HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSa PERMIT AV i .'ISSUE DATE PLANNINGit► &&. Cade COPMENT SERVICES g mpl nee DivisionRECEIVE Le- _ BUILDING PERMIT } SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMEINT S E P F' 6I '.Ct ST. Lucie County, P rmittin( ! - have agreed to be (Company Name/lndividtial Namd) //►►�_�� _._ Sub-cantracto� for, ,j U9!1� . (Primary. Gbniractar), (Type o'f Tradk;). - the project located at V .. -, %`"'%1W i� 1`` +w $.f (Project Strebt Address or Properly Tax ID #)` - 4 It is understood that, if there is-any,ghange of status regarding our participation with the abovementioncd project, the milding and.Code'Reg�lation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ! filing of a Change of Sub-conteactorlhotice. 0. r- State of Florida, Caunty of 5*'V•yor-i 1, Tbc (I regOlug Instrument was si?grged.berore me this k- -%- day of by Who Is personally known _or has produced a T�+ as 1demdOcatioYL STAAfP !UOR"ACTIORISIGC!ATtlRE'(Qu"lier) PRINT NAIVE 2c t KeLk COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER statO:OfFlorida,County of -St 'tfQ nt The foregoinginstramentwas signed beforemethis &'day -of �%A4"4 who is personally lmown__.Or bos produced a - _ f - Ste reofNOtaryP h c`• STAMP C PnntNa rry Y°b ;k OAV813 ^JURt11;WtC 'MY COMMISSION. #_FF9989t19: EXPIRES June o5, 2620 t ' `{407)'3880153 _. _ FtoddoN6ierySarvlm.cartP PERMIT# I 6�Aq I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division � °���4S8 t� &� Z) BUILDING PERMIT RECE1VF `; SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Naime/Individual Name) tile K00r, In � (Type of Trade) For. tf e project located at �� (Project ST. Lucie County, Permitting L44 C have agreed to be Sub -contractor for C 1 i C C 4. 0+&P. 6 e°'TAk�' (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned prc jet, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of a Change of Sub -contractor. notice. f ACTOR SJGNATURE (Qualifie) S03-CONTRA R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) or 4 OW-e 6 j VAIPRL, PRINT NAME `96A _3oo 9,2-- COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Cou,ntyof State of Florida, County of i v'eJt -ell The foregoing instrumentwas signed before this 1 day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisa5 da y yof , 20_A by (s &TI. p 6 y 5 eP 1- - 20t r by NA I c_InoX_a Q (3t> Q_ Who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known _or has produced aas idenriGcation. as identification. STANIP STAMP Signatu4 a of Notary P llc Signature Not ry Public '" \ .Z Y. "y ° JILL HAYES Print Nnme of Notary Public Pr Name of Notary Pu lie 1 1• �` Notary Public -State of Florida . Commission # GG 198343 . DEANNA MARIE GIVENS �' OF f�'My Comm. Expires Jun 2. 2022 MY COMMISSION n GG 022023 =;ram "(PiRES: December 16, 2020 =y '••.E,o ; ;gS` Bonded7hru Notzry Aubfc U;roavrla � �� Revised 11116/2016 1 PERMIT# day ISSUE DATE FLLITR,YO D A-. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Del -Air Heating, Air Conditoning & Refrigeration, Inc (Company Name/Individuat Name) Mechanicial Sub -contractor 'for (Type of Trade) 0�9 jCE_:EIVED S E P S T. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to beAce- r 1j �. _. (Primary Contractor) Forlthe project located at O..i OJ' ��� / .t,0 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I It islunderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. %S State of Florida, County of 'S)T- 111_�;hs\ t The ('olregoing instrument was signed before me this � ., day of S !t-Y 20J) by Csacy try ath who Ispersonally known ^or has produced a lr as Ide tincation. ! STAMP Signed re of NotaryF lie ymm G Svc r. Print Name ofame of Notary Public U,, DEANNAMIIRIEGIVENS ,r MY COMMISSION q GG 022023 r EXPIRES :DCrIIrn'�et w 1 •`` Bonded lflru Natuipl �r� UrdJ arrrat Revised 11/16/2016 ` G. Dello Russo CAC 032448 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of i � The foregoing iinstrument was dined before me this A �riy'of ��e�' �LQ•�.YL�• 20I�.,byr���f1'l�?.T1 �'e 1' i L;.�.xJ who is personally known . or has produced a STAMP MY COMMISSION # FF998962 EXPIRES June 05, 2020 ,4cz1'a�yors3 ricrldallo,ang�ivico.wm T # I .,,_ ;ZWI i" '9`L1y I ;ISSU.E'DATE PLANNING &'DEVEL'OPMENT °SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division E-=� n I3UMDINGTERMIT 1 sr + r SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT OCT 04 Ameri-Tech Plumbing, Inc. (Company Name/Individual Nam the Plumbing (Type.of Trade) For, the project located at, Permittirlg Department —S.ltm Lucie_6 'by n tY, L t •�D. Sub -contractor for (Primacy Contractor) (Project. Street Address or PrgpertyTax ID 4 )' AI It is understood that,, if there is any.change-of status regarding our participation•w:ith the above.menf'Nd S Caunf ro ect the Building and Code;Re lation Division of St. Lucie County will `be advised . ursuani to the Y p J � g � � ty p filing;of a Change of Sub-contractor'notice. JRE(Qualifi `) SU CONTRAcrolz RE (QLrAtiri ) Mark White PRINT NAME C.k (SUNG 5o% COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countyaf S'V, y0-S v , The foreIgoing,Instrument was;signed.before me this �_L dayof 20by (rA�`A� sty c -V\ who is personally known _or has produced,a i as Identification. STAMP Signature o(NUary'Vtic MY COMMISSION ft GO 022023 DVIRE9: becomber 16, 2020 Bonded Thru Notary Pu@Uc UrdelJidtors Revised 19769 (CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Martin The foregoing. Instrument was,signed before me this 27 day of September, 20A,1 by Mark White who is personally knoww X or has produced'a MARSHA MESSER MY COWAISSiON #FF171053 EXPIRES October 22, 2018 id0�) 398•otti9 FlortenNoterySeNlcexam STAMP