..4970a' Impact Rasistant. No , Created by Independent Third. Party: Yes° Ooslgn Pressure: +N/A/ Tsbte A Evaluation Reports [ DHtert Refer to evaluadori.:roport for coird(Gons and Irmitatlons of lisp, Install the,' ELi7V2^ jH7 AE EL 371)22s" tAAI STRIP ar.nd , assembly in compliance with the installation.method Yisted'in`this:rapik aniiapplicable Created by IndependentThird {tarty, Yes code sections:of FSC. Rater to, manufacturer s install .ion Jnstructlons. - . - - �W 170,22.6 6 -?°,1 in Nail tr-W (R5),. 1 rib height, 16 wide, 0,0321 aluminum; standing seam roof panel-machanicaily "plywood attached to attached to 15/32. or Wood Dedtrwith fasteners, Ui iltaaf use InstafiatWn Instructions Approved for use In HYHZt. he _ Approved for useoutalde HVHZ. Yes „ 7022 RI ri FL 1702i b ;fQ(�AiL ;TRiP' 0 0 t2 ALUM• vr.Odf ; Verified, BY: Locke Bowden, P:E: 49704 ImpattRosi6taiii No Created by'IndependentWirdParty'Yes Oesign Pressure-,- N/A/'table A Evaluation Reports `ssr Other: Refer to e"viluatic; report for bonditions and limitations of use ,Install the` FL170i2: 97- F 1P! 70 6 Y' 0 NAIL STFUP o g332 ALUM odf- assembly ln.compllance with tho'instailation methoii;listed in this report and applicable ' Created by Independent-TWrd•Partyi Yes cOde'5e6t10n6 A}:'FgC. RerBrtO,;manufatturer's ln5ia11at1andnstLUttions: � + ,+ .. 17022,Z 7 -"5.5 In. Nait Step" (RS) ' 1 5" ilb.iilght 19'.wide, 26-gabge steel, -,standing seam roof panel Jgecf7ar11cailY attadtedao,l5/32"; plywood'or ir000d deck,with festenori. Umits`of Use u InsU7liation Instructions Approved flaruse- fin HVi•IZi,No' FL170Z2 R7 •tI FL i7022;7.1.5 Neil 6trio 76G4 ssr:odt _ Approved for use outside HVHZ. Yes. Verified fly-, Locke Bowden, P E, 49704 Impact Roalstmnt No' Created by Independent ThIM Perty: Yes Design PressurekN/AI-Tabie-A Evaluation Report# -�L',17D22 0thelrl Ri efer to evaluation report 6e conditions and'limitations of use;Install the ayo22 R7 AE 2 Y.S Nail`StHtI°.26GA • ssro8f, assemblYfiti ctfrripiianie with,the instigation method listed inthis report,andappitcable Created,by Ih(leperidehtThird'Party: Yes code sKuons-oi fHC: Refer tomanufactu'rer's installation fnstructioas. 17Q22.B 8-� "EMAX_Rib" (Rs) ',- 29,gautge,steel tapped roof panel machanicauy`ahsOed..to•15/a?" idYwood wood'= [ "deck with exposed. fasteners. LAMMS W use Installation Imtructlons - , Approved fist usoln HVHY No Fl t�n�> n7 ri> t 7 , z'B E AX'Rb :car odf Approved for outside'HVHZI Yes Verified ey: Locke Bowden, P.E.49704 Impact 164"fi t>;ht No treated by independent Third Party: Yes ' Design Pressure +N/AJ-T®tie A �'Oth'4rRef4to evaluaton report for conditions' antl7lmitations4f use.,Instail'£he - Evaluadon'Reporta wr 1762s"A7" AF 17n °8.t=tAAx-Riti s`aPoar assembly in compgance wlth'',the instoffat(uri method listed in this report andxappfic#e. Created. by Independent Third Party Yes Code sectfons:Of FBC Refer. te:manufaelLra�'S,fnStagatlOR (ASh'aCNotia - ' 17422i9 9 - PBR MAX9`,(R6}. w 26 gaug0, s 1,, lapped roof pane; ntechanicaliy attached to 15/32" plywood or wood < " deckwittsezposed.fasteMrs, _. tijrmita of Use Initillatton Instructions' "IfY Approved'for rise in,HV*1Z* No ,Approved'fa;r:uson 6tialdeHVH2a Yes Fir 7022 It FL 17022 9 P0R R1B aar:6df Verified BY: LaCite;Bawden A E.49704: , Impact Reststant.'No Created by Independent Thiel Party Yes Oesigit Pressure 4N/A/-Table A.. Evaluation Reports Other Rater to:evatuatfonreport to pondirlans and IimltaUohs of usa. lnstail.Che i T A r f 1 Zff22.9'pBR R[8 u5r_adf° assemblyln compliance with the Installation. method listed this report and applicable' ' Created by IndependentThird Party Yes code sections of-PSC,'Refer to'manufacturers l4tallation ihstrlictlons; i .. ,SQidSafGLNiis 9fal, wtbtui RaaN,-lmlah slat 622M Phone; e5 A9-W Tod s6M of nadda ts,an AA?EEO employer 5ga1ai9raLaa7-'yQ1� ttatA of fie•; -YS pd)g$yri$t49I§fli-Att@8§jp9ily Statement ::,�gjyQ$,;i1p11 Under olornln taw, smelt addresses_ ore pubiu,rccords tf you do one want your e=,naa atldras9 reieamd in response W a p�bkt"records request; do rmt send etax:dnnln mad tothFa eaary.'InsteaiL tx£ntaGt.hm nface_bY p(wne or W tradiGdnal mail. it You ham ant quesepps, r'iease.contart 65D:oa7,lg45. °PurrbilTf to Section t55.275i1), nortOa Striates, e�Arvt October. t, `2012i Iiwnntm Ikeued'under Captor 455: F.S-mustp,wido Me Depadm++t wan anomeu addrots•irthaY navo ono:.ihe emairo orav`ided maYbn: ii$ed faro7adal fcmmunkatioa.witfi,tna tkensae. Noweyeiemai(addreaees are lwbiic remrd. 7l you doaot wish toaupply a penonat trtldmas. Wtebe yrovide the ,bepartmeadwith an tam5d Adtlreas whkii canba'made evaiiatda ro Irfe paMk. to deL!'riilne N yauma a ilttnste u�nc Chapter �I55.P8>, pioaactlitktlypt: ` ,. - Product Approvsl`Mteptet_., .