HomeMy WebLinkAboutUTILITY STATEMENT - PAYMENTC�J Ul LSIJ�OLS UTI LI`,_. '1( STATEMENT E: DIANE COSTANZO ER: 9979-5530 is 26 AQUA RA DR CYCLE: SHIS BILLING DATE: 09/26/2018 SERVICE PERIOD: SERVICE DAYS: (USAGE HISTORY LISTED IN HUNDREDS) CURRENT READ PREVIOUS READ USAGE SERVICE h CURRENT CH., SEWER CHARG CUSTOMER A I TOTAL NEW 12 MONTI BREAKDOWN $30.72 IVE® $2.44 $33.16 OCT 15 2018 ST. Lucie WATER USAGE (USAGE LISTED IN THE HUNDREDS OF GALLONS) No Data Available 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Customer Service Office: (772) 462-1150 Lobby Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Phone Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Email: utilities—customer—service@stlucieco.org BALANCEACCOUINT 1 PREVIOUS.BALANCE $3316 PAYfVIENTS $3316 �Y ± . ADJUSTMENTS „ $0:00t �-ucl� CDUn i ",,PAST,OUE-BALANCE- '$0.00 `. ! CURRENT CHARGES: $33.16 • DUE -BY 10/16/2018 ' TOTAL BALANCE`DUE $3116 . n h y is i .i Yo6r2017-Consumer Confidence Water.Qualhy,Report (CCR) contains �,-important information. aboutthe.source and,quality.of.your drinking water and isnow:ava'ilable'hittp://wtivw stlucieco.aov/deoartments-semces/a- z7utiiities/%vatervsuprilylwater-Duality-reports. Fora paper copy or if you have any questions call.-772-462-1151:. EXCITING�:NEWSI'NEW:ONLINE BILL PAYMENT -PORTAL -RELEASED St Lucid CountyUtilities launched itsnew online_ payment portal With ;many, features such as f-bU6ng, paying your,utihty ' . statement online and updating your account information: For more .. information piea_se.contact customer service at (772)46P<1150 , Please detach and return bottom portion if paying by mail. When paying in person, please bring both portions of this bill. 2�o LUCE 2300 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 UTILITY STATEMENT ENCLOSED TEIV)P j RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED II��II��I�I�Ir�I�IIl0i1r��l�l���ll��ll��ll�ll�""'lll�'I�111��11 1574 1 AV 0.378 Diane Costanzo 26 Aqua Ra Dr Jensen Beach FL 34957-2621 DO NOT PAY - Account is being drafted for the amount owed. Has your address changed? [] Yes, check box and complete form on back of this coupon MARTIN COUNT`71LITIES PO BOX 9000 ' STUART FL 34995-9000 Phone: 772-221-1434 www.onlinebiller.com/martincnty MRT0912A I AUTO SCH 5-DIGIT 34990 700000000i7 00.0001.0007 7/1 Illlgiq��li"I'��IIII"III'�IIIII�II'I"I�II�I'�"'I'�'ll�l'�II DIANE COSTANZO 26 AQUA RA DR JENSEN BEACH FL 34957-2621 S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S READINGMETER METER' PREVIOUS CURRENT CONSUMPTION NUMBER READING READING 39683077 283300 283300 0 Estimated Read Ai 'Ount Statement ACCOUNTIL •- • ACCOUNT NUMBER: 53756-5250 SERVICE ADDRESS: 26 AQUA RA DR SERVICE PERIOD: 8/9/2018 - 09/11/2018 STATEMENT DATE: 09/13/2018 CURRENT CHARGES DUE: 10/3/2018 PREVIOUS BALANCE $19.97 PAYMENTS — $19.97 PAST DUE BALANCE $0.00 CURRENT CHARGES $17.31 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $17.31 Past due balance must be paid in full, within 10 days of statement DO NOT PAY: Bank Draft scheduled on or after 03-OCT-2018 CURRENT CHARGES Amount " WATER CHARGE $17.31 TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES $17.31 ALWAYS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. SUNSHINE DIAL 811 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED. MARTIN COUNTY UTILITIES ,,._AMOUNT DUE PO BOX 9000 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $17.31 _' STUART FL 34995-9000 Phone: 772-221-1434 DO NOT PAY: Bank Draft scheduled on or after 03-OCT-2018 www.onlinebiller.com/martincnty L-ACCOUNT INFORMATION ACCOUNT NUMBER: 53756-5250 iL DONATION F• ' LEND A HAND PROGRAM SERVICE ADDRESS: 26 AQUA RA DR STATE,MENI DATE: 9/13/2018 DO NOT SEND CASH THROUGH THE MAIL Please make your check payable in US Funds to MCU CURRENT CHARGES DUE: 10/3/2018 II�II'Ililll�llll111�l�l�l�l��l�lll�ll��ii��llll�l��111111 Past due balance must be paid in full, within 10 days of statement date MARTIN COUNTY UTILITIES DIANE COSTANZO PO BOX 9000 26 AQUA RA DR STUART FL 34995-9000 JENSEN BEACH FL 34957-2621 ❑ PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR CHANGES (SEE BACK) put - &1APY!"lln icy FR 1 dry A All WAS 4 V 0,A0 T MO of," WPM a� r ,/ 3* FP L AUTOMATIC BI LL PAY - (, :JOT PAY FPL GENERAL MAIL FACILITY MIAMI FL 33186-0001 FPL< DIANE R COSTANZO 26 AQUA RA DR JENSEN BEACH FL 34957-2621 Hello Dianie R Costanzo, Here's what you owe for this billing period. Amount df your last bill Payment eceived - Thank you 162.78 —162.78 Balance efore new charges $0.00 NEW CH RGES Rate: RSJ11 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Customer charge: $7.98 Non -fuel: (First 1000 kWh at $0.063990) $84.83 (Over 1000 kWh at $0.074150) Fuel: (First 1000 kWh at $0.022930) $32.18 (Over 1000 kWh at $0.032930) Electric service amount 124.99 Storm ch?rge 1.59 Gross receipts tax 3.25 Franchise charge 6.23 Taxes and charges 11.07 Total new charges $136.06 Total amount you owe $136.06 Do your p7rt, plant smart By selecting the right tree and planting in the right place, you can reduce outages and flickers. Useful Important Numbers Sep 28, 2018 Ele".tt Bill For: Aug 31, 2018 to Sep 28, 2018 (28 days) Service Address 26 AQUA RA DR JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957 winestreet@aol.com Account Number 71817-87172 Questions? Contact Us Reliable energy is affordable energy. Learn how we save you money at fpl.com/savings Meter Summary Meter reading - Meter ACD4962 Next meter reading Oct 30, 2018 Current reading 78067 Previous reading -76786 kWh used 1281 Energy Usage Comparison This Month Last Month Last Year Service to Sep 28, 2018 Aug 31, 2018 Sep 29, 2017 kWh Used 1281 1548 1362 Service days 28 31 29 kWh/day 46 50 47 Amount $136.06 $162.78 $151.24 Energy Usage History 1,950 kWh..................................................................................................................................................... 1,560 kWh................................................................................... ............... ................... ..................... 1,170 kWh ................. .............................................................................. 780 kWh.........................................................................................................................................I........... 390 kWh..................................................................................................................................................... 0 kWh..................................................................................................................................................... S O N D] F M A M] J A S 2017 2018 Keep In Mind • Payments received after October 19, 2018 are considered late; a late payment charge, the greater of $5.00 or 1.5% of your past due balance will apply. Your account may also be billed a deposit adjustment. The amount due on your account will be drafted automatically on or after October 09, 2018. If a partial payment is received before this date, only the remaining balance due on your account will be drafted automatically. • The number of days included in your bill can vary month to month. So even if you use the same amount of energy per day, your bill may be higher next month due to greater number of service days. Visit www.FPL.com for more information. Exclusive electric vehicle offer In celebration of National Drive Electric week, we are offering an exclusive partner discount. Get the deal Customer Service: Outside Florida: To report power outages: Hearing/speech impaired: (772)287-5400 1-800-226-3545 1-800-40UTAGE(468-8243) 711 (Relay Service) r,a`l I- ..�,. �• - Iv